Top 5 mistakes people make when choosing an assisted living community

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People often move into previous homes based on price and location since that it largely just a “real estate” decision. However, choosing an assisted living or retirement community is much more of a lifestyle decision. While it is ideal if the best community is also the one that happens to be near a senior’s current home, other factors trump location. For example, does the community provide additional services on campus if the resident’s needs change? Does the day-to-day management staff truly care about the needs of its residents? Is the community fairly priced at rates within the senior’s unique budget and financial situation? Are the amenities offered included in the rent or are these “extra” expenses going to add up and significantly impact finances on down the road? These answers and other factors become much more important that merely the location of a community as the best fit for the long term.

Moves mainly happen when people are in a transition of some sort — downsizing when kids move out, a recent divorce or getting ready to start a family. The difference in a move to an assisted living community is much more emotional, says Blake Fail, President of Triad Senior Living. “Seniors are reluctant to move not so much for the financial reasons that normally motivate a move in other stages of life, but more due to the overwhelming feelings involved.” Although their physical and life circumstances may be changing rapidly, he adds, seniors have a desire to slow this process down in an effort to maintain control – just like the rest of us.

Since senior living offers a great social benefit, it is critical that prospective residents and their families really view and verify who their would-be neighbors will be if the community is selected. These will be the friends they will dine with every day, play bridge with and basically “live� with throughout their time at the community. It is critical to ensure that the folks who will have a big impact on the senior’s future are of a similar world-view and mindset to ensure everyone is in a comfortable setting for the long term after the adult children and movers have gone.

Unfortunately, the majority of seniors and their adult children (who oftentimes help influence the decision to move) wait until a medical event occurs before considering that Mom and/or Dad needs a different lifestyle. This can come in the form of a fall and hip break, an unexpected surgery and hospital stay or just the sudden realization that a parent has become far too dependent on others for help with the normal activities of daily living. Much of the time, a senior will say “I’m not ready yet� but this begs the question, when is the right time to make a move that will make things so much easier and more comfortable?

Seniors require more patience and more understanding than the average consumer. If a community is managed and run by a group whose only motivation is the bottom line (think larger, publicly traded companies who report to shareholders perhaps), how will they treat your Mom or Dad? The sales folks are all great at‌.selling. They will provide similar routines throughout that process but it is important to get to know the management company who will be the one to set a corporate culture in how residents and families are treated after the sale.

Contact Us 2751 NE 183rd St. Aventura, FL 33160 Call us at (305) 935-1801 Private tours are available Monday through Friday 9:00am-5:00 pm and on evenings or weekends by appointment. You may also e-mail us at Please Visit Us:

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