2 minute read

Celebrating Our 90+ Parishioners

“ Over the next three decades, the number of older persons worldwide is projected to more than double, reaching more than 1.5 billion persons in 2050.” United Nations. In Brief

At St Barnabas, there are around 60 people in their 90th year and over— three in their 100’s and the oldest is 104!


Since 2019 St Barnabas Fendalton has been celebrating its nonagenarians and centenarians with an annual afternoon tea and sing-along at the end of September or early October. The United Nations created an International Day of Older Persons in 1990 and it has been celebrated on 1 October every year since.

Just imagine the change they have seen in the world. They have lived through The Depression, WWII, the 60s, the invention of the computer and mobile phones, managed carless days, and now Covid! They have contributed to the life of the Parish for many decades, some since their infant baptisms at St Barnabas. A number remember going to Sunday School classes, being involved at vestry, and volunteering in many areas of parish life.

“It’s called the Nonagenarians and Centarians Sing–along and Afternoon Tea, and year 25 people attended,” says Jo Cotton, Pastoral Care Coordinator St Barnabas Fendalton.

“It’s always such a lovely afternoon. Normally Denis Guyan would be playing the piano to lead the sing-along, but he was away testing out pipe organs across France. So, instead, we enjoyed Rev’d Jenny Wilkens on piano and Rev’d John Shoaf on guitar and trumpet! We sang some old-time favourites such as The White Cliffs of Dover, Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory, and We’ll Meet Again, and we ended with a very special and ‘new’, God Save the King. “Nothing but the best for these special people in our parish, we laid out the fine china and put on a delicious high tea. Some of our guests can no longer get to church regularly for various reasons so it’s wonderful to see old friends reuniting who hadn’t seen each other for such a long time. It is important that we celebrate the life and times of our older congregation.”

Lovely ladies Dawne Clarke, Pamela McKenzie and Robin Willis having an enjoyable catch–up over tea and cake! Credit: St Barnabas

Let hope FLOW this Christmas

A three–tiered refreshments platter being shared by Pat Williams and Rev’d Jenny Wilkens. Credit: St Barnabas DONATE TODAY christmasappeal.org.nz DONATE TODAY christmasappeal.org.nz DONATE TODAY christmasappeal.org.nz DONATE TODAY christmasappeal.org.nz DONATE TODAY christmasappeal.org.nz

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