20 tips to optimize your landing pages to double your sales

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20 tips to optimize your landing pages to double your sales You can’t yield results from your landing pages. Well, landing page optimization is not a new concept. However, there are several nuances to it that you or your digital marketer might be missing out. Do you have one or more landing pages online, but their performance is not necessarily up to your expectations? Are you wondering how you could generate more sales? We may have the solution for you. A better conversion rate will bring you more leads and, therefore, more customers; you will increase your ROI without having to pay to attract more visitors. You might think how a poor little landing page can have 20 things that can be possibly done to it to impact your sales pipeline. If you think of every little detail and are careful about small things, there is nothing that can stop you from getting qualified traffic from your landing pages.

Image Source: https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2017/11/11/15/17/board-2939275_960_720.png

Once you have people on your landing page, you have a limited attention span of that user. So, you better make the best of the limited time you have on your hands. To help you increase your sales and optimize your landing page, here are 20 tips to put in place right now on your website. 1. Avoid clutter It is advisable not to overwhelm the users with loud images or too much content. Use white space so that users can absorb what you’re trying to communicate. To create powerful user experience, you must provide something to them that is easy for their eyes. Space gives them time to decide. 2. Create a Buyer persona You can only create purposeful content if you understand the goals of your target audience. You need to create a buyer persona with an understanding of the goals and motivations of the intended buyers and target them in the right manner. 3. Content should give a clear purpose When you’re making a user land on your page, you already have a persona of the kind of buyer you desire. Don’t give mixed messages on the page. Stick to your purpose, something that your users can relate to. Break the content into paragraphs that are easy to read and digest. 4. Don’t add links to too many pages on your website You want people coming to your landing pages to convert. If you send them to your FAQs page, they won’t convert (at least not immediately). Add call to action button to ‘sign up’ or ‘buy now’ pages of your website. 5. Add ‘call to action’ to every section If people must scroll multiple times to read each section of your landing page, then ensure that you add a ‘call to action’ button on every section so that user knows where to click if interested. 6. Test, test, test I’m writing this thrice since several digital marketers do not pay heed to testing. There is nothing that puts off users more than bugs on the landing page. Test the landing page thoroughly before making it LIVE. 7. Interact and engage with the users You must ask questions related to users’ requirements/ needs/ concerns. It will engage them and make them feel that they are part of a personalized conversation.

8. Give useful information sooner The sooner you communicate the value proposition, the chances of conversion increase. Supporting content can be added at the bottom if you deem it to be necessary. 9. Keep the message between the ads and landing page content consistent In case of a disconnect between the ads and landing page content, you are dealing with something as bad as a broken URL. The ad copy must resonate with the landing page content (as that’s the first thing that got you there in the first place). 10. Make the landing page mobile-friendly There are mobile ads and there are mobile landing pages. It also means that your mobile web form must be simple, progressive and easy. 11. Create a killer CTA Call to Action or CTA buttons are extremely critical. These can impact conversion and bounce rates. If your CTA is not impactful, the rest of your landing page will be a waste. 12. Use ‘power words’ in your content The inclusion of a single word that makes a powerful influence is recommended in the landing page content. Power words immediately grabs the users’ attention. Some examples of power words are free, you, urgent, results, proven, etc. 13. You can include ‘video’ on your landing page If you wish to communicate a complex idea, you can do it with a video. It is the most effective way to get a message out. 14. Don’t give the website experience People don’t want a website experience on the landing page. It doesn’t have to contain a navigation since it takes away the user attention. 15. Include sharing button on the landing page If you’re sharing something free, engaging the users with a video or game or a humor piece, you don’t want to miss an opportunity to make it shareable and viral via social media channels. Do include social media buttons to share the content. 16. Give a link to privacy statement Ensure that you provide a link to the privacy statement to assure the users that their contact information will not be misused.

17. Use a Professional design Your landing page must be designed in a professional and impactful manner. Use all the right design tactics to get a professionally designed landing page that makes an impact. 18. Don’t ask for information that you don’t need Think about the information that you need from your prospects to convert. You probably don’t need their age or extra phone number. Don’t scare your prospects asking too many questions. 19. Use endorsements if possible In case you have endorsements with influential brands or businesses, you can use them on your landing page for increased credibility. 20. Maintain brand consistency There are certain brand colors, images and logo that unique to your brand. Ensure that your landing page carries consistent brand elements and doesn’t look drastically different from your brand. Conclusion The points that we have listed above are just elementary. If you wish your landing pages to start generating value and traffic, you must implement and optimize your landing page. Do not forget to measure the success of your landing pages, repeat what’s working and discard what’s not. Digital Success has a team of the most resourceful digital marketers who can help you with all the aspects of landing page optimization. If you wish to discuss it, we’re just a click away.

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