Thanks everyone for supporting me for my work and supporting me for my meaning of living. I really don’t have much as a 18 year old teenageR Who lives in the heights, I try to manage with my money and all that so i can make stuff like “Angel Star” and other videos that are coming soon just wait on it. hopefully i make my own clothes one day, i’ve always wanted to make shorts that look like sora’s shorts from kingdom hearts with my own little twist to it. I always thought it would look really cool and shit. I also really wanna make really boxxy t shirts made from scratch cause i’m a big nigga and i want shit to fit perfectly to my body and all that. And if i ever do make clothes im not gonna be selling them shits for a ridiculous price like vetements or some bullshit like that cause i know yards of some fabrics aren’t that expensive. Lmao i sound dumb but whatever. Shouts out to my family, my mom, my dad, my step dad, my little brother, my grand parents, my uncle, my aunt and my cousins. Shouts out alex, oscar, benny, shy, freddy, zion, jeff, chris (foodeats), chris (flatbutts, chris (corrupt), doms, coby, brandon, yordy, dylan, Maxx, nazur, kai, khi, norman, naz, maya, jordy, evan, david, walter, josh, theo, ebanks brothers, james, jon, jared, kayla, adel, kev, sophie, noemi, sofia, emma, tai, lyric, vic and sooo many other heads that i fuck with and fuck with me ily all yall. I don’t want anyone to give up on ur dreams cause that shit sucks. Thanks <3