The Faeries and Angels Magazine Winter 2010 Edition

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Angel Healing Teleclasses With Adrienne Dumas, Deanna Williams and Andrea Dombecki

The Faeries and Angels Magazine TM All Material © The Faeries and Angels Magazine TM 2010-2011 All Rights Reserved. * 11:11 * The New Earth * Higher Consciousness * Oneness * Love * Light The Faeries and Angels Magazine is here to *Provide a safe haven in which readers and writers can share healing experiences, spiritual awakenings and magickal communications with Angels, Faeries, Ascended Masters, Star Beings and the love of God/Goddess *Revel in the beauty of spiritual, new age and mystical artwork *Help to usher in a spiritual awakening on our planet *Move smoothly into Higher Dimensional, love-based living Editor in Chief: Adrienne Dumas Contents and Columns: Design and Layout: Adrienne Dumas Contact Us at

Submissions Submissions for “The Faeries and Angels Magazine” are welcome. Send submission by email to We cannot be responsible for loss or damage of unsolicited material.


Letter from the Editor Letters and Questions to the Editor Chakra Healing with the Angels & Faeries By Adrienne Dumas Angel Healing for the Planet and Ourselves! By, Andrea Dombecki Journal Writing: Miracles, Gratitude and Forgiveness Attract Amazing Prosperity: Attract Money & Wealth To You Mermaids by Monica Orosco: Elemental Nature Part II

Ÿ Goddesses, Angels and Ascended Masters by Tatiana: The Goddess Isis Ÿ Angel Energy Updates by John Pacifico: Winter 2010 Message

Ÿ The Artwork of Judy Mastrangelo Ÿ Mermaids and Angel Channelings by Sara Gonzalez Ÿ Crystal and Energy Healing by Deanna Williams: The Crystal Fairy Cross

Ÿ FaerieCraft with Lindsey Goodbun: Faerie Craft Tools Ÿ A Course in Miracles with Rev. Myron Jones: Choosing Happiness In Every Situation Ÿ Zen Tips by Tony Mellard Ÿ James Gilliland: Thanksgiving Message Publishers Liability “The Faeries and Angels Magazine” does not Ÿ CD, Book and Movie Reviews by Adrienne Dumas Ÿ Flowdreaming ® with Summer McStravick: What Is FlowDreaming? warranty any of the services or products Ÿ Dear Venus ® with Venus Andrecht: Can You Cross the Veil While advertised in this magazine. Opinions and Your Still Alive? factual statements expressed herein are the Ÿ The New Earth with Christine Dragon: Imagination is Key responsibility of the authors and are not Ÿ The Artwork of Baraka necessarily endorsed or verified by this magazine, nor do advertisements necessarily Ÿ The Celestial Journal by Adrienne Dumas: Galactic Healing Chambers constitute endorsement by the magazine, it’s and Healing Planets Ÿ Magickal Merlin with Diane Pegler publisher or editors.

Ÿ Real Photographs of Faeries, Gnomes and Elves by Laura Walthers Cover Artwork: “Winter Fairy” © Judy Mastrangelo “I'm fascinated with the World of Fairies. They seem like Spiritual Beings from a Higher Realm, who appear to those of us who believe in them. They are here to Inspire and Uplift our Souls, so that we may achieve our Highest Dreams.” -Judy Mastrangelo

Welcome to our Winter 2010 Edition! We are so happy and excited to bring you such a wonderful new edition. We have so many healing articles in this edition including articles about chakra healing with the Angels and Faeries; Angel healing for the planet and ourselves; the Goddess Isis; the crystal fairy cross; choosing happiness in every situation; tools for FaerieCraft; Galactic healing chambers and healing planets; a special article by Laura Walthers about photographing real Faeries, gnomes and elves; messages from magickal Merlin and so much more! We are overjoyed to feature the beautiful artwork of Judy Mastrangelo! We are also featuring the angelic artwork of Baraka. We are also happy to bring you some new columns in our magazine including “Magickal Merlin” with Diane Pegler; “Mermaids and Angels” with Sara Gonzalez; tips on how to attract more money to you in our new column “Attract Amazing Prosperity”; and our new journal writing section where you can answer questions from our journal section to help with your spiritual growth! Our journal section this month is all about gratitude, forgiveness and miracles! And what a perfect season for miracles than the winter-time. ‘Tis the season for magick, hope, miracles, love, light and blessings. We at, The Faeries and Angels Magazine, truly hope that you have a magickal holiday season, and wintertime, full of laughter, joy and goodness. We join you in also sending great blessings to all of the planet . . . And throughout the cosmos! Be sure to also tune in to our LIVE radio show every Monday evening at 5:00 PM EST on Blog Talk Radio and visit our magazine’s website where we have lots of free articles, a free angel oracle card deck and more! We also now have a “Psychic Network” where we offer angel, Faery, mermaid and unicorn readings! Go to

Letters and Questions to the Editor about Angels, Faeries, Orbs, Incarnated Beings, UFO’s, Star Visitors and More! Submit Your Letters, Questions or Orb Photos to us at

Angel Light Photos!

See More Orb Photos on Our Website In Our Orb Section! Nicole also wrote: Love your idea about the orbs photos. I would like to share some very interesting photos with you. A couple of years ago we were having a Crystal Seminar at The AuraShop in Santa Monica. The class was being held in The Room of Ascension. This is where I do my energy healing sessions and monthly classes. This photo was a woman invoking the Archangels. When I snapped the photo, I did not see with my physical eyes these glorious golden orbs. My Response: This is a truly wonderful photograph! I am just awestruck by this. Clearly, you can see the golden lights -- I feel they are the Angels including Archangel Uriel and Christ Energy. I also feel Golden Pleiadian Energy -- and there are more rainbow orbs (next a woman's face) which are Faeries. There is also a mist or smoke, above that is cleansing her aura. Very cool picture! Special Note: Just looking at the Golden Orbs, can help you to TUNE-IN to the Energies of the CHRIST LIGHT. This Light is a UNIVERSAL Light associated with Christ Energy, Buddha, Krishna, Pleaidains and the Archangels Gabrielle and Uriel!

Nicole wrote: "This photo, I was watching a student and I saw an Angel behind her, I snapped the photo and this magnificent magenta flame was in the photo." My response: I feel this is the Archangel Haniel. She is the Angel of Love, compassion and beauty. This is simply one of the most beautiful angel orb photos I have ever seen. You can clearly see the pink/magenta flame. Also their are rainbow orbs -- not sure if this is from a crystal in the light, but I feel Faery energy in this room too, as well as lots and lots of Angels, Goddesses and Ascended Masters. Very high energy photo. *Special Note: Anyone looking at this image can ask the Archangel Haniel to send you healing energy from this photo to help OPEN UP YOUR HEART CHAKRAS.

Faeries & Angels The Chakras are energy centers in our body. The Angels and Faeries love to help us to heal and balance our chakra’s as well as our aura’s. Below is a list of the chakras and their purpose, and the next page features a healing meditation that you can do to help heal, balance and re-align your own chakra’s with the help of the faeries – as well as to help you to create a more radiant aura! Having a radiant aura will help you to attract more loving, like minded people and experiences to you, and will help boost your mood and physical well being as well! You can also download our MP3 version of the meditation on our website at 1st Chakra: This chakra is located at the base of the spine. It is our foundation chakra. It connects us with the element of Earth, and helps us stay connected with the sacred energies of Gaia (Mother Earth). The color of this chakra is red. It is the chakra that represents groundedness, security, prosperity, health and all things physical. 2nd Chakra: This chakra is located in the abdomen, lower back and the sexual organs. It is the chakra of water, emotions and sexuality. This chakra helps us connect with our feelings and desires. It also helps us to embrace changes and to meet up with our soul mates and inner sexuality/sensuality. 3rd Chakra: This chakra is located two inches below the breastbone in the center behind the stomach. This chakra is related to our personal power and will. It is the chakra that helps us feel more empowered and confident. 4th Chakra: This chakra is located in the center of the chest, where the heart remains. It is the chakra of the heart (also called the heart chakra) and is the chakra of love, compassion and forgiveness. This is where we feel love the most and where we “follow our heart”. 5th Chakra: This chakra is located in the throat also called “the throat chakra”. It is the chakra of communication, sound, and of “speaking our inner truth. When this chakra is balanced we can speak up for ourselves and others. 6th Chakra: This chakra is located in the center of the forehead, also known as “The third eye” chakra. This chakra is the chakra of intuition, psychic abilities, guidance, channeling and dreams. When this chakra is balanced, we are able to see more clearly as well as to listen to the inner guidance of our soul, angels and spirit guides. 7th Chakra: This chakra is located at the top of the head, also known as “the crown chakra”. This chakra is the chakra of spirituality, connection with God and Universe and is the chakra of divine inspiration, creativity, oneness, wholeness, universal energy, and higher consciousness. When this crown chakra is healthy, we experience the best of ourselves.

“Healing Spirit” painting © Judy Mastrangelo

Chakra Healing Meditation with the Angels and Faeries Begin by taking a deep breath. You may look at the images below, by Judy Mastrangelo to assist you in visualizing the chakras and in working with the angels and Faeries for healing. Now visualize that there are many loving angels and Faeries surround you now. They begin by sending sparkling red light energy into your first chakra. You feel more grounded to the earth energy. You let go of all fears regarding psychic health And financial well-being. Affirm: I now allow the Universe to take care of me! They then send orange sparkling light into your second chakra. You feel sensual and free! You let go of all fears regarding your sexuality and sensuality. You affirm: I accept my feelings – physical, emotional and sexual – just as they are! I love me! They then send you sparkly yellow light to your 3rd chakra. You feel empowered! They guide you to let go of fears regarding your innate inner powers. Affirm: I allow myself to express my inner power! I am powerful beyond measure! They then begin to send sparkly green and pink light into your heart chakra. You feel all sorrow, pain and un-forgiveness leaving your heart, mind and body. You feel a Universal flow of LOVE pour right into your heart chakra! This UPLIFTS your entire aura as well! You see your aura expand with pink light energy. Affirm: I LOVE MYSELF. I LOVE ALL! I AM LOVE! ALL IS LOVE! They then begin to send sparkly blue light to you throat chakra. You feel any fears about speaking your truth leave your body and mind. Affirm: I love to speak up for myself and I love to speak words of kindness to all. Next they send sparkly indigo light into your 3rd eye chakra (the 6th chakra). You feel any fears about seeing the spirit world or seeing into the future completely dissolve! Your third eye then begins to open widely. You see angels and Faeries all around you! Affirm: I allow my 3rd eye to open fully! I am so happy that I can now see clearly! Finally, they send sparkling violet light to you crown chakra. You feel a surge of powerful, universal energy go straight through your entire body. You then see white light energy surround your body and aura. You have been healed by the Angels and Faeries! You express gratitude to them and return to normal consciousness. Article © Adrienne Dumas 2010

All Artwork © Judy Mastrangelo

Forest Fairy © Judy Mastrangelo

Healing Spirit © Judy Mastrangelo

Angelic Healing By, Andrea Dombecki Angel Healing for the Planet and Ourselves! The angels say that the world is evolving to a place of complete peace and joy. The divine perfect plan is set into action to evolve us to a high vibration, conscious and peaceful society! As we go through these healing changes the angels want to remind us to ask them for grace and faith! We are all evolving fast and the angels can make the road smoother. The angels cannot help unless they are asked. The angels say that it is ok to ask for help and we are stronger together!

Just like in our own lives if we blast fear into a situation it will always be fearful to us. Let's be conscious of where we are harboring fear or what global issues we are all sending fear to. Ask the angels to scoop up this fear and lovingly carry it away. You can write down your fear and then after ask the angels to take care of it in perfect, loving ways. Practice sending angel light to a place!

The angels asked me to write this article to remind people to send love and light to all parts of the planet. If you hear a fearful story on the news send love and light and try not to jump into the fear vibration of it. You can make a difference by asking the angels to bless all world issues. Ask the angels to bless all food, water, air, plants, animals and people on the planet. Also ask them to bless all major institutions such as government, medical, education, banking, natural resources, and all aspects of nature. Ask the angels to protect all these things - our prayers make a difference! The angels show me that every time we send a prayer a burst of healing light goes there. We are all co creators with an amazing power. It is time to consciously use this power to heal all! Archangel Michael is the angel who clears away fear and brings the divine will! Rest assured that he is charge of our evolution!

Think of a fearful place near you, like a bad part of town or a busy road, now ask the angels to go there and heal it with their light! The angels can place their healing, protective, high vibration any place. Sometimes I ask angels to guard intersections, stairways or any place where I feel a fearful vibration. Sometimes I bless all highways on the planet and all cars with divine angel protection. If you feel a fear of anything send a million angels to stand guard! The angels want to remind us that there is one power of good in the universe! All fear is an illusion! Put God and the angels in charge of all parts of your life and the world!

The media can perpetuate a fear of violence, pollution, and natu- Everyone can and will live in harmony with ral disasters. There are even books written about how messed up everything! everything is on our planet. The angels would like to remind us to change our perception to one of hope and a vision of positive There was an imbalance before where humanity change. We are safe and if you feel in danger in any way, wheth- thought that to have abundance or advanced technoloer it be fear of other people, your body, the world or anything gy other things had to suffer such as the environment call on the angels. Archangel Michael is here to say fear is our or people. This is limited, scarcity consciousness, in greatest teacher. It shows us what parts of our lives need a pertruth we can all have everything we want in all perfect ception change. If there is something that is fearful in your life and loving ways that support all aspects of life! The ask yourself the following questions: Why do I fear this? Was angels show a world with technology based on the this fear learned from someone else? What am I gaining from highest good of all! In the evolution to unity consciousthis fear? Does this belief feel true or irrational? What is God's ness we cannot hurt anything because we will feel that opinion of this? This exercise will help you shed light on your we are hurting ourselves. This truth is being felt more fear. The angels remind us that all is well. All things can be than ever on our planet and it is changing things! We fixed and we are totally safe and loved at all moments! Fear is a are all moving into divine alignment with each other signal that we are believing in illusions because truth does not and the planet! feel fearful.

“Guardian Angel of Winterâ€? painting Š Judy Mastrangelo

Angels are healing all chemicals usage! The angels would like talk about chemicals on our planet, all types of chemicals from the ones used in factories to the chemicals in pharmaceuticals. They say do not be afraid of them, ask the angels to neutralize all existing chemicals with their love. The angels are guiding us to a healthy evolution of all of these industries and aligning them with the highest divine will. We can stand tall and shine divine angelic light on all problems that seem unfixable in our human mind! The angels help expand our mind to the limitless possibilities in God! The angels say that perfect, divine health is our natural state. The angels would also like to talk about health and disease. There are a lot of health fears on the planet. These concepts are also perpetuated by the media. The angels are reminding us to ask them to bless and heal all concepts of disease. We are not supposed to live in fear of our bodies, each other or the world. The angels are downloading the true consciousness of perfect divine health onto our planet. Human made ideas have undermined our belief in the natural healing power of our bodies and our planet, The true divine angelic idea is that we are a perfect, immortal soul in perfect peace. There is a spark of limitless divine light within us and we can reach it and make it grow! This is our divine blue print or soul spark, society as a whole has not supported this, with spirituality on the rise we are all remembering this beautiful truth. The angels are so happy that there are so many books, movies and classes available for us now that can help us remember! We have the power to heal anything, the limitless power of the divine is in each and every one of us! Angel prayer for world peace, harmony and protection: Millions of angels are surrounding the planet now. They are sending their love and light to us. They are clearing all etheric records of war and suffering on the planet with their love. They are creating new patterns of well being, safety and peace for all people, plants, and animals. We are asking the angels to feed, love and protect all people. We are calling on the angels to bless all factories and to bless all machines. The angels are bringing all into alignment with the divine will that can only bring love and joy to our planet. Archangel Ariel is sending love and healing to all nature. To the oceans, rivers, forests, and all the animals. Archangel Ariel and her angel healing team are also blessing and healing all chemicals. The light of angel love reigns everywhere. We now see the angels sending healing light to our neighborhood and removing all discordant energies. Archangel Michael is making a staircase of light and asking all souls who are bound to loving let go and move on to the light. The angels are clearing the atmosphere of the planet, releasing all fears of sickness and suffering. The angels are showering us with divine love and security. Send angel love and healing to all governments throughout the planet and all people in positions of power. Now asking the angels heal all violence and protect and all people with their beautiful love. We allow this love to wash through ourselves and our planet! We are open to this love and so grateful for it. The angels are in loving service and they love what they do! They are so happy to help us. They love to help us remember the truth. All there is light and perfection! Love is everywhere! The divine plan is more beautiful than you could ever imagine! Let the angels awaken our hearts and minds to this divine plan. Let us be one with it! The whole planet is safe in the loving arms of the angels. The angels are holding the whole planet and all inhabitants in divine grace as we evolve! A million angel blessings of love and light to all! The angels would like to remind us of our oneness with all living things. I send my love and angel blessings to the entire world. The angels would like to give you a torch of angel light! The torch contains limitless angelic divine light and strength! It will boost your courage and remind you that the angels are always with you.

Article © Andrea Dombecki 2010. Andrea is a certified Angel Therapy Practitioner, a Reiki Master, Theta-Healer and an artist. She is also a co-host on the show “The Faeries and Angels Radio LIVE Show” and She hosts her own podcasts shows called “Angel Life Makeovers” on “The Faeries and Angels Radio Network.” Visit her website at to learn more about her, to view her artwork, read or articles or order a reading. “Guardian Angel of Winter” painting © Judy Mastrangelo

Journal Writing:

The Inward Journey for Spiritual Growth Each month of this season, write out and answer the following journal questions as well as the affirmations in your own personal, spiritual journal. Journaling is a great way to stay in touch with your spiritual center and to help you in your process of spiritual evolution.

Miracles, Gratitude and Forgiveness December Affirmation: It is my Divine Birthright to Experience Miracles. I am Open to Receiving More Miracles and Miraculous Situations and Experiences into My Life Now. Thank you Universe for the Miracles that are constantly appearing in my life!

December Questions for Your Journal: ○ ○ ○ ○

What are my beliefs about Miracles? What do I consider to be miraculous? Do I feel entitled to experience real miracles on a daily basis? How can I help to spread miracles to others? If I could have my wishes granted, what would they be and why?

January Affirmation: I am truly grateful for that I have and all that I am! January Exercises for Your Journal: ○ Make a list of 100 things you are grateful for. Yes . . . One-hundred things! You can do it! ○ Start keeping a daily gratitude journal and write at least five things you were grateful for on that day.

February Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I forgive myself and all others. They are free and I am free! I forgive everyone and everything now!

February Questions for Your Journal: ○ ○ ○ ○

What does “forgiveness” really mean to me? Whom do I need to forgive? Am I willing to “let go” and “let God”? Am I willing to forgive? How can I begin to incorporate forgiveness into my daily life and why should I do so?

By, Adrienne Dumas Attract Money, Prosperity, Abundance and Wealth To You Tip One: Let Go Of Old, Outdated Beliefs About Money and Wealth! We often grow up believing that money is bad in some way. Many grow up believing that it’s very difficult to make money in this world and that you have to work very, very hard to make any money at all; that money is evil and that the root cause of all evil comes from money; or that money is everything and that the purpose of your life should be purely dedicated to making money and “keeping up with the Jones’s.” But what we need to remember is that money is an EXCHANGE of energy only. Money in itself is really nothing, but we are the ones who put all of the negative (or positive!) energies into it. The very first step to attracting more money to you, is to acknowledge and then let go of any old, outdated beliefs about money that are NO LONGER SERVING YOU. Take an honest inventory of your thoughts and beliefs regarding:

*Money *Work *Career/Job *Freedom and Time *Life Purpose *Abundance & Prosperity Society tries to program us into believing that “we are living in hard times” or that the Universe is somehow unable to provide us with what we need – that we must struggle in life in order to survive and that “only a lucky few” get to live happy, prosperous, healthy lives. Or we believe that all wealthy people are evil and acquired their money or wealth through evil deeds. But is that really true? We also are taught to believe that money can be the source of our happiness – that if we acquire enough money we will be happier and somehow more “safe”. But the Truth is that the True Source of our wealth and prosperity comes from within ourselves! God/Goddess and the Universe created us in His image and likeness and therefore we must be just like Him! We must be just like our Source – truly prosperous, wealthy and abundant! The only way to tap into this Source of all prosperity and abundance, is to let go of (forgive) the old, outdated beliefs surrounding money, wealth, abundance and prosperity and to EMBRACE new thoughts and beliefs that SERVE US and that serve all of humanity and all that is, as well! The news, and even some political and religious leaders, often feed us fearful thoughts via the news, etc. But you don’t have to listen! It’s not essentially true! The Universe is full of abundance, peace, joy, love, prosperity, and infinite well-being. In fact, this is the TRUE nature of who we are! And the Law of Attraction – which really, really works! – can help you to focus your mind and heart upon what you want and thus have what you want! So again the first step to attracting more money, wealth, abundance and prosperity into your life is to let go of old outdated beliefs. Also, how does the image above (of money) make you FEEL? Do you feel happy when you see it? Do you feel afraid? Do you feel anger or disgust? Do you feel totally neutral? This will give you a huge insight as to how you feel – and what you think – about money. Let go of what’s no longer serving you and embrace only TRUTH, which is that we are naturally abundance beings who deserve to have abundance and who live in a truly abundant universe!

Article © 2010 Adrienne Dumas. More Tips Will be Giving in Future Editions of Our Magazine. You can also listen to her podcast shows “Attract Amazing Prosperity Radio” on “The Faeries and Angels Radio Network” at

Mermaids ~ Monica Orosco ~ A True Incarnated Mer-Angel!

Photo Š Monica Orosco

Elemental Nature A Discussion of Ascension & Creatures of Pure Love Part II: Extraterrestrial Elementals

*You can read the first part of this article in our past Autumn 2010 Edition. It is my belief and the belief of others aware of Ethereal Realms that with these Divine civilizations I have found all of Enlightened ET's have their own Elemental beings present on the them strike a memorable cord in me intimately planets in which they reside. For example, Pleiadians, Orions, Sirians, endeared. It is only perhaps the feeling of the Arcturians, etcetera share residence with their own Nature Spirits most familiarity I feel toward the Pleiades and living in synergy amongst them. I have found certain Incarnated Arcturus. The more we ascend into the 5th DimenElementals to not only feel a deep connection with Nature but also with sion the more our memory of what was and is will the Stars which makes it possible to understand they originate from be recalled. Lastly, consider the star systems I Nature existing on other Enlightened planets of divine wisdom. I feel mentioned having been known to NASA and a connection with Arcturus and so believe that Merfolk are able to available in books and other resources for deconnect with each other no matter which Ocean they are from be it on cades; centuries even. How did they know these Terra or beyond. As a key reminder, Thought travels faster than Light. names? Do you think NASA and the feds came I am remembering now, of being a small child when I would write up with them out of creative expression for outer about and envision Violet Water. Arcturus is the planet of the Violet space? I think not; they have known what exists Ray; perhaps areas of their Oceans mirror a purple hue. It is a definite beyond the beyonds. This information is becompossibility I have spent soul time in Arcturus amongst their MerPeople ing more and more prevalent everyday. The U.S. as well as on Earth. Writing this has also reminded me that as a young media secures a grand effort to cover everything adult I swam on a swim team. At one point in my swimming career I up. If you were to watch news in South America acquired a pair of clear red goggles which when worn made the water you would have already seen UFO sightings on appear Violet. I adored seeing the water this way. I wish I could find television. those goggles again. In addition my friend, Ella, engaged a Theta healing on me last year. During this healing I appeared to her in Mer As I have kept writing this article over the past form below Sea level looking up where a Sun graces the Ocean's few days so much more has come to mind, so I surface. She saw the water I was looking up towards as a majestic will continue, thus my writing has become more violet appearing darker around the circumference which faded lighter of a journaling. I'd like to share that not all Angeltoward the center where the Sun lay directly overhead. It was a divine ic beings have actual wings. When ancient huvision. She saw much more and I shall reveal further in another mans saw "Angels" they assumed these article. In closing I want to instill an awareness of Enlightened Planets benevolent creatures possessed these gorgeous cherishing a Great Love for one another. While feeling a connection wings because they appeared so bright and

and beautiful with rounded halos encompassing their bodies appearing with what looked as white wings of Light. A beautiful site, and so Angels have been painted this way for centuries. Further, the following will be much food for thought for those practicing Celtic Witchcraft. To be considered are the Tuatha Dé Danann, known as the Sidhe, who are a race of Gods commonly associated with Faeries in Ireland. In practicing the Old Traditions of the European belief system, practioners of ancient times and present day have often called upon the Sidhe for assistance with ritual and magic. Over time a bond of trust is created between the practioner of pure intent and the Sidhe. After this bond is created the Sidhe often present themselves to the practitioner. Those who have witnessed their divine presence say they are not Fairy-like but instead very tall, glowing beings of White Light. Does this sound familiar? This description fits the appearance of many benevolent Extraterrestrials. So it is possible the Tuatha Dé Danann were most definitely Godlike ETs visiting on Earth in what we know as ancient times. They must have assisted in creating Stonehenge and teaching the rituals of magic to the Druids and ancient peoples of the area. In addition it is logical to believe other spiritual landmarks on our planet were erected with this Enlightened assistance from Beyond.

They enjoy cocktails while watching seaside sunsets, boating or lazing on the beach. Merfairies may be perfectionistic about their romantic partners, which may lead to a long succession of boyfriends and girlfriends. Yet, Merfairies will tell you that they're trying to find lifelong satisfaction, in the form of fun, financially secure - oh did I mention fun? relationship. Merfairies love to camp, hike and be next to rivers and lakes set in the mountains. They have a special bond with the water fairies, which are called sprites, undines and dragonflies." I'd like to also include Doreen's description of Star-Mers as I feel a connection with them also and feel they are related to MerAngels given the principle I shared about wings appearing as an embodying halo. It is as follows: "Star-Mers: Starpeople love being near the ocean, but this hybrid is especially drawn to the sea. Star-Mers are loners who prefer to sail, swim, surf, scuba dive, or snorkel by themselves (or with one special and trusted companion). Star-Mers especially love to look at the starry skies while drifting on a boat in the middle of the ocean. They connect with their home planets through the energy of the water's ions." In case you're wondering what Doreen means by hybrid in this case, it is a being that is of the Extraterrestrial Merfolk.

~ Our current age is an exciting time and I wish for all to It is my wish for all to listen for the Light keys of who they learn and choose Enlightenment. ~ are and will become with each passing day. Keep an eye out for signals and sparks of Light. Ask and you shall receive. For fun I have included the MerFairy description in Doreen's Your Light Family awaits. book as well. I know there will be MerFairies reading this article and so it may be an interesting contrast to read. I send much Love to you Light Brothers and Sisters. MerFairy excerpt from Doreen Virtue's book, "Realms of the Earth Angels" as follows: "This hybrid is 100 percent Elemental so Merfairies have no apologies about being party animals at the ocean, lakes or rivers.

Article © Monica Orosco 2010. Monica Orosco is a real Incarnated Mer-Angel. She believes we must awaken and refresh our souls with the magic, beliefs and arts of the deep past. ** Visit Doreen Virtues website

Order Our Healing Mermaid Meditations! Including “The Mermaids of Atlantis”, “The Romance Mermaids” and more! We also have Angel, Faery and Star Visitor Meditations too!

Download them directly on our website at

Photo © Tatiana Scavnicky

The Goddess ISIS

Finding Balance The Goddess Isis, this name goes back to the beginnings of time and civilization. An original Female Goddess Deity whose worship spread throughout the world, another name for her Aset, was most likely the original spelling, but in Greek. She is known as mother, wife and as the Goddess of Nature and Magic. She is also Goddess of Mysteries, Queen of Heaven, Lady of Magic, and Mistress of Hermetic Wisdom. Isis helps us with balance as she represents magic and motherhood, combining our human lives with our innate Divine Wisdom. How do we The Temple of Isis stay true to ourselves and be there for others? How do we stay motherhood and the religious aspects of her worship. connected to Spirit and live our day to day lives? How do we She is said to have actually talked to women, teaching find spiritual strength when everything takes a turn for the them about life and how to keep a home. We usually see perceived worst of it? Isis with her wings and arms outstretched and her The wealthy called on Isis as well as the poor. She was the origi- symbols are the throne and a sun dial with cow’s horns. nal Mother Mary and some say that her worship was eventually morphed into that of the Black Madonna, who is known as the Do you feel deeply connected to the moon or ancient “Throne of Compassion” or the “Divine lap” and the meaning of Egypt and Greece? You may be connected to her through one of your past lives directly or indirectly, or the name “Isis” is “She of the Throne.” Black Madonnas are descendants of pre-Christian mother or earth goddesses, naming visited one of her temples to give offerings. If her name Isis as the key ancestor-goddess. Born to Pharaoh Thutmose III keeps coming up or images of her, Isis may be reaching and his Great Royal Wife Merytre, she is believed to have come out to you to work with her. When we hear or see somefrom the Nile Delta and is first heard of somewhere around the thing three times, it is a sign. Follow your guidance if Fifth dynasty of Egypt. Temples to honor her were built in Pom- you keep getting repetitive messages to connect with peii, Greece, Rome and Iraq. Evidence of her is seen at harbors Isis or any Goddess or even Archangels. If so heed the messages you are getting from your body and the world. found on the Black and Arabian Seas and further inscriptions Maybe a friend mentioned Isis in a conversation, or a show followers of the cult of Isis as far away from Egypt as book about her falls on the floor in front of you at the Gaul, Germany, Britain, Arabia, Asia Minor, Portugal and bookstore. Spain. It thrills me as I research her origins, and her existence becomes more concrete to me. Those of us, who believe in past I often sit outside under the moon especially when it’s lives, may actually have known her. I have friends who work full and revel in the magic of the dark night. Isis is very closely with the Goddess Isis who feel that they were Queen of the Underworld as well because she resuscitatschooled as Priestesses of Isis, learning her ways in magic, ed her dying Husband and Brother Osiris. Isis is deeply

connected to the Nile and it is said that when it flooded every year in ancient Egypt, she was indeed crying tears for her dead husband Osiris. The symbol of her wings represents her ability to travel the dark Underworld and renew the dead. This ability to be close to death and her role as a mother and wife represents our human connection to her. She juggled family, queenly and priestess duties. She asks us to check in with ourselves and look into where we have been de-throning ourselves. This inquiry helps us to bring back balance. Where are you spreading yourself to thin? “Why do you push yourself beyond tiredness dear one when a few minutes of doing nothing would refresh your spirit and soul?” If you feel guided to work with Isis you may be experiencing challenges right now with regards to balance in your life. Ask yourself the questions posed earlier.

I feel that Isis is connected to the crystal obsidian, the ultimate psychic vacuum cleaner. This stone helps us to release the lower vibrations to the things that go wrong in our lives as sometimes we can hold on to them without even knowing it. The black color of obsidian reminds me of the dark and light of life, and the yin and yang of it all, our human essence and our Divine essence. Call on Isis to help you balance this duality.

Article © 2010 Tatiana. Creator of music and meditation CD’s, radio personality, acclaimed performer, and recording artist, Tatiana is a renowned intuitive counselor on 12Angel, international touring artist and international 12Academy teacher who helps Isis is also the Goddess of Past Lives. If you are having re-occurring issues come up around work, or a relationship, others live a passionate and purposeful life. Tatiana or if you are finding yourself dealing with the same patterns just released her music CD’s “Mrs. Blue” and in different relationships, there might be some past life work ”Obsidian” as well as the earlier meditation CD for you to do. This work does not have to be intensive and ”Affirmations From the Magical Garden.” Available at does not require lots of time and energy. Simply being See her videos at aware and going into meditation can take you back to the past life and the issue itself. There are guided past life regression CDs you can listen to as well on your own. If you need more support call on Isis and get in touch with a Past Life Regressionist who can help.

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Art of Warble Fine Art Prints Available At Facebook Fan Page

Angel Energy Updates Beloved Children of earth, we see you move through your trials as you progress towards your Ascension. We say to you today, allow us, those in the higher realms to flow our energies through you. As you read this message our energy will be moving through your body and mind, and through your Soul, assisting you with your forward movement. Please allow us to continue to send you these energies as you read. 2010 has been a wondrous year! If you could see yourselves from our point of view, you would be amazed at how far you've come. We see you as bright shining stars, hero's and heroine's of your beautiful planet. We forever cheer for you and love you so dearly. Allow this love energy to move through you now, we send it in the spirit of sharing the love that exists on the higher dimensions. Please remember that each year from now on as you go through your Ascension will be a year that feel's like it's really 10 years long or perhaps even longer. We remind you that the energy changes will be rapid and powerful this coming year as they were in 2010. Even though these energies will be intense and sometimes unpleasant, do remember to rejoice in the knowledge that what you're going through is an adventure that all Soul's everywhere long for. These energies of initiation strengthen Soul and give it the opportunity to gain wisdom, strength, forbearance, hope, love, encouragement, and many other qualities that can not be gotten anywhere else. So these experiences you go through are what makes you the God-being you so most desire. You have many friends in Spirit that can make this journey much more pleasant, so help abounds for you. Never feel left out or put upon by all the rapid changes taking place. Your angels and guides are very close to you now, they stand by you night and day. You have more assistance now than you realize. Let this knowledge be a balm of sorts and soothe you in times of great change. Call out to us often, everyday if you can, and never feel you're bothering us or being too trivial. No request for our help goes unanswered. We repeat this often to constantly remind you how much we care, our beloved children. Keep our words in the forefront of your mind as you go through this Winter season. The cold months signal a time of going within and resting more. Let this also be a signal to connect with your angelic guides so that 2011 can be the year of merging with us ... a joyous reunion! We are forever with you. Keep us in mind ... we love you! The Angels Article © 2010 John Pacifico. John is an Incarnated Pleiadian whose purpose is to help us move into 5th Dimensional living by being in direct communication with the angels. He has been in direct communication with the angels for many years. He is a also a massage therapist and Reiki practitioner and also gives Angel Readings on “The Faeries and Angels Psychic and Healing Network” at

The Mystical Visions of Judy Mastrangelo

At this time, my desire is to paint Joyful, Beautiful paintings that people can hang on the wall to look at and live with each day, to give them Inspiration, Guidance, and Happiness. I love the Fairy Tale quality of Fantasy Art. It uplifts me and brings out the childhood imagination that I enjoy. At this time in my life, I tend more toward the Lightful positive side of Fantasy, rather than the interior dark side of it. I do enjoy the macabre, it's just that I would rather not be immersed in it myself. It would tend to depress me. My Soul Mate and Husband Michael, a true Renaissance Man, has been the most influential and greatest inspiration to me, in my growth as an Artist, and as a Woman. I have always been inspired by great Artists throughout history, and regard them as my teachers. Some of my favorites are those of the Italian Renaissance, the Pre- Raphealites (I like John W. Waterhouse the most), the Victorian Artists, The Hudson River School of Landscape Painters, The French Impressionists (I love Monet's colors and landscapes),The Brandywine River School of illustrators, etc. Maxfield Parrish is my favorite illustrator, and I feel that Sir Joseph Noel Paton is one of the greatest Fairy Artists. In my small way, I also enjoy continuing in the tradition of Beatrix Potter with her little animal people, and Cicely M. Barker with her lovely Flower Fairies. There are many Artists of today who are my heroes. There are too many to list here, but many are a great Inspiration to me. I find my Inspiration everywhere. The Beauty of Nature is a great influence on my Art work, and I try to portray my love for it in my paintings. Fantasy Literature, Movies, Music and other Art forms are a wonderful stimulus to my Imagination. I plan a painting in my head, through a technique I am developing that I call Mind Painting. With this method, I close my eyes and envision the finished creation. Then I strive to paint it. I don't do any sketches at all. Somehow, a sketch isn't good enough to portray my ideal vision that I want to paint. I prefer to Day Dream about it, and never loose that ideal image in my mind. You have to love Art in order to have patience to stick with it and never give up. I have had many set backs in my career, as have many other Artists. But I don't let these bad experiences get me down. I just pick myself up and continue on. That is because I love doing it so much. The world of Painting is a great joy to me, and if I gave it up, there would be a great void in my life.

See Her Artwork On the Next Pages and All Throughout Our Magazine!!! Visit Judy’s website at And Her Online Store At: You can also check out Judy’s UK and European shop at “Santa and Unicorn” © Judy Mastrangelo

The Mystical Visions of Judy Mastrangelo

Santa and Unicorn Father Christmas arrives on a Snowy Starlit Christmas Eve. He is all bedecked in Glowing Robes, accompanied by a pure White Unicorn. We await his coming with Childlike Joy and Anticipation, no matter what our age. His greatest Gift to us is the spark to ignite the Magic of our Imagination. -Judy Mastrangelo -

“Santa and Unicorn” © Judy Mastrangelo

Guardian Angel of Winter The Guardian Angel of Winter stands silently in her Frozen Crystal World of Snow and Ice. She protects all of Nature's Creatures, as shining Beams of Light stream from her Candle of Hope. Its Rays yield the warm promise of Spring to come. -Judy Mastrangelo-

“Guardian Angel of Winter” © Judy Mastrangelo

Basking in shimmering Colors of Dusk, Ethereal Fairy of Blue appears. From Eternal Camelot she comes, casting Merlin's Magical Spells, as she beckons Unicorns from afar, and tames them with her Love. Then a Haunting Glow permeates Gardens with Vibrant Twilight Magic.

“Twilight Magic” © Judy Mastrangelo

Mermaid and Angel Channelings

Introduction to Sara: Hello, my name is Sara Gonzalez who is happy and excited to be one of the columnists for The Faeries and Angels Magazine. I’m a person who has a very strong connection and deep understanding of the Mermaids and Angels. More and more people are becoming familiar with them and their existence. My soul has experienced many life times, traveling to many dimensions including these realms, an old soul who is also constantly learning on Earth. Now I have come here like many others to share the light and love that was taught by these beautiful beings. I channel their messages not only through speaking and sight, but also through automatic writing. Where my pencil or even key board will light up with energy sparks of purple, blue, or white through out my hands and paper! Doing this for many years now, having very wonderful, powerful, teachers and mentors, as a light worker I am more than willing to share the messages given to me. Thank you for opening your heart and feeling its truth while reading. If this resonates with you, I hope this brings you inspiration and love to your beautiful heart!

MERMAIDS The Mermaids are truly a symbol of beauty, mystery, sensuality, freedom, and femininity. She is an enchanting and magical sea maiden, who lives in the womb of the earth, the depths of the sea. She heals with her song, charms, and enchants sailors, luring them into their magical and beautiful world filled with secrets unlocking. The mermaids of course have a strong connection to the water, swimming in the flow of life, which is of purity, and higher wisdom! From what I have experienced when tuning into this kind of energy, mermaids like many creatures are sacred, and carry a deep understanding of themselves and others. The ocean itself is deep and beautiful, which is a symbol of our whole being, an endless ocean full of treasures, wonderful secrets about our souls, and our hearts that are filled with so much endless love, like the ocean. The mermaids swim in this essence, and embrace their home with their whole hearts. More and more in society, we are accepting them today as creatures that could possibly have lived on earth and in other dimensions. Many believe to be incarnated mermaids now, bringing their divine energy to earth for healing and raising vibrations. Many of these souls I feel are helping the disasters that have happened, and the sea animals that have been put into danger, and informing others to help.

Known by powerful channelers, mediums, intuitives, and those just in tuned, their tail is seen to usually be long and powerful, which helps them take off into speed, with their body muscles formed to move easily and freely in the sea. There is also a belief that their hair alone not only holds beauty and grace, but energy and powerful magic that is full of color and vibrancy. Those who are from theses realms on earth usually have these long locks that flow, and have this energy of magic in their hair. From what I see through clairvoyance, and others who I have talked to as well, their hair is really never ending in these dimensions. Depending on what they choose, a lot of the times many rainbows of color are in their hair. A mermaid’s skin, which is delicate yet strong and vibrant, is apart of the ocean water along with their whole being, literally breathing and taking it in naturally, for they truly are one with the ocean. Let’s not forget the singing of the mermaids! Going into deep meditation and knowing about these past lives myself, the mermaids sing for not only love and joy, but to heal others and the sea creatures that might need it. This has not only happened in places like Atlantis, but even now on earth, where they come as angels to assist. The mermaids do have missions and projects like us on earth, and through this marvelous and healing tool, singing with dolphins, and whales, these vibrations that come from their hearts, truly creates miraculous things.

Please, we ask you that you continue to help the ocean. Help clean beaches, donate to charities that help with After channeling, I do feel and believe that the these kinds of matters, and join groups that prevents are loveMermaids still want us to continue to help the ocean after ly sea friends from dying. There is an imbalance on earth to the oil spill. To continue on with sending love to any isthis kind of act, and we must live with our hearts and help the sues that may arise to our ocean, including the sea animals ocean that is in suffering. We have seen improvements, we that live there. Through this beautiful experience, I did see got calling of the tragedies that have happen, but this is not bright sparks of blue and purple light throughout the paper enough. Everyone needs to help and we ask you to do this, as I read this aloud. Along with that, visions of colorful creatures of the earth. You are more than what you think, you Mermaids as I wrote. Here is a channeled message from are a holy child of God that can create miracles for our the Mermaid Council after listening to Adrienne Dumas’ ocean. We were very sad to hear about this, and want to lovely Mermaid Meditation and ocean tunes! share with you that you must never give up on our ocean and to continue…because we are all affected. Together as one, Ah Sara, you are here to speak to us. We have from us to the mermaids, mermen, and creatures of the sea, been calling you from the Ocean so you are here now. We we can create a clean ocean of pure light. have much to tell you and we are so happy you chose to talk to us at this time. We are always here Sara, we have Where your children’s children can play, laugh, like been with you since you were born. Did you know that? we do in this dimension. This is possible dear ones, for we We played with you in the water when you were baby, and see it coming, but please continue sending divine love when you grew older. We still love you very much and through the heart. We can feel it in our ocean world for it is have never let you go. We have messages to say for the a reflection of yours to ours. We care, we love, and we help Faeries and Angels Magazine, we are a council from the and assist those who ask us. Do not be afraid to call upon us, sea ready to deliver this special message from this dimen- for we do assist and listen to your prayers. We are under the sion to the readers. Devine consciousness, and we have adopted your earth to help create cures. Thank you for listening and thank you for Hello Dear Readers, we are the Mermaids and being so wonderful. To those who are reading, never forget Merman of the Ocean a council of the Christ consciousthe dolphins that love to play, send them love back because ness ready to speak to you as one to deliver this special they love you too! Don’t forget the whale’s song, for he longs message through our dear sister Sara. Thank you Sara for to have an ocean of purity and light…he sings with you on this offering to those who are willing to read. We are here this earth! All sea creatures dance together in this life with to say to you that the Earth’s Oceans water is not lost. We light, love, and happiness. We represent not only love of the still have healing that is to be done by us and its ocean ocean but absolute freedom, peace, and deeper understandanimals, and this is in process now. We are constantly ings of healings that some have not heard of. We love you looking and adopting your earth to heal its wounds. Yes very much, never forget us. Call upon your MerAngels, we we were saddened to hear about the oil spill that affected will be sure to help you. Thank you! so many of our sea friends. We came to the rescue of mother earth and traveled to your dimension to bring healing. ~Mermaids and Mermen of the Sea We guided animals to heal the earth before it could get any worse, and so it was where we brought light of the Article © Sara Gonzalez. Sara is an artist, teacher, healer divine through our song and love that we helped mother and intuitive from Las Vegas. She enjoys drawing and ocean. painting Angels, and is in process of now making pieces of art with the subject of the Elementals. She channels Ascended Masters, Angels, and Mermaids not only through her art, speaking, and the cards, but also with automatic writing. Mermaid Channeling Winter 2010

Visit our psychic healing network website to order an Angel or Mermaid Reading or Healing from Sara. We also Have many other wonderful psychics and healers, plus Free online oracle card decks, tips on energy healing And so much more!

Crystal and Energy Healing With Deanna Williams

Staurolite: The Crystal Fairy Cross What item did Thomas Edison, President Theodore Roosevelt, and President Woodrow Wilson carry with them to promote luck, courage and protection? No...not a four leaf clover. Those are considered pretty lucky, though! They carried Staurolite, also known as The Fairy Cross. I mean, who knew that great inventors and presidents were so "woo-woo"!? Staurolite is often referred to as the fairy cross stone. This is by way of a magical legend that I will soon mention. It is a very unique and rare stone that crystalizes in a cruciform shape. Fairy stone crosses are composed of a combination of iron, aluminum and silica. They were often carried long ago as talismans to protect wearers from the harm of sickness, accidents, and negative energy attacks.

The Native American Medicine Wheel contains a Cross: The sacred circle filled with a cross, four equal lines pointing to the spirits of the north, east, south and west, or to the basic elements of earth, water, fire or air. The Cross of The Christ: Yes, crosses were used by the Romans as torture and murder devices. True that Christ's death is symbolic through suffering on the cross. But the Miracle did not happen through death, but through "Life." The Miracle occurred through the resurrection and ascension process. As Christ proved: There is no death in Love and Spirit…only LIFE. So, basically, "crosses" show the way of Spirit. The human body can also form a cross of sorts. "Spirit" is usually depicted as moving vertically- or ascending. Matter in three dimensional human form is depicted as horizontally moving. Which is also how the 3 dimensional "timeline" appears. And where the 2 planes meet in a cross…is directly in our heart center, where Love is acknowledged.

They are usually a yellow brown, or reddish brown in color and range in size from one fourth of an inch to two inches. Metaphysically they are said to connect the etheric, physical, and spiritual planes promoting communication. It also helps This brings me to the Legend of The Fairy connect with astral and E.T. planes. It's a 7th chakra stone, and Cross…Finally! in numerology, staurolite vibrates to the number 5: freedom, adventure, invention, vitality, enjoyment , play, creativity. Here's the story: As we all know, crosses are spiritually symbolic in many cultures. Some crosses of differing cultures you may be familiar with included:The Ankh: An Egyptian cross symbolizing a mythical eternal life, rebirth, and the life-giving power of the sun.

Hundreds of years before King Powhatan's dynasty came into power long before the woods breathed the gentle spirit of the lovely Pocahontas, the fairies were (continued on the next page . . .)

dancing around a spring of limpid water, playing with the naiads and wood nymphs, when an elfin messenger arrived from a strange city, far away in the land of the dawn, bringing the sad tidings of the death of Christ; and when they heard the terrible story of the crucifixion they wept. And as the tears fell upon the earth they were crystallized into little pebbles, on each of which was formed a beautiful cross. When the fairies had disappeared from the enchanted spot the ground around the spring and the adjacent valley were strewn with these unique mementoes of that melancholy event. In the US, Staurolite can only be found in Virginia, North Carolina and Georgia. However, the state of Virginia has the most abundant supply.The crosses come in three cross shapes:The St. Andrew's, Roman and Maltese. The Maltese is the rarest and therefore the most sought after. Amazingly, the state of Virginia has converted over five thousand acres of land into the beautiful Fairy Stone Park! How fun it would be to visit!! You can take a couple of the stones from the location, but they have no commercial digging. Staurolite can be found in Russia, Switzerland and France, too. I have a magical fairy stone necklace. It definitely gives me a feeling of protection. And coupled with amethyst, it seriously amps the vibe. Not only that, it has a very unique tactile quality. So, I am always touching it as I am wearing it. It's quite a sweet crystal, and I would suggest all crystal lovers to purchase at least one. So, enjoy your fairy stone…and enjoy the lovely poem below. Fairy Blessings! Article © 2010 Deanna Williams. Deanna is an artist, licensed massage therapist, reiki practitioner and crystal healer. She also co-hosts on the LIVE radio show “The Faeries and Angels Radio Show” on BlogTalkRadio. Her childrens book “Mr. Now’s Magnificent Moment” will be published in 2011.

May the charms of the fairy stone make you blessed, Through the days of labor and nights of rest, Wherever you stay, wherever you go, May the beautiful flowers of the good fairies grow. -Author Unknown

Faerie Craft With Lindsey Goodbun

Faerie Craft Tools Merry meet Faerie Seekers! Here in the UK we are preparing for another harsh winter with temperatures dropping to below zero degrees and perhaps the odd flurry of snow. At this time of year it is important as followers of the faerie path to look after those who will find the winter a difficult time for survival. In my garden I have set up a feeding tree for the birds who visit and by doing so I am forging a special bond with the faeries and reconnecting me with nature. Watching the birds who come to feed at the tree also brings me great pleasure also. The winter solstice, also known as Yule falls on the 21st December and is an important event in the pagan calendar. It is the time of the shortest day and the longest night of the year. It marks the start of the sun returning once again as the daylight grows stronger once more. This is a time of rest, focus and reflection.

*Censer: A censer is used for burning incense, most of these are made from metal but clay ones can be obtained or even made. Burning of incense is used to symbolize the Sylphs, the element of air and to cleanse the circle and create a sacred space. *Chalice: This is used to symbolize the Undines and element of water on your altar. In ritual the chalice will hold the wine or mead for the end of the ritual when you partake in cakes and mead. Normally made from metal but ones made from wood or cut glass would look beautiful. *Candles: Used to symbolize the fire element and the Salamanders in ritual. Also burning different colors during magic and rituals have different properties in spell craft.

In the last issue I talked about the altar and what it is used for, *Two small bowls:These are to contain water and salt on this time I will discuss the magical tools that you may need your altar. The salt should be the purest form of sea salt on your path to connect with the Faeries. and the water either from a natural spring, stream or bottle water. They can be made from wood, china, clay A Faerie Seekers tools should be sacred to them and to the or like mine made from glass. Faeries and should not be handled by any one else unless deemed necessary. They are for ritual and magical purposes *Pentacle: This is a disk or plate which features a five only and shouldn't really be used for anything else. Most of pointed star. Each point correspond with a particular elethe tools in the list would be placed on your altar during ritual ment. It is normally placed on the altar as a symbol of however some are items of clothing and jewelry in which Earth. It is also used to place items on for consecration case you would wear them during festivals and in ritual during ritual. The magical tools are ones that many people who know any thing about paganism or witchcraft would recognize but some *Elven Star: This is a seven pointed star also known as a of the tools would normally be made or have metal in them it septagram or Faerie Star. The number seven is sacred to might be wise to source for non metallic alternative such as the faeries and the symbol of the seven pointed star wood or glass. grants the faerie seeker the entrance to faerie land. It can be worn as a pendant as a symbol for those who follow *Wand: A very important tool. Your wand is used as a way to the Elfin pathway. focus and direct your energy and symbolizes your magical will.

*Besom: This is a traditional broom and is used to sweep away any negative energy in the sacred space and make it ready for ritual. In Faeriecraft the besom is decorated with ribbons, glitter, feathers and other things to make it look special. *Book of Elfin: This is a book in which the faerie seeker keeps a hand written record of their journey. Rituals, spells and meditations can be included. It is a very personal item and should be kept private and confidential and only shown to other members of the faerie pathway. My own Book of Elfin has been made from an A4 note book which I covered in purple fabric. I included a page to a dedication for what the book is going to be used for which you can use in your own book of Elfin.

A Book of Elfin here does reside, The faeries wisdom kept inside. May it be that the chosen few, Shall use it for good and all that is true. To work with the fae we do seek, and to uncover their mystique. I call the sylphs of the air, The salamanders of flickering flame, The earthly gnomes, and Undines of the seas, Bless these pages with all that you know, That righteous readers may learn and grow. The Faerie Queen and her King protect it from harm, And bestow it with love, power and charm. For those of the Elfin way truly can see, That this is my will, So mote it be! Making Your own Faerie Wand There are many wonderful artisans that create amazing tools such as wands but there is nothing like making your own. When you create any magical tool you then infuse it with your energy, making it sacred to you. The first thing to do is to decide what wood you would like you wand to be made from. There are many trees that are associated with the Fae. For example willow, hawthorn, holly, oak, ash and Hazel are known woods to have faerie connections. Just remember that it is better to find a stick on the ground rather then to break a branch off the tree. When you find the right piece of wood for your wand then don't forget to thank the tree and the faeries. The size of your wand should measure from your elbow to the tips of your fingers. When I was looking for my own wand I was camping in Somerset near a rushing river. I had been looking for a stick for a while but had yet to find one suitable. Then one morning I decided to go for a walk down by the river bank and on my walk I found a stick that was already half stripped of it's bark. I wasn't sure what tree the stick was from but I felt that this was what I would use as my wand. Once you have found the wood for your wand, what comes next really is up to the wand maker. You can leave it with the bark on or strip the bark off and sand paper it so it feels smooth. If you are more creative of course then you could carve symbols along the wand or stick crystals along it, shells, feathers or ribbon, make it look magical and beautiful. Some people like to add a crystal point to the tips of their wands, this will help concentrate the energy. When you have fin­ ished decorating your wand and you believe it is ready for use then it needs to be dedicated and consecrated to make it fit for all your magical workings In fact all the tools needed on your path should be consecrated and dedicated before you do anything with them. In the next article I shall include a ritual for magical tool dedication and consecration for you to use in ritual or as a guide to make up your own. Until next time. Faerie Blessings

Article © 2010 Lindsey Goodbun. Linsdey is a pagan artist from the UK. She specializes in painting the fantasy world and the fauna of this world. She uses her computer and tablet to paint vibrant, enchanting pictures that capture a land of myth, magic and mystery. Visit her website at and

A Course in Miracles The Study and Practice of “A Course in Miracles” With Rev. Myron Jones

possible, but since it has been working for me I am really motivated to keep doing it. Anyway, the more I turn from the ego as my teacher and to the Holy When I am in touch with the truth that all I need is God, I am Spirit, the more natural it seems, and the more quickhappy and content. But when I am focused on the ego part of my ly I am ready to do it. mind, I am always looking for the next better thing. I think that if only the world were somehow different, I could be happy. So I just decided to be happy. Ha! Who would have This has been accepted as normal for so long, that now I have to thought it could be so easy! All the ego arguments be vigilant to realize I am doing it. I am learning to watch my for misery just dissolve in that decision to listen to mind for thoughts of dissatisfaction so that I can ask the Holy the Holy Spirit. I didn’t have to do anything to make Spirit for a different way to see. myself happy, I just was. I enjoyed my own company for awhile, I listened to some spiritual CDs and was One of the ways I am doing this is that I made a decision (after inspired. I spent some time looking at ego thoughts being prompted by the Holy Spirit) to be happy in every with the Holy Spirit and allowing them to be healed. situation. This is a good reminder to me that the world is not the I noticed that I was not feeling the pain I had expectcause of my problems, but rather the effect of my discontent. ed and I think that a lot of the discomfort I feel when The other night I was driving home after a long week on the road. I have to drive so many miles in a week is from tenI was at the top of the state and had to drive very nearly to the sion, and a lot of that tension is from discontent with bottom and it was already dark out. I figured I would not get the circumstances. home until after 9:00.

Choosing Happiness in Every Situation

My very first thought was about how tired I was and how much more tired I would be as I continued this drive. The miles seemed to stretch out endlessly before me. This thought was followed by thoughts of how stiff my neck was, how night blind I am, how my sciatica was acting up and how much worse it would be in a couple of hours. It all happened very quickly, and I began to really dread the drive home, which is nuts because there is no way out of it. This is all just another way of saying I would be happy if the world were different. In the short term it would be nice if Scotty would just beam me up. Since that is unlikely, it would be nice if, in the future, I didn’t have to work and at least this wouldn’t happen again. Which is equally unlikely. The ego loves this; if only the world would change, and it won’t.

When I was about thirty minutes from home, thoughts of a friend I haven’t spoken to in awhile popped into my mind. I called her and we had a nice chat which made the final leg of the trip much nicer. More importantly, she told me about a spiritual experience that was very inspiring and I told her something she was grateful to hear. I think it was my relaxed and happy state which opened my mind to that little prompting to call. I am very glad that I did. Holy Spirit, it was hard at first to get into the habit of listening to You all day long. It is hard to turn from the ego voice so that I could hear You. The ego is so compelling with its scary doomsday predictions. It is compelling with its “woe is me” stories. I am so glad that I am learning to make a different choice. I am committed to continue this practice until the ego voice is just a quiet drone in the background. Thank you so much for Your constant and patient guidance.

I started talking to the Holy Spirit because I recognized that I was back into the ego trap of thinking that my happiness lay somewhere outside myself because I was listening to the wrong teacher. The Holy Spirit reminded me of my decision to choose Article © 2010 Myron Jones. Visit her website at happiness in every circumstance. At one time I would have gued against happiness insisting that in this case it just wasn’t

James Gilliland’s

Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligences Thanksgiving Message from James Gilliland While in meditation I was told another major shift or influx of higher consciousness and energy was coming in beginning the 23rd and lasting at least six days. I have also been getting emails from people talking about extreme physical ailments and psychic attacks. When I asked Cazekiels help and tracked this energy down I found myself viewing a reptilian ship, "yes they do exist", utilizing a form of technology to disrupt the sleep states of light workers creating scenarios based on survival, sex and power the lower three chakras. These crazy dream scenarios take their toll on your energy body. We need our sleep to recharge and heal the body. These same frequency targeting technologies of a baser nature are here on Earth used by certain groups who have chosen to try and suppress the awakening the healing process known as psychotronics. Every emotion has a frequency and it is very easy to agitate, sedate, excite, or manipulate people using frequencies. These reptilian factions take it to a whole new level.

The self serving predatory factions who want to control, dominate, suppress and feed off the labors and energy of others are surfacing on both levels. They are using the lower frequencies to do so such as fear, guilt, unworthiness, a false belief in separation while playing the terror card to the limit to relieve you of your freedom and wealth. It is so blatantly obvious even the children are seeing it wondering what is wrong with their parents? Watch the TSA abuse of children.

This program of fear, guilt, unworthiness, establishing self worth or even security through material acquisition is coming to a close. There is a higher consciousness and energy pressing hard upon the Earth from the higher planes and dimensions. The Pleiadians talk about their work and their Gods of love and peace who are adding their consciousness and energy in this process. It is a multidimensional process; the controllers and manipulators are caught in the middle now with the major awakening on Earth. It is going to get a little crazy as the There has also been a severe intestinal virus going around the veils come down, the masks come off and everything source of which is the chemtrails. If you do not know about will be exposed for what it is. Remember there is a wise, chemtrails watch the movie, `What on Earth are they Spraying'. It is not just aluminum, barium, ethylene dibromide, loving, joyous, powerful manifesting God in all of us. It and strontium they are spraying weaponized virus and bacteria is time to allow it to come forward. The God without is not your savior, it is the God within. Connecting with are in them as well. Even though the United Nations banned and merging with the God within allowing the ultimate chemtrails and there is legislation written in the past to ban power of the universe to flow through you which is love them it seems those responsible are N.W.O. and don't take orders from anyone. While in Mexico, I saw the nor virus take its is the answer. This weekend is a golden opportunity to heal any family issues, any wounds traumas or wrong toll. It was shortly after a tanker flew along the coast with one conclusions from past experiences in the personality self of the thickest chemtrail I have ever seen at a very low level. blocking this process. What better time to kick up the Within three days the entire town was deathly ill, a couple people died and not to be graphic but people were shooting out energies then when you are with your families. Might both ends with no warning including myself unknowing of the want to take a turkey over to any Native American friends, if not for their ancestors most of you would not source. The third day the entire school was empty. be here. Be well, I am only commenting on this because so many have asked James Gilliland why they are having severe stomach problems and wild and crazy dreams upon which they wake up exhausted. There is a spiritual war going on as above so below. Article Š 2010 James Gilliland

“Anna’s CD “Already Here” is full of beautiful and inspirational songs! We at “The Faeries and Angels Magazine” loved listening to her music. Her music is full of loving energies and will help to uplift your entire day! You can feel her passion for music, spirituality and life in all of her music.” -Adrienne Dumas, Editor and Creator of “The Faeries and Angels Magazine” Anna Taylor is an ANGEL THERAPY PRACTITIONER® certified by Doreen Virtue, as well as a Theta Healing™ Practitioner and Singer. You can buy her album directly at

Your Guide to the Fairy Realm By Jean Edith-Walker “Jean’s book “Your Guide to the Fairy Realm” is truly a magickal and inspirational book! You will be AMAZED with all of the photos of REAL Fairies! Join Jean as she ventures into the magickal world of the Fairies in her wonderful new book “Your Guide to the Fairy Realm.” She communicates with and takes real photos of tree spirits, gnomes and fairies! She reminds us that these beings are truly everywhere in nature – all around us! This is a book that all true fairy believers must have!” -Adrienne Dumas, Editor and Creator of “The Faeries and Angels Magazine”

Purchase her book directly at

Flowdreaming ® With Summer McStravick

What is Flowdreaming? Article © Summer McStravick Flowdreaming is a powerful, easy, and effective new way to manifest anything you want—whether that’s lots of money, relief from anxiety, the perfect romantic relationship, a new job or career, more time in your life for the things you love . . . or anything else. 1. Being in the Flow means that your life is flowing in a general direction that is for your highest good and happiness. 2. When you fight against the current of your Flow, it’s just like swimming upstream—you encounter obstacles and frustration in your life. Things stop going your way. 3. By daydreaming yourself into the Flow, or “Flowdreaming,” you can guide yourself back into the natural, positive Flow of your life. 4. Once in the Flow, you can manifest whatever you want to have—such as all the happiness and success you desire. It works! No experience with meditation is needed. In fact, you already know how to get into your Flow since a part of your consciousness already exists there right now. Flowdreaming simply means lifting the rest of your mind into this “place” to unleash the most profound transformative power into your life. Using a kind of “guided daydreaming,” you can see, hear, smell, and feel the imagery and sensations of your Flow. But Flowdreaming is much more than a daydream. Flowdreaming has a secondary aspect in which you enter a “place” outside of time or space where your mind and your desires become active, participatory, creative forces that can alter the circumstances in your life. Flowdreaming puts you smack in the center of the Universal manifestational energy of the world—the Flow (also known as the quantum Zero-Point field). You will know that you have touched this place when you begin to see your desires manifesting in your life. Like a river to the sea, your personal Flow always travels in one direction—a natural, positive direction. When you fight your Flow or try to make things happen that may not be right for you, you’re going against the Flow—which can feel like swimming upstream. Flowdreaming helps steer you back on course to where everything again happens easily and effortlessly in your life, for your highest good. Flowdreaming works so well, so quickly for many people because it’s based on daydreaming—not meditation—and daydreaming is something everyone already knows how to do. There’s very little learning curve, so you can just get right in and start making things happen in your life. And when you add strong, positive emotion to your Flowdreaming, you have completed all that’s needed to supercharge your life with Flow energy. Emotion is like an electrical charge, and the more emotion you transmit in the Flow, the farther, faster, and more profoundly your desires will manifest. This is because emotion excites energy, which generates strong manifestational power. Your strong intention—your strong desire—is what drives the creative power of your life and your Flow. Article © 2010 Summer McStravick. Summer is a radio personality, the author of ten books and CD’s, a successful corporate leader in the world of body/mind/spirit publishing and the originator of Flowdreaming ®, a technique for empowering ourselves through working with living energies. Visit her website at to learn more!

Dear Venus ÂŽ With Venus Andrecht

"Remember ten years ago when Dad died?" My brother Arthur and I are standing by his car in the long dirt driveway at our mother's house. Art says, "After he died, I was just sitting in the hospital room with him for a while. Finally, I had to leave because I was worried about my family. I knew they were upset. I said, 'Dad, I'm sorry but I have to go be with my family now, and help them.' "So, I got up and left for the long drive up the mountain." "That's a hard drive, anyway," I say. "Especially when you're feeling so bad." The East wind is blowing and big swaths of eucalyptus bark are peeling off the trees and tumbling and rolling past us as we talk.

However, when it happens when we are awake and functioning as usual, it is often as sudden and as unexpected as it was for my brother. A man named Ken, tells me what happened when his grandmother died. "My grandmother died sitting happily in her blue big chair at my parent's house. Shortly after it happened she was being taken slowly in an ambulance to a hospital.I was following directly behind the ambulance, crying my eyes out when all of a sudden, from the back doors of the ambulance, I felt this great rush of energy leap out and into my car and into me. It was my grandmother and she let me know that she was fine and all was well with her! I swear this is true! I felt transported into some other place and I have never forgotten the experience. It has changed my whole way of thinking about life after death." Many times, we cross the Veil in our dreams.

My friend Bill and I are talking about the Other Side one "It was a long drive," Art sighs. "And I started to cry. day and I ask him if he has ever been there. He tells me Suddenly, I felt this tremendous energy rush into the car, go this dream. up through my feet, up my body and whoosh out the top of my head, and I heard Dad say in my mind, 'Don't cry for me, "My father died many years ago, but a few years back, I Arthur. I'm very happy.'" had this odd dream about him. He came to see me in the dream but I was so startled that I shouted, 'I don't talk to Later in the day while thinking of what my brother has told me, I think, 'Can we, as regular living mortals like my brother any dead people unless they bring God and Jesus with is, step through the Veil while we are still living? Can we be them!' with people who have died, people on the Other Side?' "My father disappeared but immediately returned with two luminous beings‌.and then I woke up!!" The answer is 'Yes,' we can cross the Veil as Arthur did, while we are still alive. Joe is a Vietnam Vet. His job in the war was to dismantle hidden bombs. He said it was a scary job because you What is this Veil? As a Medium, I see it as an energy that never knew when you might blow yourself up, or have a separates (just barely!) us the living, from all the other sniper take you out. dimensions and worlds that exist. As Jesus said, 'In my Father's house, are many mansions.' Most of us, I believe, cross this Veil that hangs between 'us' and 'them' a lot, but perhaps mainly when we are sleeping or when we think we are 'daydreaming.'

One day I was sitting on the couch in my living room, idly gazing how the big picture window, waiting for a visit from Joe. I heard the metal gate slam and saw Joe approaching through the branches of my bare maple trees.

I watched his approach .. and then he disappeared! He dissolved in front of my eyes…I leaned forward in astonishment; kept watching the naked air..and he re-appeared! I became very frightened and got chills all over. I raced to the door and let Joe in, exclaiming "Oh my gosh, you disappeared! You disappeared!" The man was nonchalant. "Yeah. I do that sometimes. I learned to do it when I was dismantling booby traps and bombs in Vietnam." I saw Joe do this one more time in the weeks that followed. It was night and he was walking from a lit room into a dimmer one where I was and when he was three or four feet in front of me, he dissolved and was gone. He re-appeared quickly but once again, I was shaking with fear. When Joe disappears, where does he go? Perhaps somewhere across the Veil! He's certainly not in our world as we know it. However, he apparently trips across a thin Veil as he reappears again so quickly. Its not only men who cross the Veil, of course. In fact, its generally thought that more women do it because we are supposedly more open. But, from what I know, men are just as busy crossing as we ladies are. My mother who is now eighty-eight, in hospice care and totally unafraid of death, relates one of her experiences.

It seems that our seeing across or crossing the Veil is a common happening. Sometimes, I think that I am moving back and forth from this world to the others, most of the time. In my work as a Medium, almost every day I deliberately go to the Other Side and search, sent by family and friends to look for their people who have passed over. I also am called upon to speak to what I call The High Beings, asking for advice from Them to help my clients with their concerns and troubles. In between these visits and voyages, and on my own in my personal life, I have many spontaneous visions and daydreams. How does one learn to deliberately learn to see beyond the Veil, to see beyond this life? First, become hyper aware of every moment in your life. Its what is called being in the 'Now.' Watch closely and you might catch yourself being Somewhere Else! For example, where do we go when we daydream? I think we are in other dimensions for sure when we daydream, and what would you call that?

Notice when you find yourself daydreaming. Where are you in the daydream and what are you doing? Are you really in the 'here' or maybe are you in the 'there'?

"I was in my thirties, had just had a major operation and was in terrific pain. I was in a hospital room right after I came out of the operation, when I felt people jostle my bed. I thought,' Why would they have people cleaning the room now?'

Are you perhaps having Visions which are very similar to daydreams? With my Visions, I find myself watching 'movies' in the ethers in front of me. You may do it differently.

I opened my eyes, but no one was there! When I closed my eyes, I felt the people, again, but they were all leaning against my bed. Suddenly, I was lifted up into the air, to the ceiling of the room. I felt wonderful! And, I felt like I knew all the answers to every question in the world. I was clear and bright. I knew I could keep on going, but then I thought of you kids. I had six little kids and Candy was only two months old. I couldn't leave you! Then wham! I was dropped back into my body and the terrific pain. I've never been afraid of death, since."

With patience, you can learn to travel across the Veil consciously and deliberately. Some of us are born knowing how to take this trip…for others it takes practice to know that we are in fact already doing it…and that it only takes recognition and then diligent and aware practice to 'travel the friendly skies' beyond the Veil.

Article © 2010 Venus Andrecht. See Venus on Facebook. She is a psychic reader and radio host of “The Dear Venus Show” on Contact Talk Radio. Sonja is a sixty year old woman who takes care of my mother, Her website is She now that Mom has terminal cancer. Sonja has cared for many is also a painter of good energy art that brings good people at the ends of their lives. things into your life. Her art website is "One time," she tells me, "I was taking care of a man and all evening I heard spirits talking loudly and shouting. They were making a terrible noise. I told my friend who was with me, 'That man is going to die tonight'... and he did.' She tells me that she often sees spirits of the dead shortly before her charges pass over to the other side.

The New Earth With Christine Dragon

Greetings, Brothers and Sisters of Light! This message is infused with the Blue Light of the Christ, take all in this message that suits you and leave the rest.

All darkness is illusion, the lack of love. Once again, shine love on all situations and make love the center of all your manifestations. When you create from your heart, you can do no wrong. All that you dream and deA lot has changed since the passing of the 10-10-10 Star-gate sire, comes from your spirit and your heart. You are part and the turning of fall in the United States. One thing can be of God / Goddess and God / Goddess is in turn a part of said about all of the recent "U.F.O Sightings" around the world, you. Once you step into that truth, you will be given all excitement! Why all this excitement right before the snap of the power you need to create new expressions of God / Winter? Our Brothers and Sisters of Light, from this and other Goddess. Planetary Dimensions wish to bring us hope and encouragement. They know that the Winter is a still time of "going inside" Polarity is increasing, and the Earth is feeling the strain, quite literally as the temperature drops and also as we move so are we the collective of humanity. Times ahead are into a "reflective" period. As some of us will be "stuck in going to magnify all that is, darkness will become darker doors" this Winter, the Imagination is Key. as it is on the way out to make room for more light. Light will become brighter, and it will be harder and What you think about this Winter, will become manifest in harder to return to the material world of the ego. My the Spring. As seeds of Creation are planted into your Ascension Team of Angelics, Light Beings and Masters Consciousness, you then Water them with your Focus and your tell me daily to seek help from the heavens at this time, Intention. Remember yourself as a Child, blameless, pure and as many of our old connections are now broken. As we full of wonder. This is the you that can be seen through the detach from the old Earth, we can tap into the vision of Eyes of Christ. The Eyes of Christ can see nothing else than all the New Earth through focus and intent. It is time to Brothers and Sisters as pure running brooks of Divinity and connect with nature, as we consciously create the New God ship. Choose to create purity, by seeing yourself as a Earth. creature of magic, wonder and innocence. You are powerful beyond belief, when you can stand in timelessness afraid of It is time to connect with our Star Family, in the nothing. Once you see everyone as innocent, there will be Heavens. The time for fearing our Brothers and Sisters nothing to fear. Fear is only the absence of Light. When you of Light is over, it does not serve us anymore. Just as the come upon darkness Extend your Palms with Love. trees shead their leaves in fall, to make room for new Consciously Radiate Love to that which you are afraid of, and buds in spring so must we release all beliefs that no lonwatch the darkness and fear Disappear. ger serve us. (Continued on the next page . . . ) Once you can Stand in the Christ, meaning viewing others as pure and childlike. The Ego will be quieted and your Imagination will once again regain power. Free from the constant drain of the thinking mind, the Imagination is now free to do what it was made for, imagine! Now that you are reconnected with your great I AM Blueprint, it is time to get to work! It is time to manifest the Future, the New Earth and Ascension for ALL. You have the power to create anything you desire, the time is now. Only give emotion, feeling and thought to that which comes from a place of love. If you see something that does not come from the heart of love, it is only shadow and darkness.

Releasing Meditation

Releasing: Here is a meditation that was given to me by the Galactic Grandmother Spider Envision yourself as a grand tree, hundreds of years old. Feel your roots sink deep into the Mother Earth, consciously pull up energy from Mother Earth like a long string. As you pull up the energy, first bring it through your feet, then legs up to the lower chakras. Slowly move the energy through the solar plexus and heart chakras, moving to your throat chakra. Keep pulling up the energy like a string, threading it into your third eye and crown chakra. Once you have run the energy from Mother Earth up through your chakra system, consciously connect with your galactic chakra (this may be your Star Home or originating planet) send your home planet the energy of the Mother Earth. Once you have connected Mother Earth to your home star / planet you will then take an ethereal string from your home star / planet, and draw it back through your galactic chakra, crown, third eye and throat. Once you have pulled down the string to the heart chakra, you will continue to thread it back down through all the lower chakras. Take the string deep into the roots you have created, and anchor the light from the heavens into Mother Earth. You should feel very peaceful and anchored at this time, sit for a while in the energies of both of your homes and draw strength. Fill yourself up with the light of the heavens, and the light of the Mother. Now that you are in a place of peace, you can now look at your leaves. Your leaves are all that you have out grown, look at each leaf and label them with all that you wish to release. The winds of change come now to assist you, the winds gently blow off each leaf painlessly and effortlessly allowing you to let go of all that no longer serves you. Once all the leaves are gone, you are left with bare branches. These branches await your instruction, they want to know, what sort of tree you will become in the spring? In Love and Light of the Christ ~Christine Dragon

Article © 2010 Christine Dragon. Christine is the host of the show “The Yellow Brick Road” and a co-host on the LIVE radio show “The Faeries and Angels Radio Show” all of which you can listen to directly at

The Artwork of Baraka “I hold the belief that if we simply surround ourselves with beauty, we will learn to expect it. Out of this expectation we will turn around and create more beauty. What’s possible is this: The world will become a magnificent place.” Baraka Robin Berger Dream Journey © Baraka

Baraka Robin Berger is a painter/printmaker living in Gloucester, Massachusetts. Graduating from Boston University’s School of Fine Arts in 1970, her work has been a journey from the traditional to the mystical. Baraka believes that beauty is essential to our well-being. The intention behind her artwork is to bring beauty into life as a healing force. Her Emerging Goddesses, Mystical Landscapes and Personal Energy Portraits have been collected by healing professionals and shown in galleries throughout the country. Baraka works in her studio in Gloucester, MA, where, inspired by Cape Ann’s transcendent light and passionate sea, she has lived since 1978. For more information, please check out her website: e-mail: . Also, see her blog under ‘news’ on her website.

See more of Baraka’s Artwork on the next page!

Lady of the Moors © Baraka

Gentle Angel Š Baraka

The Celestial Journal By Adrienne Dumas

Galactic Healing Chambers And Healing Planets In my downloadable Star Visitor meditations, I take you on journey’s to meet the loving and benevolent Star Beings – those who are a part of The Galactic Federation of Light (from different and various planets, worlds, realms and dimensions). I also have a meditation dedicated to experiencing a real physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing from a galactic healing chamber. You will be taken into a Galactic Federation Star Ship, where the loving beings will place you inside of one of their chambers. This chamber is mechanical in nature, yet also contains pure, organic properties and directly links you to the healing energies of the Universe. I was first introduced to this chamber during a dream-meditation / astral experience. I often have very detailed dreams about Star Beings and feel that they are actually my astral travels with them. I feel that these beings are my star family and they are indeed a part of all of humanity’s family. I had been experiencing some pain in my body and I asked my angels and guides to help me to feel better. I was surprised because I was taken astrally on board a ship that contained a variety of loving beings. I even saw some beings that were mantis-like with large butterfly and dragonfly shaped wings! The other beings were human – and I have to honestly say that they do look very “super-human” like and angelic (but no wings). The other beings that I noticed were the small, childlike Zeta’s, who are very gentle and loving in nature and who resembled the “grey’s” in some ways. I think they were very fond of my energy, having worked with Faeries so often! As I was taken aboard the ship, I was placed inside of a chamber that began to radiate a pure white light. This light zapped right through my body and at first felt very tingly and then began to feel warm and velvety – much like Reiki feels. I could sense that it was going deep into every pour and cell of my being – even expanding my aura and balancing my chakra’s. I would suggest that if you are ever in need of a deep healing, that you ask the Galactic Federation to take you astrally to a Healing Chamber. I also had another dream experience (astral travel) where I was taken to a planet that looked much like earth but contained no human-like beings. The planet seemed to be used ONLY for healing purposes! It contained only the highest, healing energies. The entire planet was full of Life, including trees, plants and flowers. I also noticed large and small crystals and even rivers that were lined with healing crystals. I was guided to sit under a healing waterfall that totally cleansed my body, mind, aura and chakras of all negativity. I felt that the Star beings visit this planet from time to time for replenishing purposes and also they take those of us (and other beings from other planets) to these Healing Planets when we are in need (with our permission on some level!). They may indeed take us there astrally or even in person! Our Galactic Star Family is here to help us now during these times. Feel free to call on them when you feel the need to and be sure to express your Love and gratitude as well.

Article © 2010 Adrienne Dumas. You can order her Star Being meditations directly at Adrienne Dumas is the editor and creator of “The Faeries and Angels Magazine” and she is the creator and main host of “The Faeries and Angels Radio Show”. You can also order Pleiadian Healings or Pleiadian Readings from Adrienne by emailing her at

This image contains the special energies of Merlin. Read on the next few pages to find Out more about Magickal Merlin!

Magickal Merlin With Diane Pegler

Painting Š by Paul Workman

Magickal Merlin With Diane Pegler About the Merlin Painting: There are a couple of things that Merlin has told me to tell people about as a help to them. As well as gazing into the painting and also placing all your hopes and dreams (as well as your past hurts) into his wonderful gold hat, visualize your hopes and dreams and see them manifest within the crystal ball that Merlin is holding. The paradox is that you are creating them by seeing them play out in the crystal ball. The words in the crystal ball say 'I Am Returning' in Greek. This was totally the artists idea and time will reveal the reason for that too, I am sure. Visualization - Merlin and The Golden Book: Another aid from Merlin is that he has shown me a book. Visualize yourself standing by the side of Merlin as he holds the book. Run your fingers across the pages of this very large and very old book from right to left. As you do so, you will feel words, and symbols form under your fingers. These are the pages of all your past lives and the story of those lives which Merlin has recorded. Everyone who has ever lived is recorded in this book, and Merlin didn't record their wrong doings, Merlin recorded the antidote to the times when people turned away from The Light to help them now when The Ascension is upon us. The incantations, symbols, charms, rainbows, stars and Faeries that Merlin placed in our pages every time we lost our way will be revealed to us within those pages if we stand with Merlin. Merlin is a Wondrous Being Of The Great White Brotherhood and He Is Returning Now in Love and In Service To Our Beautiful Planet. Merlin also said that one of the main reasons He is returning at this time is particularly for the children as the Magick is being lost for them. It is for everyone, of course as the Magick is waning for us all. Merlin says that those of us who love the children and want to help them see the Magick in The World and within their own World are being called to work with Merlin. This is a major part of The Ascension plan because it is the children who will take our World forward and so on and so on. If they do not have 'eyes' which see then The World will carry on much as it has been doing and it needs to change.

“I Am Returning’ said Merlin to the Faeries. ‘The time has come. It was written in the Stars that I would return at this time and you and I have a very important role to play.’ The Faeries listened very carefully as Merlin beamed his message to them from his haven among The Stars. The Stars have always sung to the Faeries; only the Faeries, Elementals and Devas, Animals, Flora and Fauna can hear their song. In the 60's we sung: When The Moon Is In The 7th House and Jupiter Aligns With Mars Then Peace Will Guide The Planets And Love Will Steer The Stars Harmony & Understanding, Sympathy and Trust Abounding No More Falsehoods or Derisions, Golden Living Dreams Of Vision, Magic Crystal Revelation And The Minds True Liberation Aquarius! Aquarius! ** ** 5th Dimension and Sung In the Musical ‘Hair’ by James Rado and Gerome Ragni. Music by Galt McDermott (Continued on the Next Page . . .)

Well the actual dawning of the Age of Aquarius when the moon did enter the 7th House and Jupiter did align with Mars was February 14th 2009 – 50 years later! It was on that day The Stars radiated their first message to the Faeries, of the very important role they would play in creating the beautiful, loving Age of Aquarius. For those with eyes to see, the Sun, Moon and Stars have orchestrated breath-taking majesty and planetary alchemy throughout this year commencing with a Blue Moon eclipse on 31st December. This is the heavenly back drop against which Merlin, our enigmatic wizard friend and kindly sage, and the Faeries have created their (unseen to most) miracles. My own formal introduction to Merlin happened in February this year around the time of my birthday. Has this been pre-destined or a spiritual birthday gift? I don't know because while I have always been a fan of Merlin there was a little reluctance on my part to believe that such a wondrous Being could be my guide however I now know that He is (How cool is that?!) and I also know that he will be making a visit to many more people – So keep an eye out! Faeries too will become increasingly noticeable. Wherever you go, you'll see a Faery, they will crop up in conversation, in jewelry, in cards, in books, in the media …everywhere, everywhere there will be Faeries. How wonderful and funny and beautiful! Faeries make people smile inside and laugh out loud. They make your heart sing. This is just one of their Ascension roles and it is so stunningly simple. Clever Merlin! Merlin’s message is that all we need to do is

‘Live, Love and Laugh Out Loud’ I want to share a wonderful image of Merlin as he strides towards Glastonbury, his hat cocked to one side, his staff heralding his way. The Tor is in the distance and he looks over his shoulder beckoning us to follow him. There’s a quizzical look in his eyes as he invites us to join in the fun he’s just about to start! Merlin’s coat trails the ground and the Faeries seem like balls of Light bouncing along the hem almost as if they are hitching a ride. Merlin takes such long strides and walks so quickly that it’s easier for the Faeries to keep up with him this way. You can hear their peals of gleeful laughter as they all bob along! Another Merlin secret: ‘Orbs which appear in photographs these days are actually Faeries who have stumbled into the shot..accidentally on purpose!’ Now we come to Merlin’s hat. This is so good, you’ll really want to try it. Merlin stood in front me holding his up-turned hat

‘Place all your hurts and all your hopes and dreams into the crown of my hat’. When I had finished he twisted the hat clockwise three times then popped the hat back on to his head. Just like the magician who pulls the white rabbit from his top hat. ‘The Light from my crown chakra is so powerful I can transform your disappointments and manifest your dreams. Do you know why the Light from my Crown Chakra is so powerful? - because this is where I hid The Grail!’ I gasped and Merlin laughed. Of course, it makes perfect sense. Merlin is The Protector Of The Grail and where better place to hide it! Merlin went to say:

‘The Grail Path to the Divine is the direct link from the Heart to the Crown Chakra and out to The Universe. Only those with the purest of Hearts and Intentions will attain The Grail (Ascension).’ So simply put, to attain Ascension for ourselves and the Planet, we only need Live, Love and Laugh with the highest of intention for Our Planet and all who dwell upon it. Merlin also said,

‘Seek the Magick wherever it may be, whoever you are and whatever age you may be!’ How exciting! Article © 2010 Dianne Pegler. Visit her website at

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by Laura Walthers Have you ever imagined that one day you would have the ability to actually photograph a REAL faery? It happened to me on a walk in an enchanted forest with my family! How did I do it? Let me explain. It wasn’t the camera or the place. It wasn’t the season or the time of day. It was my open readiness to the possibilities of seeing what has been with us all along! Do you remember your relationship with Nature and the faeries when you were a child? Do you remember how pure of heart you were? You didn’t have to be convinced faeries existed, you KNEW they were real! The secret to photographing them is to meet them where they are… in a higher frequency where love, joy and Oneness are considered normal. To access them, we must first calm ourselves, open our hearts and be willing to share with them the reality of unconditional love and respect. We can then permit ourselves to see our reality through a lens where we are without limitation. It requires an open heart, trust and a willingness to release our leftbrain perception of reality. It may take a little practice, but once opened, this interdimensional doorway becomes a pathway into nature. The elementals literally become your guides and teachers in this shift of consciousness through the heart.

Using the Gift When you first try to photograph them, it is rare that you will see them through your physical eyes because you really don’t know what you are looking for. All you see are the shades, shapes and colors of the photograph you took. To shift your vision, you start by setting your intention. Don’t demand they present themselves a specific way, just let them tune into you as you open to them. Then calm yourself, open your heart, feel and become the Oneness… only then can you ask for them to show themselves. They may even lower their frequency so you can catch a glimpse of them before they playfully dart away. You will learn to trust your intuition and “sense” them before you take a photograph. When you download the images, you can then return to the higher frequency of calm, stillness and connectedness that you experienced while taking the shots and “whoosh”… you are literally seeing a new reality through the lens of Nature and the elementals! What is amazing is that the photographs literally become flexible and the longer you look at one, the more shapes take form allowing you to see them! (Continued on the next page . . . )

The Enchanted Tree © Laura Walthers

The Enchanted Tree Close Up of Faeries! Š Laura Walthers

Like them, we are beings of light and form. These beings take on forms we recognize! They camouflage themselves in nature. Their colors could be brown, gold, red or green. If you imagine them to have a hat or boots, that is how they may choose to show up. The elementals’ love and support of humanity are an incredible gift. They teach us how to BE the frequencies of love, harmony, and Oneness as we remember their playfulness we experienced as children.

The Enchanted Tree The photographs I take are multi-dimensional, having many layers of energy in them. They can help activate your personal potential within the nature realm. Some of the elementals appear not to be in full solid form. I have enlarged a few nature beings on this incredible tree through a magnifying glass for a close-up view: The elemental in the right lower corner is what I call a sylph or nature sprite. Her name is Sylphia. Americans see it as a fairy from the Disney stories of Tinkerbell. True Faeries are not little winged beings in nature. They are an ancestral race of Kings and Queens in Ireland called Tuatha De DaNan (pronounced Tootha day DaNan) that live in both the ethereal realm and the mounds of Ireland. At one time they intermingled with the human race. The middle looking glass is of a tree elf, named Eirlyn (pronounced Air-lyn). He is bratty and very wise. (The nature beings reveal their name telepathically). The top looking glass reveals the Grandfather of the tree. Some call him the Green Man. There is no wrong way to see them. It is according to your life experience, your memories and your intuitive gifts. I hope you will allow nature to embrace your heart. Seeing them with your heart is truly the doorway into their realm. Remember before you go out in nature make a conscious intent before your journey. Open up to the nature realm and the Oneness in the Universe. This will allow them to take steps to know who you are and form deeper relationships together. Find your Joy in Nature. Become Enchanted. Happy Trails!

Laura Walthers grew up in the Midwest where she loved playing in the trees and spending time in Nature. Laura’s 15 years experience as a professional photographer proved to be an incredible asset when she found REAL nature beings in photos taken while on a family hike in the forests of Washington State. She discovered not only the secret to photographing REAL faeries, gnomes and other elemental life in nature, but also how to communicate with them! She was then asked to assist others in learning to access the consciousness that is Nature by developing a sacred relationship with the elementals. Laura’s new book Life In Nature Revealed: Real Photographs of Faeries, Gnomes and Elves is a compilation of what she calls her “Conscious Photography” collection. It includes actual photographs of the Elementals taken in such spectacular sites as the Redwoods of the California Coast, the Olympic Forests of Washington State, The Willamette Valley of Oregon, Mt. Shasta and even the Mohave Desert!

To order her book or preview more of her nature photography visit her website:

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