Angelica Fontana Portfolio

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“we are not what we say, but what we really do”

SINCE1988 Bachelor degree grade: 100/110

Fontana snc Piacenza (IT) customer care

High school graduation grade: 80/100

Fontana snc Piacenza (IT) customer care exhibition and service designer

Eco Design Fair Shanghai (CN) graphic and exhibition designer

Tektao Urban Design Shanghai (CN) strategic designer Tongji University, Shanghai (CN) Double Degree

Forniture Design Fair for Politecnico di Milano, Milan (IT) exhibition designer

Politecnico di Milano, Milano (IT) Master, Product Service System Design Politecnico di Milano, Como (IT) Bachelor, Forniture Design Gymnasium M. Gioia, Piacenza classical high school Born in Piacenza (IT) 24 October

Tongji University, Shanghai (CN) Master graduation


Thesis, Bachelor in Forniture Design Politecnico di Milano, 2010 Contatto Furniture design

“Rouded and smooth objects, sensuous shapes,shiny colors� (D.Norman). Rounded shapes and materials can stimulate senses. As brief, in a team of three we had to design a living room and find a company interested to introduce our forniture pieces in their catalogue. After analyzing the value and the usage of the living room, by developing an ethnographic and a trend research, interviewing both experts (wgsn, housing and trend hunters) and targeted people, we designed the mood of the space. I developed the design of a set with a sofa, as the core of the house. Contatto is a furniture piece, part of a set with a double sofa and an armchair. The concept idea is to make the user feeling confortable in the space with its warm and shinny colors and materials. The client can choose between three types of foam density, from the strongest to the softest, to be adapted to any special needs. At the same time this sofa creates a common and private space, where to enjoy the everyday-life

Forniture Design Lab, Politecnico di Milano, 2008 Legami-Legami Forniture Design

Legami-legami’s concept was developed as it was supposed to be included in Magis collection 2008. Magis is a well-known italian firm whose philosophy is to be always upgraded and innovative. They mostly work with a fresh and playful color palette. The goal of the project was to design a furniture piece for exterior. My research started by analyze the way user interact with their private outside space. They mostly want to personalize it as they need and be able to have both some private and shared spaces. I designed a modular set of 4 chairs and footrest made by anodized iron and krilon which the user can combine as he wants. Colors avaiable are orange, blu, red and green. I prototyped two pieces of the set.

Salone del mobile 2010 Corriere della Sera, competition The sixth sense bathroom Interior concept design in collaboration with Andrea Ghiringhelli

The sixth sense bathroom, is a project that won a competition lauched by Corriere della Sera, and then was pubblished on the Newspaper during the Forniture Fair 2010. We were asked to design our idea of a 8 sqm bathroom. The sixth sense bathroom was tought to be a place where to live a multisensorial experience. By the using of special materials, textures and colors the user can feel strong emotions and enjoy every single moment. Moreover the three different spot of the bathroom are signed by three different colors, blu, red and purple, to suggest special feelings by the therapeutic properties of chromo.

Design Harvest, 2012 Chongming Island, Shanghai Tiangen, Innovation Hub Interior design in collaboration with Tektao Urban Design

In October 2012, I started to work for studio Tektao, a Urban Planning company, based in Shanghai. The project I started to take care of was called Design Harvest and it was running since 2009. The idea behind was to push an alternative sustainable proposal for contemporary urban sprawl. We worked on involving local communities in Chongming, an Island one hour far from Shanghai, in the design action, to give their knowledge identity back to them. We wanted both to create a marketplace in town for green food and crafts, and to bring more citizen to come discovering the Island and its threasure. First I worked on designing the interior space of a house, the studio had just buit in a small village,in the northen-east side of Chongming. The place was designed to host citizens interested on experiencing the life in the Island. The idea, while designing the interior, was to use local row materials and to involve local craftsman. In two months we managed to open the house.

Idea Design lab, workshop 2013 Sensory Delight, Shanghai Sensory Garden Interior concept design in collaboration with Wang Yan, He Huiwen, Li He Ran, Yue Xiang

This project has been developed during a workshop held by Idea Design lab. the brief was to design a concept of a future bedroom for Pullman Hotel, in Pudong (Shanghai). The aim of my team concept idea was to aware people to take care of their own balance and to enable a connection of micro eco-systems in the metropolis. Inspired by the Tao Hua Yuan legend, we designed a hotel room to relink people to their body through a sensory garden experience. We created a path where customers were lead on the discovery and interaction with materials, surfaces to enhance their hidden dreams and reboot their senses. We asked nature for its help, with its raw materials and purity. Grass, wood, stones, bamboo will be combined to create a microorganism world.


discovering relaxing

Cut it out, Politecnico di Milano exhibited at Salone Satellite 2011 Inner sole Industrial design in collaboration with Brian Plaum

In summer time, in industrial cities, asphalt can get hot and many objects, (motorbike stands, flowerpots, tables) leave ugly punctures in the ground. By placing these brass molds underneath there previously stated objects, the combination of pressure and heat will permanently impress metal leaves, sea motifs and animal footprints in the asphal. An ironic design, which is both an art piece and a public installation. Release your inner sole!

Service Design Project, Politecnico di Milano, 2011 Cheese Lab PSSD in collaboration with Roberta Campione, Valentina Raffaelli e Carlos Sarmiento Valencia

Cheese Lab is a service developed for a farm, placed in the Milano suburbs. We had been asked to develop an in-place research to understand all the weekeness and the oppotunities the farm had, in order to design a proper service that could help and implement their business and enhence its related experience.The combination of all them memories of its history, the place is full off, the over-production of the milk and the tradition on making the cheese, brought us to develop the cheese lab project. We basically wanted to provide farmers with a wellstructured system, so that they could be able to offer an attractive experience.

STAKEHOLDERS Groups of children organizations

P PRODUCTION Production of goods recent

M ilk Cheese Vegetables



Pozi family Farmers Parco Sud Milano institutions Local trasport ation company

Food producers Local partners M oney Informa tion Material

# of users

Contact centre Activity centre LAB


Ele ctricity Water Gas

Administrative centre

Sale centre

Domestic Service providers

Book your Cheese Lab: In charge of

( # of kids or people coming )

Address: Surname: Name: Email:

w Ne

Telephone : Message (preferences in Time and Date ) :

Book a cheese Experience

Banner W eb - Link

Form to book

the cascina this allows to control the number of ingredients per kid or groups.

Service Design Project, Politecnico di Milano, 2011 Tatà PSSD in collaboration with Roberta Campione, Viola De Marzi, Rui Xia, Ida Telelbasic,

Tatà is a service designed with the aim to provide citizens with a support in the neightbourhood and teach them how to collaborate in a mutual help. The idea has been developed knowing how difficult is to manage all the commitments and contingencies that can happen, in such huge cities as Milan is, and even more to get help in emergency situation. After a deep research, we understood that most of the time we don’t even know our neighbours and we are even afraid of contacting them to ask for help. Families are those who mostly get crazy in solving everyday problems, while most of them are usually without any support. What tatà does is to provide an instant help to those families. The main goal was to create a strong community in the neighbourhood, where the trust shoud be a must and people do not feel lost anymore.

Project exhibition, Desing Forniture Fair, 2011 Xtremely Ordinary Design PSSD exhibition in collaboration with Pssd Team

XOD, Xtr(emely) Ordinary Design, was the 11th of Polimi exhibitions in Salone Satellite. The exhibition displayed the best 24 projects from different disciplines obtained by a selection among more than 200 participants (I had my project exhibited). The main aim was to promote Politecnico by taking the maximum attention to the stand, projects and the idea. The exhibition’s concept was to make joke of the of the exceptional design of the big designers’ name which, most of the time, are suppressing the project itself. The exhibition stand was designed as a backstage for “star” designers, while micro-events and flash-mobs contaminated the city. I was in charge of the silhouette performance, whch basically gave people opportunity of being instant designers with cardboard cut out silhouettes dressing up cliche designer costumes.

Temporary Urban Solution, Politecnico di Milano, 2011 There is a room for one more PSSD event in collaboration with Pssd Place Team

“C’è spazio per tutti/There’s room for one more” is an event that took place in November 2011 at the Milano Bovisa Durando campus of Politecnico di Milano, with the purpose of opening to the inhabitants of that area the public spaces of the university with a series of “toolkit”, aiming at understanding, observing and enjoying a public space, with the help of “esterni” and “Human Cities”. In our team we decided to design a polihunt to help people to understand the layout of the campus and the facilities that are provided to the students. The idea was to create an interactive discovery tour through a map, we designed, which included clues to find the path. We even provided information postcards and photo panels with the past and the present campus life. We created a snack spot with some popcorns and the red chair, the treasure, to provide people with a picture as a memory of the event.

Exhibition Design Project, Eco-design week, Shanghai 2012-2013 Sustainanble house, Design Harvest Exhibition in collaboration with GoodtoChina and Tekato

In April 2012 I worked during the eco-design week, which Is a once-a-year community event showcasing sustainable innovation and design in Shanghai. I collaborated with GoodtoChina, and our goal was to try to reconnect people with a sostainable way of living, showing them how to reduce their footprint carbon in the city. In 2013, while I was working on Design Harvest project, I designed a small toolkit to prototype during the fair. The aim was to gain people’s dream, in general talking and to communicate and spread the information about Design Harvest project. In a bamboo chest, full of rice, people were asked to seed a piece of paper after they wrote one special dream. As reward they were provided with a small canvas bag where inside there was a seed (a bean seed from Chongming Island), to represent the seed of their dream, they were asked to plant in their home, to make it grow. In the bag there was even a paper, they had to give as a present to anyone they fund in the fair, as to pay the dream forward.

Tektao Urban Design Shanghai 2013 Design Harvest co-working Workshop facilitator in collaboration with Tekato research team

While I was working for Design Harvest project, with 6 people from Tektao research team, and 4 external both volunteers and customers, I drove a two days co-design workshop, trying to develop hundreds of ideas about the main key frames. The first day I organized some teambuilding games, to organize people in groups and to let them knowing each other and being intergrated. The second day I introduced them to the service design, showing the method and the tools to use to generate a service offer. By the end of the workshop the teams generated different concept ideas, which helped Tektao research team to develop Design Harvest project.

“if you are not prepared to be wrong, you will never come up with anything original� (K.Robinson)


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