10 minute read
Business in Focus
from SE21 June 2020
by SE Magazines
At Alexandra Nurseries in Penge we are proud of our place in the community and delighted to find people feel the same. Our existing customers, neighbours, friends and newcomers have been keen to support us with kind words and custom! Of course this would be one of the peak times in our industry and it has hit us all hard, including our loyal growers, nurseries and suppliers. We have found the relationships built from 8 years of trade; of trust, loyalty and flexibility - both ways around - have kept us in good stead. Small independents have been able to suddenly downsize, re think how to operate and market and between us we are just about keeping each other going. Moving into ‘Amazon’ territory has been very challenging especially for a small shop with no existing online sales operation! We have all become perhaps too familiar with a click and collect climate and expect our stuff tomorrow! We have one person and one phone-line, one person on admin and email and a very talented instagrammer! With over 100 queries a day on those three platforms it’s been fun! So to all your readers— so sorry if we didn’t return your call, you couldn’t get through, or we lost you somehow - please forgive that and return for excellent cake and coffee and browse the lovely vintage garden things and quality plants soon . We thank too our lovely loyal furloughed team, who have been patient and trusted us as we work through the uncertainty. Being partly family run has been important giving an incentive to adapt and proceed beyond a straight business ethic, and the directors of the company have been working flat out to keep on top of everything. Our 8th birthday this week would have been our opportunity to greet you all with tea and cake. Watch out for the celebrations next year! Being a small business has allowed us to remain true to our values and, while we are not perfect, we rejoice in that. We are a creative company made up of different personalities and skill sets, and in the current context this has meant we have the ability to adapt. We are fortunate to be a garden centre as the demand for our products remains strong, It has been satisfying to help people enjoy Spring, get into their gardens, connect with loved ones from a distance - they’ve been sending plants seeds soap and vouchers! Enabling people to create, grow and be in touch with nature has always been our aim - we are still here and hopefully back to full speed soon!
Estate House, 56B Parish Lane, London SE20 7LJ alexandranurseries@hotmail.co.uk 07939 110 970 | 020 8778 4145 www.alexandranurseries.co.uk Business Focus in Lockdown
We caught up with one of our lovely clients, John from Alexandra Nurseries
The Chair
Sanctuary Award Winning Upholstery & Furniture Renovation
Local maths tutor Joe Lyons taught at Charter School and has taught students in Dulwich at their homes. Since the lockdown he is now available to online. “The students find the lessons fun and informative. They are able to work directly onto any electronic device such as a tablet or laptop and be guided through the questions. So after spending over ten years tutoring in students homes I am now available for online lessons.” 07736 401930 | dulwichmaths@gmail.com
Chairs, Sofas, Cushions & More FREE No Obligation Estimate Karen Wood or Kathy Daniel 020 8299 6785 / 07961 381122 hello@thechairsanctuary.co.uk www.thechairsanctuary.co.uk
Creative Design & Craftmanship
Bespoke Kitchens & Furniture since 1990 The Dovetail Joint
There are options to come for just 1 hour (£5) and 2 hours (£10) and 3 hours (£15). For all abilities. When life drawing, short poses are excellent for training the eye and the hand and building the ability to sum up the essence of the figure with economy. Each hour will start with short poses and work up to two or three ten minute poses. This is a familiar format for life drawing sessions which most of us find very satisfactory. Whilst the session runs for three hours it is possible to attend one, two or three hours, as works for you. Joining or leaving the group happens promptly on the hour. The Dulwich Art Group & School.
Tuesdays 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 June: Live Stream Short Post Life Drawing 2pm-5pm. This is a live stream art class. Untutored but advice is always available.
10am-1pm. This is a live streamed, online class on life drawing with the Dulwich Art Group. Untutored sessions with a long pose generally held for three weeks giving the artist a chance to produce a more considered piece of work. Our models are carefully chosen and are lit with professional lights. Advice is always on tap but we tend to leave you to your own devices unless encouraged. The atmosphere is relaxed and friendly the quality of attention is always excellent. The Dulwich Art Group & School.
Wednesday 3 June: Online New Mums’ Group
10.30am-12pm. Free online weekly drop-in group for mothers with children under one. Becoming a mother can come with a range of feelings, both positive and negative. Many mums feel worried and confused if they are struggling with negative feelings after having a baby. This free online group, will provide a supportive environment where mothers can get together with others who may be struggling with one or more aspects of being a mum. This could be feeling low in mood, anxiety about being a good parent, feeling isolated and lonely, sadness about changes in your relationships, etc. The group is facilitated by assistant psychologists at Circle Psychology Partners and under the supervision of Dr Christine Langhoff, a clinical psychologist who specialises in perinatal difficulties. All sessions are free and will be held using Zoom. You will need to register in order to access the link to join each session. www.bellhouse.co.uk
Wednesday 3 June: Celebrating 25 years of Multi-Sensory Teaching with Dr Susie Nyman
7.00pm. Join Dr Susie Nyman’s online webinar showcasing her ‘Multi-sensory Toolkit’ strategies based on 25 years teaching in Early Years to Key Stages 1-5. www.bellhouse.co.uk.
6pm. Help for NHS frontliners mainly with free attendance, and anyone else can join in too for the price of coffee and cake! Zoom links at Reiki page: www.themindbodyandsoulcoach.com
No longer an Act of Care?
The coronavirus pandemic has affected all our lives, usually for the worse. Public authorities are no exception. The strain which the virus places upon public services has led to a roll-back of services which the Government offers to the public. Adult social care has been targeted as an area where local authorities might be exposed to resource pressure.
Care Act Duties
Where people have disabilities, which causes them to experience difficulty in achieving daily tasks, local authorities have powers and duties to offer packages of services.
The Care Act 2014 places legal duties on local authorities to assist those having difficulty living life independently within the authority’s local area. These include duties to assess and meet the care and support needs of adults, and carers where applicable.
The focus of any assessment and support is to enable an adult with care needs to live as independently as possible. For this reason, adults with such needs should be involved in their care and support planning. A well written care plan can provide an adult with a long-term safeguard for their social care needs.
Coronavirus Act 2020
The Coronavirus Act 2020 sets out the temporary emergency measures that enable public bodies such as local authorities, to respond to the pandemic. Importantly, the Coronavirus Act changes the terms upon which local authorities must meet the care needs of adults.
The Coronavirus Act only requires that a local authority meet an adult’s care and support needs, where necessary to avoid a breach of the adult’s human rights. Human rights legislation and case law makes clear that Human Rights are a minimum standard which the state must safeguard. Domestic law can (and frequently does) offer protection well beyond what the European Convention on Human Rights demands.
These changes to social care have effect from 31 March 2020. Government guidance clarifies that the easements should only be exercised by local authorities where economic pressure is placed upon it by the pandemic. For example, social workers may have to self-isolate, depleting the workforce, or there may be an increase in demand for social care. The easements are only meant to be used where compliance with Care Act 2014 duties is impractical.
The duties within the Care Act 2014 give important rights to vulnerable and disabled people. Any attempt to deny adults their right to social care should be carefully scrutinised. As lawyers, we would expect a local authority, denying an eligible person care and support, to carefully justify why this is necessary.
The Coronavirus Act gives local authorities a wide discretion to suspend or cease the provision of adult social care packages. The powers within the act are arguably too broad. Sadly, it will likely be disabled and vulnerable people who suffer the most.
If you, a family member, or someone you care for are not receiving sufficient support from the local authority, then a solicitor specialising in Community Care will be able to advise on possible next steps.
Kesar & Co Solicitors 27 London Road, Bromley, BR1 1DG 020 8181 3100 contact@kesarco.co.uk www.kesarco.co.uk
Thursdays 4, 11, 18 & 25 June: BNI Adventurers (online meeting)
6.45am-8.30am. Are you looking to grow your business? We have kept £9.4million in the local economy this year alone. We’ve changed the way the world does business……now it Dulwich’s turn. Please contact Hayley on 07843 989728 for more information.
Saturdays 6, 13, 20 & 27 June: SoLo Craft Fair’s Virtual Craft Market
Takes place every Saturday 12-2pm on our Instagram Stories, each market showcases products from between 150-250 makers.
6pm. Help for NHS frontliners mainly with free attendance, and anyone else can join in too for the price of coffee and cake! Zoom links at Reiki page: www.themindbodyandsoulcoach.com
10am-1pm. This is a live streamed, online class on life drawing with the Dulwich Art Group. Untutored sessions with a long pose generally held for three weeks giving the artist a chance to produce a more considered piece of work. Our models are carefully chosen and are lit with professional lights. Advice is always on tap but we tend to leave you to your own devices unless encouraged. The atmosphere is relaxed and friendly the quality of attention is always excellent. The Dulwich Art Group & School.
8pm. Help for NHS frontliners mainly with free attendance, and anyone else can join in too for the price of coffee and cake! Zoom links at:
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"In business it’s not what you EARN that matters it’s what you get to KEEP and PASS onto your loved ones that really counts"
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