Anglican Life Feb-Mar 2018

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FEB / MAR 2018




01. 02. 08. 10. 15.


FROM THE BISHOP: Growth In Christ THE BRIEF ARTICLE: A real home ARTICLE: Being a neighbour THEOLOGICAL THOUGHTS: Power and the Cross


18. 22. 24. 25.


GLOBAL DISPATCH: How am I to Serve? CULTURE WORKPLACE: The Best Fit PERSPECTIVE: On the front lines

AnglicanLife is published bi-monthly by the Anglican Diocese of Christchurch. Interim Editor / Cathy Maslin /, Assistant Editor / Sara Cornish Contributing Writers / The Rev’d Indrea Alexander, Jo Taylor-de Vocht, Contributors / +Victoria Matthews, Heather Fraser, Ross Seagar, Byron Cornish, Fiona Waghorn, + Brian Carrell, Anne McCormick, Editorial and Advertising Enquiries / Cathy Maslin /, Design /, Printed by / Toltech Print, Sustainability / AnglicanLife is printed on recycled paper using vegetable-based inks. ISSN 2253-1653 (print), ISSN 2537-849X (online)

Cover image / “The Servant” (C) Jared Emerson ( - Jared is based in the U.S. and open for art and ministry invitations from NZ churches.

The Transitional Cathedral, Latimer Square

Further details at | | (03) 366 0046 HOLY WEEK AND EASTER AT THE TRANSITIONAL CATHEDRAL Sunday 25 March ~ Palm Sunday 8.00am Holy Eucharist 10.00am Choral Eucharist 5.00pm Passiontide service of lessons and anthems Monday 26 ~ Wednesday 28 March 12.05pm Holy Eucharist

Maundy Thursday 12.05pm Holy Eucharist 7.00pm Maundy Thursday Liturgy Good Friday 12noon The Celebration of the Lord’s Passion

Saturday 31 March 12.05pm Midday Prayer 9.00pm The Easter Vigil SUNDAY 1 APRIL ~ EASTER DAY 8.00am Holy Eucharist 10.00am Festival Eucharist 5.00pm Festal Evensong



GROWTH IN CHRIST Words: Bishop Victoria Matthews The word Lent actually comes from the original word for the season of spring. That doesn’t work in our southern hemisphere but the image of the seedling or even a seed struggling to grow up through hard soil certainly does. Lent is the journey from Ash Wednesday to Holy Week and during those forty days we are encouraged to practice both repentance and growing in Christ. Growth in Christ and seeking maturity in the pilgrimage of faith requires hard work and one should expect to make loads of mistakes. Indeed one monk, when asked what happened at the monastery, simply said, “We spend a lot of time falling down and getting up again.” The books of the New Testament are filled with examples of disciples making mistakes and being forgiven in order to continue following Jesus once more. This edition of Anglican Life is about servant leadership. For some those words seem contradictory but in the Church they are complementary. Matthew 20: 28 reminds us that “the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve.” If the King of kings and Lord of lords is prepared to serve, then the followers of Jesus must be ready and willing to get their hands dirty and to

do whatever is necessary for the sake of the Kingdom. Bishop Julius Hall at the University of Canterbury celebrated its centenary recently. The occasion reminded me that Bishop Churchill Julius, the second Bishop of Christchurch Diocese and the second Primate of New Zealand, opened his home and offered half his stipend for the fulfilment of his vision of the education of women. He was a servant leader. As a disciple of Christ, in the season of Lent, I suggest you need to deepen your life of prayer and also increase your acts of mercy. That might be a matter of attending a weekday Eucharist or rising early to pray. Acts of mercy include giving out of your abundance to the needs of others and/or helping others. Both prayer and good works are aspects of servant leadership. If you are wondering why you should be a servant leader or why your parish should seek a servant leader then I suggest you read the gospels and notice how on every page Jesus Christ is found caring and serving others. Christ-centred leadership involves living out the life, passion, death and resurrection of Jesus, and it begins with learning how to serve. + Victoria



MISSION WITHOUT BORDERS For over 50 years Mission Without Borders (MWB) has strengthened the poor and bought hope to the marginalised in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Moldovia, Romania and the Ukraine. The organisation was formed when the founders were challenged by a pastor in the USSR who had one single, torn-out Bible page to preach from for 17 years. He challenged them to “put Bibles into Eastern Europeans’ empty hands to reach our own people.” Physical, emotional, and spiritual care is offered by MWB to both children and families. This includes food assistance, bible study correspondence courses and camps for children who live in difficult circumstances. For more information visit:

Photo: © Mission Without Borders


ST JOHN’S THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE For the first time the Anglican college is offering a distance online course. An initial optional gathering in the Canterbury region will be repeated on-line in live webinars, then six further weekly live (and recorded) webinars will cover a “Listening and Pastoral Conversations” course. Course cost is $50. Participate for personal interest with no assignments or complete assignments as you continue towards the NZ Diploma in Christian Studies. A great opportunity to expand your learning especially if travelling to attend training is difficult for you. Additional distance courses towards the Diploma will continue to be taught during weekends in 2018 through Theology House. For more information contact Theology House on: 03 341 3399 E:

PRAY FOR JERUSALEM Heading into a new year we are again witnessing the people of Jerusalem facing political upheaval. Little peace has surrounded the city since Jesus spoke the words “…how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were unwilling! (Matthew 23:37) The witness of Christians in Israel for the Gospel of peace is a needed presence at this time. They are a minority group from diverse ethnic backgrounds for whom Israel is home. Please remember them, and Jerusalem, in your prayers during lent.

Photo: © Zvonimir Atletic /


AN UPLIFTING EXPERIENCE The Church Property Trustees (CPT) Recovery Team have recently completed the earthquake repairs to St Paul’s, Tai Tapu (Lincoln Parish). The original church was consecrated on 16 November 1876. The tender process sounds very familiar to the CPT team—the original tenders of £989 to £1,060 were considered to be completely outrageous and the architect was asked to make changes to reduct costs. CPT Project Manager David Price undertakes this work today, known as value engineering. The value of the work David and the Recovery Team do in reviewing repair and new build plans cannot be underestimated. By 1929 the church’s maintenance costs were increasing and a “New Building Fund” was established for its possible replacement. In April 1930 Sir Heaton Rhodes offered to present the parish with a new church in memory of his late wife, Jessie. Sir Heaton and Lady Rhodes were an integral part of the parish community and Sir Heaton served as Vicar’s Warden from 1926 until his death in 1956. The church was designed by noted Christchurch architect Cecil Wood, whose other projects include St Barnabas in Fendalton and the Memorial Dining Hall at Christ’s College. The interior stone features—the carved altar, the prayer desk, and the lectern—were carved by Frederick Gurnsey, whose other works include carvings for the Bridge of Remembrance, and the reredos for Christchurch Cathedral. Many other churches within the Diocese benefited from Sir Heaton’s gift, with items from the old church being distributed to a number of parishes. Whilst the church itself was not badly damaged during the Canterbury Earthquakes, the land suffered liquefaction and one corner of the building slumped by 300 mm (1 foot). Cementious grouting was used to relevel the building, which involved grout injection into the ground under the foundations, effectively forcing the building back up out of the ground to its original level. Computers monitored the lift and controlled the grout flow, seamlessly lifting the heavy stone building without further damage. The process took four weeks and was extremely successful. Money for the project was an issue, but the shortfall in insurance proceeds was covered by a generous grant from Lotteries of $437,000. St Paul’s is a beautiful building with a fascinating history. It has been a privilege for the Recovery Team to be able to repair and re-open the church for continued use by the parish and the community. St Paul’s is Category I listed with Heritage New Zealand. St Paul’s, 844 Old Tai Tapu Road, Tai Tapu Services: Sunday, 10.00 am

Not everything was smooth for the Parish of Lincoln. From the Parish Magazine, May 1923 – IMPORTANT! The Central vestry has decided to sell the Vicar’s Car for £100. As result of this the following changes will have to be made in the services – 1. The Confirmation will not be held. 2. South Springston services will be dropped. 3. The South Springston children’s class will be dropped. 4. There will be no 9.30 services. I am very reluctant to make these changes, but one can only do a certain number of miles on a bicycle. Philip Carrington, Vicar



AT HOME WITH MISSION Words and Photos: By Heather Fraser (NZCMS Staff Member who attends St Augustine’s) When I applied for my current job at NZCMS (New Zealand Christian Missionary Society) I had no idea of what the letters stood for or what the organisation did. That was pretty much my knowledge of missions as well. So as you might imagine, I went on a bit of a learning curve. The staff here include an ordained Anglican minister, one who spent 15 years in the mission field, another who lectures at Laidlaw in their spare time, and more recently we have been joined by a couple who have served on the mission field in 4

the Pacific and Cambodia. At the time I started I was one of only two staff who had never been on a mission trip, had no theological training and no inclination to offer our lives in service in the mission field. Boy did I feel overwhelmed! Over the years since I’ve gone on what I jokingly call my backwards journey into mission. I have been absorbing as much as I can to understand the incredible people who serve overseas, why they go, and the joy they bring in sharing the Good News about our Lord. This backwards journey has been


“AMONGST ALL THIS AROSE A QUANDARY, HOW DO WE GET OTHERS TO CONSIDER OVERSEAS MISSION WHEN MANY OF US ARE STRUGGLING TO BE MISSIONAL RIGHT HERE IN OUR OWN BACKYARD.” accompanied by several underlying questions: Why are fewer Christians engaging in mission than in the past? And how do we engage churches and people in mission? Mission isn’t limited to going overseas, it includes all Christians in New Zealand, many who are called to support those who serve as missionaries. My journey has immersed me in educational opportunities: The Samaritan Strategy to learn about “Seed Projects” (“Seed Projects” are small-scale, holistic outreach initiatives through which local churches demonstrate God’s love in practical ways to those in their community); studying Biblical Theology through Laidlaw; Kairos; learning about the Five Marks of Mission as decreed by the Anglican Church; “Friendship First” a course focused on making friends with our Muslim brothers and sisters; Care of Creation and a myriad of DVD’s, books, articles and frequent musings over our coffee breaks. All my new experiences started to influence how I viewed my local parish of St Augustine’s. Like most churches we have a small missions committee that prays regularly for mission, but in the wider congregation there is so much to prioritise. This includes worship teams, ministries, events, family, school, work and life in general. Amongst all this arose a quandary, how do we get others to consider overseas mission when many of us are struggling to be missional right here in our own backyard. Recently I was introduced to a course called “Empowered to Influence.” It’s a four week course of two hours a week that brings about a paradigm shift in how we approach our faith on a daily basis. It’s founded by a Singaporean businessman who wanted to be a missionary but God placed him in the market place instead. A huge disappointment for him. However, after 20 years spent figuring out why, he has realised that God has placed him (and us!) right where we are now for a reason. We have been placed right here to be salt and light

Parishoners of St Augustine’s on the “Empowered to Influence” course; St Augustine’s Church

to the secular world around us. We can flourish in a nonChristian workplace. We do have the power to influence those we encounter. Some may be familiar with the terms Theology of Work or Monday Church, where church is not just sitting in a pew on Sunday but about the rest of the week—that Monday to Saturday we are living out our lives. In this course we were introduced to seven tangible paradigm shifts that can be implemented immediately, and without barely even realising it. I ran the course in my home group where we found much to discuss. Ten thought provoking weeks later the results were clear. One man who works as a driver where every second word is non-printable realised that he could be missional right there in his work-place resulting in increased job satisfaction. He gained the confidence to start conversations with some coworkers struggling with issues and even to pray with them. For a mum, there was the realisation that hosting foreign students 5


isn’t just a great cultural experience, but also an opportunity to be salt and light in those students’ lives. Her desire being to make such an impact that they will be inspired to take it back to their native land with them. Another participant was so excited she insisted the course needed to be opened up to our whole parish. After a couple of brief conversations, the course was booked and the promotion of it throughout our church organised with the parish office. As the driving force behind this new thing a doubt surfaced in my mind, is this me forcing something on my church or is it really the will of God? The following Sunday rolled around quickly and the sermon was based on Mark, chapter 6, where Jesus is teaching his disciples how to do the work of ministry and giving them some important tools for that ministry. Our minister saw the promo video about the course for the first time at the early service. He was so excited by what he saw that he incorporated it into his sermon for the later service! God’s way is to have all believers taking part in his mission, Missio Dei, and collectively we will influence the whole world for Him. One of the things holding many of us back is the feeling that we are not equipped. We are challenged on this course that we are all equipped, in fact we’re over equipped to such an extent we don’t know where to start. Too many programmes and too much teaching on the rights and wrongs. There is also the mind-set that it’s the ministers, missionaries, the volunteers, the retired, the lay people with whom the responsibility lies. But it’s actually us, the normal day to day Christians who step out into our communities who are best equipped and placed by God to be influencing others. The course does not tell us to go out and ear-bash anyone. We do not stand on a corner with a Bible in our hands. It is actually quite the opposite. As Christians living in a secular society we will be judged in our workplace and communities as being those Christians. It is by getting alongside our secular colleagues and our friends that we can live out Kingdom values in front of them. They will see that there is something different about us. Ken Chua the facilitator of this course says that 8 out of 10 people who join his work-place come to know Christ. To quote Dr Ravi Zacharias, “When the beauty of Christ is 6


seen, He draws people unto Himself. Conversion is never an enforced thing. It is an attractive thing, the work of God... I say, live for Jesus and when people see the beauty of Christ in you, they will ask you questions and they will want the same results in their life.” And back to that underlying fear… ‘Is this my will or God’s?’ After the introduction evening, the room is a buzz and the future of this course is again moving into another realm as the participants brain storm the next step with comments such as “this course is wasted on just the 12 of us... this needs to go to the whole church,” “It’s good enough to replace a


sermon…actually…could we run this each week instead of the sermon…?”—“Let’s give our vicar a rest….” All these responses are not of my making. Such is only possible when God’s will and the power of his Holy Spirit is at work. It is hard to believe the time when I didn’t even consider mission was something I could participate in. Finding out I

can do it as I am, where I am, has not only opened my own eyes to the possibility of God working through me but it is changing our congregational outlook as well. I encourage you all to investigate it for yourself and be ready to see God at work.

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Photo: Nerina Bennett © Government House New Zealand


I do not recall witnessing homelessness during my childhood in Christchurch. Of course it existed, but it was concealed, easier to overlook—something that happened on TV, in the US, in developing countries—or at least well outside the radar of my up-bringing. Growing rates of homelessness in Aotearoa over the past decade have made this phenomenon more difficult to overlook. Across the country, housing shortages, declining rates of home ownership, soaring rents, and long waiting lists for social housing have contributed to unprecented numbers of people living on the streets, in emergency housing or substandard 8

shelters—approximately 40,000 people (almost one per cent of the population) according to a recent publication by Yale University. How we define homelessness and the figures this yields may be up for debate, but it is clear to all that New Zealanders can no longer be complacent about the scale of homelessness in our country. In Christchurch the earthquakes have brought the formerly invisible into sharp relief. Homelessness is a complex issue and the factors leading people to experience severe housing deprivation vary, yet the spiraling numbers of homeless in Christchurch are strongly linked to chronic housing shortages

and a mental health system that is buckling under increased demand. City Missioner Matthew Mark attributes much of this growing need to the effects of the earthquakes, “With the loss of so much affordable rental accommodation, increases in rents for available properties and a true shortage of physical property due to the increased demand, many women from our community found themselves in extremely vulnerable positions.” The City Mission responded to the urgent need for emergency women’s accommodation in post-earthquake Christchurch, establishing a trial Women’s Night Shelter capable of accommodating up to seven women. Although women have been among those most affected by the earthquakes, and female homelessness is on the rise, most night shelters only admit men. The need for dedicated women’s services only intensified during the trial period of the City Mission’s interim women’s shelter. In response, in April 2017 the City Mission began constructing a purpose-built permanent Women’s Night Shelter equipped to accommodate 12 women. The shelter was officially opened on Friday 17th November 2017 by the Governor-General of New Zealand, the Rt. Hon Dame Patsy Reddy. Bishop Victoria Matthews expressed her pleasure at the opening of the night shelter: “Women in our city have fewer services addressing their urgent housing needs despite many girls and women living lives of high risk,

whether it be due to mental illness, living on the streets, or living in an abusive situation.” The Mission facility provides emergency accommodation in a safe, hospitable environment. Women are provided with a warm bed, morning and evening meals, and modern bathroom, shower and laundry facilities. The hub of the shelter is the open-plan kitchen, dining, and living room — a light, spacious area with high ceilings and comfortable furnishings. The shelter is staffed at all times, and social and health services are available through a part-time social worker, nurse visits, and access to the City Mission’s medical clinic. The shelter is “not just a shelter but a home and a real home for women in real need,” says Matthew Mark. Under his leadership, the City Mission is seeking to mobilize a greater community response to Christchurch’s most desperate areas of social need. These include homelessness, mental health, and addiction. Amidst the affluence of our society there is a real human crisis taking place on our own doorstep, and it is women and young people who are the most affected. The City Mission serves on the front-line, running a food bank, women’s and men’s night shelters, a men’s day programme, two women’s programmes, an alcohol and drug detox programme, and emergency family accommodation. They have taken a lead in demonstrating the love of Christ to the last and the least. How might God be calling you to step out to serve the needs of our city?

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The hub of East Christchurch parish outreach is The Lounge—Te Waka Aroha—at St Faith’s church in New Brighton. A variety of activities are based there, including a weekly community lunch, a vegie co-op, craft mornings, foot clinics, and two exercise groups. Te Waka Aroha has become a place of welcome and refuge, and some regulars spend two or three hours a day there. On Fridays, a singing group has emerged from a group of adults meeting to sing and play guitars and ukeleles for enjoyment. The group has been joined by young adults with disabilities attending a course at a local school, and together they are beginning to reach out and occasionally perform at rest homes. Another initiative encourages people to reduce food waste and share extra food. A woman approached Te Waka Aroha asking whether she could put a community fridge on site. The church welcomed the idea, and food that would otherwise be wasted is now available for anyone who will use it. Rev’d Hill said the Community Fridge had created all sorts of connections: “churches connect neighbour with neighbour as a neighbour themselves”. While many parishioners are part of the life and outreach of East Christchurch Parish, Rev’d Hill identified Pam Barrett as “an amazing servant leader”. Pam’s home was red-zoned due to the earthquakes but, although she sleeps in another part of the city, her life is in the parish. She is a member of Vestry and parish committees and has been part of Te Waka Aroha since its inception, chairing its oversight committee (a combination of church and community members). She started 10

the Thursday craft group at Te Waka, and does pastoral care and home communions in the New Brighton-South Shore area. A couple of years ago she sensed the need for a seniors’ group in South Brighton and initiated Cameo – Come And Meet Each Other. “Pam is the one who says, ‘Hey, if we’re serving people— whether the local glue sniffer or a parishioner—we serve them in a Christ-like manner,’” Rev’d Hill says. “She models and shares that attitude, goes down to that deeper level.” Pam, not surprisingly, does not seek recognition. She points to God, the instructions of Jesus and, as a third order Franciscan, to the example of St Francis. “If I believe in something and I’m able to do something to bring it about, I need to do it. If not I can pray.” Working for over 20 years as a Staff Support Chaplain with ITIM Workplace Support, Pam saw how often people in workplaces had felt let down by the church and become estranged from their worshipping community. “There was often nothing I could do other than listen to their stories. I never want to see people in that situation if by some action— whether it is by sitting down and listening or by practical action—they can feel cared for and valued.” A lot of listening happens at The Lounge, “as well as what amounts to frequent discussions about theological issues and God talk,” says Pam. “Everyone that comes is there because we have opened the doors and invited them in; they are our guests and become family. They often support one another with an understanding gained from their own experiences.” Pam is glad to see people use their God-given talents,

obey Jesus’ instructions about caring for others, break down barriers between church and community, and live Christianity in practical ways as well as in quietness. “St Francis sees the whole of creation as sacred, and loving and respecting all people are drivers for me and the work we do at The Lounge.”

“Servant leadership isn’t anything new,” Rev’d Hill says, “but it’s only servant leadership that keeps church participating in community. It’s got to be in the DNA … Servant leaders create church around themselves which is quite powerful in the local community.”

Around 100 children and adults worked together to tidy up Christchurch East parish’s cemetery at All Saints Burwood. A warm relationship is enjoyed between the parish and their neighbours in the Ōtākaro Park Cub Pack.


GOD’S LIVING STONE Words: Cathy Maslin Photos: Courtesy Christchurch City Libraries

Thousands line the streets during the funeral procession for Nurse Maude as it moves from the Cathedral to St Peter’s Church Photo: Courtesy Christchurch City Libraries/CCL-PhotoCD08-IMG0004


Sybilla Emily Maude had a role in life she believed God called her to pursue. And so it was that she became one of the living stones in God’s house; giving herself to the physical, spiritual and medical care of the people of Christchurch. As the eldest in her family Sybilla’s young adult years were spent helping with her siblings, visiting local church families in need and, with the encouragement of her aunts, people in hospital. At the age of 27, certain of the call on her life, she set off to train as a nurse in England. Upon her return she was appointed Matron of Christchurch hospital. By this time she had already begun her vocation and adopting the title that would become a house-hold name, Nurse Maude. To provide some context the hospital during this period catered for only 60-80 and the city boasted a continually growing population of around 20-30,000 people. It was also pre-social welfare meaning patients had to pay for all care. The poor, elderly or those suffering from chronic conditions often missed out on treatment. Nurse Maude was passionate about the need for greater training for nurses as well as securing better working and living conditions. She had clashes with management over these matters, no doubt arising from her experience of the benefits of education alongside having seen how things were done in England. Many of the conditions then would cause a few of us to rise our eyebrows today. For example, the tworoom ward for infectious cases was located after the mortuary. The night-watchman, who often sought the company of a nurse apparently left the dead-house door unlocked one day. In defence, his comment was, “The folk’s wot’s inside can’t get out, and no folks wot’s outside want to get in!” During Nurse Maude’s second year at the hospital she met Rose Godfrey who was a Sister from the Anglican Community of the Sacred Name (the known as the Sisters of Bethany). It was the start of a life-long friendship. Observing the care the nuns provided for the needy poor in the community planted a seed. It was the recognition of the great need for medical care and improving people’s health outside the hospitals walls. Deciding to investigate what might be done, Nurse Maude secured financial and pastoral backing through the Anglican Church, of which she was a faithful member. Most notably support came from the Rev’ds Walter Averill and Edwin

Photo: Courtesy Christchurch City Libraries/CCL-PhotoCD13-IMG0039

Scott, and her personal friend Lady Heaton Rhodes. So it was in 1896 that District Nursing in Christchurch came into existence and Nurse Maude resigned from the hospital. In humble circumstances Nurse Maude set out on her new venture based at Deaconess House where her friend Rose lived. She had the use of a telephone and a cupboard for her supplies. Upon request Nurse Maude went to homes where the people either could not be admitted to the hospital or were unable to pay for the care of a nurse. Making visits on foot she was often seen carrying her medical supplies, along with pots 13

and pans to use for hygiene and education on healthy eating practices. In her first year she made over 1000 house calls. In many ways Nurse Maude was before her time as she approached her work in a holistic way. She prayed at the start of each visit, and saw consistency of care and listening to concerns as beneficial to patients’ well-being. Distributing clothing and food along with primary medical care, she also tended to all aspects of a person’s physical health. As the request for visits increased, a committee was formed to raise funds for more nurses to help, and subsequent public appeals for donations were made. By the time the District Nursing Building was opened in Madras Street, the mode of transport had been upgraded to bicycles. Nurse Maude was on the frontline of two of New Zealand’s biggest health scares; Tuberculosis (TB) and the 1918 post WWI influenza epidemic. In the case of TB her recognition of the connection between living conditions and the disease led her to organise camps for sufferers, all the while continuing with her other tasks. The quarters may have been basic but the improvement patients made proved her approach effective and eventually led to public authorities opening an official sanatorium. In the case of the influenza outbreak, Nurse Maude was given the use of a specific building and coordinated the city-wide community response. It is hard to believe Sybilla Maude, with a high society background, ever ventured into nursing, let alone chose to work at such a grass roots level forgoing the societal norm of

marriage. She was by all accounts one well loved, respected, and formidable lady. During WWI the tram workers nominated her to be the festival queen for an event held to raise funds for refugees. She won the contest but did not dress as royalty. Rather she chose to wear her nurse’s uniform with the trail of a queen spread out behind her. An appropriate metaphor for one whose life characterised servanthood, lived to the Glory of God. After a life dedicated to others Nurse Maude was buried alongside her parents at the age of 75. St Peter’s Church, Riccarton where Nurse Maude’s birth was registered also became her final resting place. Her connection with St Peter’s is fitting especially taking into consideration the scripture verse: “As you come to Him, the living stone, ... you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 2:4-5). By following God’s calling on her life rather than what may have at first seemed to be the more sensible path, Sybilla left a legacy in the Nurse Maude Association—still in existence some 120 years on. A true living stone. This year St Peter’s Church is working hard and appealing for public help to restore their building. Their aim to preserve a legacy for future generations; so that this building made of stones may serve God’s Word and many more, like Nurse Maude, be led to their true calling as his living stones.

We Need Your Help to Restore St Peter’s Church Donate today to secure your block or stone at 14



for your block



for your stone


Image: ©Photosebia/

POWER AND THE CROSS Words: Rev’d Chris Spark, Assistant Minister at St Saviour’s and St Nicholas’ Anglican, South Christchurch Worries about power underlie so many of our concerns today. From political and corporate bullying to domestic abuse, from racial discrimination to gender imbalance, and from child exploitation to sexual harassment. All of these issues and many more involve the misuse of power in ways that are sometimes unseen and often very hard to counter. This reality leads many of us to be suspicious of anyone who holds power. “Absolute power corrupts”, the saying goes, and the myriad examples of the abuse of power reinforce this idea over and again. At that point, God can become suspect. After all, if ever there was power, it is in the hands of the Almighty, the one who made everything, the Sovereign of the nations. God’s might is power at its most extreme. And yet the power of God is shown most powerfully in a disarming way. His most powerful act, the single most powerful act of all time, was giving himself up to a weak and shameful death on the cross. The cross, above all, is “the power of God” (1 Corinthians 1:18). Indeed, as he gave himself up to the cross,

Christ was still powerful. He could have called down twelve legions of angels to stop his crucifixion (Matthew 26:53). But rather than save himself, he used his power to give his life as a ransom for many, the servant of all (Mark 10:42-45). God is indeed powerful. But his is a power we can trust. And under his lordship, our use of power is radically transformed. Whatever power a Christian may have they are compelled to only exercise that power in light of Christ: whose great power saved us when we were eternally weak. To be Christian in our use of power is to use it in service of, for the good of, those for whom we are given care of. For a Christian to use power in any other way is to not act as a Christian. For that reason, servant leadership is not just a catch-phrase, it is what it means to be a Christian who holds any position of power. Power is not the problem, abuse of power is. And following the example of the powerful crucified Christ is the only true solution.





Image Credit: © Shino Iwamura




HOW AM I TO SERVE? Words and Photos: Anne McCormick NZCMS Partner in Cambodia

“WE GOT THE TOILETS CLEANED, BUT WE ALSO GOT TO KNOW EACH OTHER A LITTLE.” What is servant leadership? According to Dr Tony Baron, it is “intentional action that seeks the best for others.”* With the privilege of leadership comes the necessity to lead by example, which basically means to serve, seeking to bring about a positive impact in the lives of others. In the various roles I have had, both paid and unpaid, I have always tried not to expect others to do what I am not prepared to do myself. I well remember my first day in the previous non-government organisation at which we were volunteers for a few months here in Battambang. What did I do on my first morning there? I cleaned toilets. That was what needed to be done, so I rolled up my sleeves (figuratively speaking—it was much too hot for long sleeves!) and joined the young woman whose responsibility it was to clean the toilets. We worked together. We got the toilets cleaned, but we also got to know each other a little. Now that we have moved on from that organisation, the relationship with that young woman remains. Would it have endured had I not led by example and demonstrated in a practical way that toilet cleaning was not beneath my dignity? I don’t know. If, as a Christian, I am to follow Jesus as the supreme example of a servant, what am I to do in my current role? How am I to serve? What does meaningful service look like here, in the midst of a different culture and faith background which, for the most part, does not recognise Jesus or Christian principles? I still hold to the same tenet of leading by example, 18

demonstrated before by cleaning the toilets. In my current role I have a Khmer assistant (Sokhim), and it is in the way I work alongside her, prepared to do what she does in her role, that service is played out in my life. Sokhim is now much more hands on with the patients than I am. I miss the daily interaction with those in the wards. I remember one time when I heard two of the nurses talking about me—“Goit meun jit laor,” they said: “She has a good heart.” They recognised my service and saw that what I was doing was serving and making a difference, albeit in small ways, just as Jesus would have done had He graced the corridors of our hospital. My role is now largely that of facilitator of assorted volunteers who serve in my programme, both visiting teams and regular helpers. They encourage me greatly, seeing through fresh eyes how we serve the patients and caregivers, making their time at the hospital a little more pleasant. Sokhim looks to me as the leader and mentor of our small team. What an awesome responsibility this is! As a foreigner in this country, everything I do is watched carefully by Khmer people around me. It behoves me to remember this and ensure that when I leave and return home I leave a good legacy behind, one which demonstrates that leadership and service are inextricably linked. While I cannot overtly proclaim my Christian faith in this setting, my prayer is that my actions will indeed speak louder than my words. * Dr. Tony Baron, The Art of Servant Leadership, Tuscon, AZ : Wheatmark, 2010.


Working alongside caregivers making lampshades from our handmade paper.

Sokhim, the young woman with whom I cleaned toilets! She visits quite regularly. Shown here with some aprons she has made for me to sell, and some Christmas decorations made by her sister. All are sold to generate more income for her.



Image: © Maridav/


After many years in the ministry field what is the most pertinent advice you can give to someone starting out on the journey? “Be sure that your call to ministry is an irresistible call, that your motive in ministry is to glorify God, that you and (if married) your spouse/family are fully open to whatever the cost of pursuing that call may be. In other words, a compelling sense of shared vocation. Only this will get you through some of the tough times.” In what ways do you see your vocation connecting with your gifts? “Others tell me that my strengths lie in teaching, preaching and writing. Certainly I have always welcomed and found deep satisfaction in taking up such opportunities to communicate the gospel and relate it to real life. This passion has not abated after now more than 60 years of ordained ministry.” 20

How in your opinion does taking on a role of leadership within the Christian community differ from leadership within other sectors such as the commercial world? “Christian leadership is primarily for the glory of God, not the advancement of personal goals, or the status it bestows, or any financial rewards. I think of the story of Christopher Wren in 1666 anonymously visiting the work site of the new St Paul’s Cathedral in London and asking the workmen, ‘What are you doing here?’ The first man hardly looked up, but said ‘Earning three pence a day shaping these blocks of stone.’ The second however drew himself to his feet and said ‘I am helping Sir Christopher Wren build a mighty Cathedral.’ Having the big picture in mind keeps one humble and committed and focused.”


Who has had a significant influence on your life when it comes to the way you do ministry? “At rock base, constant reflection on the ministry of Jesus himself—how he communicated; how he dealt graciously yet honestly with all manner of people; how he patiently worked with the disciples God gave him (warts and all); how he never let diversions or disappointments thwart his ministry; how he looked to please God rather than man. “The ministry of Anglican men of God have also challenged and inspired me. These include Charles Simeon of Cambridge at the turn of the 18th century (for many years Vicar of Holy Trinity), as well as those from my own lifetime, such as John Stott of All Souls Langham Place and my own Vicar in the parish where I was born and grew up, Roger Thompson of St Martin’s, Spreydon. They all gave me a rich love for the Bible as the word of God, and a passion for nurturing my faith and ministry practice through the constant and careful reading of the Scriptures, measuring my ministry by what I devotionally discovered there.” Jesus demonstrated and talked about the greatest person being one who serves. In what ways has living this out been a part of being a Christ follower? “For me servanthood is really put to the test not by once a year publicly washing someone else’s feet, but in quietly staying behind at the end of a meeting to sweep the parish hall and lock up. Someone has said that it is (in the words of St Paul) the willingness to be a fool for Christ’s sake. I believe a deacon remains a deacon when he becomes a priest, or even later a bishop. They are interconnected layers of ministry, not successive hierarchies of privilege.” We all learn from experience, what are some of the most important lessons you have learnt along the way and where did you learn them? “First, that you cannot determine the course and outcome of everything in your ministry. The Holy Spirit wants some room to move without your getting in the way. So learning at many points to take a step back and wait, keeps you sane and in fact more dependent upon God. “Second, (and appropriate for anyone named Brian!), always look on the bright side of life. That means, read the best

into what others are saying, look for the good in who they are, the positive in their seemingly dissembling intentions. In every congregation there will be those who annoy, those who are never satisfied with the Church and its leadership. Even Jesus faced this. “Third, keep balance in your life. While Christ has first claim on your time and attention, spouse, family and friends come close behind. The law says ‘Love your neighbour as yourself ’ (Mark 12:31), and sometimes it is that attention to personal health and well-being that can be most neglected. I continued to play competitive cricket for three decades, once settled in parish ministry.” The idea of being a servant leader can come across as meaning one must be a passive person. Is this how you perceive it, and if not how do you think the two differ? “It is not one or the other. A servant leader is one who is able both to step forward and speak up when the situation demands it, but also to step back and keep silent when others bear the mantle of leadership. The thing is—what serves the church or the occasion best, not what suits me best. Think of Jesus standing meekly before Pontius Pilate, or as just another guest at the wedding in Cana when the wine supply ran out. “One weekend in Dunedin in 1969 I took a funeral for a World War I veteran on a Saturday afternoon with only the undertaker, a Public Trust representative and myself present. The following day I chaired a meeting of the Billy Graham Crusade at Carisbrook with tens of thousands in attendance. Both moved me deeply.” Being so available to others must have had an impact on your family life. How were you able to balance or reconcile your roles of husband, father and priest? “In my case the call to ordained ministry came when I was a single man. Marriage meant sharing something of my own calling with a soul-mate. Our children grew up in this context. They encountered some very interesting characters passing through our successive homes! “Mondays were always my one day off. For at least that day family and home needs came first. Annual holidays were totally family time, and planned accordingly, even if sometimes it meant swapping vicarages with a colleague for two to three weeks.” 21




Words: Cathy Maslin Image Credit: © Monika Wisniewska/

Image Credit: © Irena Makova/

It was with great joy I discovered audio books. I will not confess to how many I have listened to since. But the discovery was water to a parched bookworm soul. There are CD and DVD versions referred to as talking books available from your local library. Many libraries have their own access to on-line audio books which you can download for free onto your device—phone, tablet or computer. Audible (a division of Amazon) has a selection of recently published books which can be purchased easily on-line—you will need a credit card. Different packages are available for different prices (e.g. a standard amount for two books per months). Scribd also offers a more restricted selection but a similar subscription package that is cheaper and comes with some books that can be listed to for free each month. If you drive a lot, have difficulties reading due to concentration or eyesight, or just want a good way to relax try one out. (insider advice sign up to the US not Australian site for a greater selection) 22

Cadenabbia is in the central lake area, which includes the beautiful towns of Bellagio, Menaggio, Tremezzo and Varenna, to name a few. The Anglican Church of the Ascension at Cadenabbia, next to the Passenger and Car ferry terminal, was built in 1891 by a group of English-speaking residents. Today it still provides a place for visitors and residents to worship or simply to stop and have a few moments of quiet in its beautiful interior. In October 2018 the Anglican Church is hosting a Retreat from 7-12th October, centred at Cadenabbia, but giving participants the opportunity to spend time at some beautiful and significant sites which the Trip Advisor doesn’t mention. The retreat will be lead by the experienced English Spiritual Director, Revd. Ivor Lyn Philips. If a week’s retreat in beautiful surroundings, with stimulating spiritual and historical reflection, meeting local residents and likeminded international visitors, as well as visiting some unusual ancient sites of worship is appealing and of interest, please get in touch. A very special time is assured for this small group of approximately 25 participants. An average level of fitness and health is required, as some of the sites involve walking. The cost for the programme, with five night’s half-board accommodation, is 750 euros; travel to and from Cadenabbia is not included. Please contact Jeannie Willan ( for more details.



No dig, Easter I, lasagna gardening, square foot, bokashi, vermi-cast & worm rum, companion planting, bio-char, compost, mulch, green, and manures—the list goes on for new ways to create gardens and nourish our soil. You have probably gathered these are all methods of gardening without adding in-organic fertilisers. However you garden one thing is a given, you need to feed your soil. Even if you are blessed with good soil to begin you will still have to make additions along the way. The soil is the foundation block to start any garden and you can build your own from organic material. If you are in this position I think the no dig container gardens using the layers of ‘green’ and ‘brown’ work the best. Green being materials high in nitrogen, for example animal manure-sheep is brilliant if you have access to a wool shed, grass clippings (without seed heads or from sprayed lawns), and seaweed. These are then alternated with the brown layers, that’s your pea straw, leaves or hedge prunings, and shredded paper. A good sprinkling of blood and bone over the carbon layer will help to break the woodier components down. The top layer is always the compost layer which you plant your seeds or seedlings in. All layers will break down as they decompose—you just top up again when one crop

finishes and the next goes in. I find I never have to repeat the whole process but either top up with my own compost or add manure. Coffee grinds are good and are a rich source of nitrogen. Blood and bone and sheep pellets are also cheap and give your soil a boost. Don’t over-do your soil. Certain vegetables like carrots will thank you by sending out many forked roots, and other vegetables will produce masses of leaf but not much else. All things in moderation. Keep a watch on the family dog as they will dig it up to eat. I see many gardens and while they are producing a crop they could be producing so much more if the soil had been looked after better and the structure improved with adding organic matter. The soil would not compact, would drain better, and allow air around plant roots. Most vegetable crops really only need about three inches of soil depth to produce a crop as most roots spread horizontally. Obviously root crops are the exception. If some of your vegetables are showing premature flowering and yellowing of mature leaves this is an indicator of a lack of nitrogen. Purpling is another sign for phosphorus deficiency. In these cases it might be time to feed your soil.

Healthy cauliflower, plants grown in containers, silverbeet in need of nitrogen




What do you enjoy about your job? “I love my job. I get on well with the people at work and the bosses treat the employees well. I enjoy working with timber, and I like the diversity of my work— these days most of my time is in the office on the computer, but I also get to be out on the floor putting jobs together. For some jobs I go offsite to measure or fit a job which I find interesting. We don’t do a lot of standard joinery, a lot of what we make is customordered (an original design), so I get to work on some unique projects.” What got you into joinery to begin with? “Initially I decided on joinery for lack of a better idea. My wife-to-be nagged at me to see the careers advisor in Year 13, and joinery seemed like the best fit. I enjoyed woodwork at school, and my wife would say that I’m a practical person.” What type of joinery work do you do? “There is a lot of variety in my job, but I have done most types of joinery— making kitchens, stairs, windows, 24

doors, and custom fittings. I have worked mostly with timber but in the last 6 years I’ve been working partly in the office setting out jobs. I have also been involved in training new apprentices. Right now I do a lot of computer programming for a joinery design programme.” Have you been able to put any of your skills to use outside of work? “All the time my wife would say! In the past I have made shelving units, doors and a few other custom projects for friends and family. The last few years have been very busy outside of work hours—two years ago I did all the joinery for my father-in-law’s medical practice. I have replaced the windows of our house since our daughter was born, and redesigned the kitchen.” How does being a Christian affect the way you work? “Probably one of the most obvious differences is the language I use—I don’t swear, and that stands out in most trade environments. Honesty and working hard is important to me—I guess you

could say being a Christian has shaped that part of my character.” What challenges are there for Christians working in the trades? “Not going along with the crowd is a challenge, like in most industries. Finding a way to be Christian in relating to people can be hard. People at my work know I am a Christian and they seem to respect that, however, this may not be the case in other workplaces.” What might be some ethical concerns linked to the joinery sector? “Some of the timbers commonly used in New Zealand are linked to deforestation and illegal logging. Some timber companies in New Zealand have stopped importing certain timbers because of deforestation. The companies made the decision to stop on their own initiative, the government doesn’t enforce this.” [Kwila is used all the time for decking in New Zealand. Much of what is imported is illegally logged. The New Zealand government doesn’t track where it is sourced from.]


ON THE FRONT LINES Photo: Nancy Zhou Words: Jo Taylor-de Vocht Perhaps to the horror of generations gone by, the leap between servant and parent isn’t a particularly substantial one for most modern mums and dads. We all see our mothers’ barely concealed eye rolls as we fussily cut the crusts off little progeny’s avocado and hummus sandwiches. Yes, it’s safe to say we have the servant side of servant leadership sorted. But leadership? Hmmm. Most would agree that becoming a parent is one of the more challenging phases of the life-long call to Christian leadership. For many of us, leading from the front has never been more difficult or constant, nor the stakes higher. So how do we do this well? How do we go about leading our children into a strong Christian faith? With only 18 months of parenting under my belt I looked to my Christian community for help answering this question. Speaking to parents of little children, school-aged children and grown up children, it was fascinating to hear four themes come through time and again. Resoundingly these were: commit to a church and go every week, read Bible stories, pray together everyday, and most of all, lots and lots of love. Some parents unpacked this advice further for me. Going to church means not just going when you feel like it, but

every week as a non-negotiable commitment to your Christian community. It also means talking about what happened there and discussing anything that comes up. Most parents I consulted also made Bible stories a big part of their children’s lives. Finding a great children’s Bible (I love My First Bible and Prayers from Parragon Books Ltd) seems essential. Rhythms of prayer ranged from being as simple as a quick prayer on the way to preschool to praying together as a family every night. Finally, the parents talked to me about love. This, I noticed, came especially from those who had finished or were a good way through raising their children. One parent particularly described the importance of loving and recognising each child for the special and unique individual they are. She quoted a line from The Help delivered by one of the nannies to the child she cared for: “You is kind. You is smart. You is important.” This last part I find reassuring. If I fail at all else, I know I can do this. And, as my own mum quoted to me as I sought her advice on this topic, “love covers a multitude of faults.” Well thank God for that.


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