Short story book

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Short Stories Book Subject: Uso Lúdico y Académico del Inglés. Teacher: Angie Quintanilla E. USS.

Table of Contents

Two by Yasmín Aburto The man of her dreams by Ximena Arriagada The fourth revenge by Alejandro Beltrán Ismael Pinto by Roxana Burgos Separated by faith by Johnny Ceballos Living as an addict by Melisa Chaparro The portal’s key by Paulina Cuadra Love even a er dead by Adriana Dávila Looking forward a goodbye by Andrea Gandares The perfect gem by Patricia Gonzáles Jogging of death by Alexis Kiefer My first acid trip by Estefanía Mar(nez Quen$n by Francisco Morales An unpleasant surprise by Rocío Reyes First date by María José Riquelme Alice’s abduc$on by Katherine Salinas Marked by Dayana Sánchez But… life goes on by María José San Mar(n The two sides of my mind by Jocelyn Sepúlveda Under the Willow by Claudia Varas Mirror, mirror by Camila Vera

No one can think that in 2012 there are still families with a close view of life. Well, this is my family, they are Protestants, socially acceptable, conservatives and well surrounded by people of the same kind. I’m 17 years old, and I have a sister, she is 25 years old, she fell in love of someone, obviously her boyfriend wasn’t the kind of person that mom wanted to her. So my mom, who is the queen of conservatives, kicked her out. Have you ever felt lonely, even though you are with your family? This is my situation; I don’t care about them and their conservatives customs. I must go to church every Sunday. When they sing, my mind is full of bad words for them and I think “I don’t wanna be here!” My mom forces me to look like a good girl and I am not … A sunny Monday I was in classes, my school is conservative and protestant; is something worst? Yes … my classmates are like my parents, so good, they are in right way. When I talk to them my mind screams “Do you wanna be like them? Do you believe in their beliefs?” I have hated this conservative world since my sister was kicked out of my home. I went to the toilet and I took out my marijuana, I smoke it and my head master appeared there. “What are you doing lady?” she said. “It’s a little bit obvious” I said. And in a pair of hours I was out of school. I arrived to my home, I said “They threw me out” Mom said “You and your stupid things! You’re going to apply to Puritan School!!” she hit in my face, in my mind I said “Everything, but no that, everything, but no that” Suddenly I said “I prefer work in the church”. Then in my mind I said “What am I doing? I prefer working than being in that school, everything least that” By the end of July, I have been working here for at least 4 weeks. There is a pretty boy, I always talk to him, his name is John, he likes me, and the only thing is that he is protestant. I have never thought that a protestant would like me. After some weeks, he is my boyfriend, “I got it” I said. I realized that I am pretty good liar, I try to look like a conservative lady. But in my mind and heart I know that I am not like I look. Mom loves John, I can get everything if I say John, and it’s something magical. I can go to parties, concerts, everything! But there is something in my mind; I can’t stop of thinking in a thing. There is a new girl in my work, her name is Kate, and I don’t know why, but she looks nice to me, I always talk to her and I noticed that she always looks at me.

In the middle of September, we were in a party, the Kate’s party. I was with John. “I wanna go to the bathroom” I said. “You should go with someone” John said “I can go with you” Kate said. We were to the bathroom, and when we were walking to meet John, she kissed me. Nothing was in my mind, words left me. I was there … I have never imagined that. I don’t know how it happened, but since that kiss I have been in a relationship with Kate and here I am with two relationships, one with a man and other with a woman. “I love him, I love her” words are in my mind “I love him, I love her”. During the day I am with my girl, at night I am with my boy, when I am with one I think in the other one. I love both of them. What am I going to do? If my mom noticed this, “she is gonna died” I said. With the time I notice that I can’t stay in this situation anymore. I am not able to hide my feelings, John had noticed that something is in my mind and he found some messages in my cell phone. Kate wanted to be official. My mom noticed that something is wrong with me, she is checking my stuffs. Now, I think “Ok, it’s official, I don’t have time to hide my situation, I must be clear with my feelings” That is my mantra. By the end of November, I was in the beach with John, Kate and my Family. Suddenly John asked me for a walk …. I realized that he was uncanny, and I invited Kate, the worst idea ever. When we were at the seashore, John spat the words “What are you doing? I found your messages!! You sick me!!” John said. I was there without words. “I love her, and she loves me” said Kathy. “Why? Why? Why? I repeated in my mind, words couldn’t come out of my mouth. Suddenly I just felt a slap in my face, I fell down. John hit me and Kate screamed to him. After some hours, mom was screaming to me, she thinks that I am a disgrace for her perfect family. She kicked me out, as she did with my sister. Since that episode I have been living with my sister and her boyfriend, she is so happy, “I wanna be like her” I said in my mind. Now I think that things happen for some reason. When I met Kate I could discover me and my feelings. I would be happy with my life in some point of it. Now I don’t have my girl, I don’t have my boy. This is the begging of my life….

She woke up late. She didn’t have breakfast so she decided to have a cup of tea in that “Café” near to her work. It was like any other Saturday morning. -Hi, I want a cup of tea, I don’t care the flavor, I have 7 minutes to have breakfast and arrive to my workThe waiter stared at her so long that she noticed that and she raised her head to see if there was a problem with her order but when their eyes met the whole world stopped and they felt as if their hearts were beating together, as if they were only one single soul. They smiled. -I think I know you- said the waiter –And if don’t, I need to do it right now, my heart is telling me that you’re important... sorry, maybe I’m losing my mind, but every time I look at you I feel something strong deep in my heart. It must be love. She was paralyzed hearing the romantic words of who seemed to be her price charming but suddenly she remembered that she had to arrive to her work quickly, so she stood up awkwardly and said: -I feel the same, but I need to get to my job right now- She thought quickly in a way to see him again –Can we meet us here at 8.00 pm?-Yes, of course we can- Said the waiter with a foot on earth and the other one on the moon. They worked the whole day with the hope in their hearts, the hope of being in love. When they met at 8.00 pm the atmosphere felt like heaven: they were the same person separated in two bodies. They went to a park and talked about how their lives were before that morning. Under a tree they kissed and created a stronger connection with the contact of their lips.

-My place is here with you, and you are paradise- said the waiter while he was stroking her hair with his hands- I think I love you-I think I love you too- They kissed and that kiss was the most perfect and significant of all kisses that people give each other when their love is pure. She opened her eyes and she was in her bed, she turned on the Tv and yes: it was Saturday morning and all had been a dream. -A perfect dream- she said. She was late and in her way to work she decided to have a cup of tea, she arrived to the “CafĂŠâ€? (yes, the same as in the dream) and surprisingly she saw the same waiter of her dream!!!!!. They looked at each other and smiled, as if the two had had the same dream. -Do I know you?- asked the waiter, smiling with complicity.

Ismael Pinto By Roxana Burgos

My son has been behaving strange since we moved to another house. Some incidents make me think that something is not right at all. He is a 5 year old boy with a great personality, he does well at school and doesn’t get into troubles. In his free time he plays in the garden and I know he misses his old friends. I think that is the reason why he has been acting so weird lately. Some days ago I heard that he was playing in his bedroom with someone, I entered the room to see what was happening but he was alone. When I was about to sit in one side of his bed, he shouted: - “don’t sit over there!”- His scream was so frightening I immediately stood up and asked him: - Why you don’t want me to sit over there?, who were you talking to?- and he answered,- I am talking to Ismael. Ismael Pinto. He is 6 years old and he is my new friend mommy- I didn’ know what to answer so I just smiled. I left the room thinking that my son was just messing his friends and maybe Ismale was just his imaginary friend I mean, I used to have an imaginary friend and many kids have one. We are renting this new house. It’s small but I think it’s okay for us. My husband works all day and my son arrives from school at around 3 in the afternoon. I had forgotten the incident with my son’s imaginary friend but then another thong happened. While I was walking in the hall between the bedrooms, my son opened his bedroom door and stared at me in a strange way. I asked him what was it and he said in a low voice: - shhh mommy, come here and please don’t look behind you! Please mommy hurry up! Come to my bedroom and don’t look back!- A chill run up to my spine, I looked back immediately but I didn’t see anything or anybody, but my son was still begging me to enter his room and then I said: - honey please, what is wrong? There’s no one behind me – and he added: mommy there’s a very bad man behind you! He wants to hurt you! At that moment I entered his room at once and closed the door. I was scared and I didn’t know why. I told him:- My God Maxi!! What are you talking about?! I didn’t see anything! Why are you making this up?!- He explained that he was telling the truth and I tried to calm him down. Luckily my husband arrived home early that day and he told me that maybe that were just a child game or something but then he checked all over the house to convinced me. Inspite of that, I couldn’t sleep well just thinking that maybe that was not a child’s game. The thing I witnessed today gave me a clearer idea of what is really happening with my son. Yesterday we went for a walk and in one opportunity my son waved to the opposite corner as he was saying hi to someone but there was no one there, just a lonely tree. I asked- Who did you greet?- And he said:- I said hello to Ismael. I tried to check if there was any kid around but again nothing. Today I went out to buy some staffs and I stopped in the corner and the lonely tree and then the chill running up to my spine again while I saw under the tree a Little shrine that said: “To our beloved son Ismael Pinto, who passed away at the age of 6, 9 Oct. 1990 r.i.p”

Separated by faith.

Johnny Ceballos.

Separated by faith

When everybody was concerned about the strike in The Cromber River, near of Washington DC, because the fight of human rights was raising more and more, Jack was only worried about the commandments of the Coram. Jack Mahamet used to be sitting on his favorite wooden chair next to the cherry-tree in the garden as his family did it in the Middle Orient to spend the evening admiring the God’s creation. Each evening, the beautiful, tall, white, and thin youngest girl of the Montgomerys went for a walk with his dainty and refined way to walk with her umbrella and her chic dress and Jack simulated does not see her until that sunset when a strong wind elevated her pompous dress and the conservator man was horrified and more embarrassed than the girl because he had seen her legs but she did not care that because she was a free and modern girl. Jack could not sleep that night thinking about the girl and her sexy appearance, even though he was a serious and respectful gentleman but the experience of that evening was too exciting. Nobody knew he was Muslim but it was of public knowledge that the Montgomerys were extremely close to the Catholicism and the only person who did not follow those rules was Eloisa, the youngest sister of the marriage. Eloisa was clever and very astute so she had noticed the embarrassment of Jack that evening but she acted like she did not. One sunny day Eloise went to her usual walk and when she passed in front of Jack she talked to him with a delicate whisper asking him if he could open her umbrella because it was tight and he answered her with a shy voice and blushed face that he obviously could do it. Eloisa had already broken the ice and she had gotten the confidence to come to Jack and greet him or talk to him whenever she wants, so she took advantage of that to approach flirting whenever she could because he was a very interesting and attractive man for her.

One day she took the initiative and told him:


Hello mr. Mahamet, what a lovely day, eh. Mmm (he responded nodding his head).


Don’t be ashamed with me Mr. (while she fixed his tie)


No, don’t worry miss.. Eloisa? Eloisa, right?


Yes, it’s correct, Jack.

And that was the exact moment when Jack felt there is not another woman in the world that could ignite his heart in that way. Days later, they made a strong relationship where they fell in love. The relationship was hidden because he felt nobody could know that a Muslim had a couple that was not from the chosen lineage. She never minded that problem because she thought that if someday he would like marry her it would not be a problem to leave everything (home, family and faith). They were one year together and she decided to ask him if he want to marry her. He was shocked because he was the man and she should not have done that, but he did not say anything although he smiled her. Eloisa was preparing everything for the wedding because she assumed Jack agreed the proposal. One month later Jack talked to Eloisa with a strong sadness in his chest: -

My love, I have bad news.


What happened Jack!?

I have to return to my country as soon as possible because I received a letter from my mom and I have to do it. -

And, what’s the problem? I would leave everything I have here to follow you.

Aummm, but.. You know.. my family.. my family.. we are Muslims and you, you don’t.. and you know what The Coram says “we cannot be with a person who does not belong to the chosen lineage” She cries as she never did promising him she was going to follow him wherever. But the pressure of Jack’s family, the God’s look he felt and everything he learned since he was a child did not leave him with a clear conscience until he decided to come back to his birthplace where he was born without saying to anybody. Jack wrote and left a letter to Eloisa and that was the only thing she got from his great love staying sad with an immovable sorrow for the rest of her life.

Living as an addict By Melisa Chaparro M.

‘Just try it! If you don’t like then you quit it’ - said her friend. At the beginning I thought it would be easy but now I realized that I’m too hooked to this vice. It was easy to find some coins by begging at the street or stealing to someone who is distracted buying in the downtown, even asking for the government board. I adapted myself to live wherever the night finds me since I’d left house. My situation went worst and worst when I‘ve started injecting myself. My mother was a fantastic person. I remember when she loaded down and hugged me until I couldn’t breathe. That feeling will be with me forever. I hadn’t arrived at home for days, even weeks. She was sick and tired of telling me to quit that because I’ve been destroying me slowly. I saw her desperate face and how disappointed she felt about my habits. I was completely worn out that she bothered me despite the fact I knew I was wrong. I’m still wrong, however I decided to go. I promised not to see her again and I’m grateful to not making miserable her life either. That’s my life and I don’t want to change it. Otherwise, it would be different: an ambitious career being well-balanced with reliable family which have a woman who loves no matter what happen and together raise our offspring. I remember a girl who was my girlfriend when I was a teenager. I’d got butterflies in my stomach when she was by my side. I really loved her though she took me out of her life because she said I didn’t worth anything and she didn’t have future with me. Fortunately, it’s just a love story like others but who cares. Who needs that when you can feel the pleasure of being high? Nobody tell you what you are doing right or wrong, you leave this monotonous environment, just a perfect day, a perfect life! Although that perfect life doesn’t last forever. Even, I haven’t known yet what exactly happened with me that day. Everything started that Sunday morning after a fun high with some friends. I felt a little bit depressed so as not to mess up my day thinking such stupid things or missing some people I looked for whoever wanted to come. Walking the streets, I met Dumbo an addict from the Brooklyn’s neighborhood. He got that nickname for his giant floppy ears. His rude voice and skinny body told me he had some special pills that it would take us into the next level. And so was it! I felt how my problems disappeared into that needle and how the drug took over control my arms, my legs and every part of my body.

There was no pain and my desire to be more high it became higher and higher. I had some flashbacks of shouting my friend, some episodes when I was rolling side by side the old and abandoned house where most of addicts in this city regularly used to gather them. Suddenly, I woke up of my wonderful dreams to face the boring and tiresome reality. I stood up walking to another room in the house when I saw Dumbo stealing my stuff and my last doses of my jacket. I started to yell him asking an explanation of what he was doing. Still high and with a hesitated voice, I felt fed up and my mind was flooded about bad feelings. They were stuck in my head. While I was talking and shouted to him, he took a big knife and pushed it into my heart. I fell down like a big bag full of stuff. I had no strengths to confront him. My body started shivering and sweating and in that moment I knew I was about to die. Then lying on the floor, I saw him took the all the things we brought and he stood by my side. Unexpectedly, he knelt down and prepared my last journey of this world. I couldn’t believe my eyes when he injected me and I felt absolutely delighted again. A little bit stunned by the wound and the dose he gave me, I achieved to say something – ‘Heyyy Thank you’ – He turned to me and nodded as a ‘Your welcome’ and he left the house while I was dying on the floor and then I went into the journey. I don’t know why exactly he did that, maybe I would have done the same thing but nobody knows. Regrets about my life? Well4 I’ve had a few. I should be stronger against the drug and change my life making up for the relationship with my mother, even with my girlfriend. Even though, I don’t regret for that stupid things, it was my life and I liked it. The only thing I regret seriously is that I wish I‘d known about my murder to kill him before.


Author: Paulina Cuadra

The portal´s key There was a cold night. We were drinking with some friends in John`s flat. We were in a 5th floor and the wind made windows vibrate strongly. John approached to the window and looked through the glass towards the bright and sleepy town. -Listen to me, John said, with sleepy eyes because he was a bit drunk. I think this is a perfect night to play Ouija. Everybody agreed with him except Stephanie who suddenly turned paled and threatened to leave if they insisted on playing. His nervousness was so obvious that the other guys stopped the initiative, but the curiosity was had placed in in their minds and John asked why she rejected to play a simple game. -To start. It is not just a simple game, Stephanie said. Still nervious. Then she related a story which kept them astonished. She told them that approximately two years ago; she played this same game in an old house´s room with some friends. She did not know what this game was about and a friend explained her it. Ouija is a game that it is played in a piece of square wood with the alphabet on it. A coin is putting over it. Every integrant have to put their fore finger over the coin. Supposedly, it creates a strong invisible force that engages all sorts of spirits. Stephanie felt the curiosity for playing it and agreed to participate. They started the game and the coin begun to move over the letters forming strange words. They initiated with typical questions like: - what is your name? -How old are you? Etc. At the beginning they thought the other participants had moved the coin but suddenly things around them started to move, lights on the ceiling twinkled. She looked her friends who were five in total and all of them closed their eyes and nobody realized any movements. She thought they were playing a joke. She felt someone touched her back she turned back and there was nobody. One friend who was next to her with not a human voice said: -do not disturb death people Stephanie. Immediately, her skin turned bristled and she had the impression that there was someone under the table. She could feel breathing close to her legs, but she was no able to lift the tablecloth to look who was there. She tried to take off her finger from the coin and stand up but she couldn`t. Her finger seemed to be fixed to the coin which was moving over the Ouija from one side to another strongly. -girls can we stop it? Stephanie said with a shakily voice, but no one opened their eyes. They seemed to be in a deep trance. -Girls, she repeated trying to rise her voice, - “girls….please…”. So, she couldn`t scream. Something strange had happened in her friends` faces, they were not the adolescents they were. On the contrary, they looked older who seemed death for many time ago. They opened their eyes and said in a horrible and perfect choir: -you opened a portal toward other world that soon will be closed, but you will always have the key”. Stephanie could go out from her paralysis and run away from her friends’ house. She came back to see them next day at school and their faces were totally normal and they could remember anything.

-What did they want to said when they said: you will always have the key? Asked John who were astonished listened to the Stephanie` story as same as others. Stephanie shrugged her shoulders. I don`t know, just in case I keep those things away from me. -You did it well, John said and turned around the window to look through it, and there, in the reflex of the glass, he could notice that Stephanie`s face looked like an old woman who smiled evilly.

Love Even After Dead

By Adriana Dรกvila

Love Even After Dead It was like any other day, but something was about to happen. My father was working as every day near the river where he removed rubble with his truck. The sun was really hot, and everything he could see seemed to be melting, he desired to come back home as soon as possible with his family, whose he loves so much. He is such a good man, he would give his life for his family, and even when he is sad he tries to pretend that he is always happy for others not to worry about him. Despite of that, he hides a deep pain in his heart. Some days ago, my father experienced some very weird situations that no one in our family can explain. Last night, while we were sleeping my father went down stairs because he had a very strange feeling that something was going to happen, after some minutes on the first floor, he ran to our bedrooms saying aloud: "get up, quickly!, and go out of the house!". We were very afraid of what was happening, we jumped out of the beds and ran out. When we were already out of the house the ground began shacking as hard as I've never seen before, it was an earthquake! How did my father know about it? After that very strange situation, that fortunately saved our life, my father kept having those kinds of “predictions�. During a week, he dreamt every night with water, specifically with a huge tsunami that injured lot of houses, places and people, he told us that he was very worried about his dreams because we were in them and we were part of the injured people in the tsunami. Of course, we tried every time to calm him down saying that it was just a dream, but he seemed very exalted. After that week, my father quit on his dreams, until one day that we were having lunch watching the news on television, my father began crying when a breaking new appeared. It was about the tsunami that hit Indonesia, leaving great amount of disaster and deaths - "That's exactly what I dreamt", said my father bereaved, we in a kind of shock started crying too, and as family we decided to help those people not just because they really needed, but it was also for my father so he would not feel guilty about it.

My father stopped dreaming that sort of dreams for about two months until suddenly something very dangerous happened to him. My father suffered from sleep apnea, which is a sleep disorder characterized from fall asleep quickly anytime and anywhere. When he was working in his truck near the river, he was going through a very narrow ground road when he saw in the distance a person walking towards him; he reduced the speed of the truck to not cause that person any pain, when he was closer to that person he fell asleep and lose the control of the truck. Incredibly, nothing happened to my father neither to the person who was walking. When he came back to the house in the afternoon, in tears he told us about what happened. We, obviously, very worried thought the worst, but my father suspiciously was very happy and emotional. He told us, that his father saved his life. We astonished asked how that was possible. Some months ago, before my father began having dreams, he suffered the most painful lost, his father had died because of a cancer he endured over a year. Although, my grandfather has been with us all this time, specially taking care of my father. My grandfather took the control of the truck when my father fell asleep, and when that happened my father reached to see his father's arms driving the truck and saving his life. Whenever you feel alone remember you are not, all the people who have been in an important moment of our lives, they never leave us, because they love us even after dead.

In memory of my beloved grandfather...


FORWARD A GOOD BYE By Andrea Gandares


As usual, I woke up at 7:30 am in order to go to my work, work that many people consider weird, but for me is better than any other. I work for those people who cannot give you thanks, but you can see that thanks in the eyes of those who most love them. I got into my car and I went to my second home, the small and old morgue located at the edge of the road to the small town where I live, Molguiville. For most people it is the worst place to work, because it is lone, cold, bleak, but for me it's the best place where you can stay. My life has been always lonely, my mother left me when I was a baby. During that period I only suffered abuse and I never knew what was a caress, that's why I find peace among those people who pass away. I know that they won't hurt me, so I can trust in them. When I crossed the threshold of the door immediately I knew what was waiting to me in the workroom, Dr. Smith, he only had that face when a little angel leave us, that! that it is the worst thing when you work in the morgue, see how kids, those kids who had never hurt anyone, leave this world without knowing it, but sometimes I think that it is better because they are not spread from the evil of adults. I took my implements and crossed the door ... there was the small child waiting for me. My job is to ensure that the people who love them didn´t remember their cold faces, colorless, inert, and expressionless. I started to make up his face in order to give back life to his cheeks giving a look of peace and quiet, as if he were sleeping. At the end of Day, three of them were ready to return to their homes and received a proper farewell. Also, I was ready to go back to my home where peace and tranquility were waiting for me. During the night while I was ready to sleep someone knocked on the front door for a few minutes but I haven't friends and least family who visit me , my

closest person is Dr. Smith so I left it aside. The next day, while I was taking a

shower to go to work I heard someone saying my name, Janne! Janne! But after a few minutes this stopped, and I followed my normal day, when I got home I saw that something was under the door, it was an envelope, I thought that it would be an account or something like that, I picked up and left it on the table.

I prepared myself a cup of coffee and lit a cigarette suddenly I remembered the envelope. When I opened it I thought that something was wrong, I didn’t understand anything, because it was a picture. And I said:” a picture?” it has parents and three children including a small girl and on the reverse of it a note that said: "Sorry honey, I finally found you I can go in peace." I didn’t understand anything ... The next day; I continued my routine as usual, when I got to my room a woman was waiting for me. When I saw her face, something happened in my body, a feeling of cold and a desire to cry took possession of me, I never felt something


ilar. Her face expressed happiness, and that is strange in my work, I made her up thinking that someone would come for her during the afternoon, but nothing happened, no one came for her. The next day, she was still there, when I asked to the Dr. Smith about the woman he said to me: “I don´t know who she is, I have never seen before in the village. This increased my hesitation so I dared to review their personal objects. I never did that before, my surprise was enormous when I found through her things an old picture. It was the same photo that I received in the envelope, and next to it a photograph made me feel even more intrigued, why that woman had a picture of me through her things? Suddenly, a letter caught my attention and I was anxious to read it, I knew it was not correct, but I did it, when I opened it, it said: “Dear Jane, Please, do not stop reading it, this letter is for you. Yes you! my name is Mary, I am the woman who had not the courage to keep you by my side when your father and siblings died. I can not explain why, but I can tell you how much I have suffered and how much regretted it, but I didn´t stop until I find you. For years I suffered from cancer but even though the hope to be back with you make me stay alive, I found you and now I'm happy. Finally my little girl is with me again, forgive me but now I can go in peace, I hope to see you on the other side of the tunnel, I'll be waiting for you with your father and siblings and finally be happy. I love you my girl, see you soon. Your Mom. Mary.” That day I realized that I would also be happy in the future and since that moment I see her at night, with her smiling face, waiting for me as many times as I have waited.

There was a man who spent all of his life looking for the perfect gem. He looked for the stone for months, years, decades; he was decided to find it. Many times he saw himself in difficulties and sometimes he felt so tired that he even thought to quick his search, convinced that such stone didn’t exit. One day while he was looking for the gem he climbed a mountain and he went down into the depths of the earth. The man was afraid of the darkness and the cave inspired him fear but he was willing to do anything to find his gem and make his dream come true. He went down, and down, and down without finding anything but coal. Disappointed he tried to get out, but he fell down and he hurt his leg. Hours past until his lantern run out of battery and he couldn’t hold his thirst any longer. What could he do? Maybe it was his destiny to die there, may be it was God design, or a divine sign that was trying to tell him that he should quick his search. But his desire of finding the gem was so strong and he had looked for it so long that he decided not to give up. He crawl himself out, hurting his body with the sharp stones beneath him, hurting his soul. But he had to get out of there and so he did. Crying without tears due to the lack of water in his body, he reached the light and he emerged from the mountain, he was almost dead. After that incident he turned all his energies to cure his physical and spiritual wounds, he still wanted to find his gem, but he felt that he could never put a foot into a mountain again neither enter a cave. It was better to look for a beer than to look for a gem. Time went by and our hero, after spending the time with his friends, felt that he couldn’t stay still any longer. Adventure called him and he went to look for gems… but he didn’t find them nor in the river or in the lakes, not even in the ancient temples. What else could he do? Maybe he needed to go into a mountain again… He was scared but finally the desire to find the gem was bigger and suddenly he found himself above a little but deep mountain. He walked through the mountain, convinced that it was going to be the last time he would do it. He stayed there for a while, but he didn't find the gem and he decided that it was time to give up. But God had other plans for him and he fell for a cleft. He fell down and down. He knew that he was going to die either of thirst or hunger, the mountain seemed to be his deathbed, but he was happy of dying for his dream. He was shivering, terrified, until in his despair he saw a distant light, he run very fast thinking that it was his way out, but can you imagine what he found? IT WAS HIS GEM, the most beautiful and perfect stone he had ever seen. It was the gem's glow that had brought him there. "Well, it might not be a way out but my dream came true. This is my perfect gem, and all his defects make it look more precious" he thought. And then he loved his gem, he loved her like he'd never loved anything before and he was sure her was the only thing that he had always loved. He wanted to pull out the gem from the rocks but he was afraid of hurting her. "I want to be with you for the rest of my life, dear Gem, you're the most beautiful thing

I've ever found in this world, you'd made me forget my pain and my fears I have to set you free from this rocks that overshadow your beauty... Let me set you free and I'll keep you in my heart, we'll walk together until my dying day, and then I'll rest with you for ages" Then, carefully he pulled out the Gem from the rocks. She was finally free. "I love you" he said, as he felt that the cave collapsed for his actions. He was terrified because thousands of rocks were falling, and he was going to die. "May be if I wouldn't love her..." were his finals words before becoming unconscious... When he woke up it was dark and he looked for his Gem. He told her the story of a boy who fell in love with a girl... that it was nothing but the story of his search. "I love you" he said again and he was happy although he was trapped, he loved her and he was happy to have found her al last. He felt peace and calm. So he opened his eyes and he saw his brighter Gem. She loved him so much that she pointed him a way out, he smiled. He imagined a great future... "Let's be happy together" he said while he was crying of happiness.

The end.

Joggin of death Alexis Kiefer

Jogging of Death

Página 1

The dusk passed long time ago, the moon started to appear behind the trees with her pale shine and hypnotic beauty. It was a cold night, moths and other insects flew around the lanterns on the square while a pack of dogs rummage on the garbage and fought by a rancid slice of pizza. Unconnected to all those events a strange figure was hidden in the shadows, it was a tall and dark skin man. His face showed the scars of many fights and his hand was bigger, the most disconcerting of his body was his black eyes, these eyes didn´t show any expression and was empty of all feels. He looked his watch and then observing if there were strange people around him, always maintaining his body hidden and in silent. He was waiting for his target; the mail received in the deep web two weeks ago said “kill her without evidence and witness”. The target was a woman of 43 years old, but not a simple woman. She was a Doctor and winner of a Nobel Prize on medicine to research and found the cure of cancer five years ago. She had a medium height, black hair and a tanned skin; she showed an energetic face with some wrinkles appeared in her forehead and a pair of browns vivid eyes. Her figure was athletic because she was an old routine to jogging five kilometers every day, it was the only way that she had to keep the spirit alive and without stress after an extensive day of work. That was the opportunity of this man was waiting to commit his objective, he had being observing the woman for about one week, learning her routes and schedules every day. He knew she was going to pass for this place turned the corner and then she would pass through the square and stopped next to a tree to stretch her body and drink water. A figure appeared jogging by the road dodging the dogs passing by the lantern, she stopped under the tree and began to stretch her leg. Suddenly she looked with corner the eye a shadow behind of her, her first though was a hallucination of his tired mind, but his

Jogging of Death

Pรกgina 2

body had detected the danger. She raised the head fast but it was late. The man was behind of her with a fiber wired between her hands, she tried to move, but the man was a professional. In a blink the fiber wired was around her neck. The man squeezed slow and vigorously the fiber wired, he knew if he put so much pressure he would cut the woman throat. The woman tried to fight against his murder, but his body did not respond. She had been running for around one hour and her extremities were fatigue. She opened the mouth trying to catch a breath but it was impossible, she felt how her sight began to fail, all around her was cloud and she could hear annoying ringing in her ears. The struggle went on a couple of minutes, but in the mind of the woman it was interminable, her body succumb in front the lack of oxygen and die. The man put carefully the body on the grass and took the mp3 player of the woman and put it on his pocket to give the idea that was a thief who killed the woman. The man started to walk out of the square getting lost in the shadow and with his mission accomplished, without evidence and witness.

Uso lúdico y académico del inglés

Text & Use—Group 2

Quentyn By Francisco Morales Opazo

Uso lúdico y académico del inglés Professor Angie Quintanilla Espinoza Text & Use

Quentyn He was so excited about it. Their humans were preparing a trip. He has never travelled before and it seemed to be a really long one because they were packing a lot of food for him. Despite of the fact that he didn’t like it too much his pellets of dehydrated food he really wanted this travel. He, till now only knows the backyard. So, since he realized, he was about to know the outside world, he behaved properly. Normally, he will be doing a humongous mess to attract the attention of his humans which ends with yells from them or just showing him a stick, but now was standing in a place where he doesn’t disturb anyone. Just moving the only thing which shows his happiness. He was engrossed deep in his thoughts of the outside world that it took him sometime to pay attention to one of his neighbours that was trying to communicate something to him. “Neighbour, hey neighbour… HEY!” – She whispered with a breathy sigh. “Umm?” He said getting out of his trance. “Hey neighbour, do not go in that wheeled house or you’ll never come back.” “What?” “What I just said, you’ll never come back” – she was talking to him from a tiny hole in the wall that humans use to mark out their territories. “How do you know that?” – He asked without believing a word of what he just heard. “I’ve seen – she continues – many neighbours that get on that and they have never come back”. He was astounded. The words of his neighbour, “they’ve never came back?” – He thought – “why?” For a moment he remained puzzled. Finally, despite that, he thought “Possibly she is unhappy and angry because she wants what I want” Finally the humans called him to get him on the car. The trip was long, but only because he was dazzled by the outside world. His male human told him that they were going to the “Country” He doesn’t know what that word means, but according to what they said it was a marvellous place to run and play. During the trip he felt a little bit sick because of the movement of the car, but he wanted to do not miss a thing of what was out there. So, he tried not to puke inside the wheeled house. The human was a tall and skinny man who based in what he was about to do didn’t like nor respect animals at all. “That bitch” – He was mumbling in that moment – “that stupid bitch which escape when she was on heat, she couldn’t pick up another dog NO, that one! Stupid bitch! Honey – the female human who was sitting in the co-pilot seat said – calm down after this, you won’t have a thing that reminds you that bitch. The female human was short and fat with a tiny black hair under her nose and her hair resembles to a nest. She and her husband dedicate their life selling fake-pedigree puppy dogs, but their last acquisition was more intelligent than they and a week after the trip, she run away from their cap-

tors, leaving her only living son alone. Humans know that nobody would like to buy this puppy so they decided to abandon him in Campos Bellavista Avenue. When he saw one of his kinds he remembered what his neighbour said, but he still couldn’t comprehend why she told him that. After a bump and a turn to the right, the wheeled house, as how he called to cars, stopped and the doors were opened. He jumps on to the ground, full of joy of discovering the country. When he finally could focus on what he was watching he realized that the country wasn’t like he imagined it. It was a street surrounded by houses and street lights, but something at the end of the street calls his attention, grass so, he went there. Once there he lies on his back and start to move happily until his male human showed him a piece of bread. His mouth within a second was full saliva. He run towards his human when suddenly the skinny man throw the bread far away as he could. Our friend run to it to eat it. It was delicious, he grabbed it so tightly as if other of his kind would be about to take it away. He really savoured the piece of bread. When he turned back to ask for some more neither human nor of his kind was near. The street was deserted. He, at first, howled, but nothing. His humans and the wheeled house had vanished… Then he made use of his nose, but the trace that they left was lost at certain point in the street. He saw other cars, but in none of them their human were inside. He was beginning to understand what his neighbour had told him when the first star in the sky appeared. When the night finally came, he was afraid of humans and his own kind. They threaten him and stole his food and unknown human tried to hit him. He was alone, afraid and soon will be hungry. He was regretful about doing too much mess to call his human attention, they feed him and he loved them that should be enough. Now, he didn’t even know how to survive. It was my fault – he howled. Days and nights came and went and he learned what to eat and which humans avoid until one afternoon when he saw the first star in the sky and saw a female human calling him offering a piece of bread. It was the star of a new relationship with humans that is preserved till now and beyond.

An Unpleasant surprise

By Rocío Reyes González Text and Use.

I never imagine that after all that time it was going to happen something… Just like every single day, I was preparing to go to College. I comb my long brown hair, took breakfast with my mother while we talked about our previous day, I brushed my teeth and finally grab my belongings as usual. I took the bus outside my house; when I was inside, I realized he was there. It was not the first time that I saw him. I usually meet with him in the bus; he was in the same College that I but we have never talked. I did not anything about him. The bus was full, and it had just one seat empty, just right his side. I pay the ticket, and sat with him, the journey was extremely slow, thus bus did not move at all. I felt chills, maybe because I was just nervous. I looked at him once and I found that he was staring at me; I felt chills in my entire body. I just smiled. Out of nowhere, he began to talked to me “-It seems that you are following me”- I just smiled-“what are you talking about?”- I asked. He said –“I’ve seen that several times you take the same bus that I”- . I replied saying to him –“You can call that coincidence”- He laughed. After that period of time my nerves were just worst, I couldn’t believe that I was talking to him. He introduced himself “-My name is Dave, what about you?”- He shook my hand with a smile in his face. “-My name’s Amelia, nice to meet you-“, he later began to speak:

-“I had seen that you study in the same College that I. What are you

studying?”-“I’m studying Literature, I’m ending my third year”- I answered. He continued the conversation: -“That’s great; I’m studying Physics, ending my fourth year”-“Wow, so you are really smart I supposed”- I smiled, but inside I thought how stupid that comment was, I needed to figure out something else to say. He laughed. I noticed that we were at just one block of getting off the bus, I said to him that I was going to get off the bus, he said to me –“Me too, you have to know that we are going to the same place”-“Really?, I hadn’t notice before”- I replied. We walked together to College, it was four blocks away. I couldn’t stop thinking about what I could say to him, but I think he was better prepared that I –“I think I have seen you before, where do you study before?” -“Uhmm, I studied at St. John’s High School”- I answered quite doubly.

-“That’s why, I studied there too, I knew it. I knew that I had seen you before. Every time that you got on the bus, I tried to remember, but it was impossible to figure it out”I smiled to him saying that I had also thought that I knew it but I never tried to remember of where. We began talking about the high school period, the teachers that made classes to us, and some people that we used to share with. I realize that the nervous were not anymore in me. I was calm now, feeling like I knew him for a long time, the chatting fluid alone. We were entering to the College. It was the shortest journey to College that I have ever done before. We walked till the college Hall. My classroom was in front of it. We continued talking for a while, until we said goodbye; he kissed me in the cheek. Inside, I was totally freaking out. It was in this moment when suddenly appears another girl. She salutes Dave with a kiss. He introduced her: -“Amelia, She’s my girlfriend, Rose. Rose, she’s Amelia, a friend”- She saluted me gently, while I was felling worse and worse. I reply the salute, and try to go fast to my classroom, I quickly said goodbye to both, and went to my class. How fast begin all, and how fast it ended. With a very sad feeling I try to focus in my class and try to forget what had happened. Maybe, it was not the time, but at least, he seems to be a nice guy, and it was nice to chat a bit with him. Maybe a friendship will began, and who knows what happens next…

Daniel approached me while we were in the coffee line, he was handsome and clever. Before I could get to the cashier, we had settled to see each other that same night. We exchange our phone numbers while he was walking me to my station. I liked him, I liked him a lot. The way he addressed to me and talked in such a familiar way, he even kissed on the cheek and said- see you tonight with a sexy smile just before I could get on my subway. Pretty normal day at work, no messages and a bunch of paper to do before lunch, why is always Friday the busiest day? Most of the time this doesn’t bother me, but that day was different I had a date and wanted to buy a new dress, so I skipped lunch in order to go on shopping and lucky for me the perfect dress showed up, not too slutty, not too prude, exactly what I was looking for a first date. I came back to work, chatted with my friends at the office just a little bit. I still had a lot of paper to finish, I didn’t mention the new cute guy I had just met, I don’t know why, maybe I didn’t want to jinx it. Anyhow I wanted to tell someone about it, so I called Jenny my dearest and closest friend. She didn’t say much related to my story, but in a weird way I think she was as nervous as me. She also told me about her week and her plans for the weekend, some problems with her parent, the same as always with Jenny, she and her parents are just not able to get along well. It had been a while since my last first date. I went home to get ready. There was no one there, so I turned up the volume of the radio really loud. I took a shower, did my hair and makeup. I danced and sang a little, I still had time and I was too eager to see him yet. I left a note saying I was coming late that night. - Don’t wait me up. I wrote. When I arrived at the pub, Daniel was already outside waiting for me with his sexy smile; he kissed me again and grabbed me from the waist while we were walking inside. We sat close to the show, his favorite band was playing. It was kind of loud but that worked out perfectly, every time he spoke closer and closer to my ear and stared at me even closer waiting for my response. We ate, we drank, we talked, and we kissed. Yes, we kissed!! Our night carried on with same rhythm until it was time to go home. It was kind of late, time flies when you are having a good time. On my way home, while I was still in the cab, I was dreaming about our next date, romantic dinner in his place just like in the movies. Home was quiet, I was not tired but, as soon as I put my head on the pillow I fell asleep. The sun was shining I could feel it on my face, but my eyes were still shut. Suddenly Esteban pulled me close to him with his big arms; he kissed me on the cheek as every day, while he was saying good morning. -

I missed you last night, how is Jenny?


Jenny is ok, better I guess, the same problems as always.


Did you miss me too?


Sure, I always do.

Esteban hugged me a little bit more, his arms were like home to me, and we stayed in bed talking to each other like every other Saturday.

ALICE’S ABDUCTION Katherine Salinas Toledo

here are many common days, many exciting days, grey days, wonderful days and a lot of happy days in my life, but that day was a completely new one. We woke up early that morning and we did what we always do, hug each other softly and sweetly to begin the day with love energy. I believe Andrew has been the most important person in my life. I fall in love with him since I fall for his personality, his big sense of humor, creativity and his 1,80 meters tall, and his short and dark hair. I would say that it reminds me a winter night without starts at all. At 9 o’clock we got baked before Anna and Mathew’s arrival. We didn’t want to wait that much. After the breakfast everything turned confusing in my mind. It was a hot day and I went out to the backyard for sunbathing. Fortuitously, a peculiar shiny light illuminated my face. Then I felt a cold breeze. A slimy hand touched my right arm and a blurry face showed up. It was big enough to look like a rhinoceros with its notable horn. I thought they used it for mental communication, they might read my mind as well. I didn’t understand what was happening; they were marveled staring me, because I was so different from them. Unexpectedly I realized I wasn’t at my backyard. I had had my belly cut out by some strange beings. I broke down and cried as a child, unable to control my feelings, I was confused and scared. Why am I here? I asked myself dozen times. They took my visors out from my belly; I could know how they were. Not many people in the world are able to tell they saw their visors and lived. Will I live? Another wave of fears came to my body. I thought about Andrew and how much I love him, what can be he doing and how could I tell him that I’ve been captured by strange creatures from an unknown planet. Time was passing and I started looking back to those movies where they show UFO with terrifying big eyes and big heads. They didn’t really look like those from UFO movies. They actually seem friendly and curious for what they found inside me. Maybe they don’t have stomach, liver, pancreas or urethra. I don’t know as well as I don’t know how long I have been here. But I think the enough to get the surgery finished.

They put everything back but they also added an indistinguishable yellow machine that looked like a clock, because of his tic-tac sound, then they sutured me. I was still confused. I looked around the room trying to get something familiar, but there was nothing that existed in Earth, there were only unrecognizable technology. A soon as they finished bringing back my visor to my body, I heard Andrew’s voice saying my name and asking for his tennis shoes. Then, I started to feel a hot temperature inside the room where we were with the strange beings. While they were suturing me, I smelt something that was familiar, a strong sweet smell I have smelt before. Then I realized it smelt like chocolate crème caramel that Andrew used to cook me. He knows how much I like it. A glossy light out of nowhere made me close my eyes and feel dizzy. The hot temperature increased, I felt as if my skin was burning by the sunlight of a hot day. The chocolate crème caramel flavor became stronger. Abruptly Andrew opened the door and I turned around and saw him. He asked me where their tennis shoes were. I answered him they were inside his tennis bag. He laughed and said – ¡How could I

forgot it! What a dumb. Thank you my dear-. I stood up and walked to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and ate chocolate crème caramel. I heard a tic-tac sound again; while I was eating my crème caramel, it made me get extremely confused thinking if I had dreamed all these things or if they really happened. I asked myself five dozen of times the same thing trying to figure out what was the right answer.

MARKED Dayana Sรกnchez.


Once again I woke up frightened by the same dream; there have been seventeen nights since the last time I could sleep well, and the last time I saw him. I would have told my mother about it, but I prefer don’t bother her with my stuff. Besides tomorrow is the beginning of the last week as a high school student and I have no idea what I am going to do for the next two months. By now I can’t sleep, I don’t know for how long. Drowsy I leave out by the memory one more time. The first time I saw him; I took a shower as usual and I watched myself in the mirror, my face was the same; big hazel eyes, a thin nose, and prominent lips; my dark red hair was tangled because of the shower and my spot was in the same place as usual, between the shoulder and the clavicle, but something was wrong with that it was darker than before, but I didn’t want to put much attention to that so I dressed up and went to school. My school were just three blocks from where I live so I walked as usual, but something strange happened that day, a strange feeling electrified my body in an intense way I haven’t felt before, someone was following me, I knew it because I could feel and heard somebody closer. And when I turned back there he was, my heart started to beat faster as I looked his dark deep green eyes and suddenly I couldn’t feel my legs and I felt dizzy. He was just staring at me but I felt like he was eating me with a glaze. I had a confusion I my head, and I wanted to run because I was afraid of that guy, but on the other hand I wanted to throw myself in his arms. He didn’t do anything but watch me and I was paralyzed by him. So I decided to speak. -were you following me? –was the first thing I said to him, and I felt like the stupidest girl in the world. Thankfully he just smiled, but for some reason I knew that the answer was yes. That is were the beginning of my story began, the first thing he told me was his name Leo and he just walked with me the rest of my way to school and although he told me he didn’t go to school he was waiting for me in the afternoon, and the next day, and the day after that. And without noticing he became an important part of my life and I fell I love with him like a fool. I thought he was in love with me too because if not, why he could have been doing with me, he was always very sweet and tender, and we figure out that we share a lot of things in common. Everything was perfect between us until the second day of October. He was waiting for me as usual, and as I was walking I distinguished his figure; dark hair, broad back, tall and wearing black, but when I get closer I figured out that it wasn’t him, but someone similar to him, the only difference was his eyes of a bizarre red and his hands were claws instead of nails. I kept walking but he stopped me showing a rare kind of knife and whispering me not to talk or I would better die. I was terrified, I did what he told me, my survival instinct told me that he was right and he would kill me in a second if I tried to move. He took me to a cemetery near the school it was old and dark, and all the graves were threadbare with figures of angels, I haven’t notice it my whole life, it seemed like it was created just for this moment, and nobody could see or hear me. After climbed a short hill he left me and I had a strange titillation between my shoulder and my clavicle like if my spot were growing, but I thought that it was impossible. Suddenly he started to talk in a strange

Tongue, I didn’t understand a word, he was staring at me in a wild way and I felt my goose-flesh. Then he spoke again this time I understand. -You should have been dead,-he said, -I knew that Leo was weak since the first time, so I decided to come and finish what he couldn’t. Leo? I thought. What he was supposed to do with me, I felt sick, suddenly my head was too heavy or my body was too weak to endure what I was seeing. i tried to speak calmly so he didn’t feel how terrified I was, but my voice was too weak that it felt like a whispers. -Who are you? –I asked.-what are you going to do with me and why? -You. Little bastard, you don’t even know who you are and the influence of your name, ELISA GRIGORI, who am I, my name dear lady is Zack, I am the third heir of the nephilim in earth, the second one obviously is Leo, but he just loose his opportunity. What I am going to do with you? Simple I am going to kill you and use your blood to turn myself in a pure blood, like your family and come back to heaven. Yes, your blood is the purest blood in earth, you are a descendant of angels but no any angles, the Gregori’s they are a high race at the right side of God, you have their mark, in your shoulder, that the clue you gave us at first to have a hope, to come back to heaven and be forgiven by God.-my mark, I thought it was just a spot and it was a mark of angels? I didn’t know what to do so I kept where I was and wait for the worst. -prepare to die, Elisa-he said, and holding up his rare knife I close my eyes whishing not to be who I am, or not fell in love with the wrong person, I was so confused, so hurt, so sad, that if that were my real destiny I will face it and hope that everything was over once and for all. Suddenly I heard a clash, and I opened my eyes, when I saw what it was going on I wish I had started to run, as fast as I could but, instead I stayed there and observed how Leo was fighting with that monster. I was scared Leo was sodden with his blood and with the blood of Zack, suddenly he looked at me and I started to cry, that moment Zack took his knife once more and curt his chest, but in a quick move Leo turned back and took off his own knife wounded it in his heart, after a minute he set fire to the body, and told me that everything was over. I was scared, and asked him to tell me the truth. He spoke. But with every word I felt like the whole world separate us, we were too different, so I couldn’t bear that feel any longer and this time I run. He didn’t try to catch me and for the next seventeen days I haven’t see him in my life, except for my dreams, every night I see him, like a shadow. This night was different I was at the hill as usual, and Zack was going to kill me but this time Zack had Leo’s eyes and he wounded my heart, I woke up, and see that shadow again, darker and closer, I wasn’t scared and I kept looking at it, I could see his eyes, of a dark green as usual, but something was changed and from his back big wings were shining, it was him… Leo.

But... Life Goes On By María José San Martín V.

But… Life Goes On Jane is a successful 30 year old woman. She has a good job in the most important magazine of the city, she is pretty and smart. She takes care of her grandma in the apartment that she has in the center of New York City. As many people would say, she had everything that a girl could wish, but love. Right there in central park there was a 12 year old Jane playing on the swing. Suddenly she saw the smile of that beautiful blonde neighbor that used to live right next to her house. She was swinging so fast that she fell to the floor. The blonde boy saw her lying on the floor and instead of go and help her, he laugh so loud that Jane was totally embarrassed. That was her first broken heart. Another day in the office for Jane and it was her turn of giving welcome to the new members of the stuff. –This is so boring- thought Jane. But she didn’t even know that during that morning she was going to meet the most charming man that she had ever known.” -Hi! – he said-”. I’m new here, you should be Jane. Hurricane! “-Where? - she said-.” “ -No, that’s my name. I am Paul Hurricane.” “-Oh my god! What a shame, you really scared me –she replied-.” In the middle of that hilarious moment, while Jane was teaching Paul all the things that he is supposed to do at the office, they started a long conversation during the morning until the end of the day. They leave the building together and Jane took a taxi across the street. “-You are a really interesting woman, maybe we should go out someday -he screamed to the other side of the street-.” She only make a blush and answered: ” –you’ve just said it, maybe-”. But the thing is that she wasn’t interested in love. She didn’t want to have a broken heart. The only love that she had was the one from her grandma, and that was more than enough for her. When she arrived home she said hi to her grandma, that she sweetly called “Mommy”. Mommy was 87 years old. She was a beautiful woman and she raised Jane when her parents abandoned her. Now Jane was helping her back by taking care of her. The only problem is that she was very old, and she would die someday, living Jane alone. “-Jane, why don’t you look for a good looking man who can love you as much as I do?. I am sick and old, and I don’t want you to be sad when I’m leaving-.“ “-Don’t say that Mommy, stop talking foolishness-”. But the thing is that these words made her think about her future without Mommy. It was Friday morning in Jane’s office and she was still thinking about Mommy’s words last week. These thoughts made her go to Hurricane’s desk and reply to his invitation to go out. “-You know what?, You are right, we should go out. What about today after work? – she said, with her best smile-.“ “-Wow! You’re a really determinate woman. –he said-. Ok, I will be waiting for you at the end of the day right across the street.”

They spent a really good time together that day and they suddenly started a relationship. At first, they tried to hide what was obvious. But after a couple of weeks everybody knew that they were together. In fact, everybody in the office was very happy with this new couple. They spent together two beautiful years, until one cold morning of July, just a week before Jane’s birthday. A new person from the other side of the country was transferred to her office. Her name was Liza. She seems to be nice, but she had something strange that Jane could feel about her. Suddenly, Paul started to change his attitude towards Jane. He became colder and unworried. “-Jane, this is not working anymore, I think we should break up –he said with a very serious tone-. This relationship is driving me crazy, I can’t take it anymore.” At first she thought that it was something transient and after a couple of days everything was going to be normal again. But the thing is that nothing changed. He became weird and there was something strange about this abrupt change in his attitude. Only three days before Jane’s birthday, she found her grandma sicker than she usually was. “-What happen Mommy? Are you OK? –she asked-.” “No sweety, I think my time has come –said Mommy with a very weak voice-.” The day of the funeral was definitely the saddest day in Jane’s life. After they buried Mommy, Hurricane tried to talk to her. But she didn’t want to see him again, he went to the funeral with this new girl in the office. Paul has just started a new relationship after three weeks of broken up with Jane. After these two episodes, Jane fell into a deep depression, in fact, she thought in committed suicide. She tried to move on. She looked for a psychologist so he can help her to go through all this difficult situation. She moved to the other side of the country and soon she found a new job as a columnist in a newspaper. On her first day of job one person appeared behind her and said -: Rainbow!. “What?-she said-.” No, that’s my name, I’m Philip Rainbow, I am your new boss –said him with a beautiful smile-.” Some people think that they are lost; some people think that after going through many problems they are not going to be able to continue with their life again. But there is only one thing that I can say that could change almost every pessimist thought in the world. Just like Jane’s story, “After a hurricane, comes a rainbow”

THE TWO SIDES OF MY MIND By Jocelyn Sepúlveda Méndez

Wake up! wake up! It’s time to get up Tom, he heard. In that moment Tom opened his eyes and got up. First, he took a cold bath. Second, he dressed himself up with his faultless clothes like always. Third, breakfast he usually took a cup of coffee and a toast. Finally, he went to work. These are the normal things that Tom usually does in a normal day. Tom Johnson is an ordinary man, he works, he pays his checks and also he goes to the supermarket as anybody else. -Watch out! There’s a cop! -Tom heard and in the time of being close to the cop he nods his head as a way of saying hello to him and walked quickly away. When he arrived at work he was sweating. -“That was close”- the voice said, -“You have to be more careful!”- Tom heard again,- “Yes, you’re right, I will be more cautious”-. Tom works in the central library of the town; generally he doesn’t do anything important he just takes the books when all the people finished their reading. He organizes them according to its letter and subject, and then he always closes the library at 10 p.m. Walking home the silent of the streets is absolutely peaceful, but with the silent voice comes back - “we should have done something in that moment” - the voice said, -“something? You’re insane? That cop almost caught us” - said Tom -“catch us? He should be afraid of us”- said the voice, “You should stop scaring people that’s why nobody wants to be our friend”- said Tom, -“No, it doesn’t! The reason why people don’t talk to us is about you!- said Tom angrily – “Me?, You’re so worry about them that you are becoming weird and intolerable for them” the voice said crudely. Tom didn’t say a word because on his inside he thought that maybe the voice was right. A large number of people in town strongly believe that Tom is a little bit strange, he seems to be a normal man, but there’s something sinister on his look, besides; he talks alone. Mr. Debits the milkman said that one morning when he was delivering his dairy products he went to Tom’s house and when he was lending the bottle on Tom’s door he heard him fighting with somebody -“I tell you he was really fighting with someone; I heard something about someone’s fault like if one of them was guilty of something. In addition I remember that they were talking about a watch, everything started for that watch”-. -“Do you think he did something bad? He can't hold a candle by his own Mr. Debuts” - said the newspaper guy; -“Now I’m not pretty sure my son, I’m not sure”- said Mr. Debits. After that rumor, people in town started to feel scared or keep distant with Tom and obviously Tom noticed it. Nevertheless, what really happen that day? What was the purpose of that fight? Was really Tom crazy? -“The watch, how forgetting that watch! And moreover how forgetting the beautiful woman that used that watch that is all I’m going to say”- said the voice. In silent Tom was excited too, but he didn’t say a word, on his mind he was looking over that meeting. It started three weeks ago, Tom was coming back from work when suddenly he hear a click behind him when he turned he saw a woman, she seemed to be poor without makeup or a fancy dress, however her beauty was delightful for Tom and even more attractive for him was a watch that she had around her wrist, a watch that indicates that she was real and genuine in front of him. -“Good night Miss”- said Tom politely, -“Good night sir” said the woman“”Might I ask your name? Said Tom, incredibly nervous, -“That would be absolutely inappropriate sir, but if you buy one of this beautiful flowers I’d tell you”- she laughed, immediately Tom took a dollar from his pocket and bought three red roses to her.

-“My name is Angelique Blair, what is yours?”- Said the woman. -“Nice to meet you Angelique. My name is Tom Johnson”- “Well thank you for buying, have a nice night” – “To You Angelique good night” -. That was the beginning and the end he never saw her again and that was his madness, Tom walked all the days in the same direction that he did in that night, but nothing happened. One week later he heard the click behind him again and his heart stopped beating for a while, he was so enthusiastic of seeing her again, but when he turned he just saw a watch on the floor, quickly he picked up and went home. -“Why she wasn’t there? I scared her? She didn’t want to see me anymore? Where is she?”- thought Tom. -“You know where she is, Tom”- he heard, -“what? What’re you talking about, I don’t know where she is?”- said Tom confused, -“we know where we left her”- said the voice, Tom began to sweet -“I don’t know!”- Tom screamed, -“Don’t’ you? So why you are the one who have her watch? She gave to you?”- ask the voice, -“no, I don’t remember, I just..., I don’t…, stop saying that, this is your fault!”- said Tom, -“let me tell you something my dear Tom, we did it, you know that we did it and even more it was your idea, your perturbed thoughts about that woman were what makes us did it”- said the voice ominously, Tom surprised started to remember, it was him, that night when he said good night to Angelique he followed her and when she realized that she had been followed she said -“what do you want for me Tom?”Tom smiled; -“Tom isn’t here now this would be just between you and me my dear A ngelique”- said the voice. -“It wasn’t me! It was you! What did you do with that woman”- said Tom -“What did you do!”- in that moment Tom realized what they did, when the woman asked him what he wanted, Tom released over her trying to get her watch. In the struggle for get it Angelique felt fatigued for the attempt of been stolen and she passed away. -“What I have done!”- said Tom, he had killed Angelique, so he quickly took her on his arms and went home. On the way home he was devastated by the fear of been killed somebody -“Get rid of her, she is not our problem, come on Tom get rid of her now!”- the voice said “How?”- said Tom, -“there! In that hill, nobody goes to that hill just leave her there.”- said the voice. Tom scared to death went to the hill and leaved Angelique there, he dig a hole and put her inside. Then he returned to his house. The next day everything seems normal, he takes a cold bath, dresses himself up with his faultless clothes and takes a cup of coffee and a toast, after that, he goes to work. Walking on the street he’s thinking about what people would do if they knew what he did last night. Tom goes to the town on his lunch time. In the restaurant Tom orders a toast and a glass of milk, but he doesn’t eat anything he can’t he has been worried about what happened yesterday. On the way to the library he heard a click behind him in that moment everything was confusing for Tom “how it’s that possible?” when he turned he saw Angelique in front of him and with her it was the watch -“Do you want to buy a beautiful flower Mr. Johnson?”she said with a polite voice, Tom didn’t understand anything -“how is she alive? I killed her, I killed her”- he repeated himself, the woman felt a little bit afraid of Tom because he didn’t said nothing he was just stared at her, so she left. -“She is playing with us” said the voice “You are right, let’s go for her and that watch”- said Tom.


Under the willow Claudia Varas M.

Under the willow Finally, after years of suffering I could make it. I was free at last. Free like a bird! Or wasn’t I? I heard running steps behind me like a heartbeat; the apocalypse. This was too good to be true. God, I was getting tired of that much Olympics. I stopped to look back. There wasn’t anybody chasing me. I relaxed. I had come across a big, never ending park full of really tall trees and kids playing around. Slight rays of sunshine were intruding between the tree branches and coming into my eyes. It never felt so good to be alive. After a while looking around like a kid that has spent all her life encaged and was finally breathing open air would do, I could notice an old man weeping under a willow tree. Are you ok? I asked him as I approached the willow man. He jolted surprised of my presence and cleaned out his tears, then he asked where is your mother? -I don’t know. I said –where is yours? He smiled and accommodated himself, then patted the bench so that I would sit next to him. He asked me all kinds of questions about my family and my address, but he didn’t seem to be quite interested in my story about how I had just escaped from prison and was probably being sought. What about your grandma? An aunt? Uncle? -he kept asking. I have no place to go- I replied -Why were you crying like a baby? He sniffed and looked to the horizon. Let’s take a walk, kid, come.

-So, what’s that story you were telling me about escaping from prison? –Amaretto asked the girl while they were touring through the park.

- Well, I’ve been trying to tell you I’ve just escaped from the most horrific nightmare and I should be hidden somewhere safe by now. They could come after me any time.

-Alright, and what was that place you were at? Have you been there all your life?

-Yes, with other kids. People call us foster kids. I wonder why -and what were you weeping about?

-I see/well, today my wife and I were celebrating our thirty-five marriage anniversary and/

-And what’s so sad about that? You don’t love her anymore?

-No kid, it’s not that/ it’s just that/ she is not here anymore. Amaretto got stock in his thoughts and lost track of his surroundings.

-Wow! Look at that! This is beautiful! Can you believe it granddad?

-My name is Amaretto, little lady. My grandchildren live far away from here –And what is this? It actually is beautiful, unbelievable –Amaretto was astonished.

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Under the willow -Ok, Amaretto. I’m Arlette –She said and run quickly to a huge font decorated with fairy statues. The place looked as if it had been taken from a fairy tale or some kind of fantastical movie like in ‘Alice in wonderland’. It was full of all kinds of trees, plants, flowers, singing birds and butterflies from all colors. There was a breathtaking peace and quiet you couldn’t find in real life.

-Amaretto! Come! Look at this! –Arlette had found a tremendous tree tunnel that look interminable. They got inside and walked for at least two hours without getting tired of such adventure. The tree tunnel was in fact more than just a tree tunnel. It was a path to their biggest dreams in life, illusions, and desires. The two lost souls were having the time of their lives and they could not notice how fake it was until they reached the middle of the tunnel; Nightmares. Your worst fears and darkest thoughts; all together to make you sweat. They woke up from the trance, but they couldn’t get rid of the images and feelings.

-Granddad! Granddad! What’s going on? I’m scared.

-I don’t know, child. I think this wasn’t a normal tree tunnel after all. Hold my hand; we’ll get out of here.

-Ok –said Arlette and grabbed his hand tightly –What did you say that happened to your wife?

-She passed away, kid, she passed away -Amaretto sighed and suddenly the tunnel started to tremble. The man realized that nothing was real and that they were the ones to control what they saw and felt. He told the girl to calm down and to start thinking about good things and so did him. But Arlette was scared; she could not control her feelings.

-You know what, kid. Don’t you worry, everything is going to be alright and when we get out of here we are going to go for an ice-cream, what do you say?

-They are going to get me. They’ll come back for me and they’ll take me back. They will come for me –she cried.

-No one will come for you, darling. It’s ok. Let me tell you something. You know I’ve been very lonely lately, since my wife is not here anymore. I don’t even have a pet that needs me. My kids are no longer kids. They have their own families and have left me here. They are gone now, and they went to the farthest place they could find just not to see their old man ever again –The tunnel shook once again –But we’ll get out of here and you will be free and we’ll be happy. I promise.

Arlette nodded and managed to relax herself as she closed her eyes. The old man grabbed the kid’s little hand strongly and told her to think positive things while he began singing a lullaby with his eyes shut. Some seconds later, the noise of children laughing and screaming made them react and they opened their eyes. The park was looking just like before as if nothing estrange had happened. They looked at each other and giggled. Let’s get that ice-cream I told you about, grandchild.

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My dream is very common for a seventeen-year-old girl: being a super model. It has been my ultimate desire since I won the first beauty pageants of my school, it was a challenge every year a new pretty girl wanted my crown, but it is okay, I do not care a little of mindless competition. What I really care about, it is to see my face in Vogue or cosmopolitan magazines, which are like the bible for a young girl who wants to be classy and consider as a fashionista, but the level is too high, being in a cover of any of that magazines will cost me a lot of kilos. I spent the entire afternoon looking up in the internet for diets that might help me to fit with the descriptions and measurements required to apply for the academies. My parents and friends were always my most hardcore fans; they supported me to go on. Suddenly, I found myself on the most demanding diet that I have ever made. This diet, according to an article on internet, had been the cause of death of many supermodel aspirants. However, me, Britanie Adams, a girl from New York, the city where you can make your dreams come true. Has taken a decision make my desire at any price. My weight loss were noticeable within few weeks; my skin started to turn pale and dry. At this point my parents began to be seriously worried about my health. -Honey don’t you think that you look a little bit pale and your hair is a mess? -No, mom. Last time I checked in the mirror I looked hot I that is how I feel so, knock it off I cannot understand why she is always saying that things to me, it could be that my own mother is jealous of me, that I am doing what I said paving the way to fame and to be a top model. I have to be honest eating just an apple per day and drinking more water that my system needs. This is not easy for me but when I go to the bad room and weigh myself in the balance and there are a kilo less in my fatty and grease ass, or when I go shopping and I can go to Only 2,3,4 Size´s department store without felling fear of the cruel and hateful stares of the saleswoman that’s when I feel in heaven …am getting there My skin doesn’t have a shinny color anymore ,you know the color that sun gives you …that brightness , my hair is brittle impossible to comb , I haven’t left my house in months watching old football games that I won. I do not remember the last time that the breeze caressed my face or the last time a ride a bike with friends, but I have my mirror that never lie and it show me what I need and what I am. (Knock-knock)

-Honey (a voice behind Britanie`s bedroom door) -Honey, are you awake? -Who is this? Nana - Of course -Okay. Nana, come in. Come in. -Oh! Bernard. Honey, are you staring at you in front of the mirror again, please take this - Nana, I am always in front of the mirror, working in my posture. You know, if I want to be famous I should know how to do the cat walk on the run way -Bernard, why are you not taking your medicine? We had an agreement. -Stop calling like that! My name is Britanie! -I am not going to take that shit. It makes me feel dizzy and when I look myself in the mirror I see a weird skinny boy instead of me. -Now get out Nana, get out! -Oh Mirror, why she doesn’t see, what I see?

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