WebOrganizing Paragraphs with MEAL Plan Purpose. Well-organized paragraphs guide readers logically through an essays development, adding to the effectiveness... M ain Idea. All paragraphs should have a main idea or point. Typically, this main idea is expressed in . WebThe MEAL plan matches the general format of academic writing on many levels that of assertion, evidence, and explanation. Many students make the mistake of writing . WebThe MEAL Plan Effective paragraphing is a central skill in academic writing. Many writers have been told a paragraph should contain a single idea many have heard paragraphs . WebEXAMPLE OF A PARAGRAPH USING THE MEAL PLAN Steelman possesses qualities that make him more effective superhero than Green Muscle. As Steelman, Tawny . WebParagraphing MEAL Plan When its time to draft your essay and bring your content together for your audience, you will be working to build strong paragraphs. Your paragraphs in . Web de nov. de In a MEAL paragraph, you arrange your sentences in this spe