Anglican World Issue147

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Reforming Relationships United commemorations by churches shaped by the Reformation

Our Man in Rome Archbishop Ntahoturi installed as Director of Anglican Centre

Growing the Church Exploring mission – South East Asian style

anglican world issue 147 DECEMBER 2017


e d i to r i a l

Remembering the extraordinary AT THIS TIME of the year, Christians around the world are marking the most extraordinary event in history – when God became flesh and dwelt among us in His Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. It is a time to reflect on and to celebrate how Emmanuel has transformed our own lives and the lives of millions of others through history as the Gospel has spread and His Church has grown. Of course, the course of Church history has rarely been smooth. In this edition of Anglican World, we look at some of the events which have taken place over the past year to mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. Martin Luther’s 95 theses triggered a political, cultural and spiritual “earthquake” in Europe. But as we read, the celebrations of events in Sweden, Namibia and at Westminster Abbey in London all spoke of warm ecumenical relationships and deepening trust between traditions. With this in mind, it’s a significant moment for a new director for the Anglican Centre in Rome to take office. We hear more about Archbishop Bernard Ntahoturi’s vision for the Centre to be a voice for the Anglican Communion. The earthquake which struck New Zealand in 2011 left 185 people dead, communities reeling and scores of buildings damaged. Among them was the cathedral in Christchurch. In “It is my hope and prayer that our this issue, we hear about plans for the future of this historic relationships will deepen and strengthen site. There’s news too of church growth in South East Asia with the possibility of new dioceses being created in the New Year. as a result of our time together” Earlier this autumn, I had the privilege of attending the Primates’ Meeting in Canterbury. It was a memorable week. There were primates from 33 provinces present – 16 of them were new in post. There were difficult issues to discuss, but the atmosphere of warmth, respect and mutual support was extraordinary. One archbishop described it as the best he had attended in years. It is my hope and prayer that our relationships will deepen and strengthen as a result of our time together and that this will be a blessing to the Communion around the world. We have a new feature in this edition of Anglican World – Network Briefing. Our networks are international clusters gathered around distinct mission topics. We begin by hearing more about the International Anglican Family Network – IAFN. As our global family gathers to celebrate the birth of Jesus, may I wish you – and those you love and pray for – a peaceful Christmas and a New Year of great blessing.

Archbishop Josiah Idowu-Fearon Secretary General of the Anglican Communion



anglican world issue 147 DECEMBER 2017



world Inside this issue ISSUE 147 DECEMBER 2017

Produced by The Anglican Communion Office St Andrew’s House 16 Tavistock Crescent London W11 1AP United Kingdom Registered Charity 7311767 Tel +44 20 7313 3900 Fax +44 20 7313 3999 E-mail Web Serving the Instruments of Communion: The Archbishop of Canterbury The Lambeth Conference The Anglican Consultative Council The Primates’ Meeting and Anglicans and Episcopalians in 39 provinces and more than 165 countries President The Archbishop of Canterbury Secretary General The Most Revd Josiah Idowu-Fearon Editor Gavin Drake Executive Editor Adrian Butcher Editorial Assistant Amelia Brown Any comments, questions or contributions should be sent to the editor: Subscriptions: E-mail aw.subscriptions@ UK £2.50 / US$4 / €3.50 for one issue. UK £10 / US$16 / €14 for four issues. See our website for how to subscribe to further copies of the magazine – visit resources/shop.aspx Design and Layout Marcus Thomas e-mail Printed by CPO, Garcia Estate, Canterbury Road, Worthing, W. Sussex BN13 1BW All original material may be reproduced by Member Churches without further permission of the Anglican Consultative Council. Acknowledgement and a copy of the publications are requested. Permission to reproduce copyrighted work should be sought from the owner. ANGLICAN WORLD IS PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY THE ANGLICAN COMMUNION OFFICE


Archbishop Josiah on how we remember the extraordinary 2




Reforming Relationships

The latest from around the Anglican world 4

United commemorations by churches shaped by the Reformation


Introducing the work of the International Anglican Family Network 7

Our Man in Rome Archbishop Ntahoturi installed as Director of Anglican Centre

Growing the Church Exploring mission – South East Asian style


anglican world issue 147 DECEMBER 2017

The director of the Archbishop of York’s Youth Trust accompanies 90 young people on a pilgrimage to Taizé 8 ¢ PROVINCE PROFILES

The Anglican Church of Melanesia and Anglican Church of Kenya 10


Cover photo A first edition of Luther’s illustrated German-language Bible, from the Lambeth Palace collection, was placed on the altar of Westminster Abbey during a service to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. ANDREW DUNSMORE / WESTMINSTER ABBEY


Looking back on the Canterbury Primates’ Meeting 12 ¢ FEATURE

The former Archbishop of Burundi installed as director of the Anglican Centre in Rome 14 ¢ FEATURE

Looking at the growth of the Church in South East Asia from a West Malaysia perspective 16


Canadian parishes are supporting teams of “invisible” seasonal migrant workers 22 ¢ THE LAST WORD

The Anglican Communion’s new representative to the UN in Geneva discusses explains his role 24


The iconic Cathedral in the Square was just one of 234 buildings of the Anglican diocese of Christchurch damaged in the 2011 earthquake. We look at rebuilding efforts. 18 ¢ COVER STORY

The Churches shaped by the Reformation united to mark the 500th anniversary of Luther’s Theses 20


Pope Francis joined 10,000 Lutherans and Catholics at Malmö Arena in Sweden in October 2016 at the beginning of a year of commemorations of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation

anglican world issue 147 DECEMBER 2017


communion news

u n i t e d s tat e s o f a m e r i c a

BISHOPS DEMAND TOUGHER GUN LAWS AFTER TEXAS CHURCH SLAUGHTER A GROUP of 70 bishops from the USbased Episcopal Church have called on politicians to take action on gun control. The call comes after another mass-shooting in the US, this time at the Sutherland Springs First Baptist Church in Texas, where 26 people were killed – including the unborn child of a mother who was also killed. “Elected representatives bear the responsibility of passing legislation that protects our citizenry,” the Bishops United Against Gun Violence group said. “If our representatives are not up to this responsibility, we must replace them.

US Vice President Mike Pence meets a survivor of the Sutherland Springs First Baptist Church mass shooting

“In the meantime, however, we ask that . . . elected leaders who behave as though successive episode of mass slaughter are simply the price our nation pays for freedom, stop the

reflexive and corrosive repetition of the phrase ‘thoughts and prayers.’ One does not offer prayers in lieu of demonstrating political courage, but rather in preparation.”



The Revd Dr Stephen Spencer

A NEW post of Director for Theological Education in the Anglican Communion has been created. The first incumbent will be the Revd Dr Stephen Spencer, formerly the Vice Principal of St Hild College in Mirfield, West Yorkshire. In his new role, funded by the St Augustine’s Foundation, he will be responsible for building up companionship links between theological colleges and courses across the Anglican Communion, particularly between those in the global North and South.

“Theological education is vitally important in the Anglican Communion as we must invest in having fully trained church leaders to share the gospel and see Christ’s Kingdom grow,” the Secretary General of the Anglican Communion, Dr Josiah Idowu-Fearon, said. “In many parts of the Communion theological education resources and activity is constrained, so this post and Stephen’s appointment represent an important investment for the future.”


CHURCH OF ENGLAND ADOPTS ETHICAL INVESTMENT POLICY FOR EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRIES THE national investing bodies of the Church of England have adopted a new ethical investment policy for the extractive industries. The Church Commissioners, the Church of England Pensions Board, and the CBF Church of England Funds have agreed to the new policy after two years of work with the province’s Ethical Investment Advisory Group. “The key ethical concerns in extractive industries are not to 4


be found in extraction as such, nor generally in the product of extraction, but in matters of business conduct including the management of risk, the side effects of operation and operating standards,” its report says. “The key areas that this policy aims to address are responsibility, corporate governance, and five broad areas under which there are ‘ethical risks’: human rights; social concerns;

anglican world issue 147 DECEMBER 2017


health and safety; corruption and taxation; environment and ecology.”

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ECUMENICAL GATHERING TO DISCUSSION MISSION IN AN ASIAN CONTEXT MORE than 600 Christians from around Asia gathered in Yangon, Myanmar in October for the fourth Asian Mission Conference. The Christian Conference of Asia (CCA), which organised the event to coincide with its 60th anniversary, brings together Anglicans from Korea, Ceylon, Bangladesh, North India, Pakistan, South India, Myanmar, Japan, Hong Kong and Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand, alongside many other Christian denominations and bodies. “There are competitive forces out there which may undermine the credibility of Christian mission,”

The opening ceremony of the Asian Mission Conference

CCA’s General Secretary, Dr Mathews George Chunakara, said. “The Christian Conference of Asia, national councils of churches and members churches throughout Asia


must therefore remain strongly rooted in the midst of missions and at the same time continuously reflect on the very nature of Christian mission.”

north india

NEW MODERATOR ELECTED FOR UNITED CHURCH OF NORTH INDIA THE former Deputy Moderator of the united Church of North India, the Bishop of Jabalpur, Dr Prem Chand Singh, has been unanimously elected as the Province’s new Moderator, at the 16th meeting of the CNI Synod. Dr Singh succeeds the former Moderator, Pradeep Samantaroy. Dr Prem Chand Singh

The synod also elected a new Deputy Moderator, choosing Bishop Probal Kanto Dutta of the

Diocese of Durgapur to succeed Dr Sing. “I see my new position as a purposeful appointment and call of God,” Dr Singh said. “I know that I am not worthy to this call. So I humble myself before God. I will work with my colleagues as a team.” He said that his vision was identical to that of the CNI: unity, witness and service, adding: “Our priority will be the marginalised and the less privileged.”


ANGLICANS CALL FOR CONSTITUTIONALLYENTRENCHED FIRST NATIONS VOICE ANGLICANS in Australia are calling on the government to support the creation of a parliamentary indigenous advisory body. The government has rejected the proposal, which was included in the Uluru Statement from the Heart – a document created following years of work and activism. The Uluru statement was published in May this year, and was supported by the cross-party Referendum Council, which said that “a constitutionally entrenched voice appealed to Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander communities because of the history of poor or non-existent consultation with communities by the [government].” Archbishop Philip Freier has cosigned a statement, along with hundreds of leading Australians, calling for the government to act. “Many First Nations peoples that we know and respect are again experiencing a governmental rejection of their views,” it said. “First Nations voices are the only ones who can truly explain


The Statement from the Heart is named after Uluru, or Ayers Rock.

and ameliorate the historical intergenerational traumas, the marginalisation, the hurts and all their consequences.” anglican world issue 147 DECEMBER 2017


communion news

new zealand

SELWYN’S VISION FINALLY COMPLETED AS CATHEDRAL CONSECRATED THE Anglican cathedral in Auckland was finally consecrated in October – some 174 years after the land on which it stands was first purchased. The first Bishop of New Zealand, George Augustus Selwyn, purchased the land for a cathedral in 1843. But his vision would take a long time to be fulfilled – the foundation stone wasn’t laid until 1957, 114-years later; and the cathedral was finally completed this year. Five years ago, the cathedral’s thenDean, Jo Kelly-Moore, embarked on a project to realise “Selwyn’s Vision” and complete the cathedral. This saw

the installation of a new organ, the completion of the 150-seat Bishop Selwyn Chapel, and the removal of a bridge that linked the old chancel and newer nave. “The first Bishop of Auckland, Bishop Selwyn, offered us the vision of a

cathedral to serve the people of Auckland,” the Bishop of Auckland, Ross Bay, said. “It is very exciting for our generation to see that vision fulfilled, and to be able to offer Holy Trinity Cathedral to God for that purpose.”

indian ocean

BISHOP OF SEYCHELLES IS NEW PRIMATE OF THE INDIAN OCEAN THE Province of the Indian Ocean has a new Archbishop and Primate: the Bishop of the Seychelles. James Wong succeeds Archbishop Ian Ernest, who served the province as primate for 11 years. Archbishop James, a native of the Mauritian island of Rodrigues, was granted Seychellois citizenship in 2015. He was ordained priest in 1983 and served in three parishes in the diocese of Mauritius. He was serving as Archdeacon of Mauritius when, in April 2009, he was elected as the fourth Bishop of the Seychelles.

Archbishop James Wong is installed as Primate of the Indian Ocean

Before his episcopal election, he was active in ecumenical affairs, heading up both the Fellowship of Christian Churches of Mauritius and the

islands’ Scripture Union. Archbishop James has committed himself to the fostering of links within the Anglican Communion.


SYNOD ASKED TO LOOK AGAIN AT PRAYER FOR CONVERSION OF THE JEWS CANADA’S General Synod will be asked to look again at a proposal to remove a prayer for the conversion of the Jews from its Book of Common Prayer. The Synod rejected a similar motion in 2016, but in November, the synod’s executive body – the Council of General Synod (Cogs) – agreed to put the matter before the Synod once more, when it next meets in 2019. FRANCIS CALIS / PIXABAY

The Bishop of Quebec, Bruce Myers,

told a Cogs meeting in November that “a lack of context” could be why some Synod members voted against the motion. The Archbishop of Canada, Fred Hiltz, suggested that Cogs should take a lead in inviting the Synod reconsider the matter “in a way that would be much more thorough in terms of background, contemporary context, and the solemn obligation of the church to be sensitive to dialogue with people of other faiths,” the Province said.

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anglican world issue 147 DECEMBER 2017

network briefing

The Anglican Communion has a number of networks, creating international clusters of Anglicans around a particular area of mission or ministry. In a new series, Anglican World will focus on one of the networks and how it contributes to life of the Communion. In this first article in the series, we ask Bishop David Rossdale, chair of the International Anglican Family Network management committee, to set out its mission. THE WORK OF THE IAFN is rooted in the biblical witness to the family being a fundamental element in the story of God and the story of humans whom God has made in his image. IAFNworks across the Anglican Communion to celebrate and strengthen the God-given potential of the family as a source of thriving relationships, identity, belonging, discipleship and reconciliation. Out of this celebration, IAFN is an advocate for the family in the face of behaviours which diminish this potential, sharing stories of hope, promoting family care and sustaining the family as the cradle of human dignity. Behind this rather formal statement is a network of stories from across the Communion. These stories describe how the local church is responding to the social, environmental, political and economic forces that undermine family. In spite of diverse circumstances the stories reflect a common understanding that the network of relationships that form families is the primary context where our God-given identity finds its place. IAFN highlights how the church can encourage and support families as they grapple with very real issues such as health, birth-registration, home-based violence, education, unemployment and social mobility. In so doing the network seeks to promote an understanding that strong families are those where there is resilience and a commitment to the status and flourishing of all its members. Since its foundation in 1992, IAFN has gathered stories from across the rich diversity of human experience found within the Communion and recognised that there is no single model for the


Network Briefing: International Anglican Family Network – IAFN family. Families are shaped by context and history. A key feature however is that the family is a network of relationships, connected through genetics, marriage or adoption, which at its best becomes the place where the image of God in each of us is recognised, nurtured and celebrated. At its best, family is where we “belong” – a foundation for our flourishing. At its best, it is where we find our place in the wider community of place, church and society. Through the many stories that find their way to IAFN, we are constantly aware that for too many it is difficult for the family to be “at its best”. And yet local churches are ministering to families who are struggling with often complex challenges. Through its newsletters, the internet and social media, IAFN is able to share so much that is happening by God’s grace. Stories are told of Christians working faithfully to ensure that this God-given and God-blessed model for human life and fellowship is supported and sustained across the Provinces of the Communion. When appropriate, IAFN holds regional consultations to gather those who are engaged with particular challenges being faced by families. In 2018, one such gathering will be in Lusaka, where delegates

from the dioceses of Central Africa will meet to reflect on how diverse and seemingly entrenched pressures are affecting individuals and their connection with family, and their notions of identity. IAFN is keenly aware that it is not a non-governmental organisation running programmes. It is rather a network of Anglicans seeking to unfold a theological understanding that God relates to each one of us personally, but also as a person in relationship with others. In Scripture, from the story of Adam and Eve onwards, there is interplay between individuality and relationship with others, and not least within the context of family. IAFN seeks to be at the “point of interplay” and share a common experience of working to bring God’s mission into the reality of daily living with those who share our life story. IAFN would love to share more stories from around the Communion. Let us know what is happening where you are to support the holistic wellbeing of families. Write to the IAFN coordinator, Angela Morrison, at iafn@anglicancommunion. org. We look forward to hearing from you. • •

anglican world issue 147 DECEMBER 2017


f e at u r e


Leisurely thought, prayer and deep consultation Primates return to core business WHEN ARCHBISHOP DONALD Coggan first called the Primates of the Anglican Communion together in 1978, he had in mind the need to provide the leaders of the autonomous Anglican Churches space and opportunity for “leisurely thought, prayer and deep consultation.” In recent years, as divisions in the Communion began to emerge over issues such as the ordination of women and same-sex relationships, they took on a more political nature as the primates were tasked with keeping the Communion together. This was particularly evident two years ago, at the Primates’ Meeting in January 2016. The majority of the Anglian primates were present at that meeting – with health and



practicalities being the only reason a small handful of primates stayed away. That was a far cry from the previous meeting in Dublin in 2011, when a large number of primates boycotted the meeting for political reasons. In 2016, the press and other observers were kept out of the precincts of Canterbury Cathedral for the duration of what was billed in news reports as “crisis talks” while the primates sought to find a way through the impasse. The 2017 Primates’ Meeting had a very different atmosphere. While the primates did discuss this controversy over the Scottish Episcopal Church’s decision to perform same-sex marriages; the bulk of the meeting focused

anglican world issue 147 DECEMBER 2017

on issues such as evangelism, discipleship, reconciliation, climate change and human trafficking. And all this was conducted in an atmosphere of prayer and Bible study, rooted in the daily cycle of prayer and worship in Canterbury Cathedral. One primate, Archbishop Moon Hing of South East Asia, said that meeting had gone “back to the core business.” “We have been talking about reconciliation,” the Archbishop of Central Africa, Albert Chama, said. “Reconciliation in the sense that we need to continue to walk together in spite of the differences that are still existing in the Communion. . . Reconciliation does not necessarily mean we have to abandon our Æ

Dean Robert Willis gives the primates a candle-lit tour of Canterbury Cathedral.

Æ thinking, but to say ‘yes, we recognise there is a difference here but we have to walk together handin-hand.” The 2017 meeting, he said, had been different to previous Primates’ Meetings: “I think there was a lot of charity, a lot of give-and-take, and people spoke their minds clearly, and loudly, and spoke what they felt about the situation in the Communion.” The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, echoed those words in a press conference during the meeting. Asked about the primates’ reaction to the decision by the Scottish Episcopal Church, Archbishop Welby said: “There were a lot of expressions of disappointment [and] strong feelings from many of the provinces. That was heard very carefully by Bishop Mark Strange, the Primus of

The chair of the Anglican Consultative Council, Archbishop Paul Kwong of Hong Kong, addresses the media at a press conference, alongside the Archbishop of Canterbury and Archbishop Jackson Ole Sapit of Kenya.

Members of the Community of St Anselm kept a praying presence in Canterbury during the Primates’ Meeting. Here they join the primates for Choral Evensong in Canterbury Cathedral.

the Scottish Episcopal Church, who was careful to explain what they had done and careful in expressing his recognition that this was going to lead to consequences in terms of not being able to play a role in ecumenical or leadership roles within the Anglican Communion for the Scottish Episcopal Church. “That was in line with the decisions reached in January 2016 [in relation to the US-based Episcopal Church] and there will be no difference to what was decided then.” The Chair of the Anglican Consultative Council, Archbishop Paul Kwong of Honk Kong, was attending his fifth Primates’ Meeting since the 2007 meeting in Tanzania “Ten years ago, people began to say that the Communion is going to split, it would fall apart,” he said. “But I can tell you that . . . these last two Primates’ Meetings, instead of falling apart, it seems that we are walking much closer than ever before. “I am not saying that we have no arguments or no conflicts – but the mood and the atmosphere is very different from the previous ones. I think the primates present acknowledge the pain, and also the anger, expressed over the issue; but we are committed – even though there are difference – we are committed to walking together even though it is difficult.” Archbishop Jackson Ole Sapit, the Primate of Kenya, spoke of his “delight” in being able to “share deeply” with his fellow-Anglican primates. “We are a Communion

“We are a Communion called as a witness in a broken world.” and we are a Communion called as a witness in a broken world,” he said. “The Church is called as a witness to bring healing, to bring peace, to bring reconciliation, to help people to be accountable, to help institutions to become stronger, to be able to respond to issues,” he said. “That was the thrust of our discussion; and the broadness of that discussion gave me a lot of hope: that I belong to a Communion that is so diverse, but can also be united and focused on dealing with issues affecting humanity.” The Presiding Bishop of the USbased Episcopal Church, Michael Curry, described it as “a meaningful, a beautiful, indeed a holy gathering”. He added: “This wasn’t just a meeting. It wasn’t just a gathering. It was . . . a holy convocation: we gathered in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and we did our work together – in agreement and disagreement – following, and in, His Spirit.” The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, will be invited to a series of regional Primates’ Meetings which will be held between now and the 2020 Lambeth Conference. He was asked by the primates to consider an additional full Primates’ Meeting between the regional meetings and the Lambeth Conference. Watch our video-report:

anglican anglican world world issue issue 147 147 DECEMBER 2017

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the last word

“My primary goal is to enable the voices of the Communion to be heard in the processes and institutions of the UN.”

Jack Palmer-White

The United Nations

and the Anglican Communion The Anglican Communion’s new representative to the United Nations in Geneva, Jack Palmer-White, explains his role and explores the interface between faith communities and global bodies such as the UN.

THE ANGLICAN CONSULTATIVE Council has been represented at the United Nations in various guises for more than 30 years. But with religion back on the map as a major geopolitical concern for the first time in over 200 years, the Anglican Communion, in partnership with ecumenical and inter-faith colleagues, has a central role to play in shaping how global institutions such as the UN approach the big issues of our time. It is clear that our global institutions are struggling to adapt to the crises that they are faced with – not only the rapid changes

in the norms and assumptions of international relations, but also the changing nature and breadth of conflict around the world. At the recent meeting of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, the list of recent, current and future conflicts, disasters and challenges facing the world felt never-ending. The immediacy of the war of words between the United States and North Korea, the massive displacement of the Rohingya across the Myanmar-Bangladesh border and the natural disasters that have hit the Caribbean and the United States meant that other deeply concerning conflicts were relegated to the margins of the meeting. Many of the participants also challenged the UN to reform – to become more adept and agile at responding to urgent crises, to beef up peacekeeping operations, to roll back its bureaucracy and reduce the

financial burden placed on member states. Some would say that this narrative has grown louder in an age of growing nationalism and more insular mindsets. So what value does a global body, with a mandate to promote human rights and humanitarian goals, have today? And should the church be strengthening its partnership with the UN? The United Nations continues to play a vital coordinating and supporting role across the world. Whether it is running refugee camps for those displaced by the Syrian Civil War, helping turn back the tide of HIV / Aids around the world, or holding countries accountable to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, its place in the world matters. As the Anglican Communion Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva, my primary goal is to enable the voices of the Communion to be heard in the processes and institutions of the UN. Now, more than ever, the UN is looking to work collaboratively with religious organisations and leaders, at the local, national, regional and global level. There are great examples of this collaboration already taking place across the Anglican Communion – such as local dioceses working with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to support Burundian refugees in Tanzania. The recent announcement that the Archbishop of Canterbury will join the UN Secretary General’s advisory board on mediation is a further encouraging sign that the role of faith communities and leaders is taken seriously at the global level. The task now is to see this partnership-work established at all levels across the UN system, so that the church is increasingly utilised as a credible, durable, sustainable and locally committed partner by the UN organisations – embedded in local communities, committed to the flourishing of all people, and responding to human need with loving service.





• • ISSUE 146



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