Tinkering with Creative Theft First, cut and paste excerpts from three different texts that inspire you below.
Study them together, for ONE distinct purpose. What do you notice?
Consider Just One: Character Setting
Text 1
Conflict Theme Mood Tone Rhyme Rhythm Cadence
Text 2
Organization Voice Word Choice Motif Symbolism Figurative language Imagery Plot structure
Text 3
Use of dialogue Sentence fluency
Now, use what you’ve noticed to revise your own writing. Created by Angela Stockman, 2014. For more information or additional resources, visit: http://makewriting.com . Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) You are free to share and adapt this resource for noncommercial purposes, as long as you attribute the work to me and link back to http://makewriting.com