Twenty Day Notebook Challenge In an effort to live like a writer, you are invited to take up the Twenty Day Notebook Challenge! Complete each challenge, and then write just one short sentence in your notebook that captures the most interesting, unexpected, satisfying, scary, silly, strange, uncomfortable, happy, or profound thing you learned about yourself, someone else, or the world that you live in as a result. Want to write more? Go ahead. You only need one sentence to successfully complete this challenge, though. And no, you don’t have to complete these steps in order.
1. Sit completely still and listen to a song that you have never heard before from beginning to end. 2. Make a plan. 3. If you’re the king or the queen of your universe, who sits on your counsel? Thank one of them. 4. Draw something. You don’t have to show it to anyone. Just draw something. 5. Do one thing that scares you today. 6. Color a page from a coloring book, or print one from here: 7. Turn off all of your devices, pick up a book, a magazine, or a newspaper, and read for a half an hour without stopping. 8. Go for a walk outside. Take your dog with you if you have one. 9. Take a careful look around the room you are sitting in. Find the most beautiful thing in it. 10. Disagree with someone. 11. Write down everything you eat today. 12. Take one photo every hour. Or, if you don’t have a camera, write down one observation every hour. 13. Sit at the table and eat your meal without doing anything else (other than talking with those who are joining you). 14. Tell someone a joke. 15. Live an entire day without complaining even once or saying a bad word about anyone or anything. 16. Write a letter to someone. Mail it. 17. Take your notebook to any public place and people watch for a half an hour. Write or doodle what you notice. 18. Watch a TED Talk. Google it. 19. Read a poem. Read another one. And another one. 20. Commit a random act of kindness. ©Angela Stockman,, 2014. May be duplicated for classroom use only.