1 minute read

See The Phoenix

You do not see as we see; The greatest pain ever known, Was the greatest Love ever shown: The Son of God’s arms stretched on wood.

We see sorrow, loss, pain As threatening to destroy us. You see them as something that takes us to You. We feel pain, We see the immediate. You see the future’s growth, You feel the love.


Outside of time, You see beyond our now. And beyond the immediate problems, Pain, sorrow and doubts Are lives deepened in You. Seeped in faith, love, joy and hope.

But the lives must live the first, Before they know the latter. While all that is within would scream “Remove the bad.” Yet without the ‘bad’ The good is not really known.

What is hope without despair? What is faith without doubt? What is love without pain? What is joy without sorrow?

Each known in greater measure because of the other. Never do Your eyes rest on the negative, Always You see forward to The Phoenix that rises from the ashes.

Credit: Written by Jo Anastasiadis, taken from p25 Refresh Journal of Contemplative Spirituality, Spiritual Growth Ministries Aotearoa NZ sgm.org.nz used with permission.

All I want is to go to school

In Nepal, all young Maya wants is to go back to school. Her father passed away from TB and her house was destroyed by floods. To make matters worse, Maya then contracted leprosy. She was forced to quit school and faced awful discrimination. But there is hope for Maya.

Through The Leprosy Mission hospital in Anandaban, she is receiving a treatment that will cure her of this crippling disease. Every day 50 children around the world contract leprosy.

You can help make it Zero by donating to The Leprosy Mission today.

We’re working to achieve Zero Leprosy by 2035. We can spot it and stop it. We just need your hand to defeat it.



Donate now by scanning the QR code or go to www.leprosymission.org.nz

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