7 minute read
What’s On
from SE23 January 2023
by SE Magazines
Sundays 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 January: Peckham Rye Junior Park Run
9am – 9:30am. A free, weekly, timed run for 4–14-year-olds, to get fit, stay healthy and have fun! We run 2km every Sunday morning at 9am, through rain and shine. The course is visible, wellmarshalled, and all held on the paths around the sports pitches. Peckham Rye Park Colyton Road, East Dulwich, SE22 0NE, UK. To register go to www.parkrun.org.uk/peckhamrye-juniors/
10am – 3pm. The weekly Horniman Market is open to provide food items including fresh fruit, vegetables, cheese, bread, cake, meat and street food. Alongside food stalls, you’ll find body care, clothing, jewellery, design and craft ; most are locally produced, ethical and many use environmentally friendly materials, natural and organic ingredients. Market stalls will be positioned outdoors at a safe distance from each other to ensure we can maintain a social distance for all customers and traders. Strict and enhanced hygiene measures are in place with all traders. We also ask that you sanitise your hands at each available stall and only touch produce you intend on buying. Please pay for goods using contactless methods. Horniman Museum, 100 London Road, Forest Hill, SE23 3PQ.
Sunday 1 & Monday 2 January: Lightopia 2022 – Feel the Magic
The award-winning Lightopia Festival returns to Crystal Palace Park for 2022, bringing its incredible lightshow to London for the second year running and is promising to be bigger and brighter than ever this time. The hero piece of the event, and a first for Lightopia London, is the illuminated water show. The 40-metre-wide and 15-metre-tall water show over the lower lake is promising to be a spectacular visual feast, featuring the beloved Christmas staples of a giant Santa, Rudolf, Christmas tree and snowflakes. A magical and heart-warming show which promises to not be forgotten.
Location: Crystal Palace Park, London, Thicket Road, London SE20. Tickets can be purchased:
Tuesdays 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 January: Life Drawing & Painting
7pm -8:30pm. This is an online drawing & painting session conducted via Zoom. Long pose life painting and drawing. A single pose held for three hours with 5-minute model breaks every 25 minutes. This class will be run by Freya Tate, a wonderful artist with a sharp eye and a playful line. The session will be life model focused but Freya will introduce chaotic elements to challenge you and move your drawing on to higher levels. The Dulwich Art Group & School.
Tuesdays 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 January: Weekly Online Breathing Class
7pm -8pm. Weekly virtual online breathwork class. Join me every Tuesday at 7pm for a 40-minute breathing and relaxation class. Unwind, centre yourself and use the breath to help relax and prepare for a restful evening. Using different breathing techniques that can be incorporated into your day along with a few gentle mat-based stretches and ending with Yoga Nidra a full body guided meditation for deep relaxation. All welcome. No experience is needed. £7. To join please use the link below:
https://liveyogateachers.com/classes/ meditation-open-level-kerry-flower
Tuesday 3 January: Honor Oak WI
7.30pm. We meet on the first Tuesday of each month at Stanstead Lodge Cafe SE23 1DD.
twitter.com/honoroakwi www.facebook.com/groups/honoroakwi/
7:30pm – 8:30pm. Fantastic local running club. Social runs every Tuesday 7.30pm at Trevor Bailey Sports Ground on the south circular. Trevor Bailey Clubhouse, Dulwich Common, Dulwich, SE21. Plus runs every Sunday morning; coached sessions on Thursdays; cross country races; competitions; weekends away; frequent social activities. Come along on a Tuesday to try us out!
www.dulwichparkrunners.co.uk enquiries@dulwichparkrunners.com
For listings contact: angela@semagazines.co.uk
Tuesday 3 January: ‘Dulwich in World War One: Saving Private
Russell’ with Brian Green
8pm-9pm. Just like the Hollywood movie starring Tom Hanks, Dulwich also had its tragedies. Mr Russell who lived at Pond Cottages had five sons and the youngest was about to be called up for service. The vicar of St Barnabas wrote that he thought his four brothers had already been killed. This talk by Brian Green will recall the enlistment of local men in August 1914 at the rate of 250 per day, the care of wounded at Southwark Military Hospital (Dulwich Hospital), the story of Dulwich’s volunteer battalion and everyday life for civilians. Tickets are £5 each and all net proceeds will go to Bell House garden projects. If you need a free ticket please use the promo code FreeTicket at the check-out. Tickets avaiable at www.bellhouse.co.uk/events Bell House Dulwich, 21 College Road, SE21 7BG.
Wednesdays 4, 11, 18 & 25 January: Zoom Portraiture @Dulwich Art Group & School
2pm -5pm. This is now a hybrid session with 15 artists allowed into the studio and also cameras for artists attending through Zoom. Paint a clothed model with a focus on the portrait over two three-hour sessions. We give you a wide view and a closer portrait view so you can work out the framing for yourself. The model will at times be engaged in conversation in order to bring some animation to the face.
Wednesdays 4, 11, 18 & 25 January: Goose Green Coffee Morning
11am – 12:30pm. Do come and join us at Goose Green Coffee Morning. Everyone is welcome to drop in for a cuppa and a chat. Activities on offer some weeks: guest speakers, arts and crafts, music etc. If you would like to know more, email goosegreencoffeemorning@gmail.com or call 07961 580920. St John’s Church, St John’s East Dulwich, 62A East Dulwich Road, SE22.
Thursdays 5, 12, 19 & 26 January: Dulwich Folk Dance Club, 8pm-10pm
2023! Another New Year! And we’re getting it off with a bang! Dancing is good at keeping the mind active and it’s a lovely feeling to have successfully completed a dance. Experienced or not, partnered or single, you can join in immediately and get the full benefit and joy of the event as all dances are first practised and then "called” while we dance to remind us all of the moves. 5th January: Our caller tonight, Philip, always gives us a great array of dances suitable for the number attending and their relevant skills, so everyone always has a great time! 12th January: Sue is our much sought-after caller tonight. Come and make the most of the talent our Club has to offer. 19th January: Our caller tonight, Les, has a wealth of experience and lovely music and dances. 26th January: Our caller tonight is Michele and is our Burns Night celebration, too. If we are very lucky (and twist a few arms!) we are likely to have some members reminding us of their amazing talents, reciting poems, telling stories and giving us their amazing (and almost incomprehensible!) Scottish accents. (No haggis eating required!) St Barnabas Parish Hall, 23 Dulwich Village, SE21 7BT. Entrance is in Gilkes Place. Entrance on door £5 (£4 Club members). Enquiries to: John Blase:
020 8693 2873 / johnhblase@aol.com
Wendy Newall:
07821 089861 / wendy.marsh@hotmail.com.
Thursdays 5, 12, 19 & 26 January: BNI Adventures
6:30am – 8:30am. Part of the award winning multi-national networking organisation, BNI, Adventurers brings together businesses local to Dulwich with the aim of passing business and keeping money in the local community. Givers gain, and members of Adventurers have excelled at both over the last 12 months. Now back in person this as exciting time for the chapter. Breakfast included. Free parking. Get referrals: boost your business! Please contact Hayley on 07843 989728 for more information or register for this event on www.eventbrite.co.uk.
Dulwich & Sydenham Golf Club, Grange Lane, College Road, Dulwich, SE21 7LH, UK
9am – 10am. Free, weekly timed 5k run, jog or walk in Dulwich Park. Every Saturday at 9am promptly starting from Queen Mary’s Gate. Register once and bring your printed barcode (can be used at any parkrun across the world). First-timers briefing at 08.50. Also in Peckham Rye, Brockwell and Crystal Palace parks. See their event websites for details. For full event details go to www.parkrun.org.uk/dulwichpark
For listings contact: angela@semagazines.co.uk