How Augmented reality Transforming in Fashion Industry ? Firstly you need to know, every year customers are spending millions of dollars/money in clothing. There is no end in clothing industry day to day it grows! To make your fashion industry even more beneficial, the technology as offered a solutions for this !
AUGMENTED REALITY - IS GOING TO CHANGE THE PHASE OF LIFE FOR FASHION INDUSTRY. To be honest! In fashion industry, the AR has become more easier by integrating the app in Smart phone.
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By merging Augmented reality app in fashion industry, It helps customer to hold up their mobile to a sensor, now customers can imagine how a product looks simply, by pointing the camera on the brand name/fabric type/collar/neck design etc they can view on four sides (360 degree manner) clearly without stepping into shop.
By swiping on mobile touchscreen they can check their entire product how they look in the magic mirror. The most Interesting fact is, customers can see their reflection of themself how they look with their product and then they move forward to 'add to cart' option through the app. Keep this static in mind, By integrating AR app in your fashion industry you can pay more attention to the customers.
By building Augmented reality, how it lead customers through the below stages : ●
It creates awareness in your fashion industry.
● It builds the loyalty ● Transforming of purchase decision into buying the cloth. By providing the real experience to your customers, it boosts up your business!
Do you want to launch the best augmented reality app in your fashion industry? Fit4bond is one of the leading best Augmented Reality app provider in India. We offers high advanced unique features like Fabric type, style pattern,fabric design, color shades, collar pattern, cuff model, etc according to business needs. We Fit4bond team provides the augmented reality app for both fashion industry and tailoring business people. Take a free demo here!
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