A New Leaf Summer Newsletter

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branching out A NEW L EA F 2018 S U M M ER IS S U E

Lost and Found How you saved Renee’s family from homelessness


Renee feels proud to provide her son and daughter with stable lives.

Lost and Found risis happened for me when I was fighting with my husband’s drug addiction. I was trying to keep my family together, keep my kids safe, and keep my job,” says Renee. “I was the only income in our house because he couldn’t keep a job, and we couldn’t afford daycare for the kids. I was depending on my husband to at least watch the kids while I was at work.”

“I remember driving back one night and finding my daughter in the front yard running around in her diaper, alone.” Her voice shaking, Renee recalled how hard things became. “He would just leave, and my neighbors would call my work and tell me the kids were alone at home. I remember driving back one night and finding my daughter in the front yard running around in her diaper, alone. The interruptions at my work happened so often that they had to let me go. Losing that job destroyed my financial security and I lost my home. That is what put me into A New Leaf’s La Mesita Family Homeless Shelter.” “When I went into shelter I told my husband he wasn’t coming. He didn’t want to get his life together, and that meant I had to find a fresh start, for my kids.” Renee was determined to make the most of her crisis. “I knew I had to apply what A New Leaf was offering and make serious lifestyle changes. No excuses, just changes.” That approach changed everything for Renee’s family. 2

“I got a job within two weeks of going to A New Leaf’s La Mesita Family Homeless Shelter. I got my daughter into daycare and son into the local YMCA. All of that was thanks to A New Leaf, having the resources on-site. I could finally go to work and my kids had a safe place to be.” With a stable home, the changes in Renee’s children were dramatic. “When we were homeless my kids didn’t have good grades. My daughter was getting in trouble at daycare. My son was barely passing his classes and having trouble coping with his autism. Now they are both honors students. My son wants to be a police officer and joined a youth police academy. My daughter loves to sing and goes to a specialized performing arts school now. They never would have had those opportunities if we had been homeless.”

“I’ve come a long way to get where I am, and thanks to the help I got from A New Leaf, I’m not done yet.” With the immediate needs of her family taken care of, Renee began to plan for her future as a single mother. “After three months in shelter, I saved enough to move into my own apartment. After two years, I still live in that same apartment. I’m finishing college soon, so I can take the next step in my career. I’m even working to improve my credit so I can buy a home. I’ve come a long way to get where I am, and thanks to the help I got from A New Leaf, I’m not done yet.”

Back to School Children Need You!

For Renee, everything is about improving her children’s lives. “All I want to do is give stability to my children so they don’t grow up and make the same mistakes I did. I ask myself every day ‘what can I do differently to make sure my children are stable, happy, and that they can take care of themselves?’ Crisis tends to repeat itself and I’m doing everything I can so it won’t repeat with them.”

“Without the supporters of A New Leaf, my family would be lost.” Renee believes A New Leaf is different from most resources, and she wishes more people were involved in supporting its services. “A New Leaf doesn’t just offer shelter. They offer family security, helping kids that are in crisis through no fault of their own. My children didn’t ask to be out on the streets. They didn’t make the choice to be homeless. But, they did need help.” “We think we know what homelessness is – some guy on the side of the street with a sign, asking for money – but that is not the reality,” says Renee. “There are hundreds of families out there that are terrified to tell anyone they are homeless or ask for help, because they don’t want to lose their kids.” “Thanks to A New Leaf I was able to own my mistakes, grow from them, and now I provide a stable home to my children. Other families on the streets need to have the same chance I got to make things right. Without the supporters of A New Leaf, those families – my family – would be lost.”

Your support will help Camila start school on the right foot, ready to learn and achieve.


will provide a child with basic school supplies


will provide a child with a backpack and essential school supplies


will provide a child with school supplies and a calculator for advanced classes


will cover all back to school costs for one child


will cover all back to school costs for two children Questions? Call us at (480) 464-4648 or visit TurnaNewLeaf.org

healing through kind care “It’s scary to think of kids going through so much turmoil without someone by their side, and that is what we try to do here.” Troy Stone, Director of Behavioral Health

WHY DO YOU WORK AT A NEW LEAF? I come to work every day to improve the lives of kids and families. Going home each night, I know we did everything we could to positively impact lives and that’s very rewarding.

WHAT DO YOU DO? I lead A New Leaf’s two Outpatient Counseling Programs, two After School Programs, and our Parents and Children Teaming Together Program. We provide counseling services, psychoeducation classes, case management services, behavior coaching services, and psychiatric services to kids up until 17.

WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? We help people who are in crisis; people who are stuck and oftentimes are unable to see alternatives to the pain that they are experiencing. Without it, kids that just need

a little help may suffer academically, socially, enter the criminal justice system, or be separated from their families. Kids may also be in a situation where they are stuck in a very unhealthy and hurtful home environment. It’s scary to think of kids going through so much turmoil without someone by their side, and that is what we try to do here.

WHAT STORY MOTIVATES YOU? We had a female child abusing drugs while on probation. She would often come to session high and there was a lot of conflict within the family. After working with Jessica, one of our therapists, this child was able to get off probation and at 17, is sober for the first time in years. She now enjoys a better relationship with her grandmother, is set to graduate high school, and will be attending a trade school next year.

Call the West Valley office at (623) 934-1991 or the East Valley office at (480) 969-6955 to learn about services

you inspire us SheLEADS By Example Kelley Durham, Attorney at Law, K Durham Law PLLC A New Leaf made a difference in my life by accepting me into the AWEE SheLEADS program, giving me the opportunity to build the skills to become a leader in my community and my company. It gave me the community I need for times of success and times of hardship. I loved everything that A New Leaf was doing, so I attended the gala dinner earlier this year. The speakers there were so inspiring, overcoming so much to get to where they wanted to be. I began to realize how passionate and caring

the staff and board were about making change. Their sincerity and passion to make things better was incredible. This started to make me realize how much I care about making my community a better place and that I wanted to fix the challenges it was facing. So I did something about it. I raised over $3,400 for A New Leaf in support of the AWEE SheLEADS program. A New Leaf truly embodies their mission of helping families and changing lives. The programs and services they offer make up a holistic approach to solving community challenges. I am so thankful to be a part of this movement, and I encourage you to give to this remarkable organization.

ways to get involved MAKE A GIFT A gift of money online or by check is a simple way to make a difference. PROGRAM TOURS Learn more about our programs through a personalized tour.

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES We have volunteer opportunities for your business, church, and groups.

SPECIAL EVENTS Sponsor or participate in our unique events throughout the year.

DONATION DRIVE Lead a donation drive to contribute basic need items for our shelter services.

Get Involved TurnaNewLeaf.org | 868 E. University Drive Mesa, AZ 85203-8033 | (480) 464-4648



Living Free, Living Strong P

eggy and Arabelle make a unique pair, “a wild pair” as Arabelle likes to say. Peggy has been a mentor with A New Leaf’s Women Living Free program for the past four years, mentoring women exiting the prison system to help them find long-term success and stability. She has a playful demeanor, saying “This is not my first rodeo, but luckily Arabelle is a joy to work with.”

“When I got out I didn’t even know where my family was, and I realized there was no one for me to call for help.” Arabelle found herself seeking a mentor, hoping to find a fresh start after serving nine years. “I joined Women Living Free and picked Peggy as my mentor because I knew I needed to have someone I felt comfortable reaching out to for help.” After exchanging letters and photos for three months, Peggy and Arabelle met in person and hit it off. For Arabelle, this was a huge relief. “When I got out I didn’t even know where my family was, and I realized there was no one for me to call for help. Peggy quickly became my main support.” Peggy recalled her first impressions of Arabelle. “She had a huge list of things she wanted to do her first three months out. She wanted her own place to live, a car, a new career, to go back to school. I mean, I run my own real estate practice, and even I had to take a nap after reading that list!”

A wild pair, Peggy (left) and her mentee Arabelle (right).

“So we worked on it together,” Peggy continued, “and Arabelle was very responsive. When I asked her to look at something a different way, to consider how it fit into her goals, she would do it. She wants to improve her life.” For Arabelle, someone to hold her accountable and keep her positive has made a difference. “Peggy reminds me each day to do the things I promised to myself. She’s a gentle, sassy kick in my butt to get back on track. No one else in my life would do that before Peggy.” But the support was not only emotional, says Arabelle. “I learned budgeting, how to fix my credit, how to pursue an education, where to find a job, self-help classes, and more. That really saved me.”

“I can speak for a majority of girls that feel that without A New Leaf’s program, we would have gone back to prison.” Peggy has been elated to see Arabelle’s progress. “Arabelle has been out for a year, moved into stable housing, enrolled in school, and is pursuing a career in mentorship. She’s making it out here.” “A majority of girls feel that without A New Leaf’s Women Living Free program, we would have gone back to prison,” says Arabelle. “The label of being inside destroys your self-esteem. You feel like you are alone. But with the Women Living Free program, you are never alone.”

phoenix day C H I LDR EN





jaylee graduates from phoenix day At five years old, Jaylee is proud to be graduating from her pre-kindergarten class at Phoenix Day. Thanks to the donors like you that support A New Leaf, Jaylee will be successfully moving on to the next chapter in her young life: kindergarten. “It’s overwhelming to see Jaylee in her cap and gown,” says her mother, Miriam. “She’s grown so much these past few years and her intelligence is showing itself more and more . . . it’s a big day for all of us.” Jaylee is graduating from A New Leaf’s Phoenix Day program, finishing out two years of early childhood education starting when she was just three years old. Thinking of the future Jaylee will soon be faced with, Miriam is surprised to feel calm. “It has been so relieving to see that Jaylee is actually prepared for kindergarten. I mean, my first thought seeing her in a cap and gown was ‘Nope. That’s my baby. Not yet.’ But, while I might be sad to see her growing up, it makes all the difference knowing that she is ready for kindergarten this fall.” “As a single mother, you worry about these things. At most places I could afford, Jaylee would have been sitting in someone’s house watching TV. A place like Phoenix Day, that offers a curriculum and learning schedule, is hard to come by.”

Thanks to you, Miriam was able to afford to put Jaylee into Phoenix Day’s enriching programming, setting her down a path towards success. “At home, Jaylee only spoke Spanish and I worried she might be at a disadvantage when she started school. But Phoenix Day delivers bilingual programming, and Jaylee picked up English quickly. She knows the ABCs, how to count, even write her full name.” Thinking of where Jaylee would be without Phoenix Day, Miriam can’t imagine it. “She wouldn’t be speaking much English, and wouldn’t have her ABCs or numbers down. It’s scary to think about, she would be so far behind without Phoenix Day.” “When I think about it, Phoenix Day is almost another parent. It is a family of teachers and parents that you can count on. That type of environment . . . all I can say is that there is nothing like knowing that your child is not only being taken care of, but is being loved, taught new things, and is safe.” Thanks to your support, Jaylee will be starting kindergarten this fall ready to learn and succeed. Together we are giving children in our community brighter futures!

Jaylee and her mom are giddy about the start of kindergarten.


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phoenix day CH I LDRE N





“I know my ABCs and 1,2,3s.”

awee AWEE gives hope and guidance on page 6.

Thanks for helping prepare Jaylee for kindergarten. Phoenix Day welcomes graduates on page 7.

did you know? You can avoid taxes on capital gains by giving your appreciated stock to A New Leaf. Contact Brad Harris (602) 320-1185 bharris@turnanewleaf.org


TurnaNewLeaf.org | 868 E. University Drive Mesa, AZ 85203-8033 | (480) 464-4648


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