Ana yancy, portafolio

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This Is About : * Post * During * Pre Stages

• This is the advantage of a concrete teaching plan is that teachers can follow it in the class and check what they done. A language teaching lesson plan usually has the following important components like a teaching aims, language contents and skills and teaching stages and procedures.

I had very nice experience and the most important is that now I know how elaborate the lessons plans and the best forms to teach in my class.

PRE TASK • task-based instruction Focuses on the use of authentic language and on asking students to do meaningful tasks using the target language.

• The methodological options available to the teacher in the during-task phase are of two basic kinds. There are various options relating to how the task is to be undertaken that can be taken prior to the actual performance of the task and thus planned for by the teacher. These will be called ‘task-performance options’. Second, there are a number of ‘process options’ that involve the teacher and students in on-line decision making about how to perform the task as it is being completed.

POST TASK This is the last phase and it is consist in activities, evaluations and procedures.

• English as a language has great reach and influence; it is taught all over the world. In English-speaking countries, English language teaching has evolved in two broad directions: instruction for people who intend to live in countries where English dominates and instruction for those who do not.

Learning a foreign language takes time and dedication. The reasons below may help to convince you to take the plunge, if such persuasion is needed. Some reasons are practical, some aspirational, some intellectual and others sentimental, but whatever your reasons, having a clear idea of why you're learning a language can help to motivate you in your studies.

• My experience was wonderful to do everything I was asked although in many cases it was quite difficult, as well as the moment of the presentation, because sometimes I had difficulties but I am aware that I did things as they were, and my oldest pride is that I learned to use this very useful tool for a tutor and for the students, it is more feasible to work like this.

• Learn to use Moodle, the most widely used open source learning tool. Create your own free e-learning site without limits on the number of users or courses. Fill out the form below and you will have your Moodle online within a few minutes. And now including BigBlueButton web conferencing.

• My role online tutor was that there was difficulties but the most important in this case is that the main advantage of online tutoring is the flexibility it gives both to the tutor and the learner. It also makes it easier to access resources anywhere in the world and it facilitates interaction among students and with the tutor. • We can worked and some ocations from our cellphones and that very good pint because principle I showed you the interest.

• Difficult in some occasions to try to figure out what the teachers wanted us to do in their activities and there were too many things we had to do in a short time, it was an arduous job that we did and we all deserve a compliment for what happened.

Respect • In Teaching Practicum II we was using the respect value during the six months, and don't care who taked the word. We always respecto him or her. • For example when we gave out view point in some topic or we was discussing or when we was doing a Negociation.

HONESTY • The honesty is important value that we was practicing during all class. • In some cases for example when we was doing our homeworks, quizzes, test and many others.

• Between values I found • *Peace, because at finaly we working ver y serious and no body interrup our work.

RESPONSABILITY • The responsability in the classroom is essential, the first example is the teacher. • He always is punctual ...⌚

• My experience as a teacher was very beautiful, because I realized that I am able to help others, with love and delicacy to overcome the barriers of fear.

CONCLUSSIONS & RECOMENDATIONS • This course is very interesting and is helpping in our tools to increase our knowledge. • RECOMENDATIONS Nothing is perfect, for this case in next course check one by one the activities and consider the time, because the problem is that no all students have the same long time... Some have to work and others only have to study... ⌚

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