1 minute read
The Last Word - Tessa Parikian
from SE21 June 2023
by SE Magazines
Describe your perfect weekend
Get up late. Take a cup of tea and a piece of toast to the swing chair and enjoy the garden view. Go to the allotment and tend the plot. Spend the evening eating a nice meal with the fam and watch something gentle like Ted Lasso on the telly. Repeat with a different meal and telly. I love The Detectorists
Where are you to be found on a Saturday?
Up at the allotment
Coffee or tea? Where?
Definitely tea. In the garden
Cafe, pub or bar?
There’s something about cafe culture that appeals. If you can find somewhere to sit in the sun with a glass of Prosecco that doesn’t have cars roaring by then that is perfection
Where’s your favourite place to walk?
There’s a loop that I do with my husband that takes in Bel Air Park, Dulwich Park and Sydenham Hill Woods which is particularly lovely.
I am Tessa Parikian of Tessa Parikian Garden Design. My passion is to help clients create beautiful, biodiverse gardens that are resilient to the changing climate.

How long have you lived in the area?
We’ve lived in the area for 20 years. When I met my husband he lived here and when we decided to live together I moved in with him.
What one thing would you change?
The current government
What’s the one thing you couldn’t do without?
My solar battery monitoring app. I know. Very sad!!
The most famous person you’ve met?
In a previous life I was an actor. I was in a film called Tea With Mussolini which had a stellar cast including Cher, Judy Dench and Maggie Smith. They were all lovely.
Do you belong to any groups?
I have a plot at Rosendale Allotments. It is a place of happiness. Being a member of the Rosendale Allotment Association which gives me access to my plot is wonderful.
What is your favourite shop?
I love Green’s in the Village. Looking at all the paper, pens and art supplies. Heaven!
What was the last thing you bought there?
Blades for my modelling knife
The book I’m reading at the moment..
I’m not a massive reader but occasionally a book grabs me. A good friend has leant me ‘An Island of Missing Trees’ by Elif Shafak. I’ve only just started it but I am captivated by the language and mysticism https://tessaparikian.com