Anglican Life February/March 2019

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Issue 58

Grateful, Christ-Centred Mission In all things we learn and express our gratitude. We seek to deepen our discipleship in Christ, who is both our centre and the One we serve. We become Christ-like by furthering the Kingdom, and we further the Kingdom by becoming Christ-like.

February March 2019


Inviting | Forming | Sending | Serving

Going Where The Need Is Greatest


Lest We Forget

The Bishop’s Message – This is the day the Lord has made Discipling Our Youth – Millennial Community Pilot A Success Global Dispatch – Going Where The Need Is Greatest In Brief – Lest We Forget In Brief – Havea Makes History In Brief – Sister Eveleen’s Haven

Arts – The Romero Prayer

Our Story – Caring, Connecting and Celebrating AnglicanLife is published bi-monthly by the Anglican Diocese of Christchurch Editor – Jo Bean – Contributing Writers – Megan Blakie, Bridie Boyd, Rev’d Mark Chamberlain, Rev’d Paddy Chrisp, Chris Clarke, Fay Deam, Rev’d Vivien Harber, Rev’d Glenda Hicks, Rev’d Joshua Moore, Rev’d Anne Russell-Brighty, Ross Seager, Rev’d Jenny Wilkens. Editorial and Advertising Enquiries – Jo Bean – Printed by – Toltech Print Print Sustainability – AnglicanLife is printed on sustainably produced paper using vegetable-based inks. ISSN 2253-1653 (print), ISSN 2537-849X (online) Cover image – Peter kneels as the Bishops and Archbishops pray for him in his new vocation as Bishop. Credit: Anglican Life and Neil Macbeth Photography.


Sister Eveleen’s Haven



Anglicans Do Care


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The Diocese Rejoicing in New Leadership and Moving Forward in Unity

Workplace Interview – Anglicans Do Care Our Feature – The Diocese Rejoicing in New Leadership and Moving Forward in Unity Our Story – Peace And Purpose Dialogue – Supporting Global Mission In My Opinion – In Search Of A Genderless God Theological Thoughts – A Shared Pathway

Arts – Book Review – Huia Come Home

The Transitional Cathedral, Latimer Square


14 12 14 22 24 26 28 29

The Bishop’s Message

This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. The weekend of 9 and 10 February 2019 has been huge for many readers. As a Diocese we were able to gather on Saturday for my Ordination Service in the CBHS Auditorium to become a bishop in our church and for the Installation Service in the Square at which I became the Bishop of Christchurch. Then, on Sunday, I preached for the first time as Bishop of Christchurch in the Transitional Cathedral with visitors from within and without the Diocese joining the regular congregations at the 8am, 10am and 5pm services. Teresa and I along with our family will take many joyful memories from the weekend as we travel through the years ahead. From lovely feedback we have been receiving, those participating in the events and those who were able to view them via our live feed – thank you Grant Bennett and team – have also experienced joy because of the weekend. We have especially appreciated the support of Pihopa Rihare Wallace,

Te Pihopatanga o Te Waipounamu and the encouragement of his people. Pihopa Rihare led the Mihi Whakatau and preached a great sermon. The generosity of the Wallace family and of Te Waipounamu will never be forgotten by us. That everything went so well is the result of much hard work on the part of many people. I particularly want to thank our core organising committee: Edwin Boyce (Convenor), Veronica Cross (Bishop’s EA), Claire Bonner (Theology House Administrator), Dean Lawrence Kimberley (Transitional Cathedral), Canon Mark Chamberlain (Fendalton Parish) and Jo Bean (Diocesan Media Officer). As we progressed towards the event our organising drew in Transitional Cathedral staff, Chris Oldham, Ven. Nicky Lee, Rev’d Ben Randall and Music Director, Dr John Linker. I thank them all and thank all the volunteers they recruited in order to ensure the smooth running of each service through the weekend. Those volunteers included many of our Anglican Centre staff.

Dr Linker’s role involved recruiting and co-ordinating choirs from our parishes and schools and their choral lead, along with Organist Chris Lynch was an important part of the music for our services. Choral music blended with the music of the combined parishes’ music group led by Paul Hegglun. To all our singers and musicians I extend my warm thanks for their contributions which have received lots of praise. Thank you to everyone who came to one or more of the services, who assisted with ushering or communion or in other ways, who carried a parish or school banner, and who prayed for the weekend to go well. The Cathedral Chapter supported the release of Cathedral staff for these events, and the CCRL Project Team contributed to the cleaning up of the Cathedral site in time for the Installation and also contributed power to assist with sound and video at that service: thank you.

to Moveable Feasts, to St John Ambulance, to the Christchurch City Council and to Christ’s College who hosted a closing afternoon tea at the end of the Saturday. Above all, thanks be to God who blessed us all through these events in which we came together as a Diocese. As we now get down to the business of being the Diocese of Christchurch in a new era I simply ask you to keep praying. May the joy of becoming the Bishop of Christchurch extend to our life together in Christ’s mission through the years ahead. Blessings,

Thankfulness for those within the Diocese who contributed to the weekend extends to the staff of Christchurch Boys High School, The Bishop’s Message |

Photo Credit – c/o Anglican Life


Millennial Community Pilot A Success Vocatio now in its second year

Early 2018 a bunch of youth ministry leaders got together to try and nut out what is fast becoming one of today’s trickiest church challenges: how can we meaningfully engage millennial’s who have had some dealings with church or faith-based groups, but now no longer engage or belong?

That question was the beginning of the millennial faith engagement experiment. Inspired by Luke 15 and the parable of the Lost Sheep, we began to dream of a community for young adults who’d “tapped out of church”. And so “Vocatio” was born. ‘Vocatio’ (Latin for vocation) was envisaged as a small community of young adults prepared to spend

Some of those commitments are: Commitment #1: We will be committed to each other as family for one year

Commitment #3: We will go on three 3-day retreats together over the year

Commitment #5: We will personally pray every day The Tribe: Vocatio is an innovative community and faith programme for millennials.


Discipling Our Youth

| Words – Rev’d Joshua (Spanky) Moore | Photo Credit – c/o Vocatio

one year together exploring their vocation, their wellbeing, and contemplative spirituality. But to be part of the community, each person would have to sign up to eight rather daunting commitments designed to draw them into “the way” of Jesus, and make their lives better. We believed our ‘Vocatio’ concept was innovative and brave, but we also knew commitment wasn’t a favourite word for your average Millennial. Therefore initially we didn’t fancy our chances of getting anyone to sign up at all. Despite the odds, we decided to step out in faith and test the waters. So how to you get a hold of people who have disengaged with church? Word of mouth, opinion-based platforms like FB are key. So we spread the word to anyone we knew who was currently outside of a church and aged 20-30, but who might also be interested in exploring faith. We ran an ad campaign on Facebook and chased down suggestions from people who knew people who knew people who might be interested.

After countless cups of coffee explaining the idea to many confused and bemused young adults, to our utter surprise 24 participants and 10 leaders signed up to give Vocatio a whirl! And what a year it has been. Now at the end of the first year-long pilot, we bravely asked the 64 million dollar question: “How has Vocatio been for you?” Here’s what they told us ...

“Vocatio has been life changing, and I will forever feel a part of a community and family. Vocatio gave me a reason to keep going when I had nothing else, and a safe place to discuss God without being judged or ridiculed.” Beth

“I have found my tribe. Vocation is a place to belong and grow in community, which was really lacking in my life before this. It was a big commitment to personal and spiritual development, and it took real effort to show up and be vulnerable too. But it’s been like learning how to float after years of treading water.” Lydia

“This year has been exactly what I was needing. Coming back again and again to the simple elements and rhythms of faith, and pushing into the discomfort I had avoided before now, has changed how I want to continue and will continue in my faith.” Michelle

So how can you help? What Vocatio needs most right now is your prayers: prayers for the participants and the leaders, for the logistics of living in community, for openness, understanding and commitment. And prayer for God’s love, Christ’s redemptive power and the Holy Spirit’s enabling / teaching presence to be active in their midst. Want more information? Talk to Rev’d Moore (Young Adults Ministry Developer) on 021 277 2658.

As you can imagine, we felt pretty chuffed with that feedback. So chuffed in fact that we decided to give Vocatio another run in 2019, and we have twice the amount of sign-ups already! It’s exciting to see God using our church in such unexpected ways.

Discipling Our Youth

| Words – Rev’d Joshua (Spanky) Moore | Photo Credit – c/o Vocatio


Going Where The Need Is Greatest Two Kiwis in West Africa

Yahya Jammeh ruled from 1994 to 2017. When he was voted out, he took one Billion dalasi with him. Not so much when you compare it, (only NZ$33 million) but it’s a poor nation and that money came from every infrastructure fund including banks, pensions, power and water supply funds and more. Vanished. The lush and stunning Gambian greenery follows the path of the Gambian river. Credit: Dan Roizer/Unsplash.

“Daughter we are hungry. Go see your uncle and ask him for rice and be nice to him.” “I can sponsor you though university. Let’s have lunch and talk about it.” The Gambia, West Africa, a place of beauty and brutality. What the tourists see and what life is like for the locals are chalk and cheese.

In The Gambia (interesting side fact: The Gambia is one of only two countries whose name includes ‘The’) corruption on a grand scale is normal. Police ‘lose’ files and evidence, police are poorly educated, and massively under resourced including not having phones and cars. The Health system – well that’s horrific. On a visit to the children’s ward at the local hospital, Paddy found they had no basic antibiotics at all. So for NZ$60 he arranged for trays of penicillin to be

A population of 1.8 million in a place a quarter of the size of Canterbury. Ninety percent Muslim. Less than five percent Christian. Under dictatorship for 22 years that included no freedom of speech;


Global Dispatch

bought from a local pharmacy. The need is huge and small amounts of money make a huge difference. In the Education system, sexual abuse is rife from preschool to Uni. Schools are doing such a poor job of education, that the general population remains only semiliterate with only very basic levels of reading (but no comprehension), beautiful script hand-writing (but no ability to use it functionally), and virtually no maths. Local stall holders often do themselves out of income because of it. Senegambia in The Gambia is a wellknown, infamous tourist area where men from Europe and the UK come to buy sex. Brothels are rife and women and children are sold for sex. Life is cheap and the local men only pay NZ$1.35 for sex. The social milieu of Islam and entrenched attitudes to females keep women and girls vulnerable. Females in The Gambia are acquiescent, virtual slaves and very obedient. Children are especially vulnerable because they will do as they are told, so if asked to undress or squat, they will do so.

Couple that with a concrete-solid regime of silence, where, social embarrassment is a palpable fear, where for a small sum, people’s mouths are literally shut, some courageous people are working to do what they can. Into this rampant abuse of sex and power, two kiwis are focused and battling daily to Rescue, Rehabilitate and Redeem. Samaritana in West Africa is a small but determined group committed to fighting the big fight of sexual exploitation and trafficking in Africa one person at a time. After all, who in the world could be in greater need than a child being regularly raped, with no-one to tell, and no-one to trust? Not even their own family. It makes their life on earth a living hell. Now the words: “Daughter we are hungry. Go see your uncle and ask him for rice and be nice to him,” take on new meaning. Payment for the rice comes through sexual exploitation of the child, sanctioned by mum. And this is ‘normal’. A male lecturer who says to a female student: “I can sponsor you

| Words – Rev’d Paddy Chrisp | Photo Credit – c/o Rev’d Paddy Chrisp unless otherwise stated | Map – c/o VectorStock

Samaritana – The Organisation: Samaritana is the female version of ‘samaritan’. Samaritana Philippines is a sister organisation that works with exploited Philippino women. Having previously worked in the Philippines, NZer’s Paddy Chrisp (Anglican Priest and social worker) and his wife, Amani James (social worker, Youth For Christ worker and lawyer) responded to God’s call to go to West Africa. So in 2014 Samaritana Gambia was started and a holistic programme of intervention has begun for exploited women who long to change their lives. There are currently six staff. Paddy hails from Lyttelton while Amani is formerly from Brooklyn but is now a kiwi.

though university. Let’s have lunch and talk about it,” in The Gambia has only one, very clear meaning. In this pain and degradation, Samaritana Gambia offers a safe place for women, be they working the strip, or just trying to put food on their tables, to meet, find safety, love and understanding, and get support to change their lives.

A variety of interventions are used: Café Shalom. Right next to the strip, it was started by Amani as a sanctuary for women with no pimps, no hustlers and no alcohol. Here the staff could talk to women about other ways they could make a

Shalom Cafe nestled in beside the Senegambia ‘sex’ strip.

living, and support them to change their lives. Activities offered there included a library, movie nights and a jazz club. Practical help was available too, such as tutoring in English, sewing or gardening. This worked superbly for a while, but sadly due to politics, a situation not uncommon in West Africa, it was taken over by a different group and now runs a paired-back programme.

Hope House is a place where sexual abuse survivors experience safety and love and also get practical help. Help to attend school, improve their literacy and do dance, puppet, art, drama and other therapies.

Good Touch – Bad Touch. Team members run a four-week prevention programme called “Good Touch – Bad Touch” in schools, churches and communities where they help educate about sexual abuse and what it is. The children get to hear, perhaps for the first time ever, that what they experience as normal is not ok. A common question they get asked in schools is: “What do you do if your teacher wants to touch you?” (Apparently even if identified, teachers are rarely prosecuted; they are often just moved on to the next school.) The team use an ‘anonymous question box’ where children can ask questions they are too embarrassed to say out loud.

Prayer. Samaritana does not attempt to convert Muslims to Christ, simply because the children have been powerless all their lives and this would be inappropriate. They leave any conversion to the

Here girls get to make their own recyclable sanitary kit, and can earn money making them for others.

Holy Spirit because, as they say, “that’s His job anyway”. So they pray for them and have a passion for them, and know that a relationship with Jesus will bring them true freedom.

Frightening Facts about Human Trafficking: Girls and women in The Gambia are vulnerable to sex trafficking. Credit: International Sanctuary.

There are more human slaves in the world today than ever before in history, and they are cheaper than they have ever been in history, costing only about $90 on average to purchase. Nearly 80% of human trafficking is for sex (other reasons are labour, baby or organ harvesting, for example). Paddy Chrisp and Amani James, the founders of Samaritana Gambia.

Discipling Our Youth

Response: Has your heart been stirred? To read and learn more, to find out about how you can support them (prayer, finance, or volunteering) visit:

There are an estimated 27 million adults and 13 million children around the world who are victims of human trafficking, 80% of whom are women and 50% children. Human trafficking earns $9 billion to $31.6 billion globally and is estimated to surpass the drug trade in less than five years. Africa’s AIDS epidemic has increased human trafficking rates for orphaned children. According to the U.S. State Department, human trafficking is one of the greatest human rights challenges of this century.

[Facts as cited in, 2016]

| Words – Rev’d Paddy Chrisp | Photo Credit – c/o Rev’d Paddy Chrisp unless otherwise stated


Lest We Forget

A forgotten soldier remembered

Luggi, a west-coaster from Arahura Pa (real name Sam Mason), worked in the saw mills. Luggi was the eldest of five children. Arahura Pa is one of the oldest on the West Coast, and Arahura River was famous for its greenstone. Wars were even fought over it.

Speaking of wars, Luggi and his younger brother, Harry, both enlisted as young men did, and were sent to the Western Front with the NZ Māori Pioneer Battalion as engineers to build roads and trenches. Both were wounded and sent back to NZ, to Christchurch Hospital. Unfortunately the brothers caught influenza while there, and each died only months apart in late 1918 (Luggy died the day before Armistice was declared) and were buried at Tuahiwi Pa.

Sam’s niece carrying the newly inscribed memorial book to the altar.


In Brief

Now Sam, aka Luggi, had enlisted under his nick-name, but the drafting board couldn’t decipher it so wrote down Luigi… hence Luggi had no official war records, nor was he recognised for his service. Hokitika’s All Saints War Memorial Church keeps a Memorial Book with the names of all the Westland service men and nurses who died in WW1. Each year, on 11 November, they read the names out as part of their WW1 anniversary commemorations. Sam’s niece, who still lives on the coast approached the church a week before Armistice Day 2019 (the centenary) and asked if they could include Luggi in the list. The RSA and the church jumped into action and the calligrapher was organised to come and write his name next to his brother’s name in the memorial book. Whanau and friends gathered and watched the calligrapher inscribe “Mason S.”. It was a respectful and moving experience with waiata from the family. Tearful whanau moved up to touch the newly inscribed name, and the niece then placed the book back on the altar with some pounamu from

| Words – Rev’d Vivien Harber | Photo Credit – c/o All Saints Church, Hokitika

the land. Now that he was in the memorial book, his name was read out as part of the long list of sacrificial men and women who served our country 100 years ago. Officially recognised for the first time, the whanau stood tall at the service.

Pounamu resting near the newly inscribed name “Mason S.” .

During the commemoration event, Pihopa Rihari o Te Wai Pounamou, Bishop Richard Wallace, unveiled a new plaque dedicated to all men and women killed in battle in New Zealand. The RSA have also added a wooden cross with his name in the ‘field of crosses’ on Cass Square. A researcher who assisted with this fact-finding mission, Dr Anna Dyzel, reflects, “It’s the recorded histories of men such as the Mason brothers which makes the preservation and restoration of this war memorial church such an essential objective”.

Pihopa Rihari unveiling a new plaque dedicated to all West Coast men and women killed in battle.

Thankfully, a one-hundred-yearold wrong has been righted, and the family of Luggi can now rest knowing their uncle has, and now always will be, remembered.

We pray that the boys will not lose that vision and community.” continue to grow up into good men and stewards and take The new grasses are in close proximity to where the action to make a difference in the world. Environment Committee (and friends) planted other natives last year. Cameron says seeing how much they had grown made it feel very real and important work. “The birds are back; the muddy, swampy environment is ideal for them. We even saw some pukekos checking out the new planting before we left.” The first Tongan to be ordained in our Christchurch They plan toDiocese grow the event. “We’re hoping more people will want to get involved and this will get bigger and bigger each year,” Cameron. the difference that However, God’s prompting isn’t for the needy and the poor. I met was at a“Imagine Travel Agents’ Kofe was born in the Kingdom and saysKofe would make.” easily ignored and eventually she many fantastic people and thrived conference in Wellington when she coral island of Tonga, in Nukualofa, conceded. on the met aoffine young man calledwent Samoa it’s capital. Early in her life the Another group boys (aged 16-18) in relationships formed within the staff team.” They married and over time had family moved to Suva, Fiji, so her July to repair and refurbish the preschool buildings and play “I had a special ministry with dying four children: Sita, Joshua, Sosaia father could train in ministry at St equipment in a village called Sattoa. It took over a year to the dynamic duo of Leni parishioners and grew to really care In 2008, John the Baptist Theological College. and Tupou. Rev’d John Day, vicar of plan and fundraise but the desire to make differenceand drove for them as, over the months, we Kofe recognised a need within St Barnabas, Fendalton at thea time, walked their final journey together. the Christchurch Tongan Anglican saw her talent and snapped her up them on. At the age of ten, Kofe was ‘adopted’ But just at the point of death, community for a service in the to join the ministry team which she by her mother’s younger sister Sam Howard and Wilson Murray, two of the students I had to step aside for an ordained Tongan language. So began monthly did in 1997. and her husband. With two of were amazed at the generosity of the Samoan whosets went minister to take over. I yearned to worship at St Barnabas which parents and multiple cultures in her people who have so remembers little but give much. “It feels like we and soon moved to weekly. walk the whole way with them and thrived Kofe thatsotime with life, two teachers and two clergy realised it was time to respond to memories. so little, butfond it meant so much to them. It was soThis coollast to year (2018) Kofe has been Kofe Havea was ordained bringing her up, is it anydid wonder God’s call. And amazingly, here I at St John’s College training for the the kids’ faces light up and see how much they enjoyed Kofe is an extraordinarysee human? to the Christchurch am, back in Christchurch about to ordained ministry. “It was a most wonderful time of Both of her fathers werethe ordained new equipment,” says Anglican Diocese on start apreschool. new journey at the Upper learning andSam. being embraced in Boys serving others by working in a Samoan – her adopted father was Suffragan Photo Credit: c/o Christ’s College “We definitely bought a smile to their faces,” says Wilson. Riccarton-Yaldhurst parish – “I felt the call to ordination ministry and faith. I developed Saturday 1 December 2018

Havea Makes History

thus becoming the first Tongan to be ordained in our diaconate. Friendly, open and a trained nurse, Kofe has worked for the Anglican Church for some time now taking up a variety of roles – ministry assistant, pastoral visitor/ carer, and Cursillo lay director – to name a few. But let’s step back and have a look at the journey to priesthood that had humble beginnings.

Bishop (in Polynesia), her birth father was the sole resident vicar in Tonga and both her mothers were teachers.

further as a Christian as I visited the elderly and coordinated assistance

relatively early on, but initially tried to pretend I hadn’t,” says Kofe.

Viiga i le Atua! Praise God!”

As a young child Kofe watched her fathers ministering to the extremely poor in their communities (both Indian and Fijian) and this contributed to her coming to a faith of her own at a young age; she was confirmed when she was just 12yrs old. In Brief

| Words – Rev’d Mark Chamberlain | Photo Credit – Jo Bean



Sister Eveleen’s Haven Opening event coming soon

On the Scarborough cliff, nestled among native trees and beach flora, rests a house of peace and retreat: Sister Eveleen Retreat House, 6 Whitewash Head Road, Sumner. Sister Eveleen was an Anglican nun, a member of the Community of the Sacred Name but, due to tuberculosis, left the Barbadoes Street community to continue her vocation in seclusion in Sumner. On her death in 1939, Sister Eveleen gifted the property to the Diocese as a house “for spiritual help and prayer”. A number of our readers may have used this facility in the

Overlooking Pigeon Bay – God’s creation inspires and awes.


In Brief

past for Alpha courses, creative retreats or just for personal prayer, renewal, and refreshment, and come away with a deep sense of God’s presence and the serenity that brings. Youth leaders soaking up the view at the blessing held in December 2018. Credit: Jo Bean.

The earthquake damage was primarily in the foundations and retaining walls, and coupled with no vehicular access, it has taken some outside-the-box thinking by Church Property Trustees (CPT) and a builder not afraid of hard work (Hamptons Builders) to get it up to today’s building standards. With accommodation for 10–12 people, a dining room, lounge, and chapel, the retreat house is now poised and nearly ready to re-start its mission.

How does the Retreat house work? A Trust Board, chaired by the local vicar, Rev’d Thomas Bauer, has been established to take Sister Eveleen’s vision forward. They oversee, manage and take bookings. While at present there are no funds to employ a resident warden, it is hoped that this will come in the future.

The Reverend Dr Peter Carrell, as he was back then, and the Venerable Nick Mountfort cleansed and blessed the facility in December last year, but minor code compliance and refurbishment work is still ongoing. An official opening event is happening soon: look out for this to be advertised on our website

Want to help or use the facility?

Sister Eveleen Retreat House – extensive deck and strengthening repairs have made a huge difference to the property. Credit: c/o CPT.

| Words – Ross Seagar and Fay Deam | Photo Credit – c/o CPT and Jo Bean

A rimu-clad room with a view. The serenity of the house lends itself to contemplation and meditation.

To keep the facility up and running, we need your help. Donations are always welcome. For donations, or to use the facility, contact Trust Board member, Fay Deam, on

Prophets Of A Future Not Our Own The Romero Prayer

It helps, now and then, to step back and take a long view. The kingdom is not only beyond our efforts; It is even beyond our vision. We accomplish in our lifetime only a tiny fraction Of the magnificent enterprise that is God’s work. Nothing we do is complete, which is a way of saying That the kingdom always lies beyond us. No statement says all that could be said. No prayer fully expresses our faith. No confession brings perfection. No pastoral visit brings wholeness. No program accomplishes the church’s mission. No set of goals and objectives includes everything. This is what we are about. We plant the seeds that one day will grow. We water seeds already planted, Knowing that they hold future promise. We lay foundations that will need further development. We provide yeast that produces far beyond our capabilities. We cannot do everything, and there is a sense of liberation In realizing that. This enables us to do something, And to do it very well. It may be incomplete, But it is a beginning, a step along the way, An opportunity for the Lord’s grace to enter and do the rest. We may never see the end results, but that is the difference Between the master builder and the worker.


| Words – Bishop Ken Utener | Photo Credit – jcomp/freepik


Caring, Connecting and Celebrating Community-led Elder Care

Caring and connecting with the elderly in our communities is even more vital than ever. Credit: Shutterstock.

Do you know elderly in your community that are isolated, bored or lonely? Perhaps the Elder Care Project can help.


Our Story

The project aims to provide care for socially isolated elders living in our communities. Inspired by the successful model developed by the Selwyn Foundation in Auckland, the Elder Care Centres offer programmes (half-day) of exercise, social and other activities focussed on well-being and friendship. Each Centre is hosted by an Anglican parish and is run by paid coordinators.

“I would be very lonely if I did not come ... the meetings are a blessing”

There are five Centres running in nine part-time staff. the Christchurch area providing The average age of the guests high quality care and interaction is over 80 years! Annual surveys to assist in the well-being of older repeatedly tell us that guests people living independently in our are engaged and grateful and communities. The programmes volunteers also enjoy being part of have a strong emphasis on all the loneliness solution. aspects of health and There is a well-being growing (including awareness “Looking beyond the spiritual). through myself – I get out of Staff and research and my 4 walls” volunteer discussion in helpers are the health trained in the sector of the particular needs of older people and great harm caused alert to the challenges still faced to the health and wellby people in this post-earthquake being of people who become environment. Co-ordinators work socially isolated for whatever to assist each older person to live reason. In the UK this has resulted safely at home with all the practical in a government-led campaign to support that various agencies offer. “end loneliness” amidst concern Our work is supported by other that loneliness among older people health professionals who are also is causing significant harm, not to available to the Centres as required. mention cost to health providers. Recently St Mark’s Church Opawa’s Centre celebrated its fifth birthday – and celebrations are so much fun! Most of the Centres operate at maximum guest capacity: around 80 people attend weekly sessions, supported by 30 volunteers and

| Words – Rev’d Anne Russell-Brighty | Photo Credit – c/o Shutterstock and Elder Care Groups

“[When you] come to this Group you forget to feel lonely”

“We now know that, … the effect of loneliness and isolation can be as harmful to health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day, and is more damaging than obesity; that lonely individuals are at higher risk of the onset of disability; that loneliness puts individuals at greater risk of cognitive decline, and one study concluded that lonely people have a 64 per cent increased chance of developing clinical dementia.” (Source: Age UK. UK’s largest charity for older people.)

A novelty hat day causes much hilarity at the Burwood Centre. Credit: c/o Elder Care Groups.

“I always look forward to coming to the group ... independence as well as friendship” In our country there is ongoing research (and reports!) about the impact on society in general and the health system in particular, of the growing numbers of older people. Diane Turner, Director of the Office for Seniors and keynote speaker at the 2018 Selwyn Centres Annual Conference, told delegates that dramatic demographic changes in the senior community required the country to take a fresh look at the issues and questions, that matter for older people.

“The need for a new ageing strategy stems largely from significant population trends as well as changes in attitude about growing older. Currently, there are 723,000 people aged 65 and over – that represents 15% of New Zealanders. Estimates are that, by 2038, 1.3 million people will be over 65 – almost a quarter of the population.” Most commentators note that this ever increasing group will be more physically healthy than

“The exercises, quizzes and discussions make for positive thinking” ever before and will have different expectations than the generations before. Yes, there will be people who continue to run marathons and who lead active social lives until their 90s. However what is also clear is that physical limitations and societal changes do already cause many elders to become socially isolated. Hence the concern to plan strategically for the future to prevent what some commentators are referring to as an ‘epidemic of loneliness’. The Elder Care Project is one small step our diocese has already taken to address this lifelimiting issue among our elders believing that indeed all people, of any age, can be supported to live life to its fullest.

“I enjoy the great welcome feeling of all group members and companionship”

Connecting and celebrating together combats loneliness, improves health and reduces costs. Credit: Shutterstock.

All quotes are from the Christchurch Anglican Diocese Elder Care Groups Annual Survey 2017.

Our Story |

Elder Care Groups Friendship, Help and Support for people aged over 65 The weekly programmes include: • • • • •

Gentle exercise and activities Fun, friendship and personal support Morning or afternoon tea Practical advice and information on healthy living Transport if required

All for just a $3 donatiom!

When and where? St Ambrose Church, Breezes Rd, Aranui – Thursday 10am All Saints Church, New Brighton Rd, Burwood – Wednesday 1pm St Barnabas’ Church, Fendalton Rd, Fendalton – Monday 1pm St Mark’s Church, Opawa Rd, Opawa – Monday 9.30am St Andrew’s Church, Marriotts Rd, North New Brighton – Friday 1pm For more information, to volunteer or join our groups,contact Anne Russell-Brighty 03 3848396

Words – Rev’d Anne Russell-Brighty | Photo Credit – c/o Shutterstock and Elder Care Groups


Anglicans Do Care

An interview with Roger Sutton, new Anglican Missioner

Roger Sutton has recently taken up the position of Anglican Missioner working alongside the current Christchurch Missioner. Anglican Care aims to demonstrate Christ’s compassion, care and love to the people in our communities who are disregarded, disempowered and disconnected.


Roger, last time many saw you in the news was as CEO of CERA. What have you been up to since then?

I am on the Boards of a number of ‘not-for-profit’ organisations including Church Property Trustees and the Youth Hub. And on the boards of a handful of energyrelated companies. I also really enjoy mentoring and somehow I have become the ‘go to guy’ for professionals facing hard times. But some of my most satisfying time has



been mentoring troubled younger people and helping them see their own potential. Additionally, I sometimes get to speak at conferences, or travel nationally and internationally to advise on natural disaster recovery. I also really enjoy being a father to George, Harry and Jimmy, a good husband to Jo and a loving son to my parents.


So this is a new kind of role for you, Roger – one focused on caring for people, communities and social justice. Why are you interested in social justice?

I grew up in vicarages. Tony, my father, was an Anglican Minister and my Uncle Peter was Bishop of Nelson. Living in a vicarage in semi-remote areas like Gisborne, meant we always had guests to stay, for example, Bishop Reeves and his family often called in. Coupled with the fact that my Dad and Uncle Peter were great advocates of Amnesty International, you can imagine dinner-time conversations were pretty spirited!


Workplace Interview

Lots of talk about faith, injustice and our responsibility to do something about it. It must have rubbed off. In my last year studying for an engineering degree at Canterbury University I wrote a paper arguing that it would be good for New Zealand if the Bluff aluminium smelter closed. It was a bit awkward, really, as I was being sponsored through University by the old NZ Electricity Dept! Any hope of keeping my paper quiet failed miserably when I won the 1986 Templin Scroll for best paper and ended up being interviewed by Rob Harley for television. The paper and interview got me into a heap of trouble! But it also showed me how my engineering training could be used to impact society for good. And I found out that there was power in ideas well argued. It taught me the bigger the change you want to make, the bigger the courage you will need, because the bigger the opposition you will face.

| Words – Chris Clarke | Photo Credit – c/o Anglican Care


So it’s no secret you’ve known some pretty tough times. What keeps you going?

It’s simple. It’s faith, family and friends, in that order. It’s stopping, reflecting, noticing, giving thanks, cycling to the top of the Port Hills to sit on a rock to be thankful and to pray. It’s sitting in church and being overwhelmed by God’s presence. During the tough times, it was knowing I was loved by Jo and was still a hero to my boys. And it’s been the support of friends, who quietly came alongside when things got really tough.


What about your new role, the Anglican Missioner, excites you?

I know it sounds clichéd, but truly I really want to see change in people’s lives. I’ve been blessed and given so many opportunities. I want to offer something back. With CERA it was helping people to recover. As

Anglican Missioner I want to see people flourish. But it’s more than that, too. The world is at a tipping point as we grapple with how to respond to climate change, the future of work, growing inequalities and rising conflict. A big part of this new role will be encouraging political leaders to have the courage to do the right thing, and not the expedient thing. It starts with us. It’s about Anglican Care having the courage to take risks, try new things, partner really well with others, and, when it sometimes does not work out, not losing heart but adapting and trying something else. On a personal note, I’m also really looking forward to working alongside Matt at the City Mission. He is a gifted leader and is passionate about working with the most vulnerable. The opportunity to work with Matt and his team is one of the main gifts this job brings me.


What is one key thing you have learned recently that you will take forward into this new role?

To watch a short video about some of the community work Anglican Care does, visit


Leaders need to listen well to people and take the time to get a holistic understanding of the issues that really matter. An early priority for me in this new role will be spending time with leaders around the country that are doing similar roles to Matt and me, and bring the best nuggets and approaches back here to adapt and test in Christchurch.


For more information about… Anglican Care visit nz/anglican-care Anglican City Mission visit

So when you’re not at work, where will we find you?

If I am not speaking at a church somewhere, I might be at the family bach in Little Akaloa. And I’ll be doing exercise: most weekends you will find me running or biking. But primarily I’ll be mucking about with family and friends and spending time with my mum and dad.

Social justice work visit www. Our Elder Care community programme, read the article on pages 10-11 of this magazine. New Anglican Missioner, Roger Sutton, with City Missioner, Matthew Mark (right), Anglican Care Trust Board Chair, Moka Richie (centre), and Trust Board City Mission representative, Nalini Meyer (left).

Workplace Interview

| Words – Chris Clarke | Photo Credit – c/o Anglican Care


The Diocese Rejoicing in New Leadership and Moving Forward in Unity

Pihopa Rihare Wallace, Bishop Richard Wallace, welcomes Peter and his whanau on stage, in the mihi whakatau. Susan Wallace, daughter of Bishop Wallace from Te Waipounamu, gave the Karanga or ‘Call’ that begins the Mihi Whakatau, to welcome Peter and his whanau on stage. Samantha from the Opawa/St Martin’s Anglican Parish leading the procession of Diocesan staff during the first hymn.

Peter’s mihi, delivered in te reo, impressed.


A family man and not afraid to express how he feels, the delivery of Peter’s mihi brought a moment of intense emotion into the ceremony.

Peter and his whanau responding to his welcome with the waiata, Te Aroha.

| Photo Credit | Forming | Sending | Serving Our Feature – c/o Anglican Life and Neil Macbeth Photography Inviting

Christchurch Boys’ High School was packed over 1000 people celebrating the Ordination of Rev’d Dr Peter Carrell. It was uplifting mix of pomp and ceremony, humility and humour. A uniquely ‘kiwi’ event.

Peter and Archbishop Don Tamahere hongi, sharing breath, as kindred people.

Reverend Toby Behan reading the Gospel from John 21 reminded us that as disciples of Christ we need to feed and look after Christ’s sheep.

Representatives of the Diocese present Peter for ordination to Archbishop Don Tamahere. He is presented by a Bishop, his father, the Right Reverend Brian Carrell; a layreader, Mrs Fay Deam; and a priest, Reverend Joshua Taylor.

One of the first people to greet the new Bishop was his dad, Brian, also a Bishop. This fairly rare father – son combination was surely a moment of family joy and aroha. The love and respect between them was clearly visible and is another example of the strength of Peter’s leadership.

Our Feature

Peter and his family enjoy humorous moments in the Sermon delivered by Pihopa Rihare Wallace, from Te Waiponamu. Bishop Richard spoke using military imagery calling Peter’s time as Bishop the ‘advance party’ preparing the way, and he urged Peter to send his disciples into every nook and cranny of the Diocese, making more disciples. He also counseled Peter, as the Chief Shepherd of his team, to take care of, nurture and feed his sheep and reminded Peter that doesn’t walk alone, but has the full support of the Province behind him.

Chris Lynch, Assistant Organist at the Transitional Cathedral, played at the Ordination.

| Photo Credit – c/o Anglican Life and Neil Macbeth Photography


Bishop Peter bearing the symbols of his role: the Crozier (the Shepherd’s ‘crook’ from Archbishop West-Watson), a Pectoral Cross (from former Bishop of Christchurch, Maurice Goodall) and an episcopal ring gifted by his family.

Once dressed by Bridget, Peter’s daughter (left) and Teresa , Peter’s wife (right) a smiling family shares in the wonderful moment Peter is made a Bishop.

Teresa receives a pounamu pendant, a taonga, from Te Waiponamu to welcome her into her new role.

Heavenly voices resonated around the auditorium from a combined choir, which was formed from churches and schools around the Diocese, led by Dr John Linker.


Our Feature

| Photo Credit – c/o Anglican Life and Neil Macbeth Photography

The three Archbishops and Primates of the Anglican Church of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia, or as Archbishop Philip referred to them, ‘the unholy trinity’! Archbishop Don Tamahere and Archbishop Philip Richardson flank the new Archbishop-elect for Polynesia, Fereimi Cama.

A special God moment where all present felt the Holy Spirit at work. Archbishops and Bishops prayed for Peter while the congregation sang “Wairua Tapu” (Holy Spirit you are welcome), and His Holy presence moved within our hearts.

Presbyterian Reverend Anne Stewart, Catholic Bishop Paul Martin sm, and King’s Church Pastor Ken Shelley all prayed for Peter and his new ministry. This ecumenical approach is surely to be a feature of Bishop Peter’s ministry.

Bishop Peter greets MP Duncan Webb at the end of the service. Another emerging trait of the Bishop’s ministry is including leaders of state and commerce, welcoming them and pledging to work with them together for the good of Christchurch and the Diocese.

The standing ovation! Great joy and camaraderie was felt by all as the whole congregation stood, clapped and cheered the new Bishop.

A poignant moment - Bishop Peter greeting her Worship, Mayor Lianne Dalziel. Coming from a Catholic background the Mayor was familiar and comfortable taking part in an Anglican service. Lianne said she was pleased to be there and really looked forward to the Installation Service in the Square that afternoon.

Archbishops Don and Philip lead the congregation through the sacramental celebration of communion.

A music group, led by Paul Hegglun, was a mix of vocalists and instrumentalists from around the Diocese.

Our Feature

| Photo Credit – c/o Anglican Life and Neil Macbeth Photography


An impressive and colourful array of Archbishops and Bishops sing with full voice in the Installation Service in the Square.


| Photo Credit | Forming | Sending | Serving Our Feature – c/o Anglican Life and Neil Macbeth Photography Inviting

Reverend Ben Randall leads the Cathedral Chapter, the Archbishops and Bishops into the square for the Installation Service.

Our Feature

| Photo Credit – c/o Anglican Life and Neil Macbeth Photography


Despite the beating sun, people lined up to see the new Bishop be installed as the Ninth Bishop of the Christchurch Diocese. Umbrellas and hats were the name of the day!

Parishioners form all over the Diocese came with their church banners to show their support for Bishop Peter and watch him being installed as the Ninth Bishop of the Christchurch Diocese.

City Councilor Deon Swiggs and Christchurch Dean Lawrence Kimberly together after the service and happy that the Cathedral restatement is making progress.

The Installation Service began with the Archdeacons leading their territorial groups into the centre of the square. Banners and parishioners bounced with joy at the celebration, despite the heat and lack of shade!


| Photo Credit | Forming | Sending | Serving Our Feature – c/o Anglican Life and Neil Macbeth Photography Inviting

One aspect of Bishop Peter’s ministry is the strength of his partnership with his wife, Teresa Kundycki-Carrell, a lay-chaplain at Cathedral Grammar School. A point to note is that the Bishop’s crook faces outwards, a symbol that Peter is always ready to catch lost sheep for Christ in his Diocese.

The old and the new come together. The Wizard of Christchurch and the new Bishop of Christchurch, come together in that special place, 100 Cathedral Square.

Her Worship, the Mayor Lianne Dalziel spoke of a spirit of collaboration and purpose for the good of the region. She welcomed Peter, congratulated him, and thanked him for choosing the square as the the place to be installed reminding Cantabrians that the Square and its Cathedral was the reason we were the first NZ city.

Fortunately the Chancellor declared the election and ordaining of Peter legally valid. Phew!

Sitting in the cathedra, or Bishop’s chair, is symbolic of taking up the mantle of being Bishop of Christchurch. The seat, originally made in memorial for Archbishop West-Watson, may not have been in the cathedral, but was close to it as possible, highlighting the desire of Bishop Peter to one day be back in the reinstated Christ Church Cathedral, and back in the minds of the people, as our forbears worked so diligently for and intended for generations to come.

Teresa is greeted by Chas Muir (Anglican Care Trust Board) in the joyful melee of the installation celebration.

A rose between... no a thorn between two roses! Yes - that’s it! Bishop Peter and Mother Elena, Community of the Sacred Name, (right) and her niece from Fiji, Patrina Cheer (left).

Our Feature

| Photo Credit – c/o Anglican Life and Neil Macbeth Photography


Peace And Purpose

Te Waiora House welcomes the weary

Their website says ‘Te Waiora’ means ‘living water’, and it does. It also means ‘safety’ and that is exactly what you will find at Te Waiora House in Hororata, Canterbury. This Christian Retreat centre is a place you can come for “time out, restoration and growth”. I can imagine all of those qualities, and more, being available here. A sense of peace and tranquillity descends as you enter the grounds. No matter what the season or weather the garden and front entrance is welcoming.

Te Waiora’s vision: to provide a peaceful and quiet place to which anyone may come, away from the stress and strain of daily life, to rest and to seek physical, emotional and spiritual renewal.


Our Story

A greeting full of aroha and acceptance comes with hugs and handshakes from Ruth and John Thompson, your hosts. The facility is beautiful and set in park-like grounds. The house itself features open-plan dining, kitchen and laundry facilities, bedrooms for ten (max) and a number of bathroom facilities, a chapel and several quiet-space rooms including a small library. In the grounds there are spaces for peace and rest, be they on the veranda, in the garden, on a quiet bench overlooking rural vistas, or in the tiny-housestyle prayer hut. A sense of quiet contemplation is physically present and just begs you to stay a while, empty your burdens and just ‘be’. I can imagine God speaking in a ‘still small voice’ here. The hosts are not actually Anglicans, but don’t hold that against them. In fact, they say being more ecumenically based (their background comes from a rich blend of Baptist, Presbyterian and pentecostal persuasions), is an advantage because they are not aligned with any one particular way of doing things. Ruth and John also

have experience in social work and pastoral care – an ideal background for any hospitality host, but especially a retreat centre such as Te Waiora. Stepping outside of Christchurch, or your own town or city, and into a different space somehow allows you to shed the day to day worries that attend your mind at home and work, and be open to hearing from God. The hosts talk of ‘God encounters’ where the daily rhythms of the centre allow God to speak, and the open-hearted to hear. “Te Waiora has been the perfect place for God and me to meet. Everywhere at Te Waiora there are, as it were, ‘invitations’ to meet and sit with God – in the chapel, in the lounge, in the garden, in the gazebo, on the swing, on the deck, at the cross. Freedom to move about and to just ‘be’ without ‘doing’.”

| Words – Jo Bean | Photo Credit – c/o Te Waiora House and Jo Bean

There is no imposed daily programme, but the gentle rhythm of the house includes morning chapel, that guests are welcome to attend, and mealtimes shared in the dining room. While ‘it’s not just bread that keeps us alive,’ regular eating certainly helps one’s well-being! And the food! The smell of home cooking and baking, a job shared by a number of dedicated volunteers, is mouth-watering and inviting. You won’t want to miss meals or tea breaks, but you may just need to walk a bit to even it all out!

Artwork around the place includes tapestry and is designed to be part of the whole experience. This piece reminds us that life can be beautiful even in turbulent places. Credit: c/o Te Waiora House.

“The chapel session I attended and the lovely spiritual art at the house, including an especially meaningful photo and poem in my room and the tapestry in the Prayer Hut all helped me to heal.” Managing the guest dynamics is one of the couple’s special skills, as several individuals can be there at one time. Ruth and John play down their talents; “We’re just great listeners,” they say. But knowing what to say to put someone at ease, when to step in and speak and when to leave people alone, is a huge skill-set they have in spades.

“Travelling out to Te Waiora gives a real feeling of moving aside from everyday life and going on retreat … The hospitality offered by Ruth and John is unobtrusive but exceptional and supports the whole experience of Te Waiora.”

“When rushing is normal and multitasking is essential, the value of a quiet place where time seems to be on a different orbit, cannot be overestimated. Te Waiora has always been the right place at the right time for me.” “I completely missed one session … I had been sitting on my bed researching the verse that was left in the neatly folded towels. It said: For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. Jeremiah 29:11(NRSV). This was so timely. I had been feeling a bit discouraged and unsure about some things and this “message” was definitely for me. It was a real encouragement and confirmation of my direction.”

Te Waiora’s Verse: Jesus said: Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. (Matt 11: 28)

Another God-directed outcome, the hosts say, is that He brings certain people together. Recently three Christian writers all turned up at the same time, all independent and unconnected, but they ended up discovering each other, coming together, sharing and encouraging each other. Te Waiora does not stand alone; It’s not just a house, the hosts, or the volunteers. Te Waiora also has a dedicated Board who oversee and pray for the facility and its mission. The trustees are an impressive lineup of people with specific skills and abilities suited to helping the Te Waiora vision bear fruit.

So, in this busy and pressured world we live in, the opportunity to take some time out is important for our well-being. This valuable facility is one such place you can go, rest, be strengthened and renewed for your own God-given journey.

The lush and rural vistas of the retreat location help visitors to leave their cares behind. Credit: c/o Te Waiora House.

Need a Retreat? You can apply to stay at Te Waiora using the online forms found here: www.

Hosts Ruth and John Thompson with Board member Graham Button outside the Prayer Hut. Credit: c/o Jo Bean.

The separate Prayer Chalet or Hut was opened in 2018. Credit: c/o Te Waiora House.

Stays can be for a day or overnight, or a number of nights. Individuals and small groups are welcome.

“There is a delightful comfortable chapel where people can visit – a peaceful backdrop with a water feature that allows for soothing, meditational opportunities.”

There is also the opportunity to book out the full facility for a group to run their own retreat.

Te Waiora House basking in the summer sun. The surroundings make it easy to rest and relax. Credit: c/o Te Waiora House

Our Story

For details of costs and logistics, go to or call Ruth or John on 03 318 0789.

| Words – Jo Bean | Photo Credit – c/o Te Waiora House and Jo Bean


Supporting Global Mission

Glenda Hicks talks to Michael Hartfield from Anglican Missions Anglican Missions is the gateway to global mission for the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia. In a spirit of partnership, it does this by encouraging the church to pray, give, go and support overseas mission and by raising funds for a wide range of activities. To promote the overseas mission of our Church and encourage our parishes and ministry units to participate in this mission through prayer, giving and personal involvement


Michael, you began in a new position 18 months ago with Anglican Missions called “Operations and Projects Manager”. Can you tell us a bit about yourself and what led you to apply for this position?


Michael Hartfield and Bishop Gabriel Sharma in Nadi.



I was born in Nigeria. My parents were medical missionaries and we came to New Zealand when I was nine, so I think, to an extent, mission is in my blood. I worked as a town planner for many years before getting into the humanitarian and aid sector – five years with the Council for International Development (which represents New Zealand NGOs involved in overseas development) and nine with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT). However I was really keen on a job that combined my faith with my interest in development and mission so when the role at Anglican Missions came up, I leapt at the chance.


This is a new staff position for Anglican Missions. What does your role involve? And what are some things you have most enjoyed so far?


My role is broad and exciting. It includes working to ensure that global mission is on the radar of every church; working closely with our partners in New Zealand, the Pacific and further afield to ensure the development and humanitarian projects we support are effective, meeting intended objectives and are value for money; and managing the Wellington office. There is much to enjoy in my role and there are many highlights. Several that stand out have been working with the Diocese of Polynesia to help develop a Climate Change Strategy; meeting with mission groups across the country who are determined and passionate in their desire to see overseas mission grow; visiting a number of small isolated villages in Fiji to

| Words – Rev’d Glenda Hicks | Photo Credit – c/o Michael Hartfield

see first-hand how a small amount of money that is well-directed can make such a significant impact; and coordinating our response to last year’s Tropical Cyclone Gita which devastated parts of Tonga and which was so very generously supported by parishes and individuals across the country. I am humbled and privileged to be doing this work.


Each year our Diocesan Synod confirms a ‘Missions Target’ to go to the work of Anglican Missions, and ministry units contribute towards this voluntarily according to amounts they set. Despite the challenges we have faced over recent years, our annual giving has held up particularly well in comparison to what other dioceses contribute. However, where the Missions Target funds go to may not always be quite so well known amongst our church members. Can you tell us more about this please?


The Christchurch Diocese has always been generous and, as you say, has held up particularly well in spite

of the earthquakes. Christchurch Diocese continues to be a strong supporter of global mission and we are hopeful that this will continue. The funding is split between supporting mission through our key partners (e.g. NZCMS which sends mission partners across the globe); through the church (e.g. the Anglican Church in Polynesia; short-term mission visits to the Pacific; and the Anglican Church in Tanzania) and through aid and development projects (e.g. Water, education and health care). We also channel humanitarian responses to natural disasters – such as tropical cyclone Gita and the PNG earthquakes. Last year $100,000 was raised in response to our Cyclone Gita Appeal and a further $20,000 for PNG. The Gita response in particular was exceptional. The money has been used to help rebuild damaged properties, to get communities back on their feet, and also to ensure Anglican Churches in Tonga are better able to respond to future events through the pre-positioning of relief supplies.

Part of Anglican Mission’s climate change response was to participate in a Community Integrated Vulnerability Assessment (CIVA) workshop in Nuku’alofa (October 2018). The aim is to help communities to be better prepared for and able to respond to disasters.


Anglican Missions also has two annual appeals. Can you tell us about the focus of this year’s appeals?


Yes, I regret that I had to withdraw because of a visit to Tonga where I helped facilitate a workshop for Anglican clergy and youth leaders on addressing vulnerability and climate change. I’m sure you enjoyed hearing from my colleague, the Rev’d David Dell, who has also worked for Anglican Missions.

Yes, certainly. Income from the Lent Appeal will support the Christ Anglican School in Nazareth; the Holy Land Institute for Deaf and Blind Students; and a water project in Fiji. Our Lenten appeal has traditionally If I was at your synod I would say that mission is not an ‘optional raised funds for projects in the extra’. Jesus was a missionary Middle East and this year we have and he expects us to be the sa added in one closer to home in the me. As followers of Christ, we Pacific. We aim to raise around are expected to share our faith $45,000 for this and for each appeal – at home and even to the very (Lent and Spring). corners of the world. One way of sharing our faith is through sharing the gospel and nurturing believers. Another is by serving That’s quite a range. and providing practical support I know you had hoped and yet another is by caring for to speak at our Diocesan God’s creation and helping to Synod last year, but another transform unjust structures in commitment came up. So here’s society. Anglican Missions aims your big chance! What would you to do all these. I have seen over most want to say to AnglicanLife many years how small amounts of readers? money, well directed, can make a


significant difference. There are projects that we support which can literally mean the difference between life and death. While we are growing strong partnerships with like-minded agencies, we also need to boldly demonstrate our point of difference. We need to get in amongst it all and to show and live Christ’s love and care. It’s what Christ expects and it’s what He told us to do. I would also like to say on behalf of Anglican Missions just how much we appreciate the generosity of the Christchurch Diocese. It is amazing how generous and committed you continue to be in supporting the overseas dimension of mission. Despite the many challenges in your own neighbourhood, your prayers, funding and the practical support you give to Anglican Missions helps us to participate in and contribute to Christ’s global mission. And by the way, Anglican Missions celebrates its centenary this year! Dialogue

Head Man of Maniava village (Fiji), Waisake Radrodro, with two children.

A water tank at All Saints Church, Tonga provides clean water in times of drought and flood.

Please join us in celebrating one hundred years of overseas mission. Details of the centenary will be coming soon, so keep watching our website Thanks Michael! May God bless and energise you in your ministry with Anglican Missions.

A well-secured roof.

Rev’d Glenda Hicks is the Chairperson for the Diocesan Council for World Mission (DCWM) and currently Priest-in-charge at St Paul’s, Papanui, Christchurch. The previous Chair, Bob Henderson, served from 2008-2018. To contact Glenda, email A rebuilt house in the village.

| Words – Rev’d Glenda Hicks | Photo Credit – c/o Michael Hartfield


In Search Of A Genderless God

An ongoing personal investigation into the male-female partnership It’s often hard to admit our own hypocrisies. I have failed often enough. My most recent blunder was when I suggested a friend might wish to eat less sugar while I was starting on my second cupcake within five minutes! It’s the old adage of the pot calling the kettle black. The church, too, can be hypocritical. • When was the last time you heard a sermon or talked about On the one hand, we champion the female attributes of God? equal rights, fairness, and justice. (Yes they are there, and they are On the other, we adhere to biblical!) traditional biases, outdated practices and, in my opinion, a A look into many of the churches I sometimes undetected gender have personal experience with tells imbalance in the way we do me we are not doing particularly leadership. well at treating men and women equally in the day to day running of Are you brave and honest enough the church. to do a stocktake of your church or faith-based group? So, we know and accept that both • How many women are on your morning tea, flowers, cleaning or genders, male and female, were created in the image of God (Gen crèche roster? How many men? 1:27). So it stands to reason that God • At your vestry meetings, who has both male and female attributes. usually makes the cups of tea or But the language we use to describe starts to clean up? God is often skewed towards the • If you have a men’s meeting masculine: God the Father. And I such as a Men’s Breakfast, who get that. The male image is one of caters for this? Do your men strength, power and authority. And ever cater for, or provide crèche facilities for any of your women’s these aspects of God are important. meetings?


In My Opinion

| Words – Bridie Boyd | Photo Credit – c/o Bridie Boyd

But even when we talk about God as love or God’s compassion (attributes we often think of as feminine today), we still call him Father (think of the Prodigal Son). But aren’t the attributes of love and compassion also feminine aspects? We hardly ever hear about the times when Jesus wept (Luke 19:41, John 11:35, Matt 26:38, Heb 5:7) and wanted to gather his people like a hen gathers her chicks (Matt 23: 37). Why do we hardly ever see a reference to Mother God? And if we do, is it fully accepted or is it seen as ‘feminist language’ and a little bit fringe? With this in mind, I decided to do some digging into the experiences of women in the church. I am in the process of interviewing women, both clergy and lay, about their experiences and also delve into how they understand the feminine in God. Interviews have included a nurse and new mother, a Bishop, a chaplain, a Franciscan Nobliate and teacher, a student, and a priest. Every single interview to date has been both fascinating and a little worrying.

My thesis is that the feminine “Holy God, Mother and Father to us aspects of God do not weaken the all, giver of life, comforter, carer image, nor alter God fundamentally. and protector…” (God is the same yesterday, today and forever – yay!). Talking about So have an honest think about how God using feminine language is you view God, mull over any subtle not apostasy. The Bible portrays bias in your church, and think about God as having both masculine and how you might start to use more feminine attributes and neither are inclusive language in support of a portrayed as ‘better’. Well, that’s my balanced image of God. opinion and I am happy to share it. So, as I am investigating some new ways to work these ideas out in This opinion piece was practise, I am getting the ball rolling written by Bridie Boyd. by advocating for the inclusion of Bridie is a youth worker female language within the liturgy. and advocate for inclusive I’m not trying to be modern for church here in Christchurch. the sake of it, I’m attempting to If you are interested in this be biblical. I’m not trying to set women above men or alienate topic, check out her Youtube men, but to include women and the interviews, called “Women & female experience for everyone in a God” with various different meaningful way. interviewees such as the Reverends Herles-Mooar So what does this look like and and Riley, and our previous how can we start to use inclusive Bishop. Bridie is continuing language in our Sunday worship? In to interview and investigate the image on this page is a modern aspects of the feminine divine. take on the Lord’s Prayer, from our prayer book, that is more inclusive If you would like more in its language. Perhaps you could information, want to talk experiment using it? But even about your experiences, or do something as simple as beginning an interview, get in touch on our prayers with this alternative is a start:

A Prayer

(the NZ Prayer Book, p181)

Eternal Spirit Earth-Maker, Pain-bearer, Life-giver, source of all that is and that shall be, Father and Mother of us all. Loving God, in whom is heaven. The hallowing of your name echoes through the universe! The way of your justice be followed by the peoples of the earth! Your heavenly will be done by all created beings! Your commonwealth of peace and freedom sustain our hope and come on earth. With the bread we need for today, feed us. In the hurts we absorb from one another, forgive us. In times of temptation and test, spare us. From the grip of all that is evil, free us. For you reign in the glory of the power that is love, now and forever. Amen

In My Opinion

| Words – Bridie Boyd | Photo Credit – c/o Bridie Boyd and and diller/freepik


A Shared Pathway What a metaphor of the church!

Recently I walked along the new promenade between Margaret Mahy playground and the Antigua Boatsheds. It was a pleasant riverside walk on a hot day, stopping to admire the 13 Whāriki (woven mat) paving stones marked out on the path, weaving a Maori story of our city. Well, that is when I wasn’t having to jump out of the way of a fast oncoming Lime scooter with some riders more skilled than others at steering around the buggies, bikes, wheelchairs and those gamely getting along with sticks or walkers, all on the shared pathway.

Rev’d Jenny Wilkens, Senior Associate Priest, Parish of Fendalton.


We’re all on a shared pathway, and sometimes it feels like we’re all going in different directions. If you’ve ever walked a labyrinth with a group, you’ll know what it feels like to bump into people and to carefully negotiate passing and who gives way to whom! Paul’s letters to the Corinthians remind us that church life has never been a bed of roses. We still wear our humanness with all its propensity to rivalries, jealousy, one-upmanship, tripping each other up and failing to give way to each other, even as we seek to follow in the footsteps of Christ, and to walk in step with the Spirit of God within us.

Theological Thoughts

As we study 1 Corinthians in Lent groups through the Diocese, we’ll explore these issues more deeply, as with a sigh of relief we find that the early Christians were not so unlike us after all. It’s very easy with changes of leadership in our Diocese or in our parish or ministry unit, to set up huge expectations of new leaders, and to downplay or devalue those leaders who’ve moved on for whatever reason from our midst. Let’s rather give thanks to God for the good things achieved by past leaders in their faithful ministry and release them for what God has in store for them now. Let us pledge to

| Words – Rev’d Jenny Wilkens | Photo Credit –c/o freepik

Share the Road – Pedestrians, cyclists and people on scooters are being urged to be aware of one another while using a shared pathway. Credit rawpixel/freepik.

support new leaders among us with our prayers and encouragement, praying for new ministry and leadership teams as they form in the Diocese. May we extend grace and generosity of spirit to those finding their way into new roles and be willing to take a step of faith ourselves this year just as they have. We’re on a shared pathway

together, seeking to follow Christ, weaving the faith story anew and making room for others to join us on the path. As Paul put it, “Neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth…for we are God’s servants, working together; you are God’s field, God’s building.” (1 Cor 3: 7, 9)

The Intriguing Tale Of Christianity In Aotearoa A message of hope

If I were to recommend one spirit-fuelled, hope-filled book for individuals and small groups to read, Huia Come Home would be it. My home group chose to study this transformative little book over a couple of months. I don’t believe anyone was left unaffected. My heart and head were captivated. Packed into Jay Ruka’s 140 pages, are fresh insights into how this shared land of ours, AotearoaNew Zealand, has been shaped by the intersection of two cultures and Christianity.

Huia e huia, tangata kotahi! Huia, your destiny is to bring everyone together! (Māori whakatauki or proverb)

Whether you know a little or a lot about our history, Huia Come Home is more than just an account of our past. Ruka invites us to imagine a future of partnership, where Maori and Pakeha worldviews are more in balance. There’s an allegorical quality to the book, where Ruka uses the (colonial) chicken and the (indigenous) huia as symbols. His faith-infused optimism for the future pervades the book and is utterly infectious.

Arts – Book Review

The engaging and casual writing style makes the book highly readable and easy to digest. It’s divided into six sections containing a number of short chapters; a format that makes the book easy to navigate and lends itself to small-group discussion. A glossary of Maori words and a ‘cast of characters’ provide useful references. Within my home group, there were “a-ha!” moments and questions like “why didn’t we know this before?” We recognised parallels between Maori spiritual concepts and Hebrew Biblical stories. We felt enriched by what the book offers. Title: Huia Come Home Author: Jay Ruka Self-Published, 2017 ISBN: 9781877487996

About the author… An author, musician and public communicator, Jay Ruka, won the Laidlaw College’s Ron Youngson essay competition (2010) and has been a Christian minister for many years. He now tours speaking about The Treaty of Waitangi and true cultural partnership. He is married to Erin and they live with their three children in Whāingaroa (Raglan), where together they run Huia Ministries. For more thought-provoking ideas, hook into Jay’s blog:

| Words – Megan Blakie | Photo Credit – c/o

29 Issue 57 ISSN 2253-1653 (print) ISSN 2537-849X (online) Feedback or story submission:









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