angela pasquale b.arch 2010
phase induced architecture
cluster: gustavo crembil jefferson ellinger fareh garba mark mistur
I’d like to thank my parents, family and friends for their continuing support. Thanks also go to the professors that have guided me along the way.
Cluster Faculty
Gustavo Crembil Jefferson Ellinger Fareh Garba Mark Mistur
Angela Pasquale Phase Induced Architecture Bachelor of Architecture May 2010 R e n s s e l a e r Po l y t e c h n i c I n s t i t u t e
table of contents. 2 6 12 20 44 86 106
abstract water properties disciplinary discourses conditions investigations implementation bibliography
Using empirical knowledge of material systems, an ephemeral architecture can be created as a result of induced phase changes of water that develop a way to inhabit site by bridging naturally occurring and artificial realms. Great lengths are taken to allow humans to maintain physical comfort levels through use of enclosure and mechanical systems, but the separation of temperature, moisture, and daylight between interior and exterior conditions creates a boundary between interior and exterior spaces. Using passive strategies and understanding of materials at a micro scale, it is possible to develop an architecture that uses climatic qualities of site to induce phase change of water. The resulting ephemeral qualities of water will alter one’s perception of inhabited space. A climate moderated by lakes, with significant seasonal variations and microclimates provides a venue for exhibiting the resulting phenomena. Located at 42° N and 76° W, the Finger Lakes region of New York State exemplifies how moisture in the environment exists in different forms. Through cold air drainage and the mediating temperature of the lakes, seasons are “extended,” making it possible to grow grape vines for the production of wine in an otherwise harsh climate (DeGloria 1). The result of these conditions creates fog, dew, and frost, which are particularly exhibited in the vineyards. Located in close proximity to the bank of Lake Cayuga and situated on the Cayuga Wine Trail, the proposed vineyard for exploration of this thesis will become a central location for the vineyard community as well as for visitors. As a community invested in its economic wine base, the Finger Lakes inhabitants have close ties with each other. However, the industry of the region primarily targets visitors within a 360 mile radius of the Lakes (Uncork New York 5). While the main season for attracting people to the region is summer and early fall due to warmer weather, growth of the vines, and harvesting of the grapes, these times of year provide the least opportunities to experience the phases of water that result from conditions that allow the vines to survive in this climate. Early spring is most crucial in the development of the vines and is when cold air drainage protects the vines from late frost. While the dormant period of the winter provides opportunities to witness water as a solid in the form of frost, ice, and snow, which insulates the vines from the cold (Sommers 115). By designing experiences to witness the phase changes of water, this vineyard will distinguish itself from others in the area by addressing the effects of seasonal variation through water. As a path circulates through the vineyard toward the lake’s edge, it will link several programmatic experiences of different size. Interior spaces will be naturally conditioned through thermal and ventilation strategies. Through these conditioned spaces and the exterior environment, phase change of water will be induced by the architecture. 4
water properties.
Solid (figure 3) A substance of definite shape and volume that is in a physical state in which it resists changes in size and shape (Pidwirny 1). Frost (figure 4) Frost forms through sublimation, when water vapor in the air condenses at a temperature below freezing and when a surface cools (through loss of infrared radiation) to a temperature which is colder than the dew point of the air next to the surface. Frost typically forms from the edges of surfaces inward because water vapor tends to freeze at edges and corners more easily than it does at the center of flat or concave surfaces. Also heavy ground frosts involve moisture evaporating from under damp soil. Since cool air is denser and heavier than warmer air, this air tends to sink into low spots such as valleys. Consequently, exposed valleys (exposed to radiational cooling) are far more prone to occurrences of frost than hilltops (Dew: Facts 1).
Ice (figures 3, 10 & 11) As a naturally occurring crystalline inorganic solid with an ordered structure, ice is considered a mineral. It possesses a regular crystalline structure based on the molecule of water, which consists of a single oxygen atom covalently bonded to two hydrogen atoms (Pidwirny 1).
Snow (figure 5) Snow crystals form when tiny supercooled cloud droplets (about 10 Îźm in diameter) freeze. The droplet then grows by condensation of water vapor onto the ice surfaces (Pidwirny 1).
Evaporative Cooling
Cooling that does not Liquid (figure 6)Indirect A Evaporative substance High Mass, Night Ventilation 110 resist change of shape but does resist change Direct Evaporative Cooling High Mass of size (Pidwirny2). 100
Direct Evaporative Cooling 90 Surface tension (figure 7) A property of liquids High Mass such that100their surfaces behave like a thin, elastic 80 Surface tension is an effect of intermolecular film. T(˚F) attraction, 90 in which molecules at or near the Comfort Zone 70 surface undergo a net attraction to the rest of the fluid,80 while molecules not near the surface 60 T(˚F) are attracted to other molecules equally in all Comfort Zone Solar Heating directions70 and undergo no net attraction (Nave 1).
liquid melting point
boiling point
condensation vaporization
gasboiling point
condensation vaporization
solid 100
Water Phase Diagram
Heat Added
Heating/Cooling Curve
32 0%
critical point
Heat Added
melting freezing
solid P(atm)
triple point
solid triple point
sublimation deposition
critical point
P(atm) condensation vaporization
liquid condensation vaporization
liquid melting freezing
vapour saturation curve
water+vapor P(atm)
liquid saturation curve
critical point
T(˚C) 0
f13: f15
Volume (cm³g¯¹)
P-V-T Surface for Volume H20 (cm³g¯¹) (dashed lines are isotherms)
0 10
P-V-T Surface for H20
50( 158 40( 126 ) ) 30( 95) 50( 158 20( 40( 63) 126 ) 10( ) 32) 30( 9
Adhesion (figure 8 & 14) When the attractive forces are between unlike molecules, they are 4 2 said to be adhesive forces. The adhesive forces 5) 20( 63) vapour between water molecules and the walls of a glass 2 1 0(3 saturation 0 2) curve 5 10 the cohesive 15 20 forces 25 tube are 0stronger than lead30 liquid Inlet or Outlet Area/ Floor Area (x100%) saturation 0 to an upward turning meniscus at the walls of the Sizing of Openings 0 5 10 15For Cross 20 Ventilation 25 curve Inlet or Outlet Area/ Floor Area (x100%) vessel and contribute to capillary action (Nave 1).
200 100
General Phase Diagram
Bioclimatic Chart Design Strategy Zon
Sizing of Openings For Cross Ventilati
sublimation deposition
General Phase Diagram
Capillary action (figure 14) The movement of a liquid along the surface of a solid caused by 8 the attraction10of molecules of the liquid to the molecules of the solid (Nave 1).
critical point
Percent Humidity
Heating/Cooling Curve
2 Triple point (figure 13) The temperature and pressure 6 4 at which a substance can exist in equilibrium in 8 the liquid, solid, and6 gaseous states (Pidwirny 2).
10 12
Below Ground (ft)
Water Phase Diagram
“Design” Wind Speed (mph)
freezing melting
“Design” Wind Speed (mph)
solid/liquid T(˚C)
Solar Heating
Cohesion (figure 7) Molecules in liquid state 50 experience strong intermolecular attractive forces. 32 0% 10% 20% 40% 60% 70% When those forces are30%between like50%molecules, 40 Percent Humidity they are referred to as cohesive forces (Nave 1). Bioclimatic Chart Design Strategy Zones 40
pth Below Ground (ft)
freezing melting
melting point 1
Evaporative Cooling Indirect Evaporative Cooling High Mass, Night Ventilation
warm air
Critical point (figures 13 & 15) This occurs when the temperature and pressure at which the liquid and gaseous phases of a pure stable substance become identical (Pidwirny 3).
cold water
ca lm
sun e a rt h
“super cooled� radia tes hwater droplets e
day f16
rbs h
cold air
Sublimating is vaporization of a solid (Pidwirny 1). Gas The state of matter distinguished from the solid and liquid states by relatively low density and viscosity, relatively great expansion and contraction with changes in pressure and temperature, the 9
mo wi ist a nd i r
earth humidity radia tes h
mountain night
3 to 1000ft warm water
100 %
Freezing (figure 11) to pass from the liquid to the solid state by loss of heat (Pidwirny 2).
rain in cold/ dry air - reaches 100% humidity
ca lm wind Condensing (figure 9) changes or causes to change from a gaseous to a liquid or solid state (Dew: Facts 1).
Melting (figure 10) to change from a solid to a liquid state especially by the application of heat (Pidwirny 2).
night 3 to 1000ft
Relative humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air, relative to its point of saturation. When the air temperature meets the dew point, humidity is 100 percent. More water vapor exists in warm air than in cold air (Dew: Facts 1).
Evaporating draws moisture from, as by heating, leaving only the dry solid portion (Pidwirny 3).
rwater bs h droplets freeze on surface eat
Dew point The temperature at which the water vapor contained in a volume of air at a given atmospheric pressure reaches saturation and condenses to form dew. Humid air has a higher dew point than dry air. When large droplets of condensation form, they are deposited onto surfaces as dew. When smaller droplets form, they remain suspended in the air as mist or fog. If the dew point is below the freezing temperature of water (0°C), the water vapor turns directly into frost by sublimation (Dew: Facts 1).
warm air
cold water
water droplets freeze on surface
rain in cold/ dry air - reaches 100% humidity f18
Dew Dew forms when the air temperature reaches the dew point. Water vapor condenses on surfaces when the moisture in the air becomes saturated. A large difference between the air temperature and the dew point temperature means drier air, with a lower change of saturation, or condensation. A small distance between the air temperature and the dew point temperature means the moisture content in the air is high, with a greater chance of saturation or condensation (Dew: Facts 1).
ability to diffuse readily, and the spontaneous tendency to become distributed uniformly throughout any container. a substance in a physical state in which it does not resist change of shape and will cold air air cold rain in cold/ dry air - reaches 100% humidity expand indefinitely to fill any container (Pidwirny 4). Fog (figure 12) occurs when the air temperature becomes identical, or nearly identical, to the dew point (Pidwirny 4)
warm water water warm
cold f19 air
Radiation fog (figure 16) clear skies, calm winds. heat absorbed by earth’s surface during the day and radiated at night. if enough moisture air is near the ground, and humidity reaches 100%, fog forms 3-1000 ft above the ground and remains stationary. can reduce visibility to 0%. Valley fog occurs after sunsets, the air cools, and is denser so it sinks to the bottom of the valley. at sunrise, the fog begins to evaporate (Pidwirny 4).
mo wi ist a nd i r
100 % warm air warm air humidity
warm water
cold water water cold f20
warm air water droplets freeze on surface
Frontal fog (figure 18) forms when warm raindrops evaporate into cooler, drier layer of air near the ground. When enough rain has evaporated and the humidity reaches 100%, fog forms (Pidwirny 4).
surface surface
cold water f21
water droplets freeze on surface “super cooled” water droplets
Upslope fog (figure 17) forms when light winds push moist air up a hillside or mountain side to a level where the air becomes saturated and condensation occurs. covers large distance and far from the peak of the mountain. It normally occurs in winter months (Pidwirny 4).
Steam fog (figure 19) forms when cold air moves over warm water. when cold air mixes with warm moist air over water, the moist air cools until the humidity reaches 100% and fog forms (Pidwirny 4).
“super cooled” water droplets f22
Advection fog (figure 20) is caused by horizontal movement of warm air over a cold surface (ex. sea fog) (Pidwirny 4).
Ice fog (figure 21) air temperature well below freezing. made of tiny ice crystals that are suspended in air. 14 degrees F or colder. only occurs in arctic/ polar conditions (Pidwirny 4).
Freezing fog (figure 22) water droplets are “supercooled.” stay liquid until it comes into contact with a surface onto which it can freeze on (Pidwirny 4).
Through delineating the properties and behavior of water, the thesis can evolve by integrating the implications of climate and material as it relates to water into architecture. The way in which different phases of water are present on site, can create system in which spaces begin to inhabit the site. Additionally, understanding the way in which air flow and moisture are situated within the site will create affect the design strategies. Furthering the understanding of how water exists as different phases and the way in which it changes phases will be challenged further in the Investigations chapter through material and surface variations.
disciplinary context.
Olafur Eliasson is a Norwegian installation artist, writer, and architecture collaborator. Several installations in major cities include: “The Larger Glacier Surfer,” “The morning small cloud series,” “The glacierhouse effect vs the greenhouse effect,” and “The waterfall series.” His installations focus on distorting and enhancing the way people perceive what they believe to be reality. Many of his installations are inspired by his Nordic homeland (Eliasson 1). Charlie Paton was one of the leading influences and creators of the Seawater Greenhouse. In addition to gaining the European Commission’s support for the first R&D and demonstration pilot in Tenerife, he has designed and supervised the construction of two more Seawater Greenhouses in Abu Dhabi and Oman. Mimicking the natural hydrological cycle, the Seawater Greenhouse uses natural elements to produce fresh water and cool air. The project is reaching an architectural collaboration with Nicholas Grimshaw & Partners (Paton 1). Ron Jackson has spent a majority of his professional career in wine technology in cold climates such as New York and Ontario. Developing the first wine technology course in Canada, he since retired from teaching and is now focusing on writing. Currently, he is allied with the Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute at Brock University. Additionally, he has served as technical advisor to several prestigious tasting panels (Jackson Preface). 13
Jose Cruz Ovalle Architects Bodegas Perez Cruz- Maipo, Chile 2001
While the scale is much larger and the location much warmer of this winery than the conditions of the vineyard that this thesis focuses on, the experiences integrated with the wine making process are important to note. This winery is situated on a 526 hectare vineyard in a Mediterranean climate at the foot of the Andes. Jose Cruz Ovalle Architects competed for this project and their design won. The owners chose for this estate to be just a winery, not a hotel, restaurant or any other program. The design appears to be straightforward box from a distance and houses a somewhat utilitarian function. It is a series of perfectly proportioned, parallel barrel vaults connected by a continuous disjointed roof. Where the disjointed roof forms kinks are open patios. These voids were created between the vaults in order to create the most dramatic spaces. This allowed visitors to appreciate forms from within or from a secondary vantage point.
In order to highlight the importance of wine making of the family, Jose Cruz Ovalle Architects creates religious experiences with use of light. Additionally, the use of wood and its integration with light is demonstrated at sunset, when the wood seemingly glows (Stanwick 52-58).
Olafur Eliasson Installations ranging from 1993-2009
The work of Olafur Eliasson is relevant to the thesis at hand due to his sensitivity of the environments that his work is highlighting or being placed in. Although his work is not exclusively architectural, they are worth mentioning. As a way of working, Olafur Eliasson has explored the constituent elements of the weather: water, light, temperature, and pressure. The delicacy of how he handles the elements has been apparent in all his work. Beauty (figure 28) has captured a rainbow in a fine mist, an event found in nature Yet taken out of context, its beauty is amplified as an individual occurrence. Yellow Fog (figure 29) distorts the perception of fog and the objects around it by using color. However, “[b]y making us conscious of the construction so that we perceive the staging behind the representation, he also makes us conscious of the act of perception, of being caught in the moment of awareness�(May 3). In order to create these experiences, Olafur works at a fine, delicate scale, as well as creating installations such as The New York City Waterfalls that addresses issues at a much larger scale with a more controversial message (Eliasson 1-6). 15
f29 f30
Grimshaw & Seawater Greenhouse Las Palmas, Canary Islands 2005
This design focuses on how water is harvested as the main visual architectural consequence.
The collaboration between architect and environmental consultant resulted in the use of evaporators and condensers to produce large quantities of distilled water from seawater. The project is just part of a 400,000 square meter redevelopment project. Creation of this water harvesting method is based on natural principals of the local condition. In order to achieve the end result, warm wind of the natural environment aids evaporation. Additionally, the deep seawater (1000 meters within 4 meters of the harbor) creates a very cold condensing surface. The combination of the warm wind and cold water works “if the temperature of an air to water heat exchanger is constantly below the ambient dew point temperature, and if its surface is exposed to the wind, water vapour will condense into fresh water continuously�(Paton 1). The main wall of the structure is situated perpendicularly to the prevailing northeast wind in order to capture the ambient air. The flow rate of the air is controlled by louvers, which are the most prevalent visual feature of the project. This intervention is dependent on seasonal variation. Even though this area experiences warm weather year round, condensation rate increases with higher temperatures and higher humidity. Therefore more water will be collected in the summer (Grimshaw 2). 16
Peter Zumthor | Therme Vals Vals, Switzerland 1996
Addressing this architectural feat has been done because of the intentional design strategies. that has resulted in a delicate play between architecture and the natural environment. The baths at Vals were envisioned to be “a self contained thermal bath and purely a project of the community, as an important contribution to the tourist infrastructure (Hauser 68).” Therefore the approach to the site has been considered through multiple angles. As part of the community approach, tunnels and galleries were constructed between Iliac and Vals to protect the road from rockfall and avalanche. The approach of the visitor is created through the lack of a main entrance because entry is underground, connecting to the existing hotel. Upon entry, the “spatial arrangement of bathing areas does not prescribe any particular course, the space allows the guest to look around and explore it on their own (Hauser 63).” These spaces however, create a theatrical experience as a result of the slow procession of undressing. The over arching design strategy was to create an environment in which one could be completely f34 immersed in. This was achieved through attention to minute details that included the lines of the masonry disappearing into the water it contained. Additionally, the collection of techniques included illuminated joints along the ceiling and water joints in the floor that creates a definition of space with water and light instead of physical dividers. Subsequently, the walls that contain the water made use of color and lack there of. Many areas containing water were black above the water line and white below. Furthering the idea of manipulation of perception, the walls in the Fire Bath were painted red to heighten one’s perception of the intensity of the quality of the space. The exterior spaces above the baths are accented with heated glass strips that melt snow that falls on them. The resulting boundaries are thus create through a lack of material to define them. The effects and experiences that were designed were a combination of understanding previous cultures’ use of water in the act of relaxation as well as incorporating modern design details. The integration of the baths and the environment articulate this (Hauser 101). 17
f36 f35
Hans Haacke | Condensation Cube 1963-65
As a critique to the hermetically sealed spaces that architecture increasingly creates in contemporary times, this artwork is relevant to this thesis due to the effect of mechanical systems controlling interior environments expressed though the phase change of water. Hans Haacke’s Condensation Cube is a hermetically sealed, clear acrylic box that is thirty centimeters on each side that holds about one centimeter of water. With the water inside the cube and the museum temperature at 65 degrees Fahrenheit with 45 percent relative humidity and a dew point at 42 degrees, condensation forms inside the cube. The air inside the cube is the same outside the cube; however, the humidity inside the cube is at 100 percent, which also raises the dew point to 65 degrees.
This work of art is a critique of modern museums that are supposed to allow more freedom for artwork that is achieved through more control of the interior environment. This control began in the mid 19th century with mechanized heating ducts that created condensation between the walls. The mold and rot that occurred as a result, shortened the lifespan of the buildings. Although buildings accepted certain amounts of water through their brick or stone facades, the dry heat on the inside would now draw, through capillary action, water further inside the building where it could no longer dry in the summer. Air conditioners also proposed problems to stability of building components. Since they are used in the summer, when the outside air is warmer than the inside air, the vapor barrier that is used in air cavities would become located on the wrong side of the cavity. Instead of protecting the interior from moisture, it prevents moisture from escaping. Additionally, in the winter, the inside air is more humid than the outside and when the cold air reaches the building components, water condenses on inner surfaces. In this instance rot is not the only problem. Spalling of bricks can also occur.
As a consequence of these problems, searches for designing hermetically sealed buildings, especially museums, that would protect the elements inside from heat and humidity. The Condensation Cube, being situated in a museum would be a visual indication if all the mechanical elements were doing their part to maintain the interior condition and if they weren’t, the water would not condense in the cube (Jarzombek 3).
The variety of disciplines and content of the projects in the aforementioned examples serve as inspiration to the direction of this thesis. Not only is their design integration relevant to architecture, but to the arts and senses as well. By understanding how the romanticism inherent in this project can be experienced as a inhabitation of site and phase change of water. By criticizing hermetically sealed buildings that dominate architecture in dramatic climates, an architecture can be developed to demonstrate the possibilities of passively cooled and heated space. In addition, understanding ways in which site location can take advantage of water and be harvested for positive use.
aw ren c
t. L
Lake Ontario
New York
Cayu g a ke
While agriculture is a staple source of jobs in this area, viticulture creates romanticism in relation to site and experience compared to that of corn or other crops that brings in a source of tourism and income to the area. Due to the climate of this area, vineyards, and therefore wineries, have developed along the banks of the Finger Lakes, particularly around Lake Cayuga and Lake Seneca (the two largest lakes in the Finger
ak Finger L
H uds on Rive r
As one of the coldest noted wine producing regions in the world, the vineyards around the lakes have become an attraction for visitors in the Northeastern part of the United States. Especially targeted by the board of tourism in New York are those visitors coming from within a 360 mile radius of the Lakes, which includes cities such as Boston, Philadelphia, Toronto, and New York (figure 41). Within this radius are several academic institutions that have the strongest programs in viticulture and oenology outside of California’s growing region (Uncork New York 2).
In order to situate this thesis within a context that exemplifies the phases of water, the Finger Lakes region of New York State has been selected. As a site that was formed by glacial carvings over the course of several million years, it is both ideally and metaphorically appropriate. The Finger Lakes that resulted from this carving have become a source that moderates the climate in the immediate region, as can be deduced from figures 42-47. Seasonal variations and microclimates created by the lakes provide a unique niche to explore how one can inhabit site as it relates to its situational context.
New Jersey
f40: Bodies of water in New York State
Lake C ampl ai n h
Lake Ontario
University of Guelph Brock University
Niagra College
Finger Lakes
Detroit Lake Erie
Penn State
New York
Philadelphia Baltimore University of Maryland
Washington D.C.
f41: Expected Travel Radius to Finger Lakes
The proposed site for investigation falls on the west side of Lake Cayuga and to the east of Lake Seneca and is in Seneca County.
urban wetlands
Land Use
Extreme Cold
water other wetlands forest agriculture urban
<200 ft.
<-26.1 F
>550 ft.
>-21.9 F
other agriculture
fs 42-47 (left to right)
Frost Free Days
Climate Selection
Land Suitability
coldest middle warmest
~180 days
~160 days
most mild
Seasonal Variations
winter january
spring march
summer june
fall september
november december 4
precipitation 0 28
snow fall 0 90
temperature (high, av, low) 10 100
humidity range (morning, evening)
30 12
av wind speed 0 80
percent sunshine 20
design strategy
water state &
passive still cold
passive still cold
passive still cold
passive still cold
passive still cold
As photographed through this chapter, this chart summarizes the seasonal variations in Romulus, New York as they relate to phase change and states of water. By analyzing phase associatedat various times of year, the different seasons will focus on a specific form of understanding water with winter focusing on capturing, spring focusing on inducing, the conditions with focusing above summer on amplifying, and fall focusing on framing. Further explanation of implementation of these categories will be done in the Implementation chapter. snow conditions
design strategy
passive still cold
passive still cold
passive still cold
passive still cold
passive still cold
water state & phase associated with above conditions
melted solid
liquid water
architectural function associated with water phase & state
amplify: the water phase already takes place within the vineyard environment. this effect distorts the way the phenomenom is generally perceived. capture: becomes a surface that collects water exhibit: frames or displays the phenomena in the surrounding environment. induce: incites phase change to occur.
Finger Lakes high visit periods Buttonwood Grove lodging open
ke La ua nd aig na na
e Candice Lak
Honeoye Lake
nd aig
Honeoye Lake
Candice Lak e
e Hemlock Lak
While the grape varieties vary from vineyard to vineyard, the programs of the wineries are not f51 as dissimilar. Figures 49-52, depict the typical wineries in the region. Largely isolated from the landscape, these structures are isolated from the landscape from which it is situated on. Although they protect from some weather conditions, they are poorly insulated from the cold winters and lack ventilation needed during the hot summers. The Finger Lakes ability to be an area for growing grapes is a result of the cold air drainage and lake effect cooling that occurs. These qualities help the grapes to grow by moving moisture past f52
Seneca Lake
e Hemlock Lak
The particular location of the vineyards is due to careful land evaluation and selection based on microclimates created by slight depressions in the land, orientation with respect to the lake and sun, soil conditions, as well as slope of the land. f49 The site selected for the exploration of this thesis, Buttonwood Grove, located in Romulus, New York, was selected based on its microclimate as well as the conditions that are diagrammed in figures 42-47. The close proximity to the Lake Cayuga implies that the elevation is lower, the extremity of the cold in the winter is lower, and there are fewer days with frost. These conditions f50 allow for better climate selection and land suitability in relation toKeua growing Lake grapes for wine (Sommers 119). Additionally, these conditions are better for development of a program that people can inhabit inKeua relation to the phase Lake change of water.
Seneca Lake
Lakes region). These lakes do not freeze and are therefore better at moderating the climates that surround them.
Winery Restaurant Retail Hotel Winery
Sk e
ak e
k La
L ico
s tele ea an
La Owasco
Cayuga Lake
Seneca Lake
Keua Lake
site sec
the vines (Jackson 117). Figure 59 illustrates how the airflow that occurs around bodies of water, in this example Lake Ontario (north of Lake Cayuga), which circulates warmer air over colder water in the summer and colder air over the warmer water in the winter. Lake Cayuga performs similarly to Lake Ontario because it is deep enough that it does not freeze in the winter and can maintain its ability to provide warmer water temperatures than air temperatures. Additionally, these conditions make the lake’s banks less susceptible to colder temperatures and reduce the amount of days that the area is exposed to frost by about three weeks. That extension of time is crucial for grapes to reach proper maturity before harvesting (Jackson 139).
on secti ve abo
500 ’
60 0’
on secti ve abo
Extension of time caused by lake effect cooling also leads to early morning fog and clear nights in the fall and winter months. These
While too much moisture is detrimental to grape vines, causing rot and other diseases that prevent good quality grapes. Figure 61 shows different vine training systems are diagrammed to illustrate how to facilitate air flow to reduce the amount of stagnant moisture around the vines. With the effects created by air circulation, figure 60 demonstrates that temperatures surrounding the vines are lower where the cold air drainage moves air past the vines. These conditions are what create the fog that emerges from the vines and the inspiration for this thesis. By harnessing this effect into the built environment, the way in which nature and architecture interact, as well as the way humans inhabit site can be altered.
Buttonwood Grove Winery, Romulus New York
f57: typical site section
conditions bring back the idea of first principles addressed in the Water Properties chapter. The fog produced during these times of year is what people can visually identify as what makes this region successful for vineyards. Not only does the fog occur over the body of water, but it occurs over areas with higher moisture content. Planted areas contain more moisture than the surrounding air, so the fog appears over the plants as demonstrated in Figure 70.
The gift shop and tasting room sit at the top of the property and overlook the vineyard (figure 65). In addition to selling their own products, local farmers are able to sell some of their crafts and merchandise there. Attached the tasting room is a porch where visitors can sit outside, drink wine, and picnic if they brought food (no food is for sale on premise). The property also receives guests for overnight stay in their four log cabins that are not available in offseason months (figure 63). A small petting zoo that consists of several birds, a goat, and a bull is located near the small 33
Lake Ontario
lakeshore effect zone
level plain between escarpment and lake
base of escarpment slope
steep northfacing escarpment slopes
flat and rolling slopes land south of above escarpment the escarpment
7 height above ground (m)
Programmatically, Although the name of the business in Buttonwood Grove Winery, the site does not house any wine making technology. All wine production is done off site for financial reasons due to its relatively new establishment as a wine producing vineyard. The previous fifty years before replanting ten years ago existed as a Concord grape vineyard. These table grapes make for good pie, but not wine. Several years after replanting, the vineyard was ready for its first harvest and some of its old vintages have recently been released for sale.
air-flow pattern
6 23 5 1
23 23 5 0
25 26 27 w midday w: warm
23 5
6 64 night c: cold
Winery, Parallel Training System Buttonwood Grover Winery, Parallel Training System
Hosmer Winery, Perpendicular Training System Hosmer Winery, Perpend
pond within close proximity to the tasting room (figure 64). While some vineyards in this area train their vines in a manner that is perpendicular to the lake shore in order to allow the cold air drainage to move faster, most, including Buttonwood Grove, are trained parallel to the shore line (figure 61). By being parallel, the air moves between each vine instead of each row of vines. This orientation also affects the vines growth in relation to the sun. The majority of the vineyards are on the west side of the Lake in order to maximize the vinesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; exposure to the sun. Although not scientifically proven, there are speculations that the sunâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s reflection off of the lake also helps the grapes. In such a cold climate, the cold air drainage, lake effect cooling, and protection of the vines by surrounding areas of trees help the vines to grow successfully by extending their possible growth season by several months (DeGloria 5). 35
Understanding what and how grapes are grown in this region and what techniques are associated with them will improve implementation of the thesis with the site and program. This vineyard grows standard varietals conducive to this climate, which include primarily white varietals and some red. Additionally able to survive in the climate of northeastern United States, berries are used to produce fruit wines. Another unique product of this region are ice wines that created by leaving the grapes on the vines well past normal harvest season, which produce grapes with extremely high residual sugar. By the strict definition in Ontario for ice wines, temperatures need to reach below 18 degrees Fahrenheit before the grapes can be picked (Robinson 293). Through understanding how seasonal variation affects the grape vines, the seasonal
variation will be extended to the built environment through this thesis. When the dew point in the air is higher than the temperature of a surface, dew occurs. The site is located in a region that receives thirty inches of rain per year and fifty inches of snow, ways of exploring water in its various states will also be incorporated. Through this understanding, an intervening surface in this climate can induce condensation. Passively conditioned spaces through use of ventilation and thermal strategies will introduce surfaces that will mediate between the interior and exterior of inhabited site. Since Buttonwood Grove is one of the younger wineries in the area, and situated along the Cayuga Wine Trail, the intervening architectural design will mark this winery and vineyard as a unique and different experience for visitors and a community center for the local residents. Through understanding the way moisture
behaves at the site, use for off-season tourism can be explored. Figures 67-69 illustrate the progression of the cloud cover in the area during the course of a day in late fall, a time of year not heavily visited. In the morning, there is heavy cloud cover that forms over the lake due to its warmer body temperature than the air at this time of year. As the day progresses, the clouds begin to reduce in coverage. By night, the clouds are completely gone, leaving a clear sky at night. Serving as inspiration for the thesis at hand, figures 70 & 71 depict one of the phases of water that is addressed. Due to the warmer temperature of the water and the colder temperature of the slow moving air in the morning, fog is created over the moisture laden vineyard. The fog especially forms over areas that have higher moisture content such as the lake, trees, and vines. Not only does this fog illuminate the vineyard, it distorts the appearance of the area that surrounds and protects it. The trees that surround the vineyard protect the vines from harsher winds that would be otherwise detrimental to the vines. Figures 71- 81 illustrates the difference in phase and state of water during different seasons. While the fall produces fog, dew, and frost, the winter offers snow and ice in addition. However, the creation of fog is from a different source due to the lack of foliage on the vines and other plants. Not only is the difference between seasons important to this thesis, but location throughout the site 37
figure 72
is as well. The figures 73-76 attributes to the reason for extending the existing site east, past dividing Highway 89, and to the lakeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s edge. The visual stimulation and integration of water in its various phases is essential to this thesis and the proximity to Lake Cayuga. While in the vineyard at sunrise in the late fall, there was hardly any frost present. However, at the waterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s edge, there was frost on the docks and the vegetation that grew around it. Additionally, there was fog radiating from the lake, while it was covered by clouds. The fog and clouds dissipated as the air temperature rose. The figures 74 & 75 address the integration of how architecture is currently situated in the natural environment, especially along the waterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s edge. While figure xx has a distinct horizon line, f73 the upper image does not, and the architecture seems to be unanchored. This helps illustrate that while inducing condensation on the surface of a structure is one way of interpreting natural phenomena, another is to invert the relationship. Having an object that is unaffected by the qualities of water being observed, but is surrounded by these conditions highlights those qualities even more. Additionally, the figures 73 & 74 illustrates these concepts as well due to the freezing of water along the shore and the snow that has fallen on top of it. While fog over the vineyard is demonstrates protective qualities of the natural environment, the photographs on these and the previous two pages show another quality of water in its solid state. Snow acts as an insulator for the vines that 39
protect them during the winter months. The lack of foliage will allow for the architecture to create a different presence in an otherwise desolate environment during this season (Jackson 142).