From space to place

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From Space to Place

Space for Dwelling What is ‘space’ ?

What is a ‘space for dwelling’ ? What makes a space for dwelling habitable ?

Man + Nature



Stourhead, Wiltshire by Henry Flitcroft, 1740s

Genius Loci the protective spirit of the place (Classical Roman Religion) a location's distinctive atmosphere

In the context of modern architectural theory, genius loci has profound implications for place-making, falling within the philosophical branch of ‘ phenomenology’. This field of architectural discourse is explored most notably by the theorist Christian Norberg-Schulz in his book, Genius Loci: Towards a Phenomenology of Architecture.


Consult the Genius of the Place in all That tells the Waters to rise or fall Or helps th’ambitious Hill the heav’n to scale, Or scoops in circling theaters the vale, Calls in the country, catches opening glades, Joins willing woods, and carries shades from shades, Now breaks or now directs th’intending Lines, Paints as you plant, and, as you work, designs.

Epistle to Lord Burlington on the Use of Riches 1730 Alexander Pope

Pope’s Villa at Twickenham 1719

Architecture as an identification of Place

Place (architecture) = Meaning (Language) Architecture is like a sculpture, a 3D composition of forms in space, the art of making things beautiful and meaningful and ordering buildings into an intellectual system ; ex: Classism, Functionalism, Post modernism

Place Making depends on the World View of the people and place

Typical layout of a Tswana village


Horseshoe cluster of nuclear families

The Rondavel : Earthen Homes of Botswana

Layout by Hierarchy



Senior Tribe Members

O Junior Tribe Members

Immigrants H

Chief’s house


Chief’s office Kgotla ( Public meeting place)

The Rondavel : Earthen Homes of Botswana

Shoshong The Rondavel : Earthen Homes of Botswana







The Concept of Place ; Martin Heidegger

Technology Communication


Mobile Life

Citta Nouva 1914

Futurist house is like a gigantic machine – agile, mobile, dynamic in detail, soaring high, streets no longer doormats at ground level but metropolitan traffic embraced and linked up by metal gangways and swift-moving pavement

“Architecture will become infinite + transient� - Ron Herron

Walking City on the Ocean (1964)

Walking Cities (1964) - Archigram (Ron Herron)

The Walking City comprises a series of giant vehicles, each containing the static elements of the urban aggregate and all collectively making up a metropolis. ‌ of the Walking City were living creatures that "roam the globe forming and reforming�.

Plug In Cities (1960’s) - Archigram (Ron Herron)

The Concept of Place ; Martin Heidegger

Mobile Life

Anticipated problems (1960’s point of view)

No structure or physical landmarks causes men to loose his orientation. Good environmental image = emotional security The interested persons have to meet very often, almost every day. Lack of direct human contact produce mental illness, self centeredness, disorder and delinquency, and in the worst case to schizophrenia


HOME (private/ intimate)

Mobile Life What causes a person to ‘move’? Do we need to be connected to the local society? Do we need neighborhoods? Do we need a ‘place’ ? A point of departure ? A place of action?


internet internet internet

Long distance learning Online business + advertising

What is a ‘space for dwelling’ ? What makes a space for dwelling habitable ? Do we need a ‘place’ ? A point of departure ? A place of action? How would we build for tomorrow’s world?

Our Future ?

Every generation must build its own cities. Manifesto of Futurist Architecture Antonio Sant’Elia , 1914

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