Cadernodoaluno ingles 1º vol01

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1 SÉRIE ENSINO MÉDIO Caderno do Aluno Volume 1

INGLÊS Linguagens




Nova edição 2014 - 2017

São Paulo

Governo do Estado de São Paulo Governador Geraldo Alckmin Vice-Governador Guilherme Afif Domingos Secretário da Educação Herman Voorwald Secretário-Adjunto João Cardoso Palma Filho Chefe de Gabinete Fernando Padula Novaes Subsecretária de Articulação Regional Rosania Morales Morroni Coordenadora da Escola de Formação e Aperfeiçoamento dos Professores – EFAP Silvia Andrade da Cunha Galletta Coordenadora de Gestão da Educação Básica Maria Elizabete da Costa Coordenadora de Gestão de Recursos Humanos Cleide Bauab Eid Bochixio Coordenadora de Informação, Monitoramento e Avaliação Educacional Ione Cristina Ribeiro de Assunção Coordenadora de Infraestrutura e Serviços Escolares Ana Leonor Sala Alonso Coordenadora de Orçamento e Finanças Claudia Chiaroni Afuso Presidente da Fundação para o Desenvolvimento da Educação – FDE Barjas Negri

Caro(a) aluno(a), Nesta nova fase de sua vida escolar, você vai ter a oportunidade de rever alguns temas e estruturas apresentados em anos anteriores, enquanto aprofunda seus conhecimentos e entra em contato com novos assuntos. Você já deve ter percebido que a língua inglesa é um excelente meio de aprender sobre outros povos e sua cultura, ao mesmo tempo em que podemos utilizar os nossos conhecimentos sobre o idioma para transmitir informações sobre nosso país e nossa cultura. O idioma também é muito importante em situações de trabalho, especialmente em grandes empresas multinacionais e no setor de serviços, para atendimento a turistas. Este volume vai lhe mostrar como o trabalho voluntário pode lhe garantir uma experiência inicial importante para seu currículo, além de lhe proporcionar momentos significativos de enriquecimento pessoal. Também vai mostrar como jornais e suas diversas seções são organizados, além de apresentar alguns termos específicos e lhe proporcionar as ferramentas para produzir seus próprios textos jornalísticos. No trabalho conjunto com seus colegas, você pode desenvolver a capacidade de trabalhar em grupo, construindo coletivamente os textos, tendo sua produção revisada por outros grupos e sugerindo correções para os trabalhos deles. Essas atividades, além de melhorar o seu conhecimento do idioma, visam a prepará-lo para atuar no mundo fora do ambiente escolar, em especial em atividades profissionais. Lembre-se de que os Cadernos trazem dicas de sites, músicas e filmes que podem ajudá-lo a aprender mais sobre o conteúdo estudado. Você também tem as seções que lhe permitem sistematizar o estudo do vocabulário e da gramática, além de fazer sua autoavaliação em relação às metas de aprendizagem propostas. Guarde com carinho cada Caderno. Todas essas seções contêm informações que podem ser úteis em outras séries e até mesmo quando já tiver concluído o Ensino Médio. Equipe Técnica de Inglês Área de Linguagens Coordenadoria de Gestão da Educação Básica – CGEB Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo

LEARNING TARGETS Neste Caderno, você fará atividades relacionadas a dois temas: 1) English around the world: cultural interactions e 2) Newspapers – Part I. Essas atividades vão ajudá-lo a: 1. Descobrir em que países a língua inglesa é falada como língua oficial. 2. Compreender por que a língua inglesa é considerada uma língua internacional. 3. Reconhecer o gênero de um texto. 4. Localizar informações específicas em um texto. 5. Levantar hipóteses sobre o assunto de um texto e verificá-las a partir da leitura. 6. Identificar palavras cognatas ou emprestadas da língua inglesa para compreender um texto. 7. Escrever um texto informativo sobre um programa de estudos interculturais. 8. Trabalhar em equipe, assumindo funções e contribuindo para o trabalho em grupo. 9. Reconhecer o uso do tempo verbal presente simples. 10. Reconhecer o uso do tempo verbal passado simples. 11. Reconhecer os usos de algumas preposições em contexto, por exemplo: go to, stay with, presentations about. 12. Reconhecer o uso das palavras during, since e ago. 13. Relacionar os nomes das seções de um jornal em língua portuguesa aos nomes, em língua inglesa, dessas mesmas seções. 14. Relacionar conteúdos e manchetes às respectivas seções em um jornal. 15. Identificar o gênero de um texto por meio da apreensão de sua organização geral e comparar gêneros distintos, identificando suas características. 16. Fazer inferências apoiadas em palavras cognatas. 17. Inferir significados não explícitos em um texto. 18. Identificar a opinião do autor com base em pistas verbais presentes no texto. 19. Produzir um anúncio, uma nota de correção e uma manchete, observando suas características de organização. 20. Deduzir uma regra gramatical com base na análise de exemplos e aplicar essa regra em situações de uso. 5

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© Claudio Ripinskas

1. Work in groups and study the following flags (they all represent countries where English is spoken as a first language). Then discuss this question in Portuguese: Do you know their names?







g) 6

Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

2. Read the table quickly. What is it about?

English and Portuguese in the world English Countries


Population % of native Native (million) speakers speakers


Population (million)

% of native speakers

Native speakers

United States








United Kingdom
























New Zealand














Fonte: SCHÜTZ, Ricardo. O inglês e o português no mundo. English made in Brazil. Dados de 2002. Disponível em: < br/sk-stat.html>. Acesso em: 17 maio 2013.

3. Read the table again. Complete the following information: a) Total of native speakers of English: b) Percentage of native speakers of English in Canada: c) Country with the highest percentage of English native speakers: d) Country with the lowest percentage of native speakers of English: e) Countries where the whole population has only one native language: Nota: o quadro indica que 100% da população, tanto do Brasil quanto de Portugal, são falantes da língua portuguesa. Esse dado desconsidera o fato de que, no Brasil, se estima que haja pelo menos 180 línguas indígenas. Em Portugal, o mirandês, falado no norte do país, foi reconhecido como língua em 1999. 7

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4. Work in groups. In Portuguese, discuss the following questions. a) What is the other language Canadians speak? Do you know why?

b) Why don’t all the people in the USA speak English?

c) Do you know any countries where English is spoken as a second language?

d) Why is English considered an international language?

e) What are the differences between American and British English varieties?

5. Read the following text to find out if your answers to the questions in Activity 4 are right. You may not find all the answers.

The international language: English! English is present in our daily lives. If you have access to the internet, most of the information there is in English: if you like listening to pop songs, lots of them are in English; if you go to the cinema, most film productions are in English; in other words, we are in contact with English all the time. There are about 700 million speakers of English around the world. In some countries it is the first language, like in the USA and the United Kingdom. In Canada, for example, people speak English and French as official languages. In other countries, like South Africa, Pakistan and India, it is the second official language. And we cannot forget people who need to speak the language for professional reasons: the world of science and business uses English as a means of communication. In this sense, English is considered a lingua franca. But is the language the same in all these contexts of use? Of course not. There are many different kinds of English. For example, a British person would call a taxi to go home, but an American would call a cab; a student at school in the USA uses an eraser, whereas a school boy in England uses a rubber. And an American inside a bank waits in line, whereas a British waits in a queue. 8

Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1


© Claudio Ripinskas

1. Study the table. Then read the situations and choose the correct answer.

American x British English: Vocabulary Varieties American English

British English













movie theater



Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

a) My stepfather Mike is from New York, US. He loves going to the movie theater . His favorite genres are comedy and thriller. b) Peter and I were born in London, UK. We live in a small flat downtown. The building is not high, so it doesn’t have a . We don’t like climbing up the stairs very much. c) Jeremy is staying with his cousins in California, US. The eldest one asked him this morning, “Would you like some ?” and he said, “Yes, of course. I prefer the chocolate ones.” d) Debbie is from Liverpool, England, but now she lives in Florida, US. At the beginning it was difficult for her to understand some words American people use. In restaurants, for instance, Americans always ask for the when they want to pay for the meal and go home. e) Tommy is going to get married soon. His American friends wrote to him asking what present he would prefer: a or a . 2. Study the code and break it to discover 5 (five) names of countries where English is an official language. $ ƅ

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a) · India





b) ¿







F) €







G) Ÿ






H) ¿





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Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

3. Study the chart to understand how to make questions in English.

Yes/No questions Information questions

Yes/No questions Information questions

Question word

Auxiliary verb


Information speak any foreign languages?






all the people in the USA

speak English?

Question word

Verb to be






from Jamaica?



Canadians speak?

How old


the other language your mom and dad?

Now choose the correct alternative to complete the rules: a) Yes/No questions begin with


) a question word. (

) a verb.

b) Information questions begin with


) a question word. (

) a verb.

4. Make questions using the following given words. Pay attention to punctuation. a) Linda/German/does/speak Does Linda speak German? b) languages/Peter/do/how many/speak/and/Tom

c) you/why/from California/move/did

d) Monica’s husband/French/study/does

e) Steven/how old/Mark/and/are 11


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LITERARY MOMENT “I know nothing more imposing than the view which the Thames offers during the ascent from the sea to London Bridge.” ENGELS, Friedrich. The conditions of the working class in England.


Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1 ?



1. Study the text “Youth Ambassadors Program”. What is it about? Where was it taken from?

Youth Ambassadors Program

The Youth Ambassadors Program is an initiative of social responsibility of the U.S. Embassy in Brazil, in partnership with public and private organizations. Among our key collaborators are the National Council of State Secretaries of Education – CONSED, the Brazilian Ministry of Education – MEC, and the large network of U.S.-Brazil Binational Centers. […] Created in 2002, this program targets Brazilian students who are examples in their communities – in terms of proven leadership, positive attitude, proven social consciousness, academic excellence, and English language ability. The Program’s main goal is to value and promote the strengthening of public education through these students, transforming them in models to their colleagues and communities. The winners of this contest travel in January to a three-week program in the United States. During the first week, they visit the U.S. Capital and its main landmarks, participate in meetings in public and private sector organizations, visit schools and social projects, and take a course on youth protagonism. After that first week in Washington D.C., they are divided into smaller groups that go to different states in the U.S., where they stay with host families, attend classes in local high schools and interact with Americans of their same age, take part in cultural and social responsibility activities in the community and deliver presentations about Brazil. The experience of being a Youth Ambassador gives these outstanding students the opportunity to expand their horizons at the same time as they help us strengthen the ties of friendship, respect and collaboration between Brazil and the United States.

Disponível em: < php&itemmenu=10>. Acesso em: 17 maio 2013.


Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

2. Read the text quickly. Where can you find information about: a) the benefits of the Youth Ambassadors Program to students?

b) when the Program started?

c) the organizations that collaborate with the Program?

d) what Youth Ambassadors do in the USA?

3. Match the ideas in A with the items in B. A


a) public and private organizations

( ) school, course, classes

b) model students

( ) leadership, social consciousness

c) study

( ) friendship, respect, collaboration

d) relationship with the U.S.A.

( ) Ministry of Education, Binational Centers

4. Now, read the text carefully. Answer the questions in Portuguese. a) What are the objectives of the Youth Ambassadors Program?

b) What are the requirements to be a Youth Ambassador?


Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

c) Mention five activities that Youth Ambassadors do in the United States.

5. Study the sentences taken from the text. Complete the gaps. a) “a three-week program

the United States”

b) “smaller groups that go

different states in the U.S.”

c) “they stay d) “deliver presentations e) “collaboration

host families” Brazil” Brazil and the United States” 15

Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1


1. Go back to the third paragraph of the text in Situated Learning 2, Activity 1. Follow the instructions. a) Find in the text the noun for the verb “to organize”. organization b) Find in the text a word in English for “concurso”.

c) Find in the text the noun for the verb “to present”.

d) Find in the text a synonym for “equal”/“identical”.

e) Find in the text the opposite of “before”.

f ) Find in the text the noun for the verb “to win”.

2. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. Refer to the Instant language section for help. of “When I first arrived in Australia to learn English, I was afraid (a) making mistakes the culture and habits of Australians or not having friends. I was interested (b) but, you know, I was alone and I had never been abroad before. My first classes at school making myself understood, even with my were cool and I think I succeeded (c) making conversation poor English. Now, after two weeks, I guess I’m good (d) starting a good chat with with all my classmates and I am never, never tired (e) our own effort!” anybody I meet. Learning a foreign language depends a lot (f ) (Elisa, 15) 3. Study the uses of -ing in the Instant language section. Then read the following sentences and circle the correct form. a) Michael would love to travel/traveling to South Africa to learn English. 16

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b) Sandra doesn’t want to stay/staying away from home for a long time. She is staying in Belize for only a month. c) I am looking forward to meet/meeting new people in my intercultural exchange program in Canada. I’m sure it will be exciting. d) There were lots of options to choose from, but Kelly chose to go/going to the United Kingdom to learn English. e) When Betsy has time to travel, she always goes to warm places because she can’t stand be/ being in cold places. 4. Complete the sentences with the -ing or the infinitive form of the verbs in parentheses. Refer to the Instant language section for help. a) John refused him very well.

to change

(change) his host family. They were incredible and treated

b) When Carol was away studying German, her family missed every day. c) Why did you give up d) Henry can’t afford

(talk) to her

(work) at the International School of Languages? (study) abroad. He needs a scholarship.

e) If you decide to travel around Germany, I want you to promise every week.


LITERARY MOMENT “Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” SHAKESPEARE, William. Twelfth night.


Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1




1. Read the text about the Youth Ambassadors program. Answer the questions in Portuguese.

Presenting the 45 public school students representing Brazil in the 2012 Youth Ambassadors Program São Paulo, October 28, 2011 – The U.S. Embassy in Brazil announced today the 45 students from Brazilian public schools who have been selected to participate in the threeweek cultural exchange program, “Youth Ambassadors 2012” in the United States. To celebrate the program’s 10th anniversary, the U.S. Embassy and the Department of State have selected 45 students, ten more than in previous years. Young people representing 26 Brazilian states and the Federal District will participate in the program in January. […] To further celebrate the 10th anniversary of the program, former Brazilian and American Youth Ambassadors have also been selected to participate as mentors to the 2012 students during the first part of the exchange program in Washington, D.C. […] This year, more than 7,000 students from every Brazilian state competed for placement in the 2012 program, which involved 64 partner institutions throughout the country. Since its inception in 2002, 249 public school students have represented Brazil in the United States as Youth Ambassadors. The 117 semi-finalists not selected to travel to the U.S. in January 2012 will be invited by the U.S. Embassy to attend an English language and American culture immersion course in July 2012. […] Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 17 maio 2013.

a) How many Brazilian students were selected to be Youth Ambassadors?


Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

b) “Youth Ambassadors 2012” was also a celebration of the 10th anniversary of the program. What was done to celebrate the anniversary?

c) How many other Brazilian students were Youth Ambassadors in the past?

d) Who is going to do an immersion course? Why?

2. Work in groups. In Portuguese, discuss the following statement: “We relate to each other because we are similar. We learn from each other because we are different.”

3. Complete the following sentences using verbs from the text. a) “The U.S. Embassy in Brazil

today the names of the Youth Ambassadors 2012.” for a position in the program.”

b) “Thousands of Brazilian students 19

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c) “The 2012 program

dozens of institutions all over the country.”

d) “Unfortunately, 117 semi-finalists were not to go to the U.S.” 4. Complete the gaps using the present simple or past simple form of the verbs in parentheses. From To Subject

Hi, My name _____ (be) Silvia and I am learning English in Guyana, South America. I _______ (come) to this country with the help of my family, and I’m enjoying the visit a lot. I __________ (arrive) two weeks ago and at first it _________ (be) difficult because I _______ (feel) unhappy without my friends and family near me. But I quickly ________ (make) friends and people here _______ (be) so nice and friendly. I __________ (study) English every day and __________ (help) my host family. I _______________ (not speak) English fluently, but I ________ (want) to learn it. It is a great experience for me! Best wishes, Silvia

5. Read the following sentences. Underline the correct option. a) I’ve been learning English in Guyana since/ago May. b) The results of the program were announced one week since/ago. c) I missed my friends and my family during/since the trip. d) This cultural exchange program started during 10 years/10 years ago.


Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

HOMEWORK : FOCUS ON LANGUAGE 3 1. Fill in the gaps in the dialogues with the words in the box. They are all taken from the text in Situated Learning 3, Activity 1. since – during – former – youth – attend – immersion a) Sam: Do you know why English is spoken in India? Vicky: I don’t know... Maybe because India is a former British colony. b) Tim: Joey, have you and Ann been friends for a long time? Joey: Yeah, very long,

2001, I think. Our parents are neighbors.

Tim: Really? So you know her well. Hum, does she have a boyfriend? c) Glenn: Was it your first time in Paris, Sue? Sue: No, I’d been there a couple of times before. My first time in Paris was the 1990s, when I was a student. d) Robbie: I’d prefer to hire teenagers for this job. Paul: Why? Robbie: Because their

gives them energy and enthusiasm to learn the job.

e) Zac: You must be excited about the trip to Japan, Laureen. Laureen: Yes, I really am but also kind of worried. Zac: Worried about what? course, so I’ll have lots of classes and

Laureen: You know, it’s a language many other activities.

f ) Joe: What are your responsibilities as an exchange student? school, help with the housework and participate

Laura: Well, I have to in a sustainability project. 21

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2. Study the sentences. Match the beginnings of the sentences in column A with the endings in column B. Refer to the item Linking words in the Instant language section for help.


A First I reviewed all the activities

B ( ) if you need extra activities.


The car crash was awful!

( ) However, we didn’t get any answer.


Have a safe return! Let me know

( ) and then I took the test and did it well.


Talk to your teacher

( ) when you get back home.


We tried to call you several times.


( ) In addition, students learn spoken language skills very fast.

Intercultural exchange programs are good opportunities to grow up. ( ) Fortunately, nobody was hurt.

3. Read the e-mail and fill in the gaps with the past simple form of the verbs in parentheses. From

To Subject intercultural studies

Hi, Phee! Hope you are well. My trip to Mexico (a) was

(be) fantastic. I (b)

(come) back home

last Saturday and everybody was really eager to see me. I also (c)


them a lot while I was in Guadalajara, so now it’s time for the family. My cousin Elvis (call) me yesterday and started talking in Spanish. I (e)


(get) really happy with myself.

(speak) fluently with him and I (f )

Write me soon. Take care! Alex


Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

4. Read the sentences and circle the correct auxiliary verb. a) Luke: Do/Did you see Emily at the disco last night? Adam: No, I don’t/didn’t. I think she was not around when I got there. b) The undergraduate students at university don’t/doesn’t need to leave the campus in order to have lunch. They can use the university restaurant. c) When I was a child I don’t/didn’t use to eat fruit and vegetables, but now I do/did. d) Why doesn’t/don’t Becky stay with us? We have a spare room for her at home. It will be nice to have her in. e) Michael: How many bottles of fizzy water did/does Alison get at the market? Hope: About 4 or 5. Why? Michael: We need a lot more than that. Didn’t/Don’t you tell her?

LITERARY MOMENT “The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men gang aft agley.” BURNS, Robert. To a mouse.


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1. Imagine the following situation: you work for the Brazilian Embassy in the United States and have to write in English about our country for their website. You will need to create a section about the advantages of coming to Brazil to study Portuguese! Think about learning opportunities, people’s culture, habits, etc. Write a list with your ideas.

2. Now, get into small groups and compare your lists. Organize the ideas into topics and write them down in the following lines. PEOPLE



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3. First draft: still in groups, compare your notes and put your ideas together to complement the description. Example: In Brazil, people are very nice. You can make lots of friends and learn a lot of different things! Because the country is so big, there are several cultural traditions. In the north, there is a festival called bumba meu boi or boi-bumbá.

draft = rascunho

Write your draft in the lines that follow. Then ask your teacher to check it!


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4. Editing: can you correct the mistakes your teacher indicated? Are there any other changes you can make to improve your text? 5. Now produce the final version of your text. Remember that it should look like a web page! Use illustrations or photos from your city and from Brazil. After your text is finished, show it to your classmates or have a school exhibition.

An intercultural study program In Brazil


Inglês – 1a sÊrie – Volume 1

LEARN MORE Para aprender mais sobre os conteĂşdos do primeiro tema (English around the world: cultural interactions), sugerimos uma lista de mĂşsicas (songs), sites e filmes (films) com os quais vocĂŞ pode ampliar suas oportunidades de aprender inglĂŞs. Songs Para encontrar as letras das mĂşsicas sugeridas, basta escrever o tĂ­tulo, o nome do artista e a palavra lyrics em seu site de busca preferido. t Englishman in New York (Sting, 1987). t Beautiful day (U2, 2000). t Orinoco flow (Enya, 1988). Sites t 4PCSF DVMUVSB F MĂ“OHVB JOHMFTB BDFTTF P QPSUBM LĂ­ngua Estrangeira <http://www.lingua>. Acesso em: 17 maio 2013. t 1BSB JOGPSNBĂŽĂœFT HFSBJT TPCSF QBĂ“TFT FN RVF TF GBMB B MĂ“OHVB JOHMFTB BDFTTF IUUQ>. Acesso em: 17 maio 2013. t 1BSB JOGPSNBĂŽĂœFT TPCSF B MĂ“OHVB JOHMFTB QSPOĂžODJB IJTUĂ˜SJB WPDĂ? QPEF DPOTVMUBS B QĂˆHJna English Made in Brazil <>. Acesso em: 17 maio 2013. Films t EspanglĂŞs (Spanglish). Direção: James L. Brooks. EUA, 2004. 131 min. ComĂŠdia. 12 anos. Trata das dificuldades de comunicação e do conflito cultural entre uma recĂŠm-chegada aos EUA, falante do espanhol, e seu patrĂŁo, um estadunidense vivido por Adam Sandler. Esta comĂŠdia oferece muitas passagens interessantes para refletir sobre a comunicação entre falantes de lĂ­nguas diferentes e a possibilidade de intercompreensĂŁo. t O terminal (The terminal). Direção: Steven Spielberg. EUA, 2004. 129 min. ComĂŠdia. 12 anos. Neste misto de drama e comĂŠdia, Tom Hanks ĂŠ um europeu que mora em um paĂ­s fictĂ­cio na Europa oriental e fala uma lĂ­ngua estranha. Ao viajar para os EUA, sem falar inglĂŞs, vive a situação incĂ´moda de ter de morar em um aeroporto, em virtude de problemas com sua entrada no paĂ­s. VocĂŞ pode fazer boas reflexĂľes sobre como podemos (e tentamos) nos comunicar mesmo sem falar fluentemente uma lĂ­ngua estrangeira. 27

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1. Newspapers – online or printed – are organized in different sections. Below you have the names, in English, of some of these sections. Get together in groups, leaf through a local printed newspaper (written in Portuguese) and see if you can find the corresponding sections in it. Then answer: Are there any other sections in the newspaper you analyzed whose names are not on the list?

Front page

Classifieds: jobs Science & technology

Classifieds: real estate Classifieds: autos

Local news


Letters to editors Editorial

World news




2. Now decide which newspaper section listed in Activity 1 you should read in order to find: a) the main news articles in a newspaper b) market and economic trends c) the newspaper opinion on a recent debate d) readers’ opinions on a recent debate e) cars for sale 28

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f ) houses/apartments to let or for sale g) job offers h) an accident involving a bus and a truck on a local highway i) a diplomatic agreement between two foreign countries j) the result of a soccer match k) a movie review and the movie theater where the film is playing l) recent research on DNA sequencing 3. Study the following sentences. Notice the use of the relative pronouns. Can you infer the rule? who/that a) An anchor is a person ________________ presents TV news programs. where b) A newsstand is the place ________________ you can buy newspapers. which/that c) The weather forecast is the newspaper content ________________ you read to know whether it will rain or not. when d) Early morning is the time ________________ newspapers are distributed. 4. The following text is an interview published in a local Miami newspaper about Vitor Costa, 20 years old, a Brazilian waiter working in a well-known restaurant in the city. Read it and then do the activities. Reporter: You speak English very well. How long have you been in the USA? Vitor: I’ve been here for almost 2 years. I’ve got a scholarship and I’m taking a course in hotel administration at Johnson & Wales University. I got this summertime job to make some money. Reporter: Where exactly are you from, in Brazil? Vitor: I’m from a small town in São Paulo state, Southeastern region. I studied in a public state school and attended a one-year English course at CEL – Centro de Estudos de Línguas –, which is a language center for public school students in São Paulo. Also I took part in a Program created by the U.S. Embassy in Brazil in 2002, called Youth Ambassadors. I was one of the winners in 2009 and I had the opportunity to come to the U.S. for a three-week stay with a host family. We visited Washington, D.C. and the White House. Reporter: And why did you decide to come back to study here? Vitor: I wanted to go on improving my English and make my dream come true: I want to be an international chef and open my own restaurant here in the U.S. Reporter: And you will, for sure! Good luck! Vitor: Thank you! 29

Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

I. In what newspaper section would you probably find this interview? Circle the correct alternative. a) Science & technology.

b) Sports.

c) Local news.

d) Classifieds.

II. Mark the alternative that is not true about Vitor. a) He studied at a state school in Brazil. b) He comes from a small town in São Paulo state. c) His dream is to become an international chef. d) Although he has been in the U.S. for 2 years, he doesn’t speak English very well. III. Discuss with your colleagues: Is it a good idea to have an experience abroad? Why? 5. Based on the information presented in the interview, complete the following report. Miami News talked to Brazilian student Vitor Costa. Vitor is _________ years old and he is taking a course in ___________ at ____________ University. He comes from a _________ in the state of ___________, in the _____________ region of Brazil. This is not his first time in the U.S. In ______ he came to the United States as a Youth Ambassador. He stayed with a _________ family for _________ weeks. He had the opportunity to visit _________, D.C. and the ________________. He told Miami News that he had decided to come ____________ to the United States because he wanted to go on ___________ his English and make __________ dream come _________: to become an _________________ ___________ and open his ______ restaurant. At present, he is working as a __________________ to make some ______________ during his summer break. 6. Discuss the following questions with your colleagues: a) Is it common for a university student in Brazil to take holiday jobs? What kind of job are they? b) Have you ever had a summertime job? What kind? c) Do you get some pocket money to do small jobs at home for your familiy? Or is it part of your obligations? 30

Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

HOMEWORK: FOCUS ON LANGUAGE 5 1. Circle the correct option to complete the sentences. a) A traffic warden is someone who/where makes sure that cars drive correctly in the streets and are not parked who/where they should not be. b) The painting which/when was stolen is worth $1,000,000! c) The 7th of September is the day who/when we celebrate Brazilian independence. d) John was offered two jobs. He took the one which/where is closer to his house. e) Look over there! Isn’t that the actress who/when played the captain’s girl in the movie we saw last night? 2. Put the two sentences together using who/that or which/that. Follow the example. a) They chose the magazines. They wanted to read the magazines. They chose the magazines which/that they wanted to read. b) We ate the cake. Jane made the cake.

c) She is the Portuguese teacher. She will teach our class next year.

d) He is that teen singer of Ya-all. The girls in our school love him.

e) I’m writing a paper on the history of Krenak indians in Brazil. I have to hand in the paper on the history of Krenak indians in Brazil tomorrow.

f ) I saw a strange woman. The strange woman tried to sell her cell phone to me. 31

Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

3. Complete these two news articles with when, where, that, who or which. Several people were seriously injured this morning a truck


(b) was carrying concrete poles skidded and

hit four cars. The accident on Highway 5 caused a huge traffic jam and people (c) were in their cars traveling to work were held there for over two hours. Ambulances could not reach the site

(d) the

accident happened, so a helicopter was used to transport the paramedics.

The police are after four suspects

(e) stole jewels and

money from the National Bank. The robbery happened between 2 and 2:15 a.m. (f ) the noise of an explosion was heard in a disco near the bank.

LITERARY MOMENT “It is because humanity has never known where it was going that it has been able to find its way.” WILDE, Oscar. Intentions.


Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1




1. The following texts were taken from a newspaper. Read them quickly and answer in English: Which newspaper section each text was taken from?



Kancil 850 EZ, 2001 model. Metallic gold. Single owner. Used by pensioner. New paint work. Reasonable price. 8543-20918.

Apart at Bandar Botanic – 900sf, 3r 2b, Brand New and Vacant. Quality built by Gamuda. 1 Allocated car park. 9843-1234.

Nissan Cefiro 3.0 Sedan (yr 2002), Lady owner, good condition, low mil, regist numb TAC 13. 2348-50493.

Hse to let – 3 bd, 2 ba, bonus rm, laundry, fenced yd, AC, stove/fridge. $800/mo + dep. 541-977-3302. NO PETS!

CHEVY Silverado, 2004, 1500 4x4 w/ ext cab, excel. $18,900. Call 503-432-12.

3 BD, 2 BA hse – 1700 sqft +/-, close to schools, pets OK, fenced & landscaped back yd. $850/mo. 541-788-9027.

FORD - Escort LX, 1991. 4 cyl., low mil, runs great. Good, no dents. $950 cash. 433210349.

Single Hse for sale – Taman District 3+1 rooms 1 Bath+1Toilet 2 min to Silk Highway 5 min to KTM Commute. 524-30980.

SATURN - SL2, 1992, AUTO, all power, AC, nice running cond., w/ radio&CD player. $1900 cash. 503-266-7625.

WARM AND COZY – 2 bd, 1 ba w/fireplace, lg fenced yd, animals OK w/deposit. $675/mo. Call Victoria 475-7953.

2. The texts that follow are extended versions of two of the ads in Activity 1. Which ones? a) I am the owner of a house and would like to let it. It is a comfortable house, with central air conditioning. There are three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a bonus room where a studio can be set up. There is also a laundry, and the kitchen is equipped with a stove and a fridge. The yard is fenced, so the house is isolated and safe. The only restriction I make concerns pets – they are not allowed. The rent is $800 per month, and you will be asked to make an initial deposit. If you are interested, you can call me at 541-977-3302. b) I am interested in selling my car. It is a vehicle called Chevy Silverado, with an extended cabin. It is a 2004 model with a 1500 engine. It has traction on the four wheels. It is in excellent condition and I am selling it for only $18,900. If you are interested, you can call me at 503-432-12. 33

Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

3. Compare the extended texts in Activity 2 and the ads in Activity 1. Tick ( ) the correct option to complete the following table. Extended versions


Have longer sentences Have abbreviations Present key information only (i.e., are concise texts) Present information and also opinions and explanations Now answer in Portuguese: Why do ads have these characteristics?

4. Read the texts in Activity 1 again and figure out what the following abbreviations stand for: a) yr 2002

f ) w/ radio&CD player

b) low mil

g) 1700 sqft +/-

c) regist numb

h) 2 min

d) 4 cyl

i) w/fireplace

e) running cond

j) lg fenced yd

5. Crop (shorten) the text to write an ad. Remember to use abbreviations! I have an apartment and I would like to sell it. It is a small but comfortable place, within 5 minutes distance from the city center. It has two bedrooms with built-in wardrobes, one bathroom and a toilet. The kitchen is equipped with a stove, a fridge and a freezer. I am selling it for $80,000 and I accept a 2006 car as part of the payment. If you are interested, you can call me at 9757-4302.

6. Now think of something you would like to sell. Write an ad and then pass it around the class to see if your friends can understand it!


Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

HOMEWORK: FOCUS ON LANGUAGE 6 1. Read the tips. Then match the numbers on the left to how they are spoken on the right. Finally, practice saying these numbers.

Tip 1: Telephone numbers are usually read one by one. 0 = “zero” or “oh”. Twice the same number = double + number (33 = double three). Tip 2: Addresses and years are usually read in two halves (1545 = fifteen forty-five). Tip 3: Dates are usually “month + day + year” (March 20th, 1919 = 3/20/1919).


Call 553-0122

( ) two million, four hundred and fifty thousand, nine hundred and eighty-seven


Call 543-0098

( ) seven sixty-eight


3513 Park Avenue

( ) April the fifth, nineteen eighty-seven


768 Spike Lane

( ) five – four – three – double oh – nine – eight



( ) thirty-five thirteen



( ) one hundred and fifty thousand, three hundred and twenty



( ) double five – three – oh – one – double two



( ) May the fourth, eighteen seventy-eight


Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

© Claudio Ripinskas

2. Find the words to label the parts of the house. (b)








(f )





LITERARY MOMENT “Tyger, Tyger, burning bright In the forests of the night, What immortal hand or eye Could frame thy fearful symmetry?” BLAKE, William. Songs of experience. 36





Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1 ?



1. In a news article entitled “Women: go back to where you belong”, published in the Opinion section of a newspaper, the columnist firmly stood up for his argument that violence among teenagers is a domestic problem, and the solution for it can only be achieved if women take over their role as mothers and caretakers who stay at home educating their children instead of competing against men in a game that both sides are fated to lose. After reading this article, two readers sent letters to the newspaper. Read the following letters and answer: Who supports the ideas presented by the author? Who is against them? What evidence in both texts helped your answer?

To the editor I want to congratulate you for publishing such an insightful article. It is time we went back to traditional values, and it seems that, on account of what is “politically correct”, people have been hiding the truth about what has been making our society fall apart. I totally agree with every single line I read and I want to say it loud and clear. Johanne Sushbeck, 40

To the editor When I read the article “Women: go back to where you belong”, I was totally shocked. In a society which is struggling hard to guarantee and protect the rights not only of women but also of several minority groups – or maybe I should call them priority groups –, it is outrageous to find people who still think like this. It was a shame to see that all the gains in the field of social democracy and equity were totally disregarded by the author. Kean Smashfield, 53

2. Read the letters to the editor again and answer in Portuguese: a) Kean Smashfield suggests an alternative term for minority groups. What is it? Why do you think he makes this suggestion?


Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

b) Johanne Sushbeck calls for a return to traditional values. What do you think these values are?

HOMEWORK: FOCUS ON LANGUAGE 7 1. Study the following sentences. Then copy them in the correct place in the table. I couldn’t agree with you more.

I’d say the exact opposite.

That’s so true.

That’s not always true.

I don’t think so.

You’re absolutely right.

That’s exactly what I think.

I’m afraid I disagree with you. I agree with you 100 percent.

I have a different opinion!

Expressing agreement

Expressing disagreement


Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

2. Read the following statements. Do you agree or disagree with each of them? Use sentences from Activity 1 to express your opinion. In my opinion, men and women have similar social roles and should have the same rights.

If you want my honest opinion, I think people should only get a driving license when they are 21.

The way I see it, men tend to be more successful than women in their professional life!

As far as I’m concerned, a 16-year-old person is responsible enough to drive!

I believe television is just like a drug. The more you watch it, the more addicted you become.

If you ask me, I think television is great not only for entertainment but also for educational purposes! 39

Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

3. The following sentences have factual mistakes. Follow the example to correct them. a) Pedro Álvares Cabral discovered America. Pedro Álvares Cabral didn’t discover America. He discovered Brazil. b) The Berlin Wall came down in 1998.

c) The first atomic bomb exploded during World War I.

d) The First Industrial Revolution took place in Germany.

e) Shakespeare wrote Great expectations.

LITERARY MOMENT “Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the new.” THOREAU, Henry David. Walden.


Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1




1. Read the following headlines and decide which newspaper section they were taken from. Write P for Politics, S for Sports, IN for International News and LN for Local News. ( ) President intervenes to cease commotion. ( ) 9 indicted for human trafficking in China. ( ) Two killed in chemical explosion downtown. ( ) High-altitude ban stays in football. ( ) Celtics win 7th straight. ( ) 17 UN staffers killed in Algiers bombings. ( ) False doctor gets 30 years for running illegal pharmacy. 2. Read the headlines in Activity 1 again paying attention to how they are written. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Headlines… ( ) are concise and direct. ( ) include extra adjectives and adverbs to characterize the news story. ( ) are written in the present. ( ) bring only enough information to give an impression of the entire story. ( ) bring details about the news story. ( ) always bring the full name of the people they refer to. 3. Study how the following facts became news and then headlines. Fact: Two people were killed in a chemical explosion that occurred downtown last night. News: Two people are killed in a chemical explosion downtown. Headline: Two killed in chemical explosion downtown.

Fact: The Celtics won the seventh game in a row on Sunday. News: The Celtics win the seventh game in a row. Headline: Celtics win 7th straight. 41

Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

Now match the beginning of the sentences to their endings to find the explanations: (a) The fact is in the

( ) present (reduced passive or active) with only key information.

(b) The news is in the

( ) past tense (passive or active) because it is about something that has already happened. ( ) present (passive or active) to emphasize the relevance of the fact as an updated piece of news.

(c) The headline is in the

4. Language study: passive voice x active voice. a) Study these pairs of sentences. Somebody KILLED two teenagers last night. (past, active) Two teenagers WERE KILLED last night. (past, passive) They MAKE paper out of wood. (present, active) Paper IS MADE out of wood. (present, passive) The man IS BUILDING a house. (present continuous, active) A house IS BEING BUILT. (present continuous, passive) They WILL DISCUSS this topic in the staff meeting. (future, active) This topic WILL BE DISCUSSED in the staff meeting. (future, passive) b) Now tick the correct options to complete the rules. The passive voice is formed by: the auxiliary verb

( (

) to be ) to have


) to do


the main verb in the

( ) infinitive. ( ) gerund. (

In the passive voice, the verb tense is indicated by the:

( (

) past participle.

) auxiliary verb. ) main verb.

c) Go back to the headlines in Activity 1. Which ones are in the passive voice? Which ones are in the active voice? Why?


Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1


1. Passive or active? Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. a) The song Imagine was written/wrote by John Lennon. b) Several people were seen/saw the accident. c) English is spoken/speaks in several countries. d) These electronic devices are made/make in India. e) VW is manufactured/manufactures cars in different countries. f ) They have been sold/have sold all the tickets for the show. g) Brian has been sent/has sent 1,000 letters to the Congress. 2. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Use the passive voice. (kill) in the accident yesterday.

a) Six people b) The telephone

(invent) by Alexander Graham Bell.

c) Ten houses

(build) by this company everyday.

d) This product

(use) for cleaning silver.

e) Two accidents

(cause) by drunken drivers since last Tuesday.

f ) Only one theft

(report) in the school since last year.

g) In 2002 the graduation ceremony and the party (organize) by all the students in class. h) We don’t have a coach, so the school soccer team (train) by a volunteer for the time being. (send) tomorrow.

i) The recommendations 43

Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

3. Use the verbs in the box to complete this news story. were sheltered

has announced had to leave

are sending increased

Millions of reais worth of damage in the South of Brazil Due to prolonged rain in Santa

in schools and government buildings.

Catarina, the level of water in several

People from other regions of the country


(a), causing

(d) food and

floods in both small and big cities in the

clothes to help, and the federal government

last two weeks. Thousands of families


(b) their homes and

the provision of financial aid to three hundred




“It is never too late to give up our prejudices.” THOREAU, Henry David. Walden.


Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1




1. You will now write headlines for the front page of a class or school newspaper. Follow steps a) to c). a) Class work – Part A: t EFDJEF BT B HSPVQ JG ZPV XJMM XSJUF B DMBTT OFXTQBQFS PS B TDIPPM OFXTQBQFS t CSBJOTUPSN JEFBT DPODFSOJOH SFDFOU FWFOUT UIBU DBO CFDPNF OFXT GPS UIF OFXTQBQFS t PSHBOJ[F UIFTF FWFOUT BDDPSEJOH UP UIF TFDUJPOT UIFZ CFMPOH Sports, Entertainment, Local news, among others).


Inglês – 1a sÊrie – Volume 1


c) Class work – Part B: t IPME BO FEJUPSJBM NFFUJOH UP EFDJEF PO UIF EJTUSJCVUJPO PG UIF IFBEMJOFT PO UIF GSPOU QBHF PG your newspaper. Your teacher – or one of the students – should be the editor in chief, the professional in charge of organizing the meeting; t VTF UIF CMBOL QBHF UIBU GPMMPXT UP UBLF OPUFT BOE UP XSJUF B ESBGU PG ZPVS OFXTQBQFS GSPOU page; t PQUJPOBM DIPPTF B OBNF GPS ZPVS DMBTT PS TDIPPM OFXTQBQFS BOE QVU BMM UIF IFBEMJOFT UPHFUIFS in a facsimile of the front page! You may do it on the computer and then print copies of the front page or you may use kraft paper (wrapping paper) and produce one single large-sized front page of your newspaper! 46

Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1



Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

LEARN MORE Para aprender mais sobre os conteúdos do segundo tema (Newspaper – Part I), sugerimos uma lista de músicas (songs), sites e filmes (films) com os quais você pode ampliar suas oportunidades de aprender inglês. Songs Para encontrar as letras das músicas sugeridas, basta escrever o título, o nome do artista e a palavra lyrics em seu site preferido de busca na internet. As músicas a seguir estão ligadas ao tema notícias, não necessariamente a jornais, e podem gerar boas discussões. t

The news (Jack Johnson, 2001)


No news is good news (New Found Glory, 2004)


Sunday, bloody Sunday (U2, 1983)

Sites No site BBC Learn English <> (acesso em: 20 maio 2013), é possível selecionar notícias, artigos ou entrevistas em versões adaptadas, na seção News English, e para cada notícia selecionada há um pequeno glossário. É possível ouvir não só a notícia ou o artigo, mas também as palavras do glossário. Além desses recursos, você encontra ainda atividades com vocabulário e gramática, testes de conhecimento, vídeos e até uma pequena novela chamada The flatmates. A seguir estão os sites oficiais de algumas redes de televisão: t

CNN <> (acesso em: 20 maio 2013) – a versão deste site com notícias estritamente estadunidenses é acessada por um link na própria página.


Fox News <> (acesso em: 20 maio 2013) – apresenta tanto notícias estadunidenses como internacionais. Alguns sites de jornais em língua inglesa:


The Independent <> (acesso em: 20 maio 2013); The New York Times <> (acesso em: 20 maio 2013) e The Guardian <http://> (acesso em: 20 maio 2013).


Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

Films t

Homem-Aranha (Spiderman). Direção: Sam Raimi. EUA, 2002. 121 min. Aventura. Livre.


Homem-Aranha 2 (Spiderman 2). Direção: Sam Raimi. EUA, 2004. 127 min. Aventura. Livre.


Homem-Aranha 3 (Spiderman 3). Direção: Sam Raimi. EUA, 2007. 139 min. Aventura. 12 anos. No primeiro filme da trilogia Homem-Aranha, Peter Parker, ainda adolescente, descobre que adquiriu poderes semelhantes aos de uma aranha. Quando sai da escola, acaba trabalhando como fotógrafo freelancer para um dos jornais da cidade, The Daily Bugle. No segundo filme, Parker já é um jovem em início de carreira, tentando conciliar o trabalho temporário como entregador de pizza com o trabalho no jornal, a faculdade e as várias tarefas de um super-herói. Nesse filme, há várias cenas que envolvem a rotina de um jornal, assim como no último filme da série, Homem-Aranha 3. Neste há ainda uma disputa por cargos entre Parker e Eddie Brock dentro do jornal.


O preço de uma verdade (Shattered glass). Direção: Billy Ray. Canadá/Estados Unidos, 2003. 95 min. Drama. 14 anos. Este filme é baseado em fatos reais e conta a história do jornalista Stephen Glass, que trabalhou por três anos na revista The New Republic. Aos 20 anos de idade, Glass já era considerado um dos principais jornalistas de seu país graças aos seus escritos. Surge então um grande problema, quando se descobre que aquilo que ele escrevia era completa ou parcialmente inventado.


Uma vida em sete dias (Life or something like it). Direção: Stephen Herek. EUA, 2002. 104 min. Comédia romântica. Livre. O filme conta a história de uma repórter que sonha ser âncora de jornal, tornando-se assim uma workaholic. No entanto, uma inesperada previsão a fará mudar sua forma de encarar a vida.


Nunca fui beijada (Never been kissed). Direção: Raja Gosnell. EUA, 1999. 107 min. Comédia romântica. 12 anos. Comédia na qual uma jovem jornalista (Drew Barrymore) em início de carreira tem a oportunidade de tornar-se repórter fazendo uma matéria sobre o que está “na moda” entre os jovens do Ensino Médio. Para isso, ela se disfarça de estudante e se matricula novamente na escola que frequentou.


Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

LEARN TO LEARN Using a bilingual dictionary Agora você vai aprender um pouco mais sobre como usar o dicionário para estudar inglês. Material necessário: vamos precisar de um dicionário bilíngue (inglês-português-inglês). Obs.: se você não tiver um dicionário, use o da biblioteca da sua escola ou peça um emprestado a um colega ou parente. 1. Um verbete de dicionário contém várias informações, além dos significados de uma palavra: a classe gramatical à qual a palavra pertence, os diferentes contextos de uso e as formas flexionadas, entre outras. Estude os verbetes a seguir. work /wɡ:rk/ 1 s [não contável] trabalho: to go to work ir para o trabalho 2 s obra: the complete works of Dante as obras completas de Dante 3 vi (pret, pp worked) trabalhar: to work as a clerk trabalhar como balconista 4 vi (mec) funcionar: the watch isn’t working o relógio não está funcionando 5 adj working de trabalho: working hours horário de trabalho.

trabalho sm 1 work: trabalho pesado hard work 2 (emprego) job: tenho dois trabalhos I have two jobs Ŷ trabalho bem pago well-paid job 3 (na escola) assignment, project: fazer um trabalho de História to do a History assignment/project. Agora, decida se as afirmações a seguir são verdadeiras ou falsas. Corrija as afirmações falsas. a) A palavra work só pode ser usada como verbo em inglês.

b) Worked pode ser o pretérito e o particípio passado do verbo work.

c) A frase “He has two works” equivale, em português, a “Ele tem dois trabalhos”.

d) Em inglês, a palavra equivalente a “trabalho” no contexto escolar é diferente da palavra “trabalho” no sentido de emprego. 50

Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

2. As variantes linguísticas dominantes do inglês (o inglês estadunidense e o inglês britânico) também aparecem indicadas em vários dicionários. Estude os verbetes a seguir. taxi /’tæksi/ 1 s (tb taxicab, esp USA cab) táxi 2 vi (part pres taxiing) (Aeronáut) taxiar.

apartment /ԥ’partmԥnt/ (GB tb flat) s apartamento. Agora, complete: Na variante estadunidense, a palavra em inglês equivalente a “táxi” é


Na variante britânica, a palavra em inglês equivalente a “apartamento” é


3. Explore o dicionário. Procure as palavras indicadas a seguir e responda às perguntas: a) Procure a palavra checkers. O que ela significa? Há alguma indicação sobre a qual variante do inglês ela pertence?

b) Procure a palavra move. Ela varia de classe gramatical? Há contextos de uso diferentes para essa palavra?

Think about it! Você conhece palavras ou expressões que têm sentidos diferentes no português falado no Brasil e no português falado em Portugal?


Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

Getting to know different kinds of dictionary Agora você vai aprender um pouco mais sobre diferentes tipos de dicionário. Ao conhecê-los, você poderá encontrar aquele que melhor atende a suas necessidades de estudo! 4. Relacione os tipos de dicionário a seguir com suas definições: a) bilingual dictionary

e) crossword dictionary

b) pocket dictionary

f ) rhyming dictionary

c) thesaurus

g) etymological dictionary

d) monolingual dictionary ( ) A kind of dictionary that is small and portable; it is designed to be carried around. Also called mini-dictionary. ( ) A kind of dictionary that uses the same language for the words and their definitions. ( ) A kind of dictionary in which words are grouped together by their end sounds. When two words end with the same sound, they rhyme. It is used more frequently in poetry than in prose. ( ) A kind of dictionary that brings words in two languages. Each language is grouped alphabetically in separate halves of the book, with translations into the other language. ( ) A kind of dictionary that organizes words by categories and concepts, so synonyms and near-synonyms will be grouped together. ( ) A kind of dictionary that traces the development of a word over time, giving historical examples to show changes. ( ) A kind of dictionary that has words grouped together by the number of letters in them to help people find words of a certain length to complete their crossword puzzles. Resposta da questão 4: b; d; f; a; c; g; e.

5. Agora leia os verbetes de dicionário a seguir e identifique o tipo de dicionário a que eles pertencem: 52

Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

a) dictionary n (pl –aries) 1. a book that consists of an alphabetical list of words with their meanings.

b) dictionary from Medieval Latin dictionarium, “collection of words and phrases”; from Classical Latin dictionarius, “of words”; from Classical Latin dictio, “word”; probably first English use in the title of a book was in Sir Thomas Elyot’s Latin Dictionary (1538).

c) dictionary sm dicionário, vocabulário, glossário.

d) d_ _ t_ _ _a_ _ (10 letters) – DEATH CHAIR/DEATH TRAPS/DENTAL CARE/DEUTOPLASM/DICTIONARY/ DIETICIANS/DIETITIANS/ DISTILLATE. e) dictionary – revolutionary, commentary, extemporary, nonmilitary.

f ) dictionary – synonyms: lexicon, wordbook; related words: glossary, thesaurus, vocabulary.

6. Escolha uma palavra em inglês e pesquise-a em cada um dos sites a seguir. Veja quantas coisas você pode aprender cruzando as informações encontradas nos diferentes dicionários! 53

Inglês – 1a sÊrie – Volume 1

HĂĄ vĂĄrios dicionĂĄrios on-line gratuitos, alĂŠm dos sugeridos a seguir. Faça sua prĂłpria busca usando as palavras “free + online + dictionaryâ€? e encontre aquele que vocĂŞ acha mais completo ou mais fĂĄcil de utilizar! t %JDJPOĂˆSJP CJMĂ“OHVF o JOHMĂ?T QPSUVHVĂ?T IUUQ NJDIBFMJT VPM DPN CS NPEFSOP JOHMFT index.php>. Acesso em: 20 maio 2013. t Thesaurus: <>. Acesso em: 20 maio 2013. t %JDJPOĂˆSJP NPOPMĂ“OHVF IUUQ XXX MEPDFPOMJOF DPN "DFTTP FN NBJP t %JDJPOĂˆSJP FUJNPMĂ˜HJDP IUUQ XXX FUZNPOMJOF DPN "DFTTP FN NBJP

Think about it! Nesta seção, você acabou de conhecer alguns tipos de dicionårio disponíveis para o estudo da língua inglesa. Você conhece dicionårios semelhantes em língua portuguesa?


Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

VOCABULARY LOG Aqui você vai registrar o vocabulário que aprendeu nas Situated Learning 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 e 8. Escolha duas palavras ou expressões de cada situação e escreva cada uma delas no campo 1 (My word or expression). No campo 2 (Definition or translation), você anota uma definição ou tradução para a palavra. Depois, no campo 3 (Association, example or picture), escreva algo ligado à primeira palavra ou dê um exemplo; você também pode fazer uma ilustração nesse espaço. No campo 4 (Sentence from the text), você anota a frase em que a palavra apareceu no Caderno. Situated Learning 1

Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 1

Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 2

Sentence from the text


Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

Situated Learning 2

Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 3

Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 3

Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 5

Sentence from the text


Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

Situated Learning 5

Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 6

Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 6

Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 7

Sentence from the text


Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

Situated Learning 7

Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 8

Sentence from the text

Situated Learning 8

Sentence from the text


Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

INSTANT LANGUAGE Nesta seção de seu Caderno, você encontra alguns conteúdos linguísticos sistematizados em tabelas para auxiliá-lo em seu trajeto de aprendizagem da língua inglesa. Você pode usar essas tabelas como um material de referência e consultá-las mesmo quando estiver utilizando outros volumes e até estudando em outras séries do Ensino Médio!

Some uses of -ING forms in English Progressive form of verbs: Verbs after prepositions:

You are working very hard. She is thinking about taking a trip to Germany. She looks forward to meeting you.

Adjective: Noun:

Jamaica is an English-speaking country. Swimming is good for your health.

Most verbs are followed by infinitives She wants to go home.

Some verbs are followed by -ING I enjoy travelling.

He promised to talk to you.

She has given up smoking.

I need to see you.

They couldn’t help crying.

They chose to travel by train.

I can’t stand listening to punk music.

She refused to see the doctor.

She feels like dancing.

They can’t afford to buy a new house.

They won’t mind explaining the situation again. I miss talking to you.


Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

Some verbs can be followed by -ING or infinitives with no significant difference in meaning She loves walking. (or) She loves to walk. I hate talking on the phone. (or) I hate to talk on the phone. They started fighting. (or) They started to fight. I like reading. (or) I like to read. (*) (*) Be careful! Would like is always followed by the infinitive: I would like to live abroad.

Some verbs can be followed by -ING or infinitives with different meanings He stopped to count the stars. (He stopped the action he was performing to start doing something different.) He stopped counting the stars. (He stopped the action he was performing.) I remember going to a lot of parties. (It refers to the past, to things that I did.) I will remember to bring all your books back. (It refers to what I still have to do.)

Collocations Adjectives + prepositions Verbs + prepositions afraid of interested in good at tired of excited about worried about

depend on succeed in listen to belong to wait for thank for


Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

Linking words Addition: and, in addition, what’s more Contrast: fortunately, unfortunately, however Consequence: so, as a consequence, thus Condition: if, whether Time: then, when, as soon as, since, ago, during

Present simple Affirmative



I work... You work... He works... She works... It works...

I don’t work... You don’t work... He doesn’t work... She doesn’t work... It doesn’t work...

Do I work...? Do you work...? Does he work...? Does she work...? Does it work...?

We work... You work... They work...

We don’t work... You don’t work... They don’t work...

Do we work...? Do you work...? Do they work...?

Past simple Affirmative



I worked... You worked... He worked... She worked... It worked...

I didn’t work... You didn’t work... He didn’t work... She didn’t work... It didn’t work...

Did I work...? Did you work...? Did he work...? Did she work...? Did it work...?

We worked... You worked... They worked...

We didn’t work... You didn’t work... They didn’t work...

Did we work...? Did you work...? Did they work...?


Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

Relative pronouns and adverbs who/that – used to refer to a person or people where – used to refer to a place when – used to refer to time which/that – used to refer to a thing or things

Numbers, figures and measurements 10.77 sq ft (square feet) = 1 m2 (square meter)

100 – one hundred 1,000 – one thousand

4 x 4 – four by four

1,000,000 – one million

3 + 1 – three plus one

1,000,000,000 – one billion

1 mile = 1,609 meters

Some verbs & phrases lower

is/are due

go back


make sure

hide the truth

leaf through

make a cake

win three games in a row

get together

hand in

hold the attention

stand up for


Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

Passive voice verb to be in the appropriate verb tense + main verb in the past participle Present simple: It is made of wood. They aren’t made of wood. Past simple: It was made in the 1970’s. Were they made in the 1970’s? Present continuous: It is being made now. Are they being made now? Past continuous: It wasn’t being made yesterday. They were being made yesterday. Present perfect: It has been made several times. They haven’t been made several times. Modal verbs: Can it be made? It should be made. It mustn’t be made. Future: It will be made next month. They won’t be made next month.


Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

Some irregular verbs Base form

Past simple

Past participle

be become build buy do drink eat fall get give go grow have hear hold know lead leave lose make meet read ride see send spend take tell wear write

was, were became built bought did drank ate fell got gave went grew had heard held knew led left lost made met read rode saw sent spent took told wore wrote

been become built bought done drunk eaten fallen got, gotten given gone grown had heard held known led left lost made met read ridden seen sent spent taken told worn written


Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

Can-do Chart Competências/habilidades


1. Leitura (organização macrotextual): reconhecer o gênero de um texto. 2. Leitura: localizar informações específicas em um texto. 3. Leitura (vocabulário): relacionar tópicos a vocabulário pertinente. 4. Leitura: localizar informações explícitas em um texto. 5. Leitura: levantar hipóteses sobre o assunto de um texto e verificá-las a partir da leitura. 6. Leitura: identificar palavras cognatas ou emprestadas da língua inglesa para compreender um texto. 7. Escrita: escrever um texto informativo sobre os benefícios de um programa de estudos interculturais. 8. Leitura e escrita: trabalhar em equipe, assumindo funções e contribuindo para o trabalho em grupo. 9. Reconhecer o uso do tempo verbal presente simples. 10. Reconhecer o uso do tempo verbal passado simples. 11. Leitura: reconhecer os usos de algumas preposições em contexto: go to, stay with, presentations about. 12. Leitura: reconhecer o uso das palavras during, since, ago.


Consigo, mas com ajuda

Ainda não consigo

Inglês – 1a série – Volume 1

13. Reconhecer, em um jornal em língua portuguesa, sua organização em seções. 14. Relacionar os nomes das seções de um jornal em língua portuguesa aos nomes, em língua inglesa, dessas mesmas seções. 15. Relacionar conteúdos e manchetes às suas respectivas seções em um jornal. 16. Deduzir uma regra gramatical com base na análise de exemplos. 17. Aplicar regras em situações de uso. 18. Identificar o gênero de um texto por meio da apreensão de sua organização geral. 19. Comparar gêneros distintos, identificando suas características. 20. Identificar as características de organização de uma manchete. 21. Escrever uma manchete, observando suas características de organização. 22. Escrever manchetes para a primeira página de um jornal. 23. Inferir significados não explícitos no texto. 24. Identificar a opinião do autor com base em pistas verbais presentes no texto.


CONCEPÇÃO E COORDENAÇÃO GERAL NOVA EDIÇÃO 2014-2017 COORDENADORIA DE GESTÃO DA EDUCAÇÃO BÁSICA – CGEB Coordenadora Maria Elizabete da Costa Diretor do Departamento de Desenvolvimento Curricular de Gestão da Educação Básica João Freitas da Silva Diretora do Centro de Ensino Fundamental dos Anos Finais, Ensino Médio e Educação Profissional – CEFAF Valéria Tarantello de Georgel Coordenadora Geral do Programa São Paulo faz escola Valéria Tarantello de Georgel Coordenação Técnica Roberto Canossa Roberto Liberato Suely Cristina de Albuquerque BomÅm EQUIPES CURRICULARES Área de Linguagens Arte: Ana Cristina dos Santos Siqueira, Carlos Eduardo Povinha, Kátia Lucila Bueno e Roseli Ventrela. Educação Física: Marcelo Ortega Amorim, Maria Elisa Kobs Zacarias, Mirna Leia Violin Brandt, Rosângela Aparecida de Paiva e Sergio Roberto Silveira. Língua Estrangeira Moderna (Inglês e Espanhol): Ana Paula de Oliveira Lopes, Jucimeire de Souza Bispo, Marina Tsunokawa Shimabukuro, Neide Ferreira Gaspar e Sílvia Cristina Gomes Nogueira. Língua Portuguesa e Literatura: Angela Maria Baltieri Souza, Claricia Akemi Eguti, Idê Moraes dos Santos, João Mário Santana, Kátia Regina Pessoa, Mara Lúcia David, Marcos Rodrigues Ferreira, Roseli Cordeiro Cardoso e Rozeli Frasca Bueno Alves. Área de Matemática Matemática: Carlos Tadeu da Graça Barros, Ivan Castilho, João dos Santos, Otavio Yoshio Yamanaka, Rodrigo Soares de Sá, Rosana Jorge Monteiro, Sandra Maira Zen Zacarias e Vanderley Aparecido Cornatione. Área de Ciências da Natureza Biologia: Aparecida Kida Sanches, Elizabeth Reymi Rodrigues, Juliana Pavani de Paula Bueno e Rodrigo Ponce. Ciências: Eleuza Vania Maria Lagos Guazzelli, Gisele Nanini Mathias, Herbert Gomes da Silva e Maria da Graça de Jesus Mendes. Física: Carolina dos Santos Batista, Fábio Bresighello Beig, Renata Cristina de Andrade Oliveira e Tatiana Souza da Luz Stroeymeyte.

Química: Ana Joaquina Simões S. de Matos Carvalho, Jeronimo da Silva Barbosa Filho, João Batista Santos Junior e Natalina de Fátima Mateus. Área de Ciências Humanas Filosofia: Emerson Costa, Tânia Gonçalves e Teônia de Abreu Ferreira. Geografia: Andréia Cristina Barroso Cardoso, Débora Regina Aversan e Sérgio Luiz Damiati. História: Cynthia Moreira Marcucci, Maria Margarete dos Santos e Walter Nicolas Otheguy Fernandez. Sociologia: Alan Vitor Corrêa, Carlos Fernando de Almeida e Tony Shigueki Nakatani. PROFESSORES COORDENADORES DO NÚCLEO PEDAGÓGICO Área de Linguagens Educação Física: Ana Lucia Steidle, Eliana Cristine Budisk de Lima, Fabiana Oliveira da Silva, Isabel Cristina Albergoni, Karina Xavier, Katia Mendes e Silva, Liliane Renata Tank Gullo, Marcia Magali Rodrigues dos Santos, Mônica Antonia Cucatto da Silva, Patrícia Pinto Santiago, Regina Maria Lopes, Sandra Pereira Mendes, Sebastiana Gonçalves Ferreira Viscardi, Silvana Alves Muniz. Língua Estrangeira Moderna (Inglês): Célia Regina Teixeira da Costa, Cleide Antunes Silva, Ednéa Boso, Edney Couto de Souza, Elana Simone Schiavo Caramano, Eliane Graciela dos Santos Santana, Elisabeth Pacheco Lomba Kozokoski, Fabiola Maciel Saldão, Isabel Cristina dos Santos Dias, Juliana Munhoz dos Santos, Kátia Vitorian Gellers, Lídia Maria Batista BomÅm, Lindomar Alves de Oliveira, Lúcia Aparecida Arantes, Mauro Celso de Souza, Neusa A. Abrunhosa Tápias, Patrícia Helena Passos, Renata Motta Chicoli Belchior, Renato José de Souza, Sandra Regina Teixeira Batista de Campos e Silmara Santade Masiero. Língua Portuguesa: Andrea Righeto, Edilene Bachega R. Viveiros, Eliane Cristina Gonçalves Ramos, Graciana B. Ignacio Cunha, Letícia M. de Barros L. Viviani, Luciana de Paula Diniz, Márcia Regina Xavier Gardenal, Maria Cristina Cunha Riondet Costa, Maria José de Miranda Nascimento, Maria Márcia Zamprônio Pedroso, Patrícia Fernanda Morande Roveri, Ronaldo Cesar Alexandre Formici, Selma Rodrigues e Sílvia Regina Peres. Área de Matemática Matemática: Carlos Alexandre Emídio, Clóvis Antonio de Lima, Delizabeth Evanir Malavazzi, Edinei Pereira de Sousa, Eduardo Granado Garcia, Evaristo Glória, Everaldo José Machado de Lima, Fabio Augusto Trevisan, Inês Chiarelli Dias, Ivan Castilho, José Maria Sales Júnior, Luciana Moraes Funada, Luciana Vanessa de Almeida Buranello, Mário José Pagotto, Paula Pereira Guanais, Regina Helena de Oliveira Rodrigues, Robson Rossi, Rodrigo Soares de Sá, Rosana Jorge Monteiro,

Rosângela Teodoro Gonçalves, Roseli Soares Jacomini, Silvia Ignês Peruquetti Bortolatto e Zilda Meira de Aguiar Gomes. Área de Ciências da Natureza Biologia: Aureli Martins Sartori de Toledo, Evandro Rodrigues Vargas Silvério, Fernanda Rezende Pedroza, Regiani Braguim Chioderoli e Rosimara Santana da Silva Alves. Ciências: Davi Andrade Pacheco, Franklin Julio de Melo, Liamara P. Rocha da Silva, Marceline de Lima, Paulo Garcez Fernandes, Paulo Roberto Orlandi Valdastri, Rosimeire da Cunha e Wilson Luís Prati. Física: Ana Claudia Cossini Martins, Ana Paula Vieira Costa, André Henrique GhelÅ RuÅno, Cristiane Gislene Bezerra, Fabiana Hernandes M. Garcia, Leandro dos Reis Marques, Marcio Bortoletto Fessel, Marta Ferreira Mafra, Rafael Plana Simões e Rui Buosi. Química: Armenak Bolean, Cátia Lunardi, Cirila Tacconi, Daniel B. Nascimento, Elizandra C. S. Lopes, Gerson N. Silva, Idma A. C. Ferreira, Laura C. A. Xavier, Marcos Antônio Gimenes, Massuko S. Warigoda, Roza K. Morikawa, Sílvia H. M. Fernandes, Valdir P. Berti e Willian G. Jesus. Área de Ciências Humanas Filosofia: Álex Roberto Genelhu Soares, Anderson Gomes de Paiva, Anderson Luiz Pereira, Claudio Nitsch Medeiros e José Aparecido Vidal. Geografia: Ana Helena Veneziani Vitor, Célio Batista da Silva, Edison Luiz Barbosa de Souza, Edivaldo Bezerra Viana, Elizete Buranello Perez, Márcio Luiz Verni, Milton Paulo dos Santos, Mônica Estevan, Regina Célia Batista, Rita de Cássia Araujo, Rosinei Aparecida Ribeiro Libório, Sandra Raquel Scassola Dias, Selma Marli Trivellato e Sonia Maria M. Romano. História: Aparecida de Fátima dos Santos Pereira, Carla Flaitt Valentini, Claudia Elisabete Silva, Cristiane Gonçalves de Campos, Cristina de Lima Cardoso Leme, Ellen Claudia Cardoso Doretto, Ester Galesi Gryga, Karin Sant’Ana Kossling, Marcia Aparecida Ferrari Salgado de Barros, Mercia Albertina de Lima Camargo, Priscila Lourenço, Rogerio Sicchieri, Sandra Maria Fodra e Walter Garcia de Carvalho Vilas Boas. Sociologia: Anselmo Luis Fernandes Gonçalves, Celso Francisco do Ó, Lucila Conceição Pereira e Tânia Fetchir. Apoio: Fundação para o Desenvolvimento da Educação - FDE CTP, Impressão e acabamento GráÅca e Editora Posigraf





Presidente da Diretoria Executiva Antonio Rafael Namur Muscat Vice-presidente da Diretoria Executiva Alberto Wunderler Ramos GESTÃO DE TECNOLOGIAS APLICADAS À EDUCAÇÃO Direção da Área Guilherme Ary Plonski Coordenação Executiva do Projeto Angela Sprenger e Beatriz Scavazza Gestão Editorial Denise Blanes Equipe de Produção Editorial: Amarilis L. Maciel, Angélica dos Santos Angelo, Bóris Fatigati da Silva, Bruno Reis, Carina Carvalho, Carla Fernanda Nascimento, Carolina H. Mestriner, Carolina Pedro Soares, Cíntia Leitão, Eloiza Lopes, Érika Domingues do Nascimento, Flávia Medeiros, Gisele Manoel, Jean Xavier, Karinna Alessandra Carvalho Taddeo, Leandro Calbente Câmara, Leslie Sandes, Mainã Greeb Vicente, Marina Murphy, Michelangelo Russo, Natália S. Moreira, Olivia Frade Zambone, Paula Felix Palma, Priscila Risso, Regiane Monteiro Pimentel Barboza, Rodolfo Marinho, Stella Assumpção Mendes Mesquita, Tatiana F. Souza e Tiago Jonas de Almeida. Direitos autorais e iconografia: Beatriz Fonseca Micsik, Érica Marques, José Carlos Augusto, Juliana Prado da Silva, Marcus Ecclissi, Maria Aparecida Acunzo Forli, Maria Magalhães de Alencastro e Vanessa Leite Rios. Edição e Produção editorial: Jairo Souza Design GráÅco e Occy Design projeto gráÅco!.

CONCEPÇÃO Guiomar Namo de Mello, Lino de Macedo, Luis Carlos de Menezes, Maria Inês Fini coordenadora! e Ruy Berger em memória!. AUTORES Linguagens Coordenador de área: Alice Vieira. Arte: Gisa Picosque, Mirian Celeste Martins, Geraldo de Oliveira Suzigan, Jéssica Mami Makino e Sayonara Pereira. Educação Física: Adalberto dos Santos Souza, Carla de Meira Leite, Jocimar Daolio, Luciana Venâncio, Luiz Sanches Neto, Mauro Betti, Renata Elsa Stark e Sérgio Roberto Silveira. LEM – Inglês: Adriana Ranelli Weigel Borges, Alzira da Silva Shimoura, Lívia de Araújo Donnini Rodrigues, Priscila Mayumi Hayama e Sueli Salles Fidalgo. LEM – Espanhol: Ana Maria López Ramírez, Isabel Gretel María Eres Fernández, Ivan Rodrigues Martin, Margareth dos Santos e Neide T. Maia González. Língua Portuguesa: Alice Vieira, Débora Mallet Pezarim de Angelo, Eliane Aparecida de Aguiar, José Luís Marques López Landeira e João Henrique Nogueira Mateos. Matemática Coordenador de área: Nílson José Machado. Matemática: Nílson José Machado, Carlos Eduardo de Souza Campos Granja, José Luiz Pastore Mello, Roberto Perides Moisés, Rogério Ferreira da Fonseca, Ruy César Pietropaolo e Walter Spinelli.

Ciências Humanas Coordenador de área: Paulo Miceli. Filosofia: Paulo Miceli, Luiza Christov, Adilton Luís Martins e Renê José Trentin Silveira. Geografia: Angela Corrêa da Silva, Jaime Tadeu Oliva, Raul Borges Guimarães, Regina Araujo e Sérgio Adas. História: Paulo Miceli, Diego López Silva, Glaydson José da Silva, Mônica Lungov Bugelli e Raquel dos Santos Funari. Sociologia: Heloisa Helena Teixeira de Souza Martins, Marcelo Santos Masset Lacombe, Melissa de Mattos Pimenta e Stella Christina Schrijnemaekers. Ciências da Natureza Coordenador de área: Luis Carlos de Menezes. Biologia: Ghisleine Trigo Silveira, Fabíola Bovo Mendonça, Felipe Bandoni de Oliveira, Lucilene Aparecida Esperante Limp, Maria Augusta Querubim Rodrigues Pereira, Olga Aguilar Santana, Paulo Roberto da Cunha, Rodrigo Venturoso Mendes da Silveira e Solange Soares de Camargo. Ciências: Ghisleine Trigo Silveira, Cristina Leite, João Carlos Miguel Tomaz Micheletti Neto, Julio Cézar Foschini Lisbôa, Lucilene Aparecida Esperante Limp, Maíra Batistoni e Silva, Maria Augusta Querubim Rodrigues Pereira, Paulo Rogério Miranda Correia, Renata Alves Ribeiro, Ricardo Rechi Aguiar, Rosana dos Santos Jordão, Simone Jaconetti Ydi e Yassuko Hosoume. Física: Luis Carlos de Menezes, Estevam Rouxinol, Guilherme Brockington, Ivã Gurgel, Luís Paulo de Carvalho Piassi, Marcelo de Carvalho Bonetti, Maurício Pietrocola Pinto de Oliveira, Maxwell Roger da PuriÅcação Siqueira, Sonia Salem e Yassuko Hosoume. Química: Maria Eunice Ribeiro Marcondes, Denilse Morais Zambom, Fabio Luiz de Souza, Hebe Ribeiro da Cruz Peixoto, Isis Valença de Sousa Santos, Luciane Hiromi Akahoshi, Maria Fernanda Penteado Lamas e Yvone Mussa Esperidião. Caderno do Gestor Lino de Macedo, Maria Eliza Fini e Zuleika de Felice Murrie.

A Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo autoriza a reprodução do conteúdo do material de sua titularidade pelas demais secretarias de educação do país, desde que mantida a integridade da obra e dos créditos, ressaltando que direitos autorais protegidos*deverão ser diretamente negociados com seus próprios titulares, sob pena de infração aos artigos da Lei no 9.610/98. * Constituem “direitos autorais protegidos” todas e quaisquer obras de terceiros reproduzidas no material da SEE-SP que não estejam em domínio público nos termos do artigo 41 da Lei de Direitos Autorais.

* Nos Cadernos do Programa São Paulo faz escola são indicados sites para o aprofundamento de conhecimentos, como fonte de consulta dos conteúdos apresentados e como referências bibliográficas. Todos esses endereços eletrônicos foram checados. No entanto, como a internet é um meio dinâmico e sujeito a mudanças, a Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo não garante que os sites indicados permaneçam acessíveis ou inalterados. * Os mapas reproduzidos no material são de autoria de terceiros e mantêm as características dos originais, no que diz respeito à grafia adotada e à inclusão e composição dos elementos cartográficos (escala, legenda e rosa dos ventos).

Validade: 2014 – 2017

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