Landscape Architecture | University of California, Berkeley 202 4
angela clearwater
Metamorphosis: from dark to light
Designing Symbiosis: a deep dive into sea anenome resilience
Studio Ghibli Center for Eco-Magic
Conservatory of Flowers: landscape as storytelling
Ecological Mosaics: fire-adaptive landscape in Napa, CA
Garden Explorations
Regeneration: an ode to the butterfly
Accessibility Enhancements: grand portage national monument
Spanish Landscapes: independent study abroad
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: urban
Green Infrastructure Y-PLAN Green Infrastructure academic contents professional personal 08 09 10 11 12
The Journey — Visitors begin with a choice: enter first through the Garden of Journey or the Portal — landscapes shrouded in thick tree cover, quieting connection to the sun and surrounding landscape. Cocoon-like enclosure.
Paths gradually open, transporting visitors to the Chrysalis — a meandering, wormhole-like landscape distorting time and space.
The story reaches its climax in the Garden of Wings — a lush, rolling butterfly meadow where freedom is experienced through all five senses.
The Chrysalis
The Flight The Garden of Wings
The Portal
A A¹
The Garden of Journey
Section and Spatial Studies
The Garden of Journey
The Garden of Wings
The Portal
Metabolic Diagram — Effects of Oil Pollution in Richmond
Character Study — Tracee, Richmond Resident
Site Analysis + Design Exploration
Designing Symbiosis: A
Deep Dive into Sea Anenome Resilience
Fall 2022 | Professors Kate Smaby + Hyunch Sung
Project proposal + design ethos — Anthropogenic climate change has inflicted widespread harm against coral and sea anenome populations — causing rapid species decline. This design utilizes a collection of self-sustaining, observational pods to analyze experimental sea anemone environments — promoting a comprehensive understanding of the factors that encourage and inhibit zooxanthellae growth in the midst of critical species destruction.
The Farallon Islands, a protected wildlife reserve and abundantly diverse ecosystem off the coast of California, provides the perfect setting for our study of this phenomenon.
Long–term goal — By studying processes that encourage zooxanthellae growth, this project aims to generate a body of knowledge that may be extrapolated to coral reefs—protecting them from bleaching.
This project was developed in partnership with Ellie Reiff & Kalea Papandrew.
Design Methodology
The Experiment
A series of 14 observational pods spaced at a distance to allow for full range of mo tion without tangling. The pods test three variables that affect sea anenomes’ ability to host zooxanthellae: light, surface tex ture, and exposure to air.
A living organism — We propose the use of cellulose wood fibers as the netting; it is stronger than steel and biodegradable. Thus, the pods will become encrusted with muscles and other sea creatures over time, eventually becoming a self-sustaining, living organism mimicking the anemone environment. This will allow a controlled setting where we can test and study zooxanthellae growth in specific conditions.
Site Analysis + Design Studies
Tidepool in a Box
A collection of ephemera from China Beach in SF to study sea anenome habitats. A curious dive into the secret world of sea anenomes designed to gain an intimate understanding of our humble subject.
A seven-foot tall structure inviting participants into an empathetic exploration with an underrepresented sea friend.
Perspective of Subject Bird’s Eye Perspective Site Plan
Diagrammatic Context Map
Studio Ghibli Center for Eco-Magic
Fall 2023 | Energy, Fantasy, and Form | Chip Sullivan
Located at a site of enduring industrial pollution, this project aims to heal the earth and connections to it through phytoremediative design and the creation of three distinct regions of water implementation: 1) water as environmental healer through wetland restoration; 2) the emotional experiences of water as playful, mysterious, and evocative; and 3) water’s healing qualities for humans, through the design of a hydroponic garden landscape.
Landscape Plan
Materials Plan
Conservatory of Flowers
// landscape as storytelling Fall 2023 | Energy, Fantasy, and Form | Chip Sullivan
In Chip Sullivan’s studio, we were challenged to build landscapes centered around story and curiosity. By designing character studies, we engaged in idea-building and empathy. The story of my landscape aims to bring to life the restorative, healing qualities of nature.
04 accelerated perspective + story map
innovative and dynamic fire-resilient landscape in Napa Valley.
The Joyful Sole this garden is a playful balance between artistic reflection, introspective refuge, and gregarious play. Inviting visitors into discovery of authentic self-expression.
Garden Explorations
In Chip Sullivan’s studio class, we engaged in thoughtful explorations of garden design. Pushing the boundaries of garden design by leaning into curiosity and wonder.
Mandala Healing Garden an experimental practice in exploring and developing a set of design principles for therapeutic garden design.
Genius Loci Tarot Garden this design creates space for rejoicing and celebrating new life and intimate connection through the implementation of ancient design principles — the Maypole, Seed Banks, Ancient Mounds, and the Hortus Conclusus.
Biomorphic Flower Garden an imaginative exploration using the natural world to inspire new design ideas. Forging a bond between the micro and the macro elements that surround us.
An Intricate Web Life, Anew! Stop and Smell
Spring 2024 | Sacred Landscapes | Chip Sullivan
// an ode to the butterfly Fall 2023 | Energy, Fantasy, and Form | Chip Sullivan
In my final year studio, Carmen Bordofsky and I designed and built an installation aimed at celebrating, uplifting, and bringing awareness to the Monarch — a critically endangered species in California — through a large-scale, physical representation of its metamorphosis.
Grand Portage National Monument
Summer 2023 | National Park Service | Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program
In the remote wilderness of Northern Minnesota, on an Ojibwe Indian Reservation, I served as an intern with the National Park Service to spearhead accessibility enhancements at the park.
I completed a rigorous and independent project to better serve visitors with disabilities, through engagement with indigenous communities, communication with stakeholders, and conceptual design.
a selection of analytical site studies
a selection of design proposals to enhance accessibility + cultural resources
Sausalito Green Infrastructure
Spring 2024 | SWA Group, Sausalito
My internship work with SWA, working on designing a healthier, more sustainable solution to stormwater in Downtown Sausalito.
Community Projects
// urban design
Fall 2023 | Telegraph for People | Sophie Hahn + Charles Siegel
Adeline Street Park
Fall 2022 | Telegraph for People
As the Design Director for Telegraph for People, I worked with Charles Siegel on the proposal of a park design for the center of Adeline Street in Berkeley, CA. This design imagines a people-centered Adeline filled to the brim with green space and recreation.
The design intends to reveal the inherent value found within unconventional spaces, fostering curiosity and joy.
Working closely with city council member Sophie Hahn, I created a rendering for her proposal to extend safe cycle track design east of The Alameda in North Berkeley’s Hopkins Corridor. The design proposal features the installation of a beautiful landscaped strip, creating a safe and inclusive space for cyclists and pedestrians.
Hopkins Corridor
Complete Streets
Fall 2022 | Telegraph for People
Y-PLAN Green Infrastructure
// community development
Spring 2023 | Community Development Y-PLAN Studio | Deborah McKoy
Served as a mentor for highschool students on a Sustainability Career Track in Oakland, California. Shared best practices and organized charettes as they navigated and developed their own green infrastructure projects within their community.
SWAT site analysis + mapping exercise
final presentations to city leaders
site visit to Planting Justice — sustainable food cooperative in Oakland, CA
Spanish Landscapes
// independent study abroad
Summer 2022
design | culture | ecology
To develop an understanding of Spanish landscape design, I created an independent study abroad itinerary focused on Andalucía in southern Spain. In consultation with my UC Berkeley professors, I examined spatial design to identify ecological patterns and processes that parallel California’s Mediterranean landscape.
Drawing inspiration from landscape architect Florence Yoch’s educational philosphy, I studied cultural expression through sustainable gardens, integration of water systems, and the creation of immersive effects within public spaces. Stepping beyond the classroom provided me first-hand understanding of Mediterranean design towards future applications in California.
photography studies