Blogging for Social Good A WNY Young Writer’s Studio Workshop Taught by Laura Stockman November 2014
Name:___________________________________________ ____________________
The internet is an interesting place. Just like any gathering space, you will find all kinds of people there, and in order to get along, you must use good social skills. This will keep you safe, help you connect with smart, kind people, and help you make the difference that you want to. Here are some important things to remember about NETIQUETTE: Always introduce yourself, use your name online, and never post anonymously. Don’t use sarcasm, because it’s hard to hear it when we’re reading text. Use kind words. Don’t type in all capital letters: this represents yelling. Use emoticons to convey how you are really feeling. When someone leaves a comment, always respond promptly and kindly. Never assume how other people feel, what they think, or what they might have said. When people support your writing online, be sure to support them back.
Let’s Get Started! Who will read your blog? What will your blog be about? How will your blog help your readers? What will the name of your blog be? Email address:
Email password:
Blog address:
Writing Your About Page About You:
About Your Blog:
Basic Ways to Navigate Your New Wordpress Blog
Your DASHBOARD shows you all blog activity at a glance.
When you are ready to write a post, you will hover (but not click) on the POSTS link on the left sidebar of your DASHBOARD.
After you hover on the POSTS link, another little box will open. CLICK on the second option: ADD NEW.
You can also add a new post by clicking on NEW POST at the top right.
Publish when you are done!
Preview before you publish to catch your errors.
Give each post a great TITLE. It should let readers know what your post is about.
This is where you will write your post. It works just like Microsoft Word.
Add TAGS to your post. These are single words that describe the people, places, and things you mention. They change. Add a CATEGORY to your post. This helps you organize your blog into topics. They don’t change, but you will add more over time.