B2 First - 50 Key Word Transformation exercises

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For Questions 25-30 complete the second sentence so that It has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0). Example: (0)The car’s boot was not big enough for all our luggage. small The car’s boot …..was too small for.………………….. all our luggage.

1.The bus was late, so we had to take a taxi. HAD If the bus ..................................... , we wouldn’t have taken a taxi.

2.There is no food left in the fridge. RUN We ....................................................... food.

3.I didn’t succeed in convincing my father to let me use his car. FAILED I ............................. my father to let me use his car.

4.I can’t remember a word she said. FORGOTTEN I ............................................................ she said.

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9.Word is getting round that she is pregnant. BELIEVED She......................................... pregnant.

10.It's a waste of time trying to convince her. She never listens to us. POINT There..................................... to convince her. She never listens to us.

11.We are not going on holiday this year. We have no money. AFFORD We ........................................on holiday this year. We have no money.

12.‘I didn’t do well in the exam,’ said Sean. SAID Sean ........................................ well in the exam..

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17.I have decided to drink less coffee. DOWN I have decided to........................ coffee.

18.It was impossible for Mary to become accustomed to living in Germany. USED Mary ......................................................... living in Germany.

19.We probably won’t be invited to the wedding. LIKELY We .............................. invited to the wedding.

20.Whose is that blue car? He asked. BELONG Who .................................................to? He asked.

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29.He is late - perhaps he has been caught in traffic. MUST He is late - he.......................... caught in traffic.

30.It wasn't necessary for Tom to get a taxi as his mother picked him up from the airport. NEED Tom ..............................................a taxi as his mother picked him up from the airport.

31.He hasn't written to me recently - perhaps he's lost my address. MAY He hasn't written to me recently. He ........................ my address.

32.I'm sure he didn’t do it on purpose. DONE He ................................. it on purpose.

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41.Even though he was angry with him for being late, he didn’t shout at him. DESPITE He didn’t shout at him ...................................... was angry with him for being late.

42.He spent hours tidying up his room. TOOK It ..................................... up his room.

43.I don’t look like my brother at all. ALIKE My brother and I ......................... at all.

44.We got someone to repair the roof last month. HAD We ................................... last month.

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1. had not been late 2. have run out of 3. failed to convince 4. have forgotten everything 5. I will have moved to 6. ‘d/had better not wear 7. we went to Paris 8. have never tasted 9. is believed to be 10. is no point (in) trying 11. can’t/cannot afford to go 12. said he had not done 13. wouldn’t/ would not have bought 14. rather get a job than 15. expect the exam to be 16. always takes care of 17. cut down on 18. couldn’t/could not get used to

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39. was so boring 40. Looks/look up to 41. despite the fact that he 42. took him hours to tidy 43. don't / do not look alike 44. had the roof repaired 45. had my sister check 46. is thought to be 47. unlikely to be on time 48. turned up for/at 49. find it difficult to express 50. unless you arrive before


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