Plants Nouveau New Plants for 2019

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2018–19 Catalog Supplement

SmileyZ Girl

Revolution Guy

How Can We Help You?

The Power of Plants. What they do for you. The way they make you feel.


What is Plants Nouveau and What Do We Do? We are a new plant introduction and marketing company. We help plant breeders bring their new plants to consumers by helping them protect their invention with a plant patent, by naming them, but getting growers interested in their plants through fun and informative marketing, and finally by getting consumers interested in the plants we represent through our many Social Media channels.

Want to see What We do & Be a Part of Our Growing Community? Follow Plants Nouveau on Facebook: Follow Plants Nouveau on Instagram: @Plants_Nouveau Follow Plants Nouveau on YouTube: search for Plants Nouveau

Who is Plants Nouveau? We are run by two plant loving women who have been around the world in search of cool, new plants. Co-Owned by Angela Treadwell-Palmer and Linda Guy, Plants Nouveau is all about relationships and community. The breeders and growers we work with are like family. It’s all personal and the personal relationships are what have built Plants Nouveau into the well-respected company it is today.

Why Don’t We Sell Plants? It’s our job to select and market the new plants to the growers. We leave the selling and shipping to those who do it best. We license growers all over the world who grow our plants and then sell them to consumers in retail stores and online. Our goal is for everyone to have access and every gardener to benefit from the hard work we do to select plants that are just right for today’s demanding consumers.

Welcome to Our 2018–19 Catalog Supplement! Inside you will find lots of information about the new plants we are introducing to growers for the 2018–19 season. We have also added some theme pages this year to give you all the information you need to sell and promote our new product lines. Helping you sell our plants is what helps us make money for the plant breeders we work with. In these themes, we have tried to set the stage for stories for retail sales, taking in mind today’s conscious consumer as well as the needs of existing clients. We hope you enjoy them, and feel free to use these stories in your promotional material and on your websites. As always, we are happy to share text and images.

Some New Themes for 2018–19 are: • The Great Hydrangea Mystery ✿✿ What have we learned and what can we pass on? • #TakeHomeASmile ✿✿ The world needs more smiles! Take one home today. • It’s all about the #Feels ✿✿ Our Bee-You® Monarda Series is all about the Feels and Feeding your soul and your garden • #Breathe ✿✿ Our lavenders will help you create a quite space for relaxation and reflection • #TropicalReTreat ✿✿ O ur colocasias, and caladiums will help you create the back yard tropical paradise you’ve always dreamed of — in 1 summer!

New Markets. New Solutions. For 2019, we have developed some marketing themes to help you sell our plants.

Theme #1: It’s all About The #Feels It’s all about the “feels” with our fabulous new series of Monardas called the Bee-You® Series. When spring finally comes to most of the world, we start hearing the bees buzzing, the butterflies swaying and the hummingbirds fluttering around. Let’s feed these magical creatures and our souls by planting more bee balm from the Bee-You Series. Bees love these plants. Anyone who loves brightly colored summer flowers loves these plants. And growers love them too because they grow like a charm and never fail to flower — they are also super winter hardy as well.




Bee Happy that spring is here. Bee Happy that you can garden outside in the warm sunshine and nourish not only your soul but the wildlife depending on these plants. This raspberry colored monarda is robust, yet compact, growing 18–24” tall, and full of flowers from June to August.

Bee Lieve in yourself, and Bee Lieve in your garden for it will nourish your soul and nature. Bee Lieve is a true pink with a maroon center and maroon brachts (the outside petals of the flower). It is a lovely combination on a rather petite plant that reaches only 10– 12” tall.



Bee Free in your plant choices. Bee Free in the way you design your pots and flower beds. Let your personality and love of colors and textures shine. This new beauty is ultra-violet colored. A bright lavender-pink with a deep purple center. Covered in flowers, Bee Free grows 15–18” tall.

Bee True to yourself when you choose plants for your garden. If you adore bright fuchsia colored flowers, then Bee True is for you. Growing 12–15” tall and blanketed in flowers, what’s not to love? Bee True to your beliefs when planting plants that you know will fuel your soul and feed the pollinators. Bee-You & Bee True!

MONARDA ‘BEE MERRY’ PPAF Bee Merry when you choose plants for your garden. Bee Merry when planting plants that you know will fuel your soul and feed the pollinators with the gorgeous, magenta colored flowers on a plant that reaches 12–15” tall. Bee Merry knowing you made someone smile who walked past your patio or flower bed — seeing all of the love you’ve put into your plantings.

#BeeYou For more information for Gardeners and Growers visit:


Theme 2: The World Needs More Smiles! TAKE ONE HOME TODAY. Our new Rudbeckia hirta series named the SmileyZ™, are all SmileyZ, all the time. These super floriferous black-eyed Susans come in the brightest colors, the most wonderful patterns and are just the most overall joyous plants you can buy. They will make you smile. They will make your neighbors smile. They will make your soul smile and your space a happier place. The world needs more smiles, that’s for certain. We hope you #TakeHomeASmile when you buy a SmileyZ this season. We are so happy to make people — young and old — smile with these happy new plants. They are perfect for planting in the ground for all summer color. You can also plant them in a patio or porch pot for a moveable smile to place wherever your outside space needs some SmileyZ happiness.



Garden is a clear, bright orange with maroon center markings. This plant has so many flowers, on so many strong branches, and it will flower all summer long, bringing you loads of joy as the blooms continue to open month after month.

Kissing has flat flowers with pointed petals, that resemble hundreds of little sunflowers. The petals are deep, golden yellow and the centers are marked with a deep red halo, a crown of sorts for this royal hybrid. Like a kissing bandit in action, this selection will bring smiles to so many faces.



Giggling is semi double, with lemon yellow petals and deep chocolate brown centers, making the flowers look like little smiley faces all over the plants. The double flowers are so fluffy and cute, and they cover the plant for months and months because this plant branches so well.

Laughing has golden-orange long, wavy flower petals and deep red centers making the most glorious combination of colors. The flowers are big, and on such strong branches, so they will produce big smiles from all who see them.



Happy is covered in tangerine orange flowers with velvety maroon centers on well-branched plants with strong, sturdy stems. She will make anyone happy — anyone walking buy or visiting that is. Oh, and she will make you happy to because, well… she’s so Happy!

Speedy is the smallest of the series, reaching only 10–12” tall, but she doesn’t let her size stop her. She grows fast and the plant is quickly covered in the most magical, small yellow flowers all summer. Growers love Speedy because she finishes in no time. Gardeners love her too because she makes many flowers, and flowers make everyone smile, especially ones as cute as these!

#TakeHomeASmile 4

Theme 3: Exceptional Lavenders Instead of asking what lavender can do for you — we say, “What doesn’t lavender do for you?” Lavender can do all of these things. It is a magical plant!

✿✿ R educes Anxiety & Stress by crushing a few leaves and flowers between your fingers and then rubbing them on your temples. ✿✿ T reats Sleep Issues by brewing lavender flowers in hot water and then sipping it before bedtime ✿✿ A nti-inflammatory Qualities — put some lavender flowers in your hot bath to help ease aches and pains ✿✿ Skin Care — fill a spray bottle with water and lavender flowers. When you skin feels dry — mist it. ✿✿ Antiseptic Ability — crush leaves and rub it on wounds to promote healing and prevent infections ✿✿ Hair Care — boost the health of your hair follicles by shampooing with a lavender tea mixture ✿✿ P rotects Heart Health — by easing tension on blood vessels after chewing leaves or drinking tea — use flowers and leaves in cooking to flavor food too. ✿✿ Prevents Digestive Issues — by chewing on leaves or drinking tea

CAN YOU SMELL IT? DO YOU FEEL RELAXED? The Princess™ and Ghostly Princess lavender do all of this and MORE! They are super growers and gorgeous additions to any porch or patio pot as well as flower beds and borders. It’s important to remember to #breathe. Breathe in these new lavender fragrances and ease some of the rush that we all feel in our lives. Feel relaxed knowing these will grow without ease and won’t require too much care. Just promise not to overwater them for that’s the one thing lavenders hate! If you are a grower — these new lavenders from Plants Management Australia do not need pinching. They are naturally compact and full plants with loads of happy, calm-inducing, beautifully colored flowers. The foliage alone is perfection, so blooming or not, these plants are a gorgeous addition to your garden space and they will bring you months and months of joy. Once in bloom, the flowers will last for months and will even dry well for preserving and using in any of the above suggestions.

#BREATHE it all in and let go of any stress you may have about gardening. For more information for Gardeners and Growers visit:


Theme 4: Dreaming of a backyard tropical paradise?

Plants Nouveau has some plants that can help you create a #TropicalReTreat in one summer! Black Ripple


Elephant ears or taros for full sun. These quick growing tropical plants provide much-needed texture all summer and into the fall in sunny spots in your garden. The more sun, the better! Perfect for planting in the ground or in a patio pot — especially pool-side.



Heart shaped leaves are so much fun! With its dark chocolate, puckered foliage, and strong stems, this elephant ear is sure to please. We love the way the summer light shimmers off of the puckers and dark veins in the leaves. Black Ripple is a clumping selection that will not spread like others have in the past. It will make the perfect, 3’ tall clump of deep purple stems with purple leaves, making for a lovely accent or specimen for your respite spot. Offered through the Southern Living Plant Collection®. Maximus Gigante



With deep, smoky purple leaves and apple green veins, what’s not to love? These giant leaves will help shade a chase lounge or hammock — anywhere you need a cool spot for a siesta. Children will love watching the leaves unfurl and then grow and grow and grow to nearly five feet long. Use Maximus in a large container or plant it right in the ground and watch it grow.

ALOCASIAS lephant ears for part to full shade. These quick growing tropcials come from the E rainforest parts of the tropics, meaning they will need some shade each day and for sure protection from the hot afternoon sun. But heat and humidity are their specialty, so bring it on!



Rippled, glossy green leaves, striking, bulging veins, and leaves that can grow 3’wide and 4–5’ long in just a few months, those are certainly powerful traits. Borneo King will provide the perfect, vertical, and textured tropical accent to your retreat. Use it in a large container or plant it directly in the ground in a spot that gets afternoon shade and is protected from strong winds. Winds can tear the leaves, so you want to keep this one a little sheltered. You couldn’t ask for a more pool-side ready foliage plant. It’s truly perfection fit for the royals! Borneo King Poison Dart Frog

CALADIUMS Miniature elephant ears for part to full shade. These soft textured, brightly colored mini ears are perfect for bordering walkways in the shade, mass planting in large, shady garden beds or using them in mixed containers as foliage accents on your porch or patio.



This speckled beauty is not poisonous as the name implies, but it is spectacularly colored like a poison dart frog’s back in the rainforest. Once bitten by this caladium, you will be addicted to having it in your garden to give you that tropical feel each summer.


Plan your for 2019 using these excellent tropical plants from breeder Brian Williams and Plants Nouveau 6

Theme 5: The Great Hydrangea Mystery WHAT HAVE WE LEARNED? One of the most commonly asked questions at garden centers worldwide is — Why didn’t my hydrangea bloom? You need to know which kind of hydrangea you have, because it’s a bit complicated.

First, some definitions: There are three ways in which hydrangeas flower — those that flower on new wood, those that flower on old wood, and now there are some newer selections that flower on new and old wood and therefore they require little or no pruning each year. Old Wood means this plant’s branches have been on the hydrangea since the summer before the current season, and flower buds for the next spring are formed the fall prior on those branches. In warmer climates (USDA Zone 7 and warmer), this type of plant should not have any die back. People living in colder climates should not plant this type of hydrangea — stick to selections that bloom on new only or new and old wood. New wood means branches that will develop on the plant during the current growing season, so even in cold climates (USDA Zone 6 and colder), you should get flowers each season. The caveat here is - the flower buds form in the fall under the soil, and then emerge in the spring. That said, if you notoriously have warm fall weather late into fall and then some cold snaps, the buds forming under the soil for next year’s flowers could still be frozen. We’ve found mulching in the early fall with composted leaf litter, composted hardwood or pine bark heavily on the crown (the spot where all of the branches come together at the base) will keep the buds under the soil warm and toasty until they can harden off for winter. Leave the mulch until you see green leaves forming in the spring. This type of hydrangea blooms a little later in the summer. Pruning hydrangeas that bloom on new wood (this year’s branches). This type of hydrangea is determined to flower every single year, no matter how they are treated. Prune these plants in the late summer after they have bloomed to manage their size only. If the size is fine, wait until spring to prune. And by pruning, we mean cut back last year’s branches that have died back and do not produce any new leaves in the spring. Do not prune these after the new branches emerge from the soil because you will cut off the flower buds that are forming. Pruning hydrangeas that bloom old wood. Unless your hydrangea gets too big for its space, you do not need to prune selections that bloom on old wood until late spring — and then if there is a little dieback on the tips of the branches — prune back to the spot on the branch where you see new leaves emerging. These hydrangeas are perfect for more southern, or coastal climates. Pruning hydrangeas that bloom on both new and old wood. Prune these hydrangeas only if they are getting too large for the space or if you want to remove old flowers in late summer. If you prune them much beyond late summer, you will risk removing the flower buds that are developing on the current branches. If you have one of these hydrangeas and you live in the north, you may see dieback on the branches. We suggest waiting until Memorial Day weekend to see where the green leaves are on the branches. If there is any branch that has dead wood above the last green leaf, cut the branch back to the first green leaf to remove the dead wood.

What if you don’t have a garden, and you want to grow hydrangeas? Grow your hydrangeas in a container. It’s easy! Since our hydrangeas are hardy to USDA zone 5, anyone living in Zone 5 and warmer should be able to grow the Everlasting® & Magical® hydrangeas in a large pot outside and leave it outside until a hard freeze, then bring them indoors and place them in a sunny window until it’s warm enough to put them back outside the next year. The leaves will fall off inside. Water and fertilize the plants regularly and they will start to leaf out in mid January and then be ready for going outside in late spring — when all threat of frosts are over in your area. Note: if your indoor winter spot does not have good ventilation, you may see some two-spotted spider mites on the leaves. They will make the leaves look like they have specs of sand on them. If you see this, spray the plants with some insecticidal soap. That should do the trick.

NEW FOR 2019




During an expedition to Borneo, Breeder Brian Williams and his fiancé Sarah visited the city of Kuching, which in the Malaysian dialect, is synonymous with “cat”. Once home, and excited to find this amazing new alocasia in Brian’s breeding lines, they remarked on how the deeply lobed leaves reminded them of “cat ears” — and decided to name it after the city they so enjoyed. A very distinct variety, with a reach of up to 4’ wide, Kuching Mask makes a striking specimen. Maturing to only 2’ tall, its dark-green, pointed leaves are accented with off-white, dramatic-looking veins. Perfect for container planting or better yet, to use as a backdrop for Caladiums and other summer annuals! Size: 2’ x 3-4’

Sun/Shade: Part Shade

Diseases and Pests: None Known

USDA Zones: 9–11

Soil: Average garden soil

Moisture: Moist, well-drained

Landscape Use: Borders, containers, foundations plantings, mass plantings, specimens, urban gardens

COLOCASIA ‘MAXIMUS GIGANTE’ PP 28,001 With a name like Maximus one might think of the colossal leaves of this taro like giant shields, giving smaller plants a safe and shady respite under its broad canopy. A mighty, upright grower, Maximus has striking, purple leaves with chartreuse veins that often reach 3–5’ long. Capable of growing 6–8’ tall in a single season, it is best to site Maximus in a protected area away from strong winds with 4–8 hours of full sun. In colder areas, large bulbs can be harvested and stored indoors in a cool, dry place for replanting the following spring. Size: 6–8’ x 5–6’

Sun/Shade: Part sun — prefers afternoon shade

Diseases and Pests: None Known

USDA Zones: 8–11

Soil: Average garden soil

Moisture: Moist, well-drained

Landscape Use: Borders, containers, pool-side, specimens



The lovely play of light on black cupped leaves turns them iridescent shades of red for a dazzling affect in the garden. Water collects in these dramatic leaves. A stunning dwarf elephant ear, Tea Party pairs with many bright, summer perennials for a pleasing effect that causes us to linger a bit longer outdoors. Try the bright colors of our Helenium Mariachi™ series or Phlox Garden Candy™ Bubble Gum and Coral Crème Drop as trendy combos in ground or in containers.

Size: 3’ x 3’

Sun/Shade: Part sun — prefers afternoon shade

Diseases and Pests: None Known

USDA Zones: 8–11

Soil: Average garden soil

Moisture: Moist, well-drained

Landscape Use: Borders, containers, foundations, mass plantings, urban gardens




Love the wish series, but prefer a softer color palette? We have the answer in the new selection Kisses and Wishes. The fourth introduction in the Wish series, Kisses and Wishes will entice you with its romantic, lipstick pink flowers and compact habit. Plant a patch of these in your garden beds or use one as an accent plant in a large pot on your porch or patio. You will not be disappointed by the flower power of this new selection from our friends at Plants For Europe. Kisses and Wishes makes a totally compact, covered in flowers plant with just one or two pinches, which is an improvement on the rest of the selections in the series. Size: 24–30” by 24–30”

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Diseases and Pests: None Known

USDA Zones: 8–10

Soil: Average garden soil

Moisture: Moist, well-drained

Landscape Use: Borders, containers, cutting gardens, foundation plantings, mass plantings, urban gardens

PERENNIALS ECHINACEA FINE FEATHERED™ SERIES A new series of bright and colorful, single-petaled coneflowers from our breeding friends at AB-Cultivars in the Netherlands has flown the coop and landed in North America. Super winter hardy, with vigorous growth supported by stout and study stems with loads and loads of flowers make this an exceptional series. Bloom power, quilled petals, riffled edges, and dazzling color combinations are their signature. Like beloved birds, these coneflowers will add grace, form and beauty to any sunny garden space.




Bright, golden yellow petals with a pumpkin orange halo surround a velvety brown cone for a stunning combination. Not only is the color brilliant, the number of flowers is astounding. Each retail ready plant can have up to 50 flowers per pot. That’s amazing!

Size: 18–20” x 15–18” USDA Zones: 4–9 Sun/Shade: Full Sun Soil: Average garden soil Diseases and Pests: None known Moisture: Moist, but well-drained Landscape Use: Borders, containers, cutting gardens, foundations, mass plantings, urban gardens



Flamingo pink, semi-double petals are tipped in white, as if they flew by and brushed up against a freshly painted white wall. They sit perfectly surrounding the red velvet cone to make a beautifully feathered skirt. Strong, vigorous stems stand straight and tall, supporting 30–40 flowers per plant! When they are in full bloom, you will swear a flock of flamingos has landed in your garden.





Love echinacea ‘Hot Papaya’, but don’t have the space for a larger coneflower? Sweet Chili is for you! Deep, paprika orange, fully double flowers are held on strong and sturdy stems to cover this 15–18” plant. The flower color is amazing, almost mesmerizing, and the flowers are such a perfectly double, beautiful shape. Plant several of these in a large garden bed and watch the bees and butterflies come to visit. This is one super gorgeous coneflower! Size: 12–15” x 18–24”




We were so excited to find this new selection. It resembles our beloved ‘Rainbow Marcella’ in so many ways, except where there was orange, there is now yellow. The combination of bright, lemon yellow and bubble gum pink is stunning. The shape of the flowers is the same, the size of the plants is the same, just the color is different. Rainbow Marcella is one of our most beloved introductions, so we know Rainbow in yellow will be a hit everywhere it is planted! Size: 12–15” x 18–24”





The new Pearl series is a collection of pint-sized coneflowers with incredible flower power in soft, pastel shades. Pink Pearl is a small, but upright plant with compact branching and so many baby pink, single petaled flowers that you can barely see the leaves on the plant. It is the perfect plant for retail shelves and gardens. The soft pink petals radiate from a deep maroon center, making for the prettiest contrast. Size: 10–12” x 12–15”




Yellow Pearl, like Pink Pearl, is a pint-sized coneflower, but with the softest butter yellow flowers. Strong stems on a compact plant with loads and loads of flat-faced, single petaled, flowers make for the perfect plant for retail sales and gardens. The soft yellow color is so easy to mix into any garden border or planting, and the size is perfect even for the smallest spaces. Size: 10–12” x 12–15”

USDA Zones: 4–9

Sun/Shade: Full sun

Diseases and Pests: None Known

Landscape Use: Borders, containers, cutting gardens, foundations, mass plantings, urban gardens


Soil: Average garden soil

Moisture: Moist, well-drained



There have been a few pink-flowered heucherellas introduced, but none with THIS MANY FLOWERS and none with such attractive foliage. A one-gallon pot of Pink Revolution can have over 100 stems of magenta pink flowers at once! It is truly a blooming machine and will not disappoint once the blooms are gone because the deeply cut foliage will develop silver and purple markings as they mature each season, giving the plant multiple seasons of interest. Bees love heucherellas. Gardeners do to, and this new selection from AB-Cultivars in the Netherlands is sure to please. Size:12–15” x 18–24”

Sun/Shade: Part sun — prefers afternoon shade

Diseases and Pests: None Known

USDA Zones: 5–9

Soil: Average garden soil

Moisture: Moist, well-drained


Landscape Use: Borders, containers, foundations, ground cover, mass plantings, shade gardens


This new pulmonaria was discovered by Brad and Lisa Grover in their home garden in northern Illinois. This lungwort was selected for its huge flowers, 10–12" long leaves, and consistent leaf markings. Lisa Marie is a lovely plant with uniform, vigorous growth, and huge florets on long, sturdy flower stalks. The plant is loaded with flowers in late spring and then the foliage is a show stopper for the rest of the season. Plant this beauty in part to full shade for a stunning, spotted ground cover that will provide seasonal interest from spring to late fall. Size:15–18” x 18–24”

Sun/Shade: Part sun — full shade

Diseases and Pests: None Known

USDA Zones: 4–8

Soil: Average garden soil

Moisture: Moist, well-drained

Landscape Use: Borders, containers, foundations, ground cover, shade gardens



‘GREEN 08-052’ PPAF

An exceptional new addition to the October Magic® series, Crimson n’ Clover takes us from fall into winter with an extended period of flowering. Beginning in October, as the air becomes crisp, large, crimson-red flowers with a prominent cluster of yellow stamens begin a profusion of blooms. Dark green leaves, flushed with red new growth, provide the perfect backdrop. A strong, upright grower, Crimson n’ Clover continues this display for 8–9 weeks, carrying us all the way into the Christmas holidays. With a high resistance to common Camellia pathogens such as root rot and dieback, Crimson n’ Clover can be used as a screen or a specimen plant, offering years of reliable performance. Size: 10–12’ x 6–8’

Sun/Shade: Part shade from afternoon sun

Diseases and Pests: None Known

USDA Zones: 7

Soil: Average garden soil

Moisture: Moist, well-drained

Landscape Use: Foundations, hedges, specimens, urban gardens

For more information for Gardeners and Growers visit:




One of three Hydrangeas in the Double Dutch series, Double Dutch Alkmaar opens with star-shaped, double flowers — certain to add a delicate feel to any garden space. A re-blooming mop-head, flowering begins in May/June and continues through the summer months with strawberry ice cream colored pink clusters of double florets that cover the plant like a blanket of stars. A unique flower form, coupled with an extended bloom time and strong stems, makes the Double Dutch varieties ideal for container plantings as well as an excellent choice for the garden. Note: Hydrangeas in the Double #Dutch series will vary in color intensity based on the pH of your soil.

Size: 4’ x 4’

Sun/Shade: Part sun — prefers afternoon shade

Diseases and Pests: None Known

USDA Zones: 5

Soil: Average garden soil

Moisture: Moist, well-drained


Landscape Use: Containers, cutting gardens, gift plants, foundation plantings, front of the border, urban gardens



Second in a series of three new hydrangeas in the Double Dutch series, Double Dutch Edam opens with pink, star-shaped, double flowers — accented with white margins — adding a delicate, lacy feel to any container or garden space. A re-blooming mop-head, flowering begins in May/June and continues until early fall, delicate bicolor clusters of double pink and white florets held up on strong, sturdy stems blanketing the plant in all-summer color. Note: Hydrangeas in the Double #Dutch series will vary in color intensity based on the pH of your soil.

Size: 4’ x 4’



Third in a series of three new hydrangeas in the Double Dutch series, Double Dutch Gouda opens with star-shaped, double creamy-white flowers — adding a soft, fluffy feeling to any container or garden spot. A re-blooming mop-head, flowering begins in May/June and continues through the summer months with clusters of double flowers, supported by sturdy stems, that completely cover the plant, as if it were covered in shining stars. Note: Hydrangeas in the Double #Dutch series will vary in color intensity based on the pH of your soil. Size: 4’ x 4’



USDA Zones: 5–9

Not all Hydrangeas showcase best as big, commanding shrubs. In fact, sometimes it’s the smaller varieties like Magical Amore that win the hearts of the gardener. Perfect for container growing and for placing along a pathway, this compact grower has its own way of garnering attention. Hard, dark-red flowers open with hints of ink-spot blue on the fresh petals, which become more saturated in color as they mature. Dark green leaves serve as the perfect backdrop for short mounds of richly colored blooms. Magical hydrangeas tend to have longer-than-average bloom times, and Amore is no exception. In its final stages, the texture of the flowers become almost rubbery as they turn green with highlights of red. As its name implies, you’re just going to love it!

Sun/Shade: Part sun — prefers afternoon shade

Diseases and Pests: None Known

Soil: Average garden soil

Moisture: Moist, well-drained

Landscape Use: Containers, cutting gardens, gift plants, foundation plantings, front or middle of the border, urban gardens




Bluer than the bluest of blues, the rich, saturated color of this hydrangea is unparalleled. Flowers show their first hint of color in early summer and continue through the summer with new blooms that open to refresh the old ones. Its commanding presence makes it ideal for the patio or in a bed along a garden path where it won’t be missed. Magical Bluebells also makes an excellent gift plant, offering months of performance for someone special. Let’s just come out with it…this is one hydrangea that’s nearly impossible to be without! Note: This variety must be treated with aluminum sulfate to attain the intense blue color. Size: 4’ x 4’

HYDRANGEA MAGICAL® BLUSH ‘HORTMABLUSH’ PPAF Delicate in appearance, spring flowers are flushed with a soft, lemon-green color, quickly turning pink with white margins. A re-blooming variety, Magical Blush makes the ideal gift plant — offering months of lovely bicolored blooms on a compact plant. Place on your porch or patio to brighten an outdoor space or choose an area along a garden path so you don’t miss the constant display of flowers throughout the summer. Size: 3’ x 3’

HYDRANGEA MAGICAL® BOLERO ‘HORTMAGIBO’ PPAF Red hydrangeas often disappoint. Why? Because most of them are actually more pink than they are true red. Magical Bolero isn’t the first red hydrangea to hit the market, but it is one of the most reliable for holding its bright, red color. Extremely hard flowers bloom in May/June and continue into fall, with aging flowers turning a rich green with hints of red. A compact grower, strong stems and dark green leaves provide the perfect framework, for this consummate gift plant. Or…if you have a pathway that can use some all-summer-color Magical Bolero just might be what you’ve been looking for! Note: Flower color can also be purple, depending on the pH of your soil.


Size: 2–3’ x 2–3’


Destiny is set! Firm, bubblegum-pink, ruffled flowers are the assurance that Magical Candy Rock is destined for fame! If you like hydrangeas, you’re going to love this variety. And, if you’re just getting acquainted with hydrangeas…you’ll be equally enthused! A phenomenal selection with repeat flowering characteristics, Magical Candy Rock will bloom throughout the summer on strong stems. This is the ideal gift-to-garden hydrangea. Beautiful in a container, Candy Rock will transition to one of your favorite garden spaces with its non-stop performance. Note: Flowers can easily be blued by changing the pH of the soil. Size: 4’ x 4’

For more information for Gardeners and Growers visit:


USDA Zones: 5–9

Sun/Shade: Part sun-prefers afternoon shade

Diseases and Pests: None Known

Soil: Average garden soil

Moisture: Moist, well-drained

HYDRANGEA MAGICAL® FARFALLA ‘KOLMAFAFA’ PPAF Pink orbs of double, star-shaped flowers cluster on this magnificent hydrangea, setting it apart from others in its class. An ideal gift-to-garden variety, the strong stems and re-blooming traits of Farfalla offer months of graceful flower display, creating an unforgettable memory for the gift giver as well as the receiver. Use it in a pot on the patio and enjoy summer-long bloom performance or look for a special place in your garden so you can gaze into the lovely, star-shaped flowers as you pass by. Note: Flowers can easily be blued by changing the pH of the soil. Size: 4’ x 4’

Landscape Use: Containers, cutting gardens, gift plants, foundation plantings, front or middle of the border, urban gardens


Size: 3–4’ x 3–4’ Landscape Use: Borders, containers, gift plants, urban gardens


Just when you thought it couldn’t get better, Green Revolution has challenged our color pallet by offering a step away from the common blues and pinks we tend to think of in our treasured Revolution. In soft hues of green and red, Green Revolution not only flowers on new and old wood, making it sure to bloom for everyone, but the flowers don’t set seed. So, once they show color, they bloom until fall! Later in the summer, as flowers mature, firm, latex-like blooms fade to a magical color combination of dark-green with red tips, before turning red with tints of green over a long period of time. Ideal for the patio with all-summer-flower-power or along a garden path, just like its predecessor, it comes with the same promise of 150 days of color!

HYDRANGEA MAGICAL® NINGBO ‘HORTMANI’ PP 28,085 The trend in hydrangeas today is often referred to as gift-to garden, which means the giver presents the plant as a gift and the receiver eventually plants it in a container or in the garden for a lasting memory of the considerate gift. So, if you’re looking to be a part of this new trend, Magical Ningbo should be top on your list as a gift-to-garden hydrangea! Lime-green mop-head blooms open with a tinge of pink — quickly turning rose-red all over. A compact variety with strong stems; dark-green, glossy leaves provide the perfect canvas for clusters of hard blooms that continue to delight all summer. As the flowers age, they turn from red to green and take on a vintage appearance. As a gift, Magical Ningbo will lighten up a place on a porch or patio and will easily transition to the garden where it can be enjoyed for years to come. Note: Flower color can also be blue, depending on the pH of your soil.

Size: 2–3’ x 2–3’ Landscape Use: Containers, garden paths, gift plants, front of the border, urban gardens



You’re going to love the amazing color combination and long-lasting flowers of Red Amethyst! Fuchsia-red blooms, with hints of lime-green will energize and refresh your garden space with their bright, display of color. An ideal selection for gifting, Red Amethyst is a hydrangea that keeps on giving. Strong stems and dark-green leaves provide structure for the ever-changing, hard blooms, which darken to vintage colors of red and green as they mature. Enjoy in a container or plant in a favorite outdoor space, but don’t forget to harvest a few stems for your indoor arrangements — if treated well, blooms can last a month or more in a vase! With so many uses for Red Amethyst… you just might need more than one! Size: 3–4’ x 3–4’


USDA Zones: Most reliable in 6b–9

Landscape Use: Borders, containers, gift plants, urban gardens



Named in commemoration of Oregon’s national seashore preserve, Cape Lookout hydrangea offers something special for everyone. Soft-pink flowers with hints of mint-green offer a calm, meditative effect in a garden setting. A repeat bloomer, this stunning hydrangea continues to produce firm new blooms throughout the summer from buds set below the ground the year before — perfect for cutting to bring indoors. Later in the season, as the flowers mature, the pink fades, turning mint-green with soft, red edges — another opportunity to take advantage of their long, extended vase life, which can last up to a month or more! Offered exclusively through the Monrovia® Plant Collection Size: 3–4’ x 3–4’ Landscape Use: Garden paths, large sweeps, urban gardens



A stunning hydrangea that is certain to engage your senses with an abundance of hard, ruby-red mop-head blooms that keep coming all season long! Ideal for small spaces and container gardening, Hatteras is a compact variety with thick, shiny green leaves and notably strong stems. As the flowers fade, they turn a lovely shade of vintage pink, so don’t forget to cut a few stems to take indoors — if cared for, they have an exceptional vase life of a month or more. Offered exclusively through the Monrovia® Plant Collection.

Size: 3–4’ x 3’

Sun/Shade: Part sun — prefers afternoon shade

Diseases and Pests: None Known

USDA Zones: 5–9

Soil: Average garden soil

Moisture: Moist, well-drained



Landscape Use: Container gardening, garden paths, large sweeps, urban gardens


It’s hard to beat a shrub that is at its peak when most garden varieties are looking tired or have begun their transition into fall. Magical Green Revival begins the season with bright yellow flowers. By mid- August each branch is lined with berries that remind us of miniature green apples — making this variety perfect as an accent plant in the garden or for use in containers. But wait! Don’t forget to cut some of the stems to bring indoors. They are wonderful for mixing with other bright colored perennials for a freshly cut arrangement. Size: 30–36” x 30–36”

Sun/Shade: Full sun to part shade

Diseases and Pests: None Known

USDA Zones: 6–9

Soil: Average garden soil

Moisture: Moist, well-drained


Landscape Use: Borders, containers, cutting gardens, foundations, urban spaces


Cherries rank high on the list of seasonal treats and we’re certain that this new hypericum with its luscious, cherry-red fruits will be at the top of your “must-have” list before the end of summer. Large, shiny berries look good enough to eat and will add a unique element of color to your garden and decorating palette. Enjoy Summer Cherry as an accent in your garden or cut the stems for late summer decorating.

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Butter-yellow spring flowers are followed by clusters of lovely, creamy-white, early fall berries that quickly become the highlight of this easy-to-care-for, decorative shrub. Great for mixed containers as well as borders and mass plantings, Champagne FloralBerry garners attention wherever it’s placed. Relax with a cool beverage and enjoy — but be sure to plant enough so you can harvest the decorative stems for floral arrangements! Size: 3’ x 3’




Blanketed in spring with bright, yellow flowers, Chardonnay FloralBerry is followed in early fall by luminous yellow berries on a fuss-free shrub. Ideal for borders and mixed containers, this Hypericum also stands out when mass planted in showy drifts. A shrub that contributes to the indoors as well as out, ornate, fruiting stems are excellent to add to early autumn floral displays. Size: 3’ x 3’


BERRY™ PINOT ‘KOLPINOT’ PPAF Thick and lush with abundant yellow flowers in spring, Pinot FloralBerry brings a profusion of large, wine-red berries in early fall. A rounded shrub, with spring and fall interest, this beautifully fruited selection can be massed in shrub borders or used in mixed containers for a stunning effect. Long stems, full of decorative, bright fruits can be added to your favorite arrangements by bringing some of the outdoors in.

Size: 3’ x 3’

Diseases and Pests: None Known

Sun/Shade: Full sun to part shade

Moisture: Moist, well-drained

USDA Zones: 6–9

Landscape Use: Borders, containers, cutting gardens, urban spaces

Soil: Average garden soil



Sunny, yellow cup-shaped flowers serve as butterfly magnets in spring, followed by large, showy clusters of glowing pink berries from late summer into fall. A well-branched, compact shrub, Rose’ FloralBerry’s bright fruits bring a color play seldom seen in St Johns’ Worts. Small enough to fit in most garden spaces, plant Rose’ FloralBerry along a path or in a decorative container, for enjoyment from spring through fall. As a bonus, berried stems are wonderful for mixing with other bright colored flowers for freshly cut arrangements.


Size: 3’ x 3’

Sun/Shade: Full sun to part shade

Diseases and Pests: None Known

USDA Zones: 6–9

Soil: Average garden soil

Moisture: Moist, well-drained

Landscape Use: Borders, containers, cutting gardens, urban spaces

HYPERICUM INODORUM FLORALBERRY™ SANGRIA ‘KOLSAN’ PPAF One of the most dramatic varieties in the FloralBerry™ series, bright yellow flowers bloom in spring, followed by shiny, wine-red berries — both complimented by the dark-burgundy undersides of this St. Johns’ Wort’s leaves. Especially effective when massed with pink-flowered Phlox and Rudbeckias, where the colors serve as the feature to a garden border or mixed container. As an extra bonus, the plantings will provide plenty of cut stems for indoor use in floral arrangements!

ILEX Size: 3–4’ x 4’

Sun/Shade: Full sun/ Part Shade

Diseases and Pests: None Known

USDA Zones: 4–9

Soil: Average garden soil

Moisture: Moist, well-drained



Landscape Use: Borders, cut flowers, cutting gardens, wet areas, woodland gardens


Acclaimed for its abundant clusters of bright orange fruit, Magical Daydream brings a new appreciation of our beloved eastern North American native, commonly referred to as winterberry. With an upright, rounded habit, dark-green leaves warm to coppery gold in the fall before dropping to expose the ample berries, which persist from early fall into winter, and provide substantial winter interest and nourishment for wildlife. An easy plant to site, winterberries are adaptable to most soils, but prefer moist, organic loams that are on the acidic side — the perfect choice for naturalized settings. As an added bonus, long, straight stems laden with orange fruit can be cut for flower arrangements, filling your living spaces both inside and out with color. Notes: Cuts can be used dry — they’ll keep indoors for several weeks — no need to keep them in water. Tolerant of many soil types, this plant thrives in wet areas, providing nesting opportunities and forage for birds.

ILEX MAGICAL® SHOWTIME ‘KOLMASHO’ Magical Showtime will transform the way you think about our beloved North American native! A mere 3–4’ tall, this compact variety will fit into smaller spaces, with a much closer proximity to the garden path. Finally, a winterberry you can plant in numbers to add bright, red color to your outdoor living spaces — just in time for the holidays. Yes, be sure to plant enough for decorating — long lasting cuts will keep indoors and out for weeks without water! Notes: Cuts can be used dry — they’ll keep indoors for several weeks — no need to keep them in water. Tolerant of many soil types, this plant thrives in wet areas, providing nesting opportunities and forage for birds.



You’re going to love this new, compact winterberry holly! During the coldest days of winter, when most shrubs and trees are at rest, Magical Winter Jewel will add color to your outdoor space with its brilliant display of huge red fruits. These are quite possibly the largest red fruits we have ever seen! A vaseshaped variety, only reaching 3–4’ in height, Magical Winter Jewel is the ideal size for smaller gardens and mixed plantings. In the fall, as the weather cools, leaves drop and plump berries turn a vibrant red — persisting all winter for birds to feast on. Long, straight stems, laden in fruit can be cut for flower arrangements, filling your living spaces both inside and out with color. Notes: Cuts can be used dry — they’ll keep indoors for several weeks — no need to keep them in water. Tolerant of many soil types, this plant thrives in wet areas, providing nesting opportunities and forage for birds.

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Clusters of white berries with a dusting of pink present on upright branches in the fall — a time when most gardens are beginning to lose interest as cooler weather approaches. In its natural form, Autumn Blush can be effective when planted in irregular groupings or as an informal hedge for a readily available supply of cut stems for floral arrangements in late summer and early fall. Size: 4’ x 4’

Sun/Shade: Full sun to part shade farther south

Diseases and Pests: None Known

USDA Zones: 3–8a

Soil: Average garden soil

Moisture: Moist, well-drained


Landscape Use: Borders, cutting gardens, foundations, urban gardens, wildlife gardens


You’re going to love the way this sweet little snowberry fits into your outdoor spaces. Beginning in late August, pearl-white berries form in clusters at the tips of every branch — each with a red dusting. The ideal choice for planting along a garden path or outside a low set window where you can look into the eye-catching fruits, Little Red Riding Hood delivers a pleasing show of color when most plants are preparing for a long winters’ rest. Plant in irregular groupings or as an informal hedge for a readily available supply of cut stems for floral arrangements in late summer and early fall.

Size: 3’ x 3’

SYMPHORICARPOS MAGICAL® TEMPTATION ‘KOLMATEMTA’ An undeniable color break through, the dark-magenta berries of Magical Temptation, coupled with its compact habit are certain to earn it a prominent place in the front border or along a garden path. Beginning in mid-September and continuing through October, clusters of richly colored fruit will not only contribute to fall interest, but will also provide you with a steady supply of cut stems for floral arrangements.

Size: 2.5’–3’ x 3’

Sun/Shade: Full sun to part shade farther south

Diseases and Pests: None Known

USDA Zones: 3–8a

Soil: Average garden soil

Moisture: Moist, well-drained

Landscape Use: Borders, cutting gardens, foundations, urban gardens, wildlife gardens

SYMPHORICARPOS MAGICAL® TREASURE ‘KOLMATREA’ An exceptional miniature snow berry; charming, plump clusters of dark pink berries abound on upright stems from September through October, providing a playful show of color as the fall season approaches. A trouble-free shrub, Magical Treasure can be planted in irregular groupings along a garden path, used in large containers as accents or in naturalized areas. Plant this snowberry and you will have a readily available source of cut stems for floral arrangements in early fall. Size: 3’ x 3’



‘CAROLINA SUNSET’ PPAF Sun/Shade: Sun — prefers afternoon shade

Size: 5–6’ tall x 5–6’ wide

USDA Zones: 7–9

Soil: Average garden soil

Moisture: Moist, well-drained

Diseases and Pests: None Known

Landscape Use: Borders, foundations, mass plantings, urban gardens

At one time or another, everyone has stood in awe at the beautiful orange and red colors of a summer sunset, particularly in the south where the sky puts on a dramatic show. This new cleyera from breeder Richard Davis offers a similar, unique pallet of color that grants new opportunities for use. A bright-yellow, evergreen shrub, the new growth glows in hues of copper and orange, making the perfect backdrop for creamy-white bell-shaped flowers in spring. Impactful when used in foundation plantings or in large drifts, look for a place where Carolina Sunset can really show off and then sit back, relax and enjoy the evening.



An exciting new hybrid with improved hardiness, Chicagoland Blues was selected from a batch of vitex crosses made by former V.P. of Horticulture, Kris Jarantoski of the Chicago Botanic Garden. An upright form, yet more compact than the species, you’ll find uses for Chicagoland Blues that would be unthinkable with the average chaste tree. Ideal for smaller garden spaces, with exceptionally long flowers held on black stems, this improved selection offers multi-season interest for gardens from California to Chicago and even in the deep south. Extreme drought tolerance and sterile flowers make the perfect combination for this work horse, easy-to-care-for shrub. Note: This plant has produced no viable seed for the past 15 years and therefore should not have the invasive tendencies of Vitex rotundifolia, which is one of its parents. Common Name: Chaste Tree Sun/Shade: Full sun

Size: 5–6’ tall x 6–8’ wide

USDA Zones: 5–9

Soil: Average garden soil

Moisture: Moist, well-drained


Diseases and Pests: None Known

Landscape Use: Borders, specimens, street plantings, urban gardens

SUMMERTIME BLUES™ X ‘HELEN VON FROEHLICH’ This new hybrid vitex breaks all of the rules! Selected from a batch of vitex crosses made by former V.P. of Horticulture, Kris Jarantoski of the Chicago Botanic Garden, Summertime Blues has a rounded habit with exceptionally large individual flowers held on black stems. Just imagine a vitex with improved hardiness, that flowers most of the summer and can be used as a shrub… and you have Summertime Blues! Undisputedly an improved selection, Summertime Blues offers multi-season interest for gardens from California to Chicago and even in the deep south. Extreme drought tolerance, a more manageable size, and sterile flowers make the perfect combination for this work horse, easy-to-care-for shrub. Note: This plant has produced no viable seed for the past 15 years and therefore should not have the invasive tendencies of vitex rotundifolia, which is one of its parents. Common Name: Chaste Tree

Size: 3–4’ x 5–6’

USDA Zones: 5–9

Soil: Average garden soil

Moisture: Moist, well-drained

Sun/Shade: Full sun

Diseases and Pests: None Known

Landscape Use: Borders, mass plantings, urban spaces

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