Creative Marketing Ideas on a Tight Budget It is a fact that times are tough today. Many businesses are really feeling the economic conditions that still exist around the world, even 5 years after the global economic crash. Budgeting causes its own problems though. Where do you save money from within your business? Many business owners cut marketing budgets to save money at some point and opinions are divided as to whether this is a good idea or not. Believe it or not, there are plenty of ways to achieve great marketing on a tight budget. It is a fact that social networking has taken over the world. This is the best means of advertising your business and costs next to nothing to use for marketing purposes. You can just set up a business page, market your products and services and encourage people to “like� you. You can invest in some low budget options such as teardrop banners. Single and double sided banners are available in various sizes and look very professional. If you concentrate on the design, they can be just as effective in capturing attention. One method of creative marketing that is easy to do on a budget is to hand flyers. Pushing flyers through doors, handing them out to people on the street and placing them on display boards is easy to do, takes up little time and adds very little to the costs. Eye catching slogans and offers can really generate leads so be sure to create a fantastic flyer. Many businesses advertise in newspapers and within the local area without paying expensive fees because they barter with other business owners and newspaper editors. Try the same and offer your products and services in return for free advertising or a really good deal. Word of mouth still works wonders for creative marketing campaigns. With this in mind, you may want to consider your target audience and formulate attractive offers for them. You will be surprised how quickly your profits rise if you put something in place that appeals to people and offers excellent value for money. So there you have it – fantastic marketing ideas that cost the bare minimum and yet work incredibly well. Just get creative and think of ways to let people know about your business along these lines and you will soon see just how much you can save without sacrificing your business. For more information visit: - Creative Marketing Ideas