Anglican Life April/May 2019

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Issue 59

Grateful Stewardship We are called to be thankful stewards of the Christian faith, the environment, diocesan properties and finances, our time, our talents, and our heritage. Stewardship of the Christian faith includes offering theological education to the people of God in our diocese.

April May 2019


Inviting | Forming | Sending | Serving

Upcoming Anglicost Event


Historic Anglican Church

The Bishop’s Message – Love Every Neighbour this Easter In Brief – Cashmere’s “Changing Rooms” In Brief – Journeying to Priesthood In Brief – World Day of Prayer celebrated in Timaru In Brief – St Mary’s Timaru Feature – Growing Great Disciples In My Opinion – Ignorance Is Not Bliss Our Story – Journaling And Doodling Your Prayers Our Story – Help Needed For Middle East Schools And More Our Story – Christian Savings Our Story – Upcoming Anglicost Event Now In Third Year


Transformative Education


2 3 4 5 6 9 10 12 13 14

Cover image – A memorial of flowers outside the Botanic Gardens Fountain, Rolleston Avenue. Photo Credit: Gavin Holley

Speaking For The Mute



Love Our Neighbour

16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 31 32 33

Our Story – Theology, Ethics, KiwiSaver And You Our Story – Relocate, Reuse, Rejuvenate: Reinventing an Historic Anglican Church Workplace Interview – Transformative Education Dialogue – Smashing Down Unjust Structures. Speaking For The Mute Our Story – Social Justice Farewell Harakeke – Helping Our Tamarikitanga Process The Tragedy Global Dispatch – Earthquakes And Volcanoes Theological Thoughts – The Three Days Of Easter Arts – Poetry – They Took Him Down Arts – Bible Society’s Seriously Surprising Easter Story Giveaway Captured – Jesus Tells Us To Love Our Neighbour

The Transitional Cathedral, Latimer Square

AnglicanLife is published bi-monthly by the Anglican Diocese of Christchurch Editor – Jo Bean – Design – Leisa Jamieson Contributing Writers – Ven. Indrea Alexander, Jo Bean, Edwin Boyce, CPT, Lorna Grey, Rev’d Michael Hartfield, Rev’d Meg Harvey, Patrick Murray, Jimmy and Carol Owens, Phil Parkes, Alex Perkins, Barbara Pope, Ross Seagar, Rev’d John Shoaf, Bible Society Editorial and Advertising Enquiries – Jo Bean – Printed by – Toltech Print Print Sustainability – AnglicanLife is printed on sustainably produced paper using vegetable-based inks ISSN 2253-1653 (print), ISSN 2537-849X (online)


Further details at | | (03) 366 0046 HOLY WEEK AND EASTER AT THE TRANSITIONAL CATHEDRAL Sunday 14 April ~ Palm Sunday 8.00am Holy Eucharist 10.00am Choral Eucharist 5.00pm Passiontide service of lessons and anthems Monday 15 ~ Wednesday 17 April 12.05pm Holy Eucharist

Maundy Thursday 12.05pm Holy Eucharist 7.00pm Maundy Thursday Liturgy Good Friday 10.00am Stations of the Cross Children’s service 12noon The Celebration of the Lord’s Passion

Holy Saturday 12.05pm The Lamentations of Jeremiah sung by the men of the Choir 9.00pm The Easter Vigil SUNDAY 21 APRIL ~ EASTER DAY 8.00am Holy Eucharist 10.00am Festival Eucharist 5.00pm Festal Evensong


Love Every Neighbour this Easter #givenothingtohate

and friends, and also to unite against violence and racism has been a magnificent response. In doing this New Zealand and the people of Christchurch in particular have had the support and prayers of millions around the world, not least from fellow Anglicans who have sent many messages to me. (Read

them on about-us/support-for-christchurch.)

Just as the date 22 February 2011 is indelibly etched into the memory of everyone in our Diocese, so also, sadly, will be the date 15 March 2019. The mosques’ massacres have been a visitation of the evil one on our city and the effects have reverberated around the world. That we have resolved as a nation to unite in love and compassion, supporting our Muslim neighbours

In the midst of thousands of words which have poured out on social media and mainstream media in the weeks since that terrible day, is a simple challenge, captured in the timeless encounter between ʿĪsā (Jesus in Arabic) and a lawyer who asks, “And who is my neighbour?” What if ʿĪsā had answered that question by saying, “Your neighbour is the person who belongs to the same racial group as yourself, who believes what you believe and shares your values? You do not need to love the person who is different to you, who has a different skin colour, who follows a different religion, who recently belonged to a different country.”? ʿĪsā did not give that answer. In the story he told of the Good Samaritan, ʿĪsā set down once and for all that

the followers of ʿĪsā are to have big, generous, merciful hearts with a very, very broad, inclusive answer to the question, Who is my neighbour? (Luke 10:25-37). Now, most of the time, most Kiwis have very big hearts – a sign of the power of that story told two thousand years ago being deeply embedded in our post-Christian culture. And we have seen those big hearts demonstrated in the days and weeks since 15 March. But we have also had news reports of some Kiwis continuing to treat Muslims as enemies and not neighbours. Many Kiwis, and I include myself, have also been reflecting on whether we have genuinely and exhaustively removed all traces of racial discrimination from our hearts, to say nothing of discrimination against Muslims. Let’s be honest as Christians: our relationships with Muslims through history have been complicated by wars, by persecutions, and by misunderstandings. Deep though the motif of the Good Samaritan has penetrated into our hearts and minds, it can go deeper.

The mosques’ massacres leave us no choice but to go deeper in our own lives and in our society in our resolve to completely love every neighbour without exception as ourselves. It goes without saying that our journey with ʿĪsā towards the cross this year, through Lent and Holy Week, is especially poignant because very close to home, on our own doorsteps, we have seen people killed because of their religious convictions and practice. ʿĪsā died for his convictions. He could have avoided execution by staying away from Jerusalem but he chose to go to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover there as was his practice.

God of Abraham, and not one of a sequence of prophets. Our common ground with Islam and Judaism is that we are Abrahamic faiths; our differences are what we make of ʿĪsā ibn Maryam (Jesus son of Mary). In our engagement with Muslim communities in the days and years ahead, such differences will not disappear, but we must engage on the common ground that ʿĪsā’s own teaching offers us: that we are neighbours living in the same neighbourhood of love. Blessings,

Christians and Muslims do not agree with what happened next. Even as we rightly reach out at this time to find all possible common ground between our two faith communities, Easter (Pascha) highlights one of our significant differences: Christians affirm that ʿĪsā, having died a real death, was raised to life again. In this affirmation we determine that our confession is that Jesus is the Son of God, the full and final revelation of the The Bishop’s Message |

Photo Credit – AnglicanLife


Cashmere’s “Changing Rooms” St Augustine’s in Cashmere has had their very own “Changing Rooms” episode. Not grand or spectacular, but a whole refreshed look with functional upgrades. While CPT Recovery were doing the earthquake repairs, the vestry decided to also take the opportunity to upgrade some of the facilities. A number of parishes have done the same, because it makes sense to upgrade while repairs are underway. However, any upgrading has to be funded by the parish themselves, as it’s not part of the scope of their insurance EQ repairs.

As you can see in the before and after shots of the hall kitchen, a tired old kitchen space is refreshed with new benches, cabinets, floor and paint. Upgrades to wiring and heating were also achieved. The earthquake work included repairing brickwork on the exterior of the hall, repairing and strengthening the walls and roof of the church, repairing the kitchen, the Hannan room and cleaning the organ. Everything is now looking refreshed and ready for service. Of particular note is the old red brick exterior to white transformation (a serendipitous solution to unify the look due to a mismatch of bricks) that gives the church a bright new appearance.

The church hall kitchen BEFORE the refurbishment… And AFTER!!


In Brief

| Words – CPT | Photo Credit – CPT

Suzanne Price CPT Recovery Manager said the parish were very patient during the repair process. “They were great to work with during the planning and implementing of the repairs and they are genuinely delighted with the final results both from the upgrade and the repair work. It was a good team effort.” The church even sent a letter to CPT to thank them for completing the work. Rev’d Matt Ling wrote, “There have been many positive comments about the outcomes, and also of how good it was to work with you to achieve the outcome.” St Augustine’s repairs were a small job, in comparison to many, with nothing flash or showy at the end of it, but a job done appropriately and faithfully, to meet the current parish needs for a safe, functioning building. After all, this is what CPT is all about – helping parishes look after their building assets for functional use now, and looking forward to future generations.

Historically significant, St Augustine’s Church has been a feature of the Cashmere landscape for over 100 years.

From the old (left) to the new (right). The white church hall now matches the white church.

Journeying to Priesthood

Jo Bean speaks to Rev’ds Lucy Flatt, Toby Behan, and Tina Thorpe

In March 2019, three inspirational people who have already served in our diocese for a year and whose call to priesthood has been confirmed, were ordained as Priests. About this time last year they were ordained as deacons to serve in our diocese and they have been both serving and in training this last year. They are Lucy Flatt (Timaru), Toby Behan (Christchurch), and Tina Thorpe (Rangiora). What makes someone train for and accept a role in ordained ministry today? For everyone it’s different. Some come from a background of ministering family members, and feel called to also serve that way, as Toby and Lucy did. Tina was nurtured in the faith from a young age as part of a Christian family. However, regardless of how and why they came to it, ordained ministry is certainly not an easy option. Today’s Anglican milieu isn’t without its challenges, not the least being how you work out a life

of faith in an increasingly secular world. So I asked each ordinand, looking back over their last year, what was their highlight, one learning, and what they are most looking forward to in 2019. Lucy Flatt (Timaru) Lucy is based at the Highfield, Kensington & Otipua Parish with Rev’d Josh Taylor and is working as the Chaplain at Craighead Diocesan School. Lucy has had a busy year with a new baby as well as a new vocation. She loves her school students and enjoys the enthusiasm they bring. A highlight of her year was baptising her Sacristan in the school pool. “It was a really rainy cold day, so people stood around under umbrellas, while we got to enjoy the warmth of the pool and the gift of God’s grace.” For Lucy her biggest learning has been making religious life and faith relevant to her pupils, bridging the gap between school and church. Lucy is really looking forward to leading the Easter Eucharist at Craighead this year. “Lucy loves to spin a yarn about theology and pedagogy over a long black and if you’re lucky she will

tell you what a ‘silly midwicket’ is. An all-rounder, she covers being a Chaplain, mother of three, and much loved Curate at St John’s in Timaru.” Rev’d Josh Taylor Toby Behan (All Souls Parish and Chaplain to Anglican Schools) Toby is working alongside Rev’d Megan Herles-Mooar in the exciting new All Souls Church in Merivale-St Albans. Toby says he’s been privileged to learn about true pastoral care from Megan, who has a genuine heart for God’s people. As Chaplain Intern to Anglican Schools, Toby has worked with Rev’d Peg Riley (St Margaret’s) and Teresa Kundycki-Carrell (Cathedral Grammar) who have helped him learn the school chaplaincy role.

New Priests Rev’ds Lucy Flatt, Toby Behan, Tina Thorpe with Diocesan Director of Ordination, Rev’d Jenny Wilkens.

fair hearing!” Toby has learned that despite any weaknesses he might have, God is gracious and continues to work in people’s lives. He looks forward to getting to know his parish family more and journeying with them in faith.

“It has been such a blessing to have Toby with us as an ordinand. We give thanks to God for all he has been, and continues to be to us. We Toby says the thing he has loved give thanks to God for Toby and for about being a deacon is simply the hope he carries in your name.” being in full-time ordained ministry. Rev’d Megan Herles-Mooar. He’s also enjoyed the variety of people he’s engaged with from Tina Thorpe (Rangiora) both the parish and the schools. Tina hails from England and He has been encouraged to witness studied and became a lay reader how willing the school students there. She came out to NZ and have been to talk about spiritual worked with Rev’d Andrew Allanthings. “Many of them may not Johns in Rangiora, particularly show interest – but they certainly enjoying learning how to build give the Gospel an attentive and liturgical momentum, through In Brief

worship to culminate in the Great Thanksgiving. Since ordination, Tina has relished the monthly Post-Ordination Training (POT) sessions, shared Eucharists, and learning from her fellow ordinands. But she recognises she still has so much to learn and that there are many different roles and strands to the priesthood. Tina feels privileged to be working in the parish of Rangiora and cherishes sitting with and ministering to people in their last hours. “I hope through God’s good grace to build on this in the future.” “Tina would be an asset anywhere – and we love having her here. Heaven-sent to Rangiora, Tina is steady, kind, diligent and creative – a true team player.” The Venerable Lynette Lightfoot.

| Words – Jo Bean | Photo Credit –AnglicanLife


World Day of Prayer celebrated in Timaru The liturgy and resources for Friday 1 March, the World Day of Prayer 2019, came from the women of Slovenia, a tiny county in Europe, bordered by Italy, Austria, and Croatia.

Let’s go to the Banquet! The central image of the 2019 Slovenianthemed World Day of Prayer celebration.


In Brief

The World Day of Prayer (WDP) highlights the lives and concerns of women around the world, with a focus on a particular country each year. It began in the US but is now a global ecumenical movement. It was started by Christian women who come together to celebrate in prayer, education and action on the first Friday in March each year. Each county takes its turn at preparing the material to build understanding and knowledge of the county and the women within it, and to inform the global prayers for those women. This makes sense of the by-line for their organisation: Informed Prayer and Prayerful

Action. The idea is to help the world, one powerful prayer at a time. Resources can include many things such as information, video clips, life-stories, recipes, music, dance, craft activities, Bible studies, prayer points and more. This year the stories were about women on the edge of Slovenian society: refugees, migrant workers, mothers, and the minority group, Roma. Sometimes the WDP is the only time a particular woman’s voice is heard. Visit to find out more.

| Words – Rev’d John Shoaf | Photo Credit – R Arnus | WDP

The WDP 2019 Artist With only five per cent sight, visually impaired artist, Rezka Arnus, came to art later in life when she could no longer work as a physiotherapist. Recognised and celebrated both at home and abroad, her work features landscapes and abstract art and often combines traditional figures and symbols with inner feelings.

At Saint Mary’s Timaru, Prue Thirkettle, Val Woolf, and Desley Hayward met with ecumenical partners from the Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian, and Baptist faiths, and planned the service and activities. This year’s theme was ‘Come – Everything is Ready’ and featured a shared meal. A table was prepared laden with the traditional staples of Slovenia – bread, wine, water, and salt – much like it might be in a Slovenian farmhouse. Participants gathered in a semi-circle and role-plays began. Stories were spoken out, in the voices of various Slovenian women: one who remembered when Slovenia was part of Marxist Yugoslavia; a single mother who managed to finish her studies and now does scientific research; an octogenarian who supports her son and his family, who cannot find work; and a woman raised as a Romani who faces significant hardship due to ethnic prejudice. The simple meal provided opportunity for learning, fellowship and rich conversations. By listening to the stories, participants had some understanding of the troubles faced by Slovenian women and

were able to take action through informed and specific prayer. Let’s make it a yearly habit: let’s circle the first Friday in March each year and get involved in global prayer action.

The symbol for the World Day of Prayer, adopted in 1982, was created by women in Ireland. It is made up of arrows converging from the four points of the compass, persons kneeling in prayer, the Celtic cross, and the circle, representing the world and our unity through all our diversity.

St Mary’s Timaru It’s all over bar the shouting – one of the larger Recovery projects is finally finishing, or is finished really, except for the spikes! It’s the repair and strengthening of the Diocese’s second largest place of worship (after the Christ Church Cathedral) – St Mary’s, Timaru. The St Mary’s Anglican Church we see today, replaced a wooden and stone building (the wooden church was built in 1861 and a stone extension was added in 1869) on the same site. This magnificent replacement was built in the Neo-Gothic style in two stages: construction began in 1880; the main structure, or nave, was completed in 1886; and the chancel, chapel, vestries and tower were finished in 1909. After the 2011 earthquake, congregants worshiped at Craighead Diocesan School for three years. Most of the repair work was completed early on in the recovery programme, and the church and hall were re-opened in 2015. However, some fiddly finishing work was still outstanding.

However, now that the Rose window is completed, the only outstanding and final piece of the puzzle will be putting the pinnacles back on the top of the tower. Postearthquakes many heritage buildings no longer have these as fixing them in a way that they are guaranteed not to be a fall hazard is well-nigh impossible – but the Recovery team are persevering and are currently working through some very complex engineering to ensuring that they are totally secure. So the Church is now complete bar the solution to fix the spikes! Thanks for being patient, St Mary’s.

Dogs in Church? Heritage research adds flavour and humour Whenever CPT does heritage repair work, part of the process involves reading and research to make sure they have good background information to help them make appropriate decisions. CPT staff are constantly amazed at the beautiful language, particularly in newspaper reporting. Here is some that CPT has found while looking into St Mary’s Church.

St Mary’s, Timaru – Service Times Sundays: Communion at 8am and 10am. (Last Sunday of month also has an Evensong at 5pm.) Mid-week: Tuesday Celtic Communion at 12:10pm; Thursday 1662 Communion at 11am. Want to know more? Visit their website

An 1873 issue of the Timaru Herald reports “… the owners of those canines which in a laudable spirit of affection do persist in accompanying their masters to church.” The correspondent also notes that a dog fight “… would be unseemly and inconvenient during divine service.”

indecency which Sunday after Sunday takes place in St. Mary’s Church. I allude to the practice indulged in by some people of bringing their dogs with them into church.” And three years further on in 1881: “Allow me, through the medium of your columns, to suggest to the ladies who will take their pet dogs to church the advisability of using Keating’s Insect Powder on them, as it is decidedly unpleasant to a great many people to see the little beasts divesting themselves of their tormentors …”

Five years later in 1878, the Herald again reports “… I am sure you will allow your paper to be the means of exposing an

In Brief

| Words – Ross Seagar | Photo Credit – CPT


Growing Great Disciples

An exciting new discipleship development tool on trial

Jesus said: “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Jesus, in His great commission (Matt 28:18–20), told his 12 disciples to go out, speak to the people they met, tell them about Jesus, baptise and teach. Jesus also said the gospel story of His resurrection and forgiveness of sins will be told to everyone (Luke 24: 46–47). So telling the story and teaching the beliefs and behaviours is the collective duty of all of us. But why do we need to make disciples? There are a number of reasons, but let me articulate three. The first reason is that believing in Jesus and His saving grace is the difference between having eternal life and not. This is serious stuff – God’s promise is clear – believe in Christ and be saved. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16). It might seem dramatic, but it’s true.



The second reason is that discipleship is part of stewardship, and we all know God requires us to be stewards of what we have been given: the earth, our time, our finances and our faith in God. “Discipleship is the main technique Jesus gave us to see Christian faith passed down from generation to generation,” says Rev’d Joshua Moore. “If we wish to steward the gift of faith and see it flourish in the next generation, discipleship needs to be front and centre of our parish lives.” After all, King David reminds us to tell our children about Christ and his powerful plan for our lives (Ps 145:4). The third reason is more practical: Our church congregations are aging, our youth are not engaging, and as a result our congregations and our influence in our communities is shrinking. Now that’s a broad

| Words – Jo Bean | Photo Credit – Nicola Wong

statement and not applicable to all churches, but as a trend, we can’t deny reductions in the perceived importance of belonging to a church community. Teaching the church, the body of Christ, to engage with Jesus and eternal matters in every aspect of their lives, not just when they attend church on Sunday, is critical if we want to be authentic in our faith, and model for our children what faith in Jesus truly looks like in a fallen world. We need to shift our congregations from occasional attenders, or ‘Just-on-Sunday’ attenders, to everyday workers of our faith and mission – to tell others about Christ so they can choose eternal life. It really is missioncritical stuff – and what Jesus was all about.

Believing that discipleship is the difference between life and death, and vital for the life of our church both now and down the track, the Diocese has been fortunate to get funding to appoint Dr Lex McMillan into the role of Discipleship Developer for 2019. Joining us after Easter, he will be testing out a new resource called Growing Disciples and trialling a fantastic way of encouraging us in our discipleship journey using peer support groups. The idea is that once the trial is completed, the material and method refined, the programme will be rolled out across parishes. These peer support groups (called ‘cohorts’) will involve gathering small groups of people together to explore discipleship for nine months. Lex has just moved from Auckland where he helped oversee the Laidlaw College Counselling

degree and provided pastoral care for St Paul’s Symonds Street. He holds a doctorate and is very highly regarded in the space of small group facilitation. “I’m hugely excited to be working in in this Discipleship Developer role. I believe strongly that when we develop Dr Lex McMillan. supportive relationships, where we know and are known by one another, then good things always follow. Developing in our faith involves having both a good grasp of the God story we are all emerged in, as well as living out practices that

explore this reality in our lives and relationships. That’s what Discipleship Cohorts will be all about,” says Dr Lex McMillan.

So, what is this programme?

This realistic and user-friendly programme has been put together to help us grow into life-long disciples. It will help people young and old to be empowered and equipped to attract others to Christ. Growing Disciples, by Phil Trotter, is an exciting and practical way of developing disciples with a heart for Christ and a heart for telling others about Him. Currently about to begin its trial phase, I can’t wait for this to be fully tested and refined, then released across the Diocese. Written with the Christchurch Diocese in mind, it starts where it needs to start – talking about Jesus and the biblical marks of discipleship. The end goal is to build up people of faith, who hold to Christ’s teaching, demonstrate love for one another and bear fruit that lasts. This way the world will know we are disciples of Jesus. So starting with the end in mind, three simple steps in the discipleship development journey are outlined.

The three steps:

The Growship Disciples Matrix – this is an assessment tool aimed at helping grass roots church leaders chose what’s right for their parish.



The Growship Disciples Toolkit – this is a flexible and practical resource kit that allows parishes to develop their own tailored plans.


The Growship Disciples Cohorts – this is a peer support community that works across the Diocese.

‘Neo’ enthusiasts will enjoy engaging with The Matrix tool – it’s a bit like taking the red pill! Stepping away from fantasy, the Matrix is a self-assessment tool which helps people identify the areas of discipleship that are meaningful to them. Fourteen discipleship practices are identified – practises that contribute to having a faith that lasts and is effective. They were born out of a combination

of scripture, research, and by observing great practitioners at work. Parishes make a selection of possible practises that interest them that they might want to follow up. This can be done at a basic level or in more depth. Once a particular practise or practises have been identified, explored and agreed upon, the Parish can then embed that practise within their church life, using it to develop disciples loyal to Christ and His mission. So, how does it work? Individually, by groups and eventually, it is hoped, by parish, you explore the area(s) that suit you best, and work them into your everyday life. This freedom to choose allows people to celebrate their own flavours, follow their own passions and experience success. We are not all cookie-cutter Christians – variety is rich and worth celebrating. Fantastic! However, there is a caution about balance, and we are encouraged to pick one from each of three different approaches to discipleship. For example – one approach is based on the up-in-out triangle. Your relationship up with God; in with fellow believers; and out with

The Growing Disciples Resource by Phil Trotter

your community / world. Another way of broadly grouping the practises are those geared towards faith building, church building and kingdom building. Picking one discipleship practise from each relationship strand is recommended for balance. The worksheet provided will help you identify your areas of interest and expertise. I can imagine doing


this as an individual, a parish homegroup, and as a congregation. The thing that excites me is that some practises are simple and some are more complex. Some are outward focussed and some inward. Some people will have natural abilities to foster one particular discipleship practise over another. Are you great at hospitality? Great at leading camps? Or great at visiting the sick?

| Words – Jo Bean | Photo Credit – AnglicanLife


All styles and all expressions are valid and when done intentionally, serve to build faith, community and mission. Yes! Each of us can be involved, and experience success! I also really like the “further principles” section. Principles are tried and tested ways of doing or achieving something. Here five more principles are outlined to help you on your choice journey. One of these is the Benjamin Button Principle. For those who may not have read the book or seen the film, the story is a curious tale of a man who physically grows younger over the passage of time – not older. The idea is that looking young (to attract the young) needs to be tempered by being mature on the inside. Another is the ‘mud and spit’ principle – the idea that ‘one size fits all’ doesn’t really exist when it comes to discipleship. Jesus healed people in many different ways and there are many ways to develop disciples. We are all different – we don’t need a prescriptive formula to follow – we can tailor our practises to suit our parish. Tick!



Being someone who studied education, I am also excited by the ‘starter bugs’ (think gingerbeer) or raising agents (think cakes and breads) that permeate the 14 practises, where words like “authentic relationships” jump out at me. And step three, the Cohort, where you meet and encourage one another across the Diocese also rings my bell – it’s a big commitment but has a huge pay-off. But now I’m telling you too much – it’s best if you get the book yourself and read it. Think about what styles and practises suit you, and what things you, your group or your church might be willing and excited to incorporate into their life, be it mentoring, supporting, connecting or more. We will all take this journey differently, but we will all be focussed on the same destination, investing in growing life-long disciples that make a difference in families, workplaces and communities. On a personal note, I would rather the colour coding was pink, green and blue than yellow, orange and red, but hey, you can’t have everything! Well, then again, maybe you can! (see Fig.1).

| Words – Jo Bean | Photo Credit – Carol and Phil Trotter

The Growing Disciples decision process


1-5 11-1 4

Throw all 14 discipleship practises in the bucket and see what

Toss the exciting ones around some more and select one or more to study in depth

Think about choosing one from each strand eg: up/in/out

Decide which ones to follow through and put them into action

Fig.1. The Editor’s Explanation: a diagrammatic representation of the process outlined in the Growing Disciples resource book. (Please note: you will not see this in the resource kit.) Credit: Jo Bean.

Mountain Top Experiences “Mountain Top Experiences” is one of the practices that Growing Disciples explores. It seems obvious when you say it out loud – but most people don’t realise how important significant and intentional moments or experiences can be in seeing people come to and grow in faith. It might be Easter Camp, New Wine, a Silent Retreat, Cursillo, walking the Camino, or going on a church camp. But these significant and special ‘set apart’ times often help us experience God in a more vivid way, and impact how we live our lives when we come back down from the mountain. Working in this modality, parishes will be encouraged to intentionally build these Mountain Top opportunities into the discipleship diet of their congregations.

The Author: A long-standing Cantabrian, for the last year Phil has been studying at St John’s Theological College in Auckland while also writing this resource material. Phil has worked in the church for many years and has been involved with youth work all his life. He is married to Carol who is a Regional Facilitator for Anglican Schools.

This Year’s Pilot Over the past year we’ve been on the hunt for clergy and key lay leaders people who want to be our Guinea pigs for this year’s pilot program. To be honest – the Growing Disciples programme will be less about infromation you read, and more about being involved in communities of practice and support with fellow pilgrims! If you’d like to know more, email discipleshipdeveloper@


Ignorance Is Bliss An opinion piece by Edwin Boyce

International business travel may seem glamourous but perhaps only to those who have never had the experience. Those, like myself who have had the experience, know that the glamour fades faster than the “solid gold” on a $20 “Rolex” bought in a back street market in Shanghai. Arriving in Washington from Christchurch in the late evening and then having to present to a few hundred people at 9am the following morning does take the shine off things. Stepping from the luxury of business class flights and hotels into, for the first time, the poverty and deprivation on the streets of India is a culture shock that brought tears to my eyes. There can, of course, be the moments that bring laughter. There was the archetypical American salesman, complete with a loud chequered jacket, who after working with me for a week, and clearly not knowing where

New Zealand was, congratulated me on my command of the English language. I acknowledged the complement and said that I had made it my lifelong ambition to speak English as best that I could. Then there are the ironic situations. An American colleague missed the irony (or was it sarcasm) when I queried why I was paying tax on the tea I was drinking in a café at Boston Harbour. The same colleague, while we were touring the War of Independence sights of Boston, asked me if I was bored with their history. She was taken aback when I reminded her it was my history too; they won and we lost. In a way these are all examples of ignorance: ignorance of history, of geography, of how people live. There is a saying that ignorance is bliss. There is also a saying that ignorance of the law is no excuse. The recent terrorist attack in Christchurch demonstrated to us all how ignorant the majority are that such a horrific act could happen in, what was, our safe little country at the bottom of the world. From that came an awareness

of how ignorant some are of the Islamic faith and how ignorant they are that Muslims are targets for religious and racial hatred.

Doesn’t peace, love, and forgiveness all sound familiar? In all of this did we not learn that we are not all that different from one another?

We quickly tried to deal with our ignorance. The media told us about the Islamic faith. Reporters attended and prayed in mosques. We learned that wearing a headscarf or hijab was not a form of oppression for Muslim woman, but they choose to wear the hijab as an expression of their cultural identity. Perhaps we were reminded that Christian and Jewish women in some traditions wear a headscarf as a cultural practice or commitment to modesty or piety. A week after the attack we learned how wearing a headscarf ourselves was a sign of solidarity. We learned that Muslim men also sometimes wear a head covering as a means of showing modesty. We learned from Islamic celebrities, Imams, and individuals that their faith taught them about peace and love, not about hatred, as some may have feared. Above all we learned from those who were directly impacted that they showed forgiveness to the person who had committed the attack.

In the weeks and months to come the armed police will leave the streets, the cordons with come down and the flowers will have withered away. Will our sympathy and support also wither way? Will our own denial and anger give way to acceptance of yet another new norm? Or will we have learned that ignorance of one another can, in its extreme, lead to the hatred that the terrorist showed that Friday? Ignorance is not bliss nor is it an excuse.

In My Opinion

Edwin Boyce, our current Diocesan Manager, has held senior management positions within a number of national and international companies as well as having fifteen years of military service. Coming from Northern Ireland he has personal experience of the consequences of terrorism on individuals and communities.

| ‘#They Are Us’ image Credit – Ruby Jones | Twitter


Journaling And Doodling Your Prayers Have you ever not known how to pray about something? Have you ever tried to pray but your mind kept wandering? Have you ever been confused and because your thoughts were all over the place, it was hard to be still in God’s presence? If any or all of these are true for you, maybe journaling your prayers could help.

what my jar might contain… and in doing so I reflected, “Ok, so I need to forgive (person), but have I ever forgiven myself for my failure with [person]?” It got me thinking… And I guess that’s one of the purposes of this book.

Personally, I like to write my prayers down, but sitting in God’s presence and waiting on Him, listening for His voice, I find hard. My brain wants to fill the silence with ‘talk’. So, one way I have found recently to help me be still, is called ‘tactile praying’.

Another item that sparked my interest was a letter from Jesus. It was a blank page that said: If Jesus was to write you a letter, what would he say? That also got me thinking… Today He might say: Slow down. Rest in me. Stop for a while. Be at peace. And on this page I might write those words, and I might draw some images that help me be peaceful: oceans, waterfalls, running streams, sunshine, cuddles, a cup of coffee… But that’s my journey and my response today as I am writing

Tactile praying is a mixture of mindful colouring, interactive worship and therapeutic activities that can be done on your own or in a group. I recently came across the book: Tactile Prayers – activities for prayer, journaling and contemplation – written and designed by a kiwi, Rowan Cant. The book is visually stimulating and provides visual and tactile learners a method of praying that is just a bit different.


Our Story

The creator, Rowan, acknowledges this book came from a time of personal grief where he found it hard to pray. But that it was also inspired by social work and youth work assessment tools, creative journals, worship spaces on Pinterest, and more. It’s not a one-size-fits-all scenario – you can pick and choose, edit and amend, scribble out and repeat any of the activities as best works for you. Rowan says he is constantly surprised and delighted by how God meets people in different ways while using the activities. So let me show you one page that caught my interest: It’s a jar or pot that is ‘broken’ into shards while still being whole. In the broken bits you are invited to create an image of people and happenings you want to try to forgive. As I studied it, my mind immediately began to identify

| Words – Jo Bean | Photo Credit – Tactile Prayers: Rowan Cant (2018), Wild Side Publishing, NZ

this article. Yours will be different and tomorrow mine will be different again. The beauty of these tools is that when you don’t know how to pray or how to just sit in God’s

presence, you can try one of these, trust the Holy Spirit, and see what happens. Sammy Mould, our Youth Ministry Developer, has handed out a number of these books to youth workers across the Diocese. I asked her why and she said that prayer journaling was a useful tool. “It’s about focussing on prayer while you are colouring, doodling, or creating – it’s a practical and tactile way to do prayer and is especially helpful for people who need to be ‘doing something’ to help still themselves.” And it can be used in a non-faith context as well. Some activities are about managing self, managing moods, anger, or feelings. They can be used to help process the tough stuff, reflect on what’s happening and why someone feels the way they do. Youth Worker Lydia Johnstone uses it this way in a school context. “I picked out all the activities I could use in a secular context and put them into a program to help raise emotional intelligence. I was able to get children to have some

about what is going on for them. One student told her, “I really liked doing these activities. And if I was sad that day, I had someone to talk to about my feelings.” Lydia has also used it personally in a peergroup context where as a group they did two different prayer activities then spent 15 mins working individually on a personal response. “This helped to create a space of going deeper with my peers and gave members of the group a chance to respond and offer support.” insight into their own self-talk and begin to find ways to reshape it so it was more truthful and helpful.” Lydia has also used it as a tool for mentoring or supervision with young people to get them talking

One adult said that they use the book each night. “I love using it as part of my prayer rhythms at the end of the day. It helps me to unwind and relax before bed.”

“This book is designed to be messed up – you can colour outside the lines – God can handle that.” Rowan Cant

So, maybe this prayer journaling, doodling, creative stuff isn’t for you, but maybe you know someone who just might get something out of this particular style of praying, perhaps for a season, or just because it suits. Prayer is how we communicate with our Creator, who made the heavens and the earth and all that is in it – so let’s not lock ourselves into prayer only being words, but let’s recognise that in the end, it Use this QR code to get all the material online – and you can upload your drawings or other work too!

Tactile Prayers: Rowan Cant (2018), Wild Side Publishing, NZ.

Our Story

| Words – Jo Bean | Photo Credit – Tactile Prayers: Rowan Cant (2018), Wild Side Publishing, NZ


Help Needed For Middle East Schools And More Anglican Missions’ Lent Appeal 2019 – you have until 31 July to donate

More than a hundred years ago in 1917, the Provincial Board of Missions held its first meeting. At that meeting it was decided that NZ would pay special attention to missions in Jerusalem and the Middle East. Two years later, in 1919, the organisation morphed into the Anglican Missions Board, and the desire to support Jerusalem and the Middle East was continued and has been the focus of their Lent Appeal ever since.

ability to relay messages across the campus which is particularly important in the event of an emergency.


The 2019 Appeal will support:

Holy Land Institute for the Deaf and Deaf Blind students (HLID): The Institute, established in 1964 on the site of a former missionary hospital in Salt, Jordan, provides educational opportunities for deaf, hard-ofhearing and deaf-blind children. Funding will assist in training and outreach services for families, students, and the staff supporting these children and young people.



Each year the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East submits two projects for the support by NZ. In 2011, the Appeal was expanded to also include another partner, usually one closer from home in the Pacific.

Christ Anglican School in Nazareth: The School, founded in 1851 by the Church Missionary Society (CMS) now has 1,100 students who are both Christian and Muslim. It is considered an oasis of peace and a place of dialogue. Funds will go toward a new communication system which will enhance the


Our Story

Water for All, Fiji: The provision of a safe, consistent and adequate water supply is a need in most communities in Fiji. This project aims to procure and install water tanks in five small rural communities, as well as Holy Trinity School in Suva.

Take Action Now… Donate: Details of how to donate are on the website ( by 31 July 2019. The Anglican Missions Board is a registered charity. Pray: Please keep these projects in your prayers especially during Lent. The website has some more detailed prayer points to help you. Get Resources: Lenten Appeal resources have been sent to Parishes and individual supporters. For more, please contact the Anglican Missions office on email


Lenteneal App CELEBRATING 100 YEARS IN 2019


| Words – Rev’d Michael Hartfield | Photo Credit – AMB

Christian Savings

Serving Churches in New Zealand since 1962

‘We believe in building God’s Kingdom in New Zealand,’ is both the ‘what’ and the ‘why’ for Christian Savings, an interdenominational ethical investment company at work here in New Zealand. From their website we learn that their aim is to facilitate ‘churches and Christian charities throughout our nation (to) thrive and make the most of their assets.’ Talking about finances isn’t a natural thing for a lot of people, but finance is an important resource, and a vital part of mission. We all need finance to help support our church growth and mission. When it comes to being a good steward of our resources, many people think this only applies to how we spend our money, how we make ethical and sustainable purchase decisions. What many don’t think about is that being a good steward can also apply to your investments and savings, how you save for a house, your children’s

education, your retirement and any other goal. Christian Savings (CS) provides an opportunity for families, churches, companies and denominations to grow their savings, while also investing in mission. CS provides ethical investment options for depositors, while lending their capital and deposits to churches and Christian charities to help grow their ministries. Rob Robson, Board member, says that one of their strengths is that they know through experience how to navigate the complex financial sector. “We view lending as a partnership, not just a transaction. When people ask for loans, we are prepared to assist from the very first phone call of inquiry, throughout the project and right the way through to helping get the loan paid back.” Since 1962 the CS group has existed to help churches and Christian charities thrive and make the most of their assets for the kingdom of God. Thanks to the support from depositors throughout Aotearoa,

CS made their first loan to a church that needed pews (about 55 years ago), and is now managing a portfolio of over $160 million. If you or your church has money to invest, and you want to make sure your investment is done in an ethical way (deposits start from as low as $1000), or your church needs help to upgrade a building, develop a new ministry or something else related to furthering God’s kingdom here in NZ, talk to the guys at CS and see if they can help. Visit their website,

Oxford Terrace Baptist Church re-opened in February 2018, with the assistance of Christian Savings funds.

or call them on

0508 (SAVINGS) 728 464.

Grow your savings while empowering us to make affordable loans to churches and charities in Aotearoa.

Contact us today to find out more. 0508 (SAVINGS) 728 464 |

Growing Investments. Growing Churches.

Our Story | A copy of our Product Disclosure Statement is available on our website. Deposits are issued by Christian Savings Limited.

Words – Alex Perkins | Photo Credit – CS


Upcoming Anglicost Event Now In Third Year Refreshing and reconnecting our Anglican young people

God never meant for his people to be without him. In the Bible Israel flourished when God was given His rightful place among the people. With Jesus we see God’s power and personality made known to us in the most relatable and personal way. And as Jesus himself said in John 14, we have since been given another advocate to be with us forever – the Holy Spirit.

Praying for young people to be filled with and renewed in the Holy Spirit. Anglicost Service 2018, St Barnabus Fendalton.


Our Story

So celebrating the coming of the Holy Spirit in our church calendar makes sense. Last year, on 20 May 2018, over 100 young people from across the Diocese came together to celebrate Pentecost Sunday. We met in St Barnabas Fendalton (at that stage just newly restored) for a night of worship called ‘Anglicost’, all seeking to be filled and refreshed by the Holy Spirit. The evening was significant because it met two needs felt by many young people across the diocese – the need for deep, free-flowing times of worship aimed at a younger demographic and the need for young Anglicans to connect with one-another, celebrating the strength of our unity by worshipping together. The evening was organised, hosted and run by young adults, well supported, of course, by older Christians from St Barnabas. The worship music was led by a band of young people representing four parishes – an amalgamation of strong musicians that was fantastic. After an extended period of sung worship there was a reading from Acts 2 and an invitation to come forward for prayer ministry – specifically for those wanting

| Words – Phil Parkes, St Barnabas’ Younger Persons’ Worker | Photo Credit – Mandy Caldwell Photography

refreshing in the Holy Spirit or to receive the Holy Spirit for the first time. Vicar Mark Chamberlain said that it was a youth-driven and lead service, which makes the experience authentic and powerful. “It was fantastic to see our youth experience the renewal of the Holy Spirit,” says Mark. As Christians we are called to a lifestyle of constant relationship with God, regularly being filled so that we can overflow with God’s love to the world around us and the Holy Spirit is how God empowers us to follow that call. Though we should seek to be filled with God’s spirit daily, there is something especially encouraging about coming together as one big diverse group, glorifying God together, being filled and refreshed together, and then being sent out into the world. So don’t miss out on your opportunity to be part of that this year. The event coming up on Sunday 9 June will be the third of these special Anglicost Services. Connections between young people

Save the Date! Circle this in your diary! Tell all the young people you know! across the Diocese are going from strength to strength and we are very pleased to be holding this event at St Barnabas Fendalton again. The format of the night will reflect the great strength of our

Pentecost Sunday Sunday 9 June 2019 at 7pm St Barnabas Fendalton.

Diocese-wide relationships and aims to create a powerful time and space for our large and diverse youth and young adults groups to all reaffirm and reconnect with God and be refreshed by His Spirit.

Join with us as we worship, pray and seek corporate and personal encounters with God, then deepen our friendships and connections with fellowship over supper.

Worshiping God in the Spirit – the Anglicost band leads worship, 2018.

Our Story

| Words – Phil Parkes, St Barnabas’ Younger Persons’ Worker | Photo Credit – Mandy Caldwell Photography


Theology, Ethics, KiwiSaver And You Investing for good

The people behind the Christian KiwiSaver Scheme (The New Zealand Anglican Church Pension Board) have been thinking lately about their investment theology. Investment theology? In a nutshell, it’s biblical concepts that inform and underpin their investment policy (how they make their investment decisions). But this is not new. The Christian KiwiSaver Scheme (CKS) has always had an investment policy incorporating a Christian perspective. There have always been no-go zones – investments in tobacco, arms manufacturing, gambling and pornography, for example – industries which would generally be considered inconsistent with a Christian world view.

Investing in pro-planet industries is a way of expressing biblical stewardship.


Our Story

| Words – Barbara Pope | Photo Credit – Jason Blackeye/Unsplash

However, CKS’s investment decisions are not primarily defined by what is rejected. The defining mark of ethical commitment is the support of the signs of God’s restorative work in the world.

“We need to make wise and ethical investment choices, and need to be able to explain to others clearly why these choices support the mission of the Church,” says CEO Mark Wilcox.

to be active in restoring the world, and looks ahead to the day when the world will be a place where God’s worship is seen in all human activity.”

“The Anglican church has always recognised that economic decisions involve ethical choices. The Christian tradition recognises that these ethical choices are made in a world which is marred by human failure. So the Church seeks out ways in which the world still reflects the goodness and order of the God who made it, and the growth of human flourishing. The Church believes that God continues

In the Anglican Church, this Christian tradition is expressed in the five marks of mission, which identify five ways in which the Church shares in the work God is undertaking: proclamation, discipleship, responding to human need, transforming unjust structures and creation care. “It is no accident that the Church’s mission is expressed positively

(how we share in the good that God is doing) rather than negatively (how we avoid evil). Christian investment activity must therefore also express the ways in which we are participating in the good God is doing in the world. Theologically, the bias is therefore towards optimism about the restoration of the world, not withdrawal from the world,” says Mark. Mark adds that CKS’s ethics are not just about investment activity. “We like to call ourselves ethical at heart. We apply Christian values in the way we treat our members and staff and make a big thing

about personal service and care. Customers will sometimes drop in for a cup of tea and a chat about what is going on in the financial markets. Christian KiwiSaver Scheme is a great opportunity for Christians to join other ethically minded Christians to invest their money for good.”

“We need to make wise and ethical investment choices.” Mark Wilcox

“Christian KiwiSaver Scheme is a great opportunity for Christians to join otherethically minded Christians to invest their money for good.” Mark Wilcox

0508 738 473 Mark Wilcox CEO of the NZ Anglican Pension Board manages the Christian KiwiSaver Scheme.

Join other ethically minded Christians

To find out more about the scheme and how you can join, go to

It’s easy to join or transfer to our Scheme Apply online at

A copy of the Product Disclosure Statement is available on our website.

The issuer is The New Zealand Anglican Church Pension Board.

Our Story |

Words – Barbara Pope | Photo Credit – CKS


Relocate, Reuse, Rejuvenate: Reinventing an Historic Anglican Church St Mark’s Church, Rotherham, starts a new chapter as St Margaret’s College Chapel, Christchurch

St Mark’s in Rotherham (near Culverden) was originally part of the Nelson Diocese. Built by Wadey and Efford, for £440, stylistically it featured simple, clean design lines and was constructed in heart rimu. St Mark’s Anglican was dedicated on 5 May 1905. Its first Vicar was Rev’d E.C.W. Powell.

Clipping: Cheviot Museum.

In 1990, the Nelson Diocese transferred the Amuri Parish to the Christchurch Diocese, including St Mark’s Church. St Mark’s was a landmark in the district for close to a century. In the early 1990s declining congregations meant it ceased being used as a church. CPT called for tenders for sale and removal in 1997. In 1998 the Satterthwaite family bought it and shifted to their private farmland in the Waiau Valley to preserve a piece of history and keep it in the district. Martin and Gina Satterthwaite placed it on their Hopefield farmstead, were married in it and kept it for nearly 20 years.

A male cyclist outside St Mark’s Anglican Church, Rotherham. Photo: Amuri Historical Society, P1060 030 (no date). Inside St Marks, the interior is simple, functional and made of heart Rimu. Photo: Amuri Historical Society, P1060 028 (late 1950’s).

Information provided by Mrs A. Beaven to her local newspaper about the move from Rotherham to Waiau Valley (April 1998). Photo: Cheviot Museum.

St Mark’s on the Satterthwaite’s Hopefield’ farmstead on Leader Road, between Parnassus and Waiau. Photo: Gina Satterthwaite. St Mark’s Church moving to Martin and Gina Satterthwaite’s farmstead – moved by Gough, Gough and Hamer, 1998. Photo: Amuri Historical Society.


Our Story

| Words – Jo Bean

The floor plan of St Marks, as used to reinstate the chapel for St Margaret’s School. Photo: SMC.

Gina Satterthwaite attended St Margaret’s College as a high school student and when she heard that the then Principal, Gillian Simpson, was seeking a Chapel for the school, she decided to donate theirs – formerly St Mark’s. So once again it was to be shifted – this time to Merivale Christchurch. It’s arrival was emotional and exciting in the early pre-dawn light, as a karanga sounded and prayers of blessing were said by Bishop Victoria Matthews on 31 January 2018.

On the road again… the roof follows the main structure. Photo: SMC.

The main structure all loaded up and ready to roll. Photo: SMC.

The Chapel at St Margaret’s was refurbished throughout 2018.

The main structure safely arrives at St Margaret’s in early dawn. Photo: SMC. Re-using, re-cycling, re-purposing: The building came from Rotherham, the font came from Waihao Downs, the long pew from a private donor, other pews from Lyttelton, and the altar from St Margaret’s original chapel. Stewardship of the earth and it’s resources in action. St Mark’s, now St Margaret’s has a new life moving forward. Photo: AnglicanLife.

The intention is that the chapel will be used for small services (it can’t host the full school), be a place of reflection and contemplation for both students and staff, as well as hosting small weddings, christenings and funerals for Old Girls. In 2018 work has been ongoing to get the building repaired, refurbished, up to code and ready for the girls to use. The interior fittings have been partly donated: The long pew was gifted by a private donor and some shorter pews came from St Saviour’s, Lyttelton. The font came from St Michael’s, Waihao Downs, while the altar is from the original boarder’s chapel.

Photo: SMC

The Karanga or Call led by Meg Fulton January 2018. Photo: SMC.

St Mark’s Church now intact and sitting at St Margaret’s College. Photo: SMC.

In situ at St Margaret’s. The work has been completed: the exterior, including restoring the bell tower and spire, and the internal fit-out and refurbishment Photo: AnglicanLife.

Our Story

The St Mark’s has now been fully re-purposed as the Chapel for St Margaret’s. It was consecrated for use by Bishop Peter Carrell, the Ninth Bishop of Christchurch, on Sunday 31 March 2019.

| Words – Jo Bean


Transformative Education

Jo Bean talks to Rev’d Stephanie Robson, Diocesan Educator


For those who don’t know you, Stephanie, can you tell me a little about yourself and how you came to this role?


I’m a child of both islands – I was born in Blenheim, educated in Wellington, spent time in Auckland and am now back here in in Christchurch. I wasn’t brought up in a believing household but I was baptised at two weeks old and when in my teens I started asking the big “why am I here” type questions, I got involved with an Anglican Church and went through confirmation classes. It was through those classes that I met Jesus in a personal way and became a Christian.

Rev’d Stephanie Robson, Diocesan Educator.


Workplace Interview

Those that know me will agree, I am an ‘all-in’ kind of person, someone who does what I do whole-heartedly. So I kept asking questions about the Bible and faith. This searching took me to many different churches and denominations and I consider these diverse ways of worshiping and living out one’s faith provided a rich background to my now chosen Anglican ministry. | Words – Jo Bean | Photo Credit – AnglicanLife

I’ve worked with and for Anglican, Presbyterian, Baptist, and Methodist denominations as well as ecumenical groups and Laidlaw College. But I was slow off the starting line when it came to ordained ministry. I left school, became a nurse; did a science degree; and took up various lay-ministry roles in Wellington. I also got married and had four kids. My husband left his legal career to work in a youth ministry role and not long after that we both decided we needed theological education. So we duly went to Carey Baptist College in Auckland, and from there I became co-pastor of Ilam Baptist Church here in Christchurch. I discovered that while Wellington had happily accepted women in leadership roles, that was not the case for all of NZ, so after some struggling within myself, I found myself in St Michaels and All Angels attending an Easter Service, and felt I had come home. It’s one of the strengths of the Anglican denomination that within our churches we have such a variety of backgrounds and ages – an eclectic bunch of people all joining together around the Lord’s table. I loved it.

A friend said I should contact Bishop Victoria and have a chat to her… and if anyone knows that mighty lady, they will know what happened next. I entered a discernment weekend, got the call, and am now an Anglican Priest. However, I’ve always been into study and research. My masters thesis was on exploring churches who chose not have their own buildings (called Missional or Misguided?), and more recently I did some research on postearthquake changes in the Chch Diocese. I am even now working with a colleague on some research into Women in Ministry.


What an interesting crossdenominational background. Can you tell me what you like about Anglicanism and what it feels like to have ‘converted’ to Anglicanism?


To be truthful, sometimes I feel I have to prove myself by doing rather than resting in and just being. However, I think this is common to many converts but often decreases with age.

But I love the variety within Anglicanism. I love the order and liturgy – there is something amazing about saying those honed words that have been spoken down through the ages. Each act and phrase means so much. And the Eucharist – it’s transformative in a way that you can’t rationalise. All different people receiving the shared cup and bread – it’s a very powerful symbol and act. God speaks to us in it. Learning about and participating in Anglican traditions is a privilege. Things we do, that might be a bit weird to someone not familiar with our ways, are all opportunities to learn and share our faith. Ask yourself … Why do we take the time to reflect on our lives and values during Lent? Why is purple worn and used around the altar in Lent? Why does the Vicar wear funny long robes? All are good questions that have great answers. No matter if you’ve been an Anglican for a long time, or a more recent convert, learning about our traditions makes for a richer expression of faith.


So as an educator, what do you hope to achieve?

I want to see transformative education in action. I believe God speaks to us through education if we are open to learning and growing. I want to help to equip those in frontline ministry, and to nurture and disciple believers into strong people of faith. I believe there are so many different streams of education, don’t just think of a classroom experience. Education can be so much more. Theology is not just for the smart, it’s for everyone. People often feel they shouldn’t ask too many questions because somehow their faith might not stand up to scrutiny – but believe me when I tell you – it can. If you’re brave enough to go on the journey of exploration, I promise that on the other side of your travels God will be there and in an even deeper way than you imagine. It’s like that verse from Ephesians 3:20: God “is able to do is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to God’s power that is at work within us.”


What would you like to say to the people sitting in the pews each week in church?


Don’t be shy about sharing and talking about spiritual things. Talk about your faith with others – the very act of sharing helps us to learn more, to go deeper. Education is not just cerebral, it involves the whole person, and lives can change for the better.

Embrace Anglicanism – don’t fall into the trap of thinking that to remain relevant we need to ditch liturgy and bring in more guitars. We don’t. We can educate ourselves about our traditions and embrace them while always remaining open to the Holy Spirit doing new things. Follow up on your own curiosities and find answers to your questions. Be positively Anglican.


Do you have any final thoughts?

I am excited about Bishop Peter’s leadership for positive change and dynamic growth. To respond to today’s world effectively we need a vibrant and vital church – so embrace the things you care about and can fully commit to. Your passions and curiosities are there for a reason – God made each of us unique (Jer 1:5) and we are all parts of one body (1 Cor 12:12-27) – accept your uniqueness and ask God to bless it. Remember God cares deeply that we as humans flourish (Ps 115:14). Read Eph 2:10 and ask God to show you a vision of the unique role he has planned for you. Imagine what could happen in our churches if each of us were able to serve by doing what we are passionate about – and that what we were passionate about met a particular societal need? How amazing would that be?

Workplace Interview

The Diocesan Educator Stephanie Robson is working on education approaches, packages or products that meet your needs. To discuss your parish needs, talk to her on education@ or call her on 021 256 5111.

| Words – Jo Bean | Photo Credit – AnglicanLife


Smashing Down Unjust Structures. Speaking For The Mute An exit interview with Rev’d Jolyon White, former Anglican Advocacy Director

Director of Anglican Advocacy, Rev’d Joloyon White, has been working in and with the Diocese for nine years. He has recently resigned to replenish his soul, and will fall back on his previous qualification as an electrician. In his eventful and passionate nine years, Jolyon has achieved remarkable change both big and small. He has a reputation for speaking out against privilege, power and entitlement, and he champions


Dialogue |

the unloved, the downtrodden and the voiceless. The Diocese will be poorer for his exit. But just because he is leaving does not mean the church’s role as an advocate for the least in society stops. Far from it. With new happenings within Anglican Care, we will need to wait and see what form our advocacy takes in the future. Before he left, I interviewed Jolyon about social justice and advocacy, his high points and low points, and what makes a good advocate. What he said certainly left me with much food for thought.


You’ve been in the role now 10 years. What is social justice and what is an advocate’s role?

At its most simple, social justice is about right and fair dealings in relationships, both between individuals and with organisations. That is why it’s a lot about power, access to power, and privilege. It’s also why it’s political; because politics is really just the largest structure for organising the way we relate to each other. An

advocate’s role is to enable others to speaking up or get a fair deal for themselves, speaking up for those who cannot, or looking for ways to level out power imbalances so an equitable negotiation can happen.


What drew you to it?

I started off believing that personal transformation would result in everyone being nice to each other – a personal faith transformation approach to world problems. Disillusionment with that led to wanting to help directly; a glass of water for the thirsty, food for the hungry, that sort of thing. But I got frustrated that for every one person our service agencies helped directly, there were three more damaged or discarded by the structures we created. When we are directly helping so many, why do food bank numbers keep going up? Using a common analogy after handing out fish or teaching people to fish, I wanted to know who owned the pond and why we let one guy hoard all the fish? I guess you could say I ended up in advocacy through dissatisfaction with the status quo.

Words – Jo Bean | Photo Credit – Biljana Martinic | Unsplash


What are some projects you have felt you achieved significant headway and change in?


Fracking in Canterbury, slave labour in the fishing industry, the Living Wage, community organising, and housing were all projects with big goals that we accomplished. Most of them ended with some sort of legislative change. Some were pretty public and loud, others were just lots of toil, research, and connections. But what I really liked about them was that they had very real impacts on people we knew. The way we tried to engage our campaigns often helped those affected find their own voice which is pretty empowering.


Are there any you feel that missed the boat or you felt didn’t come to fruition and why?

Just as many if not more: Housing again around the Inner city and east postearthquake; Record your Rental; several attempts to reimagine food-banks. They were projects that

never achieved anything. The last is ongoing; food banks are a classic example of a vital act of charity that many find disempowering and humiliating to have to rely on. We still need them, but also really need innovation in that space.


What is the one current project you want to see continue after you leave?

Again so many, but Humans of Our Prisons and the Sexual Harassment studies spring to mind. Also the provision of glasses to prisoners who can’t read, and therefore struggle to break cycles of offending. But more than any of the projects themselves, would be a way of thinking. My hope is that the Diocese continues to include the marginalised voice, and to question power, even if that is done at some cost.


What are some of the challenges in working in this social justice space and what makes a good advocate?

If you do charity work you are disguising the underlying problems by solving symptoms. For this, everyone will love you, and you get to feel great about yourself. If you ever challenge the way the system works then all those who benefit most from the status quo will hate you for it. You have to be prepared to be unpopular. If you care about being liked you will make bad decisions based on the wrong things (although that’s true for every ministry area). Over the ten years I have been here, I have received several death threats, numerous legal threats, been chest thumped by people in our own parishes who hated the idea of a Living Wage, and I’ve even had a parish threaten to pull out of supporting the City Mission if we didn’t shut up. It is important to know that people in your home life, your inner circle, like you, and to try not to worry about what others think of you.

One other thing to remember is that you can never campaign on a problem, only a solution. That means you have to identify a solution, and with very complex issues it’s easy to be wrong. So a good advocate stays flexible, questions all assumptions, and acts even in uncertainty. You might be wrong, but at least you’re doing something. And changing direction while moving is easier than getting something moving that’s still.


If money and political power was behind you, what SJ project would you like to see get taken up by Anglicans and Globally?

If all the money and power was behind me I would need to campaign against myself. Power and money does terrible things to most people. Among other things it insulates them so they lose touch with those who have neither money nor power. That allows them to reinforce their privilege by blaming the poor for their shortcomings. But if I had to pick a couple of things I would pick inequality and climate change.


If you could say one thing to positively stimulate and galvanise the new Bishop and the Diocese into action as you leave, what would that be?


If power imbalance is a significant problem in a fallen world, and if we are called for Christ to bring us to completion in weakness, beware of the areas in which the church acts like a power in the world. We are not a state church, we are the church of Christ to the marginalised and weary. But I genuinely don’t think the new Bishop needs a message from me to stay galvanised. I have worked with Bishop Peter for 10 years and known him longer than that. I think he is a person of integrity and reflection who fits his calling well.

Want to learn more? Read the article on page 24, written by Patrick Murray (Anglican Care Executive Officer) about Jolyon, his passion, his humour and his achievements during nine eventful years in the role.

Dialogue |

An advocate asks the hard questions and is often unpopular. Instead of giving someone a fish or even teaching them to fish, we need to ask ourselves, ‘Who owns the lake?’, ‘Who’s hoarding all the fish?’ and ‘Why?’

Words – Jo Bean | Photo Credit – Biljana Martinic | Unsplash


Social Justice Farewell This was the farewell speech written by Patrick Murray, Executive Office for Anglican Care, for Jolyon’s leaving get-together. It is told with humour, honesty and a twinkle in the Scotsman’s eyes. It seems unbelievable that it is over nine years since Pamela HindinWhitewood, former Chair of Anglican Patrick Murray Care, told me that she had been talking to Bishop Victoria about an idea to set up a Social Justice Unit under the watch of an inspiring young man who came highly recommended. As Finance Manager and a Scotsman I hesitated for a nanosecond but then agreed knowing that you do what the Bishop asks. However working from the traditional charity model of Anglican Care I didn’t really know what a Social Justice Enabler did apart from suspecting that Anglican Care might be moving into a new more political and higher-profile era.


Our Story

Jolyon turned out to be a polite and respectful gentleman (at least until he came across social injustice!). He is also multi-talented and has had many different skills including being an electrician, a Deacon, Youth Leader, an Outward Bound guide, and a climbing / mountaineering guide. Social Justice seems to me to be a bit like climbing the Alps: you think you’re getting close to the top and there’s another ridgeline, and another. When you finally get over the next ridgeline and you see the actual top is away in the distance around a narrow serrated ridge-line that you know is going to take forever to get to… So you take a breather and think about it. Social Justice seems to me to be a bit like that: it’s a never-ending list of social problems, child poverty, growing inequality and the climate change time bomb ticking, but Jolyon doesn’t allow himself to be

discouraged. He has thrown himself into various causes championing the weak and the powerless including the Indonesian Fishermen, migrant workers, prisoners, tenants, beneficiaries and many more. Jolyon always has a Christ-led approach and concentrates on achieving small changes for the better rather than engaging in endless talkfests about trying to change the world while failing to make any difference. He is very skillful at making contacts and building relationships based on trust over time and has gained the respect of the big government agencies such as MSD and Corrections even if they don’t always agree with him. Successes including getting changes to the Tenancy Act, the banning of foreign flagged vessels from NZ fishing grounds, the successful alcohol ban on Wendy’s burger bars and many more. The green badges #Givenothingtohate campaign is

| Words – Patrick Murray, Executive Officer, Anglican Care | Photo Credit – Jolyon White

another of his enterprises achieved in just his last few days in the job. Of course, he’s had a few failures too, because that’s the nature of the work. Social Justice and Advocacy are about tackling the root causes of poverty and injustice rather than the traditional charitable model of helping the victims deal with the effects. It’s much harder and an incredibly difficult balancing act representing a non-political organisation such as the Church while trying to bring about change by campaigning and advocating through political channels. But Jolyon generally managed to get the balance right. Another valuable trait about Jolyon is that he managed to surround himself with other like-minded and equally passionate people. One of these was Rosalee Jenkin whom he trained and developed using the Maurice Goodall Fellowship fund. Sadly and

coincidentally, Rosalee has also resigned to take up a new role with the Green Party. So Jolyon has climbed to the top of yet another ridge and can see the peak of the mountain in the distance, but is currently taking a breather. The Diocese thanks you, Jolyon for all you’ve achieved over the last nine years, for showing us Anglicans how to tackle and talk about the big issues, and for giving us confidence to speak out on injustice and inequality. We’ve come a long way in those years, thanks, in a large part, to you. The Diocese will miss you and we will leave the door open for you to return sometime in the future.

Want to learn more? You might like to also read the Dialogue article on page 22, where Jolyon discusses his last nine years and what he wishes for the Diocese in the future.

Jolyon making his way up the Bugaboo mountain range, Canada.

Our Story

| Words – Patrick Murray, Executive Officer, Anglican Care | Photo Credit – Jolyon White


Helping Our Tamarikitanga Process The Tragedy Resources for Teachers, Youth Workers and Parents

Friday 15 March was a very sad day in our nation. Many of us are struggling even to know where to start in processing the confronting events of that day. The Interdenominational National Youth Leaders have put together this simple resource to help you and parents to help support your young people in the wake of this national tragedy. Hōmai ki a mātou āianei he matauranga me aroha mā mātou mō tēnei rā. Lord give us today the wisdom and love we need.

Some important things to keep in mind: • This event will affect people in different ways. Be prepared to be sensitive and responsive to the different questions and needs that arise from your young people. • Create a safe place for young people to think and ask anything – no comment or question is too silly.

The event

Taking positive action

Let’s look first at the event itself. The most helpful thing you can do in light of the Christchurch shootings is to create a safe space for young people to process what has happened. The Parenting Place website has a helpful article that gives some insight into how to start this conversation: www.

We all need to work through a barrage of negative emotions which include sadness, anger and fear. One of the most helpful things that we can do for our young people is to create opportunities for them to channel their negative emotional energy into positive avenues.

One way is to start with a lament. Laments provide a pathway for healthy grieving, of getting it all out and expressing their pent up emotions. It may not be a feature of our western culture but it’s healthy, positive and biblical. Psalms 10, 46, 57, 86 or 61 could be helpful places to start.

• Channel young people’s negative energy and emotions towards some simple positive actions. • Be aware of the possible triggering that such an event can be for some of our young people who are struggling with mental health challenges such as anxiety, depression and suicidality. • Support young people’s parents and pass this info onto them as well. Grief is complex to process: there are a number of stages we all go through including denial, anger and depression, with no specific timeframe and stages that can recur. Our youth need our help. Photo Credit: The Seven Stages of Grief / IQ Matrix.



| Words – Lorna Grey, National Youth Advisor | Photo Credit – IQ Matrix | Pintrest

Laments are common in the Bible. Photo Credit: Extravagant Hope / Pintrest.

Other ways to help

Be on the lookout

This article from The Spinoff shares some excellent ways that our young people can individually or collectively do some simple actions that can make a real difference for those who are closest to the tragedy:

For some people tragic events like this can trigger a very negative spiral of thinking which can lead to greater levels of depression, anxiety and even suicidality. As already stated, the best thing we can do is to create a space for our most vulnerable to express how they feel. Please be brave speak straight up with them if there are any concerns for their safety. Seek advice from someone more senior, if you need to. Zeal has produced an excellent and simple resource to help guide youth workers and parents through such a conversation:



Understanding Islam and how it relates to the Christian faith

Celebrating diversity Longer term, our churches, youth groups and families may wish to explore the concept of tolerance around religious and cultural differences. One resource that

helps us do this through the lens of Scripture is from The Youth Cartel. (NB: there is a small cost of about NZ$9.00 + pp) www.theyouthcartel.


The three Abrahamic religions are Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Photo Credit: MichaelB1 at

Christian Answers Network has an easily understood article on the subject:


The Lausanne Movement has a more in-depth article for those who want to know more:


Seven Ponds has a helpful short article that gives some insight into how Muslim people grieve so that we can better help our Muslim neighbours at this time: www.

Offering to accompany a Muslim woman is one way to show aroha to our Muslim neighbours. Photo Credit: Dr Fatimah Al-Attas / Twitter.

Diversity needs to be celebrated so that difference is not negative but positive and rich. Photo Credit: Mural at Walker’s Point, Milwaukee, USA. Milwaukee Independent.


| Words – Lorna Grey, National Youth Advisor | Photo Credit – Twitter | | Milwaukee Independent


Earthquakes And Volcanoes Rural Canterbury gains a mission-focussed minister

The Venerable Indrea Alexander, Archdeacon of South Canterbury, has been in the Christchurch Diocese since 2002. She first met Dawn at a three tikanga Common Life Missions Conference in Waikanae in 2012. Dawn has two adult sons, Josiah in Melbourne and Michael in Christchurch.

Recently the Ven. Indrea Alexander (right) sat down with one of the Diocese’s new recruits, Rev’d Dawn Daunauda (left) who has returned from a year in overseas ministry in Vanuatu. Rev’d Dawn Daunauda was previously part of the Awatere Parish in the Nelson Diocese and is now working in North Canterbury as interim Priest-in-Charge of Amuri Co-operating Parish.


Global Dispatch

Dawn spent 2018 teaching English to diploma level students at Talua Theological Training Institute, a Presbyterian Ministry Training Centre near Luganville on Espiritu Santo, the largest of the Republic of Vanuatu’s 83 islands. She loved the year, and enjoys being back in NZ, but has experienced some culture shock from the transition. “People have been welcoming and lovely here [in Amuri], but they don’t come and sit down on my mat like they did in Vanuatu!” Before going to Vanuatu, Dawn was ministering in Nelson Diocese’s Awatere Parish – which includes Molesworth, Seddon, Ward, Wharanui and Kekerengu – an area hit by the 2013 Seddon earthquakes and the 2016 Kaikoura ‘quakes.

| Words – Ven. Indrea Alexander | Photo Credit – Jo Bean

After a challenging time, Bishop Richard Ellena encouraged her to “take a break before you’re broken”. Dawn had heard about the teaching position in Vanuatu and arrived on Espiritu Santo in early 2018, not long before Manaro volcano erupted on the neighbouring island of Ambae. In September 2017, about 1,000 people had been evacuated from Ambae when volcanic ash contaminated water and crops, but in 2018, the entire island of 10,000 was evacuated to Espiritu Santo – permanently. Santo’s population jumped from 40,000 to 50,000. Rev’d James Tama, who has since become Bishop, ended up with over 100 people staying on his property. The lawn was turned into vegetable gardens to feed everyone, but the neighbour’s bullocks got into the garden and they ended up having to buy food. Dawn said the challenges were not confined to food and provisions. “Whole villages have moved. It has destroyed the social structure.”

Dawn’s life at the Theological Institute involved teaching students aged from 19 to 35. Their housing ranged from western-style units to village-style woven bamboo houses, which were much cooler in the tropical heat. She said cruise ships tend to visit the island’s eastern coast, which has “lovely sealed roads” and Luganville has internet and western foods, but on the rest of the island, “many live the same way they have for hundreds of years”. But shifting to Vanuatu was not the total culture shock for Dawn that you would expect. She actually already knew some people there. While ministering in the Seddon/ Awatere Christian Joint Venture Parish (Nelson Diocese), she worked with seasonal vineyard workers from Vanuatu. So it was just a matter of time before she came across people she knew. Walking down the streets in Luganville she was warmly greeted by smiling ex-Awatere workers, “Mama Dawn! What are you doing here? You no tok long me”.

One of her joys in Vanuatu was being with young people. “I loved their passion for their culture; music, drama, and dance.” She also loved the all-age worship. Mats were provided at the front for children to sit on and they would happily participate or sleep during the one-and-a-half- to twohour services. Before the service formally began, there would be 15 minutes of choruses with guitar accompaniment and then acapella hymns in harmony, practiced earlier in the week. For cultural reasons, ordained women’s ministry is not fully supported in Vanuatu but changes are happening; the Vanuatu government and the Presbyterian Church both publically support women in ministry leadership. So it was totally unexpected and “a real honour” when the local teachers at Talua chose her to preach at the graduation ceremony. “And God has a sense of humour too. The person who replaced me was another Anglican woman minister!”

Ni-Vanuatu speak Bislama, a creole language based on English. Here at Talua Theological Training Institute Dawn taught the students ‘The Queen’s English’ albeit in a Kiwi accent. Credit: Dawn Daunauda.

Global Dispatch

| Words – Ven. Indrea Alexander | Photo Credit – Dawn Daunauda


The Three Days Of Easter From darkness to Joy

I have dealt with depressive episodes since my early twenties. However, after I have come through each episode over the years, I have thanked God. Not just because I feel “normal” again, but mainly because I have a heightened sense of the beauty and preciousness of the world around me. Dwelling in darkness makes the light even more gracious. This is part of the reason I feel strongly that we must encourage Easter to be viewed not as a single day of victory and celebration, but as a three day journey where we walk through the darkness with Jesus, so that we may truly appreciate the light of the resurrection. We know that Jesus is the light of the world and when we read John’s Gospel we are given a vivid picture of him as such. This light, this joy and hope of the resurrection are so much more real and appreciated when we have first taken ourselves to the horror of the foot of the cross. So many Christians want only to hop to the celebration of Easter Day where we can enthusiastically shout for joy, and with joy, “Alleluia! He is risen!” It is a great day that should be filled with happiness and appreciation for what we have


gained in Christ’s victory over death and evil. But therein too lies the reality of the Easter journey – the victory over death and evil. Jesus had suffered agony and pain for us because the sin he was atoning for – our sin – was so immense. As the Nicene Creed reminds us, “For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate.” The one who had been sent to save was not believed in by his own people and thus died a horrendous death. Now, we believe. Now, millions of people around the world will be marking Easter as the centre of their Christian faith. But it is essential to remember that to reach Easter Day we must pass the cross and all the consequences it carries with it. We must journey through the darkness to truly appreciate the light.

Theological Thoughts

And it really is a contrast between dark and light. As Jesus hung dying the world stood in darkness for three hours. Such was his agony in this painful event that Jesus – God himself – cried out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” originally of Psalm 22 now spoken in Mark 15:34. Great teachers of the church have through the centuries recognised the value in coming out of dark times to the light, even the need for it to truly appreciate the grace we have received. There is of course St John of the Cross and his Dark Night

| Words – Rev’d Meg Harvey | Photo Credit – Shutterstock

of the Soul, but also St Ignatius, who in his 30 day retreat carries the retreatant through the life and death of Jesus to truly know the resurrection of Jesus and the power that lies within. Across the globe people all celebrate Easter differently. However, our Anglican tradition would have us, rightly I would say, take this time of awe and worship as at least a three day journey. A journey of the darkness of Jesus’ death on the cross through to the light of the world in Christ’s resurrection.

A Cantabrian since 1986, Rev’d Dr Meg Harvey serves in the Mount Herbert Parish. She has a cat called Lorelai (from The Gilmore Girls).

They Took Him Down An Easter Lament

They took Him down, His poor dead body, and prepared Him for his burial. They took Him down, His poor pale body, drained of life, ashen, and stained with its own life-blood. His healing hands, now pierced and still; Serving hands, that broke five loaves to feed five thousand; Holy hands, often folded in fervent prayer; Poor gentle hands, now pierced and still. His poor torn feet, now bloodied and cold; Feet that walked weary miles to bring good news to broken hearts; Feet once washed in penitent’s tears; Poor torn feet, now bloodied and cold. His kingly head, made for a crown, now crowed – with thorns. His poor kingly head, crowned with thorns.

Want to listen to a reading of this?

His gentle breast, now pierced by spear-thrust, quiet and still; His poor loving breast. His piercing eyes, now dark and blind; Eyes of compassion, warming the soul; Fiery eyes, burning at sin; Tender eyes, beckoning sinners; His piercing eyes, now dark and blind. His matchlesss voice, fountain of the Father’s thoughts, stopped – and stilled – to speak no more. Silence now, where once had flowed wisdom and comfort, Spirit and life; His matchless voice, stilled, to speak no more. They took him down, His poor dead body, and prepared Him for his burial.

If you want to hear this being read by Jimmy Owens to the background music as it happens in the musical – visit com/watch?v=dOz_ehwP5N8

Arts | Words – From ‘The Witness’ Musical by Jimmy and Carol Owens | Photo Credit – Mordechai Meiri / Shutterstock


Bible Society’s Seriously Surprising Easter Story Giveaway The NZ Bible Society is giving away 85,000 copies of The Seriously Surprising Story children’s book. It’s not too late – you can order your copy from their website or if you’re more digitally inclined, watch the animated version. The Seriously Surprising Story follows the path that Jesus’ followers took from Jerusalem to Emmaus where they talked to someone who gave them a massive surprise! Brought to you by the same people who wrote The Field Guide to the Bible featured in a previous AnglicanLife [Issue 55 p2]. You may also have heard about other children’s books the Bible Society has given away – last Easter’s book was called The Super Cool Story of Jesus, and at Christmas it was The Well Good News of Christmas. It is hoped that by mid this year 285,000 kiwi kids will have heard and seen the gospel message via these books (released at Easter and Christmas each year). Individuals can get up to five and churches can order 200 copies free – so grab some copies now, incorporate them into your Easter church activities, or give them away to children in your neighbourhood.



The Bible Society’s mission is to help make the Bible accessible to everyone and encourage interaction with it. The Seriously Surprising Story does just that.

The Seriously Surprising Story

Get your FREE copy here

Surprise people with the greatest story ever told!

| Words – Bible Society | Photo Credit – Bible Society

Nga Ringa Hapai i te Paipera Tapu ki Aotearoa

Jesus Tells Us To Love Our Neighbour With No Exceptions No Matter What Today we choose love over fear, unity over exclusivity. Today we choose to call out racism in all its forms. Today we choose to welcome settlers as we were once settlers too. Today we choose to live in Peace – Salaam – Shalom – Rangimarie.


| Photo Credit – AnglicanLife | Steve Austin | Pat Campbell, Canberra Times | Gavin Holley | Rev’d Matthew Ling

33 Issue 59 ISSN 2253-1653 (print) ISSN 2537-849X (online) Feedback or story submission:


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