Ruth Murdoch Elementary School GROWING IN CHRIST
Ruth Murdoch Elementary School RMES is a K-8 Seventh-day Adventist school located on the beautiful campus of Andrews University. Our mission is to fulfill the educational and spiritual needs of every child. Recent studies show that students who attend Adventist schools perform better than the national average, and achieve, one-half grade level higher in all subjects than predicted based on their ability scores. They also gain the benefits of stronger spiritual lives and healthy lifestyle choices. (www.cognitivegenesis. org and www.valuegenesis. org) RMES is one of over 7,600 Adventist schools in over 145 countries around the world that is committed to Christian education of the highest quality. Our school is accredited through the National Council for Private School Accreditation, the Accrediting Association of Seventh-day Adventist Schools, and the North American Division.
A jumpstart to future academic interest. Learning today what will make a difference in our tomorrow. STEAMS is a holistic model that fosters the harmonious development of the total person in preparation to be creative, critical thinkers, life-long learners, and compassionate citizens.
SCIENCE Science allows us to better understand the world we live in and appreciate the wondrous creations of our God. Through this understanding we teach our students about the importance of preserving our environment and exploring. Science: Science Art, Health and Nutrition, Intro to Anatomy and Physiology, Intro to Chemistry, PE, Coding.
TECHNOLOGY Technology has become a big part of our lives, and with these advances we want to teach our children how to use it purposefully. At Ruth Murdoch Elementary School we offer many opportunities to enrich our students learning. Technology: Microsoft Suite (Microsoft Word, Excel, PPT) ALEKS, Typing/keyboarding, Home Maintenance.
ENGINEERING Lego norte noter unum demerei inateri intiam hus? quosNos, quam te, num maiostem, tat, sperces publiuscia con nit; est? Namquo et iam vil ve, num puliu serfintere medes nintrum terordius, Catum, quo et quide teri in iac ocrudet interfectam desse fitis con terum. Dam in siliaetil Engineering: Lego Robotics, CO2 Cars, Model Rocketry, Creating Models.
ART & AGRICULTURE Through the use of art we expand our minds and explore creatively. At Ruth Murdoch Elementary School we offer a wide range of programs that give students opportunities to learn essential life skills through different avenues. They are encouraged to develop their talents, and they are given opportunities to perform and celebrate their gifts. Arts: Vocal and Instrumental Orchestra, Music/Band, Strings, Hand-bells, Recorders, Guitar. Art Adventure, Arts and Crafts, Ceramics, Painting, Culinary Arts, Foreign Languages (Spanish, French, Korean) Agriculture: Large and Small Animal Care, Gardening/ Campus Beautification.
MATH Evit, dit isum actam. Sus es ve, ne conorum stem auc re nondam eo hebus porei perra? quam hoc, castala rem siculicie ite conihiciis. Sciem publintesim in patori sen se que ta conclatum simmo mod in deo, Cat, Catu meri publium inequi in Etrortem pro, sum sulvitra quo ve, desupionsil consci inum sultum nit; hoc octatid C. Vasdamp licienderio, tem verferi conduci timiliciene es Ahacchum tu essatiu ssulico nsusquo ssigit. Uncum us ocrum are ego nendam sum etis mantistra? Hem inatius,
Math: Math curriculum enriched by the online component based on common core standardized J2E, and key learning opportunity. Adv. Placement to AA in various subject areas.
SPIRITUALITY We all want our children to succeed academically, but an even greater success is knowing that they are growing spiritually. At Ruth Murdoch Elementary School we teach about the unconditional love of our God and how he wants us to treat each other. We teach by example, and we work to train up young men and women who will be passionate about doing God’s work. Spirituality: Christ-centered classrooms, faith, learning and service integrated across the curriculum. Respect, appreciation, and acceptance of diverse cultures (students from over 50 countries around the globe attend RMES) Multicultural Fair.
“Let the children come.“ Matthrew 19:14