1 minute read
There are lots of styles to choose from for your home, but designing a room has essentially many of the same rules no matter what your style. You do have to approach it collectively to make sure of a cohesive result that wows. If you have say 4 favourite things you want to keep but they’re all of a different style, it’s going to look muddled. A focal point is key with fireplaces being favourite in a living room. However not all living rooms have a fireplace so look for another focal point. The view is a great option or a fabulous mirror. Gather your furniture comfortably around this and add a rug. Rugs zone an area and can bring pieces together with texture, colour or shape. A rug might sit under the front legs of a sofa and incorporate a coffee table whilst having a colour within it that nods to the curtains or a chair. Collectively it starts bringing the room together.
Soft lighting is very important with so many choices it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Central lighting usually being the brightest is great if it can be used on a dimmer switch. Floor lamps, table lamps and candles are all important to give a cosy feel. Lamps can be directional or ambient depending on your choice and candles are super for a lovely warm glow.
Finishing touches like cushions, accessories, pictures and natural items from a timber floor, wooden accessories, twigs or flowers all bring warmth to a room.
Do keep in mind your style, the look you’re aiming to achieve and don’t be afraid to take things out and move things around. You’ll be impressed with the result.
Let me know if I can help, Sharon.
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