Anglican Life June/July 2018

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JUNE / JULY 2018











16. 18. 22. 23. 24. 26. 28. 29.

FROM THE VICAR GENERAL: Celebrating and empowering our youth 2. IN BRIEF 4. FEATURE: A giant leap of faith 9. CAPTURED: Eastercamp 2018 12. Joyful Easter camp 14. Discipling for the future 15. Advocating for justice

The navigate initiative ACTIVITIES: The lost coin; I’m not a failure! THEOLOGICAL THOUGHTS: Telling the gospel story WORKPLACE: Following her father’s footsteps DIALOGUE: Being present with youth CULTURE GLOBAL DISPATCH: Changing lives for child brides A FAREWELL TO BISHOP VICTORIA

AnglicanLife is published bi-monthly by the Anglican Diocese of Christchurch. Editor: Jo Bean:, Contributing Writers: Alice Bates, Jo Bean, Rev’d Toby Behan, Liz, Sammy Mould, Rev’d Carolyn Robertson, Rev’d Helen Roud, Ross Seagar, Rev’d Josh Taylor, Jo Taylor-de Vocht, Rev’d Jolyon White, Cole Yeoman. Editorial and Advertising Enquiries: Jo Bean:, Printed by: Toltech Print, Print Sustainability: AnglicanLife is printed on recycled paper using vegetable-based inks. ISSN 2253-1653 (print), ISSN 2537-849X (online) Cover image: Youthful Worship at Eastercamp 2018 Credit: Tanmayi Pagadala

The Transitional Cathedral, Latimer Square





Dear friends in Christ, I vividly recall a shuttle ride from Dunedin Airport to the University of Otago campus many years ago. The new student year was about to begin and two fellow passengers were sharing their views about their university city. One resident was bemoaning the anticipated student influx and expressing her perception of the negative impact of their presence in the community. The other— an older woman—expressed her excitement and delight, welcoming the students’ return as enlivening, bringing youthful freshness and creativity to the region. I have never forgotten the two contrasting perspectives and attitudes offered on that journey. The theme of this issue of AnglicanLife is Youth: Celebrating and Empowering our Youth. A commitment to the greening of this diocese is one of the legacies of our last bishop, the Rt Rev’d Victoria Matthews, and a responsibility we all share as we move forward. I was pleased to attend in March, the Blessing of the Land at 109 Salisbury St for the new Youth Hub in Christchurch city (feature article in this issue). This missional initiative, envisioned by Dr Sue Bagshaw, to provide services and transition accommodation to

the young people of Christchurch, particularly those who are vulnerable, is a creative partnership between Anglican Care and the Youth Hub Te Hurihanga o Rangatahi Trust (the land, purchased by Anglican Care, will be leased to the Trust). Our donations to this initiative, as well as our ongoing prayers, will help bring it to fruition. Ministry to, with and for those under 40, including youth, children and their families, is one of the four ‘global priorities’ of in our Diocese. We need to develop these groups to enable the mission of this Church. All of our Mission must occur in the context of being aware of those who Christ is calling to follow us in the work of the Kingdom. In this issue we celebrate some of what has been, and is currently evolving in our greening diocese. We give thanks for the young leaders in our midst and their identity in Christ. May we commit to praying for them, working with them and encouraging their ministries, as together, we build God’s Kingdom in our communities. Rev’d Helen Roud Vicar General




Words and image: Rev’d Carolyn Robertson

“MY ORDINATION TO BE AN ANGLICAN PRIEST IS, FOR ME, A DEEP SENSE OF COMING HOME.” Rev’d Carolyn Robertson’s ordination journey began eight years ago. She had just finished working in a Baptist church and was continuing to study post-graduate theology. She also sometimes attended the Cathedral and especially loved Eucharist there. One day she was surprised to be approached by two different Baptist churches with the suggestion she apply for senior pastor roles. She took that as a sign and began to explore the idea. As part of that exploration she spoke to Bishop Victoria about women in pastoral leadership. During the conversation Bishop Victoria placed another option in front of her – why not become an Anglican Priest instead? Later that year she was considered for ordination (discerned) by the Anglican Church, accepted, and the journey continued. Since then Carolyn has spent time getting to know the Anglican church better, being a part of the Diocesan mission team, going to St Johns College (Auckland), attending a range of different Anglican churches, and being a curate at East Christchurch. She has also finished her PhD in theology. Carolyn says, “My ordination to be an Anglican priest is, for me, a deep sense of coming home”.

From left to right: Rev’d Carolyn Robertson, Bishop Victoria Matthews, and Rev’d Katrina Hill

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Words: Ross Seagar

Words: Jolyon White

Last edition (#53) we noted that St Paul’s Church in the Lincoln Parish of Tai Tapu was about to have its repair work done. It was a complex re-levelling problem and the fix wasn’t guaranteed, but, praise God, it worked! The main issue was subsidence with a significant ‘tip’ to the floor. We weren’t sure if we could re-level it without breaking the back of the building (and shattering windows). We had some money, and along with a Lottery Environment and Heritage Committee grant, had enough to attempt the repair. Mainmark, the contractor, used an ingenious method of releveling the ground below the building, rather than the building itself. A high-tec computer system injected grout at various points simultaneously to effectively “float” the church back to level. Fantastic solution and result! The heritage nature of the building is retained, the floor is now level, and the lawns and driveway have been re-landscaped. The church was blessed and re-dedicated on Sunday 28 April, 2018.

Thank you to all so far who have given money to help pay for glasses for prisoners. Recently the Social Justice Enabler, Rev’d Jolyon White told us that prisoners sometimes miss out on education because they can’t see to read. The prison can get them to an optometrist, but the prisoner may not be able to afford the glasses (a typical prescription costs about $300). So we sent out the word and asked for donations to get some glasses. Awesomely, in the last couple of months we have been able to provide glasses for a number of prisoners with serious eye-sight problems. It’s not too late to donate. Please give to 06-0831-0007713-000 using the reference PrisonGlass.

St Pauls, Tai Tapu, has been repaired, Credit: Church Property Trustees

Not a thankful prisoner, but Justice Enabler Rev’d White encouraged by the generosity of the Diocese. Photo credit: Jo Bean




Words: Jo Bean

“Wha-hoo! We made it!” Bishop Victoria and Dr Sue Bagshaw on the land proposed for the Youth Hub, Credit: Dr Phil Bagshaw 4



The Vision On a cold rainy afternoon, 50 people gathered, dripping, rugged up, and full of smiles – for the blessing of a piece of soggy land in Salisbury St, purchased for the Youth Hub. The Youth Hub, Dr Sue Bagshaw’s vision, is a multiprovider complex of wrap-around services for at-risk youth in Christchurch. You may remember 198 Hereford St or 298 Barbadoes St, both of which were forerunners of this exciting project. Since the EQ, the need for a safe place for teens that can provide a place to hang, support their mental health issues and housing needs, has escalated significantly. More young people than ever are self-harming, exhibiting anti-social and destructive behaviours, are struggling to engage with education, are hungry and homeless. But with no suitable premises, where do they go? In steps Dr Bagshaw and the Anglican Church. Dr Bagshaw is a real-life superhero—her never ending energy and compassion for young people in this city is longstanding and like the energiser bunny, she just keeps going and going until someone listens. This time it was the Anglican Church, or more accurately Anglican Care, who decided that they should and could help. They looked at all the property they currently owned and realised they didn’t have any suitable piece of inner city land to assist. But then a new idea developed, what happens if the Church purchases a suitable piece of land, and allows the Youth Hub to use it? This is a win-win for Dr Bagshaw, the Church and, of course, most importantly, our youth. The Youth Hub has a long-term home for its health centre and other complementary services such as assistance to finish

school or find work, and can also provide some temporary transitional housing. And the Church is fulfilling one of its God-given aims of standing beside the outcasts, the weak and vulnerable. So, back to the drizzly day, a group of caring supporters, Dr Bagshaw and the Bishop standing on a squelching green throwing up their hands with joy and yelling “Wha-hoo! We made it!” But of course, that’s only the beginning as all that exists currently is a smelly building with mouldy carpets, two worn bowling greens, a carpark, and a vision. But at least the Hub vision is finally standing on concrete. What’s needed now is resource consent, a builder, approved plans, and money. Money to build the complex, fit it out, and get the doors open. How much? Only ten million. But let’s not be daunted—this is a mere speck in God’s bucket of provision, so we trust in Him and keep telling people what we need. God will supply. The current Mental Health Commissioner says the way to help combat the rising mental health issues is to broaden our approach to MH services and get up-stream of the issues including addressing some of the contributing issues such as poverty and a lack of community support. “We need to… empower people to have lifestyles and community support that build positive mental health and resilience. When people go through tough times it’s essential that they are given the holistic, social and clinical support they need to recover and boost their ongoing wellbeing.” This is exactly what the Youth Hub is trying to achieve. 5


Statistics tell us… • 1/3 of the Christchurch population are children and young people, with 20–24 year-olds being the second biggest group. • The brain doesn’t fully mature until about age 25 (and this can range from 22–30 years). In early teen years feelings are powerful and drive life. Thoughts are concrete and the ability to think about thinking (metacognition) gradually develops. Decisions are based on what is important to them. This is also true for adults, but teens make decisions based on what is important to them at the time more quickly and more often. • Since the earthquakes, more and more call is being made on mental health services. CDHB’s Canterbury Wellbeing Index (2016) reports that from 2011 to 2016 the increase in demand for mental health services rose 21% for those over 18yrs and 27% for those 17yrs or under. • According to the CERA Youth Well-being Survey (2013) 20% of youths aged 12-24 years living in Christchurch rate their life negatively and 35% score below the mean in the WHO’s well-being index. Of those 35% significant influencers were poor health or disability and unemployment. In 2013, 94% of youth experienced stress (again influenced by poor health and unemployment) and of that 94%, 28% experienced persistent stress. • A recent mental health report (by the Mental Health Commissioner, 2018) sates that 50–80% of all kiwis experience at least one mental health or addiction episode or problem during their lives, equating to about 20% of kiwis in any one year. Evidence also says that 50% of Kiwis experience poor mental wellbeing that impacts their lives. Youth Hubs Work… • The hub/wrap-around services model has been trialled overseas with great success. It’s efficient, is liked by youth, and youth tend to stick with it. • Providing wrap-around services and a place to belong (often called connectedness) is vital to prevent escalating mental health issues and suicide in youth. • The Christchurch youth hub will provide wraparound services and a place to belong. Services already in discussion with Sue are: Youthline, White Elephant Trust (cool activities for youth), the Collaborative Trust, City Mission, Foodbank, Methodist Mission, Presbyterian Support, a community garden, Nurse Maude, Big Brothers Big Sisters and more.


Karen’s Story I want to share with you a story of a young girl that was helped at 198, the previous version of this new dream. Her name is Karen (not her real name) and she was 13 years old and attended the local high school (well, most of the time). But the story starts before that. She was born into a family that shifted around due to the Father’s job. Her early life was spent in the far north in a poor but close knit community where she had a happy life full of family and friends. After shifting around a few times, the family ended up in Christchurch where Karen was at the local primary school and doing well academically. This was partly thanks to her Dad who was good at explaining things, and Karen felt she could go to him for anything she didn’t understand and he would help her get it right. But soon her big sister moved away for study, her big brother for work, and her other brother was “absent” (at home but in his own world). The 13-year-old was also changing (puberty and emotions), and her parents had started arguing. She remembers travelling back


from Dunedin to Chch on the night of her 13th birthday and the car breaking down. They sat on the side of the road for an hour waiting for it to cool down before driving on and finally making it to Christchurch later than expected. There was supposed to be a family tea for her birthday, but strangely, her Dad was not there. Her mum said Dad had moved out and was not coming back. No real explanation. Karen felt abandoned, confused and alone. What should have been a sweet 13 party, was a big miss in her eyes. What she now knows is that her Dad, while he had been her rock, was abusive to the rest of the family and it had become intolerable for the family unit to continue. But Karen was ignorant of this and just felt completely lost with no one to talk to and felt as if no one cared. This abandonment and aloneness triggered her first suicide attempt. She took a knife to the bathroom, but couldn’t go through with it. (Thank you Lord!) More suicidal thoughts came and over a couple of weeks of choosing methods and abandoning them, she finally told someone about it. But she told two “friends” she had met online (neither were in Christchurch) and they didn’t believe her or

know how to deal with the information, and so the thoughts became worse. One thought she focussed on was that people who had boyfriends were never alone, so she tried to fill her void with men, who took advantage of her age and vulnerability and she ended up in some pretty scary places, trading sex, seeking love. She tried to talk to some school friends but they couldn’t understand why she was worried – lots of families broke up, she wasn’t anything special, and lots of people broke up with boyfriends, that wasn’t new either. They could not empathise with her pain. Finally she was scared enough of herself to tell her mum. Immediately her mum took her thoughts and attempts seriously and took action. She became an in-patient at Emergency Psych Services. She hated it. She felt they were making a big deal out of nothing and they should just let her go. She was grilled about every aspect of her life and she didn’t see the relevance and didn’t want to share. “At the time, I was angry with my mum for “panicking” and creating such a fuss. But in hindsight, I now know that people who are depressed often play down their feelings and think they are managing ok, and I also know that Psych Services had told mum that my life risk was incredibly high and I shouldn’t be left alone. It undoubtedly saved my life.” The referral to 198 came via Psych Services. At 198 Karen was assessed

and given medication and counselling. Every week, without fail, Karen spoke to someone who listened, cared and helped her better understand her own feelings and put things into perspective. The counsellor was just at the end of a phone or text, would take her out for coffee and make her feel special. She was re-assured that all was ok, she was normal, and she was not alone. And from there the journey back to health began. Karen fully believes that 198 kept her from further poor mental health and worse, and that the skills they taught her were lifechanging. She has now completed a tertiary qualification and is in a stable committed relationship, and is happily looking for the next step in her journey. If Karen could offer advice to any youth feeling in a dark place, it’s that they should find someone to talk to who believes you and can help you get professional help. She found 198, and has not looked back.



Our youth need us—what can we do? CDHB’s Canterbury Wellbeing Index (2016) confirms that people’s connections to their communities are an important influencer on wellbeing, and reports people are less connected than they were in 2012. Approximately half of Christchurch feel disconnected from their community. But getting down to the nitty-gritty of what the solution is, Sue believes (and research backs this up) if there was one thing people could do for our vulnerable and at risk youth, it is to provide them with one caring adult who completely accepts them and believes in them. “That one person won’t make their troubles go away, but the relationship is really helpful. When there is one person that’s in their corner, a sense of safety and belonging can form and develop. And it’s this connectedness that research tells us is critical in helping youths to feel valued and included and part of their life around them.” So what can we, as members of the church, do? “Prayer is powerful. Always keep praying for the hub, the support services, volunteers and professionals, and any at risk youth you know,” says Sue. “Make connections between your youth and older people in the parish—1:1 support systems are invaluable. Run youth groups and youth street parties— provide a non-judgemental, safe place for youth to do stuff together. Because just by being part of a group, being plugged in and connected, mental health improves.”

DO YOU NEED HELP? • If someone you know is in a dark place, be there for them, listen to them without judgement and then persuade them to get help from an adult they trust or another appropriate source. • Youthline (open 24/7) 0800 376 633. You can also text 234 for free between 8am and midnight, or email • 0800 WHATSUP children’s helpline—phone 0800 9428 787 between 1pm and 10pm on weekdays and from 3pm to 10pm on weekends. Online chat is available from 7pm to 10pm every day • Kidsline (open 24/7) 0800 543 754. This service is for children aged 5 to 18. Those who ring between 4pm and 9pm on weekdays will speak to a Kidsline buddy. These are specially trained teenage telephone counsellors.




Snapshots of energy and enthusiasm. Our young people learning about themselves and God, speaking their faith, and worshiping with joy. Thank you Lord. Long may their fire burn. Southern Eastercamp 2018.

Photo credit: Tanmayi Pagadala, Josh Monson and Leanne.






Worship in the Big Top, Eastercamp 2018, Credit: Tanmayi Pagadala


Words: Sammy Mould (Youth Ministry Developer) and Rev’d Toby Behan

Eastercamp 2018 had the vibe of joy! Everyone enjoyed the sunshine (other years have been a bit damp!), the Big Top, the hang-out spaces and the sports. Eastercamp (EC) is an integral part of many of our youth’s lives and students (years 9–13) come for food, friendship and fellowship. And Anglican Party Central (APC), now in its ninth year, is where all the Anglican Youth 12

Groups gather. APC creates a whanau vibe where Anglicans are proud to hang. EC this year was such a positive space – the theme was Joy! People shared from the heart, the speakers were incredible, and youth group discussion times were dynamic. When youth groups spend five solid days together, amazing and life-changing things happen. It’s pure discipleship gold,

and the proof is the young people coming to faith at camp and glowing with the love of God. APC Camp Mother, Sammy, witnessed the Holy Spirit moving. “There was a truly beautiful moment when the youth from St Aidan’s were praying together in the Big Top, and the Sumner youth group felt moved to pray with them. Soon three other youth groups also joined in. The unity was fantastic to witness and St Aidan’s felt truly loved and supported.” EC is also a place where trainee leaders can get stuck in and really step up. One example of this was Cole Yeoman, a youth ambassador for World Vision, who got up and spoke to the 3500 or so attendees! Guts right there! Another highlight each year is the Midnight Mass hosted each year by Bishop Victoria. And after ten years of the Bishop making the time to spend with the youth this way, we hope it will continue. Her support for youth is well documented, and this is one special way she connected with our youth, demonstrating once again how important our youth were to her. So EC 2018 was an amazing place to be, life-changing for some. Make sure you plan to be there next year. Sammy Mould, Camp Mother APC

As someone unfamiliar to the rhythm of Eastercamp, I have to say it’s fast and relentless, but in a good way! Basically it’s get moving and keep moving! The driving force of the camp is the twice daily action in the ‘Big Top’ where the music is loud, heartfelt and exuberant. The youth respond in kind—jumping, dancing and screaming—forming a bond with the musicians on stage. It’s something not to be missed. One of the things which struck me was the fearless and direct way the speakers talked about everyday issues. It wasn’t theoretical or in any way ‘removed’; it was grounded in reality. These challenges can be dark, messy and painful, but we heard that we can have confidence, with Christ in our lives, to persevere and overcome. It ‘normalized’ youth issues, lessening the stigma of isolation and loneliness that so often surrounds them and prevents young people from reaching for help. It was fantastic to be surrounded by thousands of young people who are unashamed to speak of Jesus as Lord and Saviour. I give thanks to God for the encouragement provided by the sheer number of faithful young people who filled Spencer Park to the brim. Rev’d Toby Behan, newcomer to EC

Bishop Victoria on stage, Eastercamp 2018, Credit: Josh Monson

Movie night with popcorn – so much popcorn! Eastercamp 2018, Credit: Leanne



Words: Jo Bean It’s no secret that many of the “great saints” in our parishes are getting older, while the next generation of faithful leaders seem to be “missing in action.” It’s clear that society is changing, people’s lives are getting busier, and competing ideas of “the good life” draw too many of our young people away from the faith of our church communities. That’s why Bishop Victoria prioritised supporting our young leaders: if we wish to see our church renewed, we need to invest into discipling our under 40’s. The things we do to help encourage and equip our young people now—in our families and in our parishes—will have a huge knock on effect in 30 years’ time. Below are some of the “seeds” that have begun to be planted over the past 10 years in our Diocese in order to encourage our younger members to grow in their faith and step up into leadership—in order that they might do the same for their own children and grandchildren. The Kiln This has been part of our churches for nine years. It’s an initiative that aims to support young emerging leaders, assist them in growing their personal faith, develop their leadership skills, and provide opportunities for them to use 14

their talents. It’s training, mentoring, supporting and developing people with a heart for Christ and his world. One of the senior staff now putting huge energy into the Diocese was one of the first Kiln attendees, and others that have come through this Kiln “refining” process are now ordained ministers. Glory be to God that The Kiln continues to bear fruit!

Anglican youth come together at APC on Eastercamp, Credit: Anglican Youth Christchurch

Anglican Party Central (APC) This is the gathering of Anglicans from all over the Diocese who get together at Eastercamp. Eastercamp is a combined Christian youth event run by Canterbury Youth Services, an interdenominational organisation focusing on developing and equipping youth leadership. APC is the combined mob of Anglicans that become a village within the wider Eastercamp. Ten years

ago the idea of Anglicans taking a big part at Eastercamp was considered a bit odd. Baptists or Pentecostals were usually pretty full of life, but Anglicans were seen as a more reserved (aka— not very cool) bunch. The point of the Anglican “party” was to create a community space for the Anglicans to gather, give them a place of belonging and a chance for smaller parishes to be part of a bigger group. It’s obviously worked, because this year 325 youth proudly waved the Anglican flag, making up about 10% of the total Eastercamp attendees.

Want to know more? Want to know what else is going on for young people in our Diocese? Look out for the next instalment in Anglican Life—where we’ll explore Deeper Camp, Thirsty Workers and more. And of course, if anyone wants to know more about any of these groups, including how they could be included in their parishes, contact Sammy on or Spanky on youngadults@

ADVOCATING FOR JUSTNESS Words: Rev’d Jolyon White advocacy, but more often than not we talk to local authorities, government, or business to promote social change. Below is an overview of what the team is currently working on:

The Anglican Advocacy team members. Left to right: Rosalee Jenkin, Bridie Boyd and Rev’d Jolyon White. Insert: Ruth Swale of South Canterbury

The Anglican Advocacy Team have been hard at work already in 2018 advocating for social justness on meaty issues such as tenancy rights, prison reform, the living wage, climate change, and gender equality. Anglican Advocacy engages with social issues from a kingdom perspective. Our role is to highlight issues and advocate for change about poverty, power imbalance, or inequality at an organisational or structural level. Sometimes we assist with individual

Property Management Both tenants and landlords are finding NZs Property Management is not well regulated causing some issues. So we are gathering stories and researching best practice so we can come up with solutions that will try to make it fairer for all. We are planning a campaign for change later this year. Climate Change We are supporting Generation Zero’s campaign for a cross-party, climatechange law—the Zero Carbon Act. The government has agreed to make changes, so we need to help build public support for this. The exciting thing is that we are part of a growing coalition of organisations working towards making real and enforceable change in this area

Women’s Needs in Canterbury Women in crisis in Canterbury can access a number of support systems— but what are the gaps? We looked into the existing services and support offered to women in need. Now we know where the need is, we can start to work for change. Part of this has involved building a volunteer database to connect prisoners with those in the community wanting to share their life skills. Also this year we hope to begin work on gender equality, domestic violence and rape culture. South Canterbury Advocacy The Advocacy Group in South Canterbury is focused on standing alongside and empowering people when they face difficult situations. We can attend appointments with people to help them get the assistance they need. We also run small-group workshops that encourage people to learn a new skill and share with others who are going through similar issues.

An Anglican Advocacy Team member is happy to meet with any parish or ministry unit that is wondering about practical ways to engage a social issue or deepen your community involvement. Contact us anytime on 348-6960, email, visit our website or chat to us on Facebook. For advocacy needs in South Canterbury, contact Ruth on 021-1340307 or email her on



Words: Jo Taylor-de Vocht Most released prisoners underestimate how difficult the transition from prison back into the community will be. Very often they are not prepared for the daily stresses of paying bills, managing relationships or starting employment. This sees many turn back to old habits to cope and after only 12 months in the community, over 30 percent of released prisoners will be back behind bars. “Most of the guys I meet really want to succeed,” says Pathway Reintegration Manager Carey Ewing. “But usually, they are just totally unequipped to do so. They have nowhere to go, except maybe back to old contacts, they have broken most of their supportive relationships and often have never spent a prolonged period working. Unless someone offers new options, failure is almost inevitable.” Some may ask “why should we care about these people?” Well, in the first instance, it is actually in our interest. Crime and reoffending is a socially and financially expensive problem for New Zealand. Socially, through the serious

Most prisoners experience major challenges when reintegrating back into the community, Credit: Photo by Tobi from Pexels



harm that it inflicts emotionally and physically on individuals, families, and communities; and financially, through the at least 11 billion dollars it is estimated to cost our economy. For Christians there is a further imperative. When Jesus talks about how he will mark out his true people in Matthew 25, he is very clear. Jesus’ people are those who have cared for the sick, visited prisoners and looked after the hungry and homeless. “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:40). “The thing is,” says Ewing, “every single person in prison came from the community, and nearly all of them at some point will re-enter the community. Offending is a community problem and it requires a community solution.”

So what can be done? One local effort to improve outcomes is the Navigate Initiative, a new pre-release preparation unit inside of Christchurch Men’s Prison. The unit is a partnership between the community and the Department of Corrections, led by Pathway Trust and core partners Anglican Advocacy and Drug-Arm, along with a host of other local community organisations. The aim is to improve the outlook, skills and health of prisoners before they leave the prison gates. Nine months prior to release, selected prisoners will move into the unit where they will be supported to develop living skills, employment preparation, literacy and numeracy, relationship restoration, counselling, drug and alcohol therapy and many other personal development opportunities. It is expected to begin operating next month. “I am passionate about this project because I can clearly see how it will benefit both the men involved and the wider community,” says Jolyon White, Manager at Anglican Advocacy. “When these men succeed, there are huge flow-on benefits to the community. For Anglican Advocacy it’s an opportunity to make a difference on a large scale and also open the door for churches to take part in helping some of our most vulnerable people, as we are mandated to do by Christ himself.” There is no easy solution to New Zealand’s problem with crime but we have to start somewhere. Find out more at

How can I help? Buying Shares: The Navigate Initiative is being funded through a community investment model. Individuals, churches and businesses buy one or more $1,000 supporter shares in the initiative each year for five years. There is no financial gain; supporter shares are not saleable or tradeable, but instead, supporter shareholders become vital partners who share in the results and outcomes of the unit and receive ongoing independent reports about the social gains made by their investment. To find out more about buying shares, visit Attend this event: Another way to support the initiative is by attending Pathway’s live debate hosted by RNZ’s Kathryn Ryan: “Crime done, Time done, What next?” on Thursday 12 July at the Transitional Cathedral. Tickets cost $12.50 and can be purchased at Get involved with Skills Bank: See the advert for details, or visit Donate: go to donation-form




Words: Jo Bean God is Always Searching for Lost People Have you ever lost something important? Do you sometimes have to help find keys or wallets or the TV remote? Talk to your friends, family and parents about a time the whole family was looking for something important. What happened when you found them? Did you know that God loves you? Did you know that God wants to be a part of your life? Jesus told stories about things and people that were lost and the searching to find them. Read this story in the Bible or ask your parents, or someone older, to read it to you. You can find it in Luke 15: 8–10

Extra Activities A


























———— 15 1 16 24


16 24

— 12

——— 5 4 6

————————— 15 24 21 24 2 19 5 23 24

— ——— 20 5 3 24

—— — — — — — 9 1 18 4 6

16 17

———— 7 12 23 20


21 1 26 23


15 1 12 4 Cryptogram:

Directions: This puzzle is called a Cryptogram. I’ve always loved doing them! At the top there is a KEY that lists all the letters from A thru Z with a box below. Each of the letters has a corresponding number. The bottom part contains a secret phrase. Each of the blanks has a number underneath it. Fill in the letters that correspond to the numbers below the blanks to solve the phrase. 18


The Parable of the Lost Coin Jesus said: “Suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Doesn’t she light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it? And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbours together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin.’ In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” What did the woman do to find the lost coin? (Luke 15:8) What did the woman do when she found the coin? (Luke 15:9)

Did you know your Heavenly Father loves everybody and we are all important to him? So important that if we were lost he would look for us and have a party when he found us? Do you know someone who doesn’t know God, who is “lost”? If you do, what could you do to help them? Perhaps you can invite them to church? Discuss this with your friends, family or parents. Why not make a plan about what you will do.

Line drawing:



For over thirteens… Pick one or all of the below activities and explore them. 1. In pairs explain the parable using a modern day example. 2. Create a drama or mime and act it out using the original story or a modern day example. 3. Write a rap, a song, a poem or draw about this parable. Make sure you include the key message which is… ? 4. Discuss how you search for something lost? Can you write an action plan about your search? 5. How do you feel when you finally find what you are searching for? What if what you were looking for was a child, sibling, friend, parent? 6. Read Luke 15 – the whole chapter – what’s the main message? Summarise the key message and create a banner with the message. 7. Why is this parable important? Who are you in this parable? What does it tell you about how God feels about you? 8. What does the coin have to do with salvation? Draw a cross outline. Stick coins to the cross outline to create a coin-covered cross. Put it on your wall to remind you that you are precious to God. 9. Discuss in small groups: a. Do you have friends or family who are lost? b. How does God feel about that? c. How did he feel when you became a Christian? d. How does he feel now about your friends or family who don’t know God? e. What can you do about it? 10. Do you sometimes feel “Lost” or far away from God? What do these three parables in Luke 15 tell you about how to get back to God? Did you enjoy doing this? Talk to us on and tell us about it (or get your parents to email us).



Words: Jo Bean, based on Phil Trotter’s online “Resourced” Anglican Youth resources. Images: Sourced from 2kratings, Startup-buzz, and Fanpop.

I’M NOT A FAILURE; I’M A SUCCESS IN PROGRESS Have you heard the saying that it’s not how many times you fall but how many times you get up? Did you know it’s actually based on two ancient but similar proverbs: One Chinese and one Japanese?


What do all these people have in common? Michael Jordan, the Beatles, Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, Oprah Winfrey, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison. Look each of these people up and read their life stories. Can you figure it out? You may like to write down each person and their “failure” and send it to Just because you have failed at something, doesn’t mean you are a failure. These famous people all suffered rejection, failure and criticism in their early years and yet were eventually seen as outstanding, creative, and high-achieving people.

What does this teach us about failure? It’s just a stepping stone to achievement. We learn from our mistakes and try again, or try something new, next time. Did you know this also fits in with what God says in the Bible? Paul the Apostle writes: “Jesus told me, ‘My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.’ So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.” Also read (and memorise, if you can) the three “P”s below: • Psalm 145:14 He helps those who are in trouble; he lifts those who have fallen. • Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. • Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust the Lord with all your heart, and don’t depend on your own understanding. Remember the Lord in all you do, and he will give you success. The next time you fall down, fail or feel weak, remind yourself that God can work through your weakness to display His power. All you have to do it tell God about it. After all, He already knows, but He loves to hear from you. “Heavenly Father, I thank you that you love me for who I am, warts and all. That’s good because right now I feel like a failure. But I know in Your Word it says that when I am weak, that’s when You step in, so I ask you to step in now. Thank you for helping me, lifting me and being my source of strength. Amen.”




I was leading a service at a rest-home when I had a somewhat ironic ‘Aha!’ moment about young people and the church. We were singing a hymn called “Tell me the old, old story”. We sung: “Tell me the story slowly, That I may take it in— That wonderful redemption, God’s remedy for sin; Tell me the story often, For I forget so soon, The ‘early dew’ of morning Has passed away at noon.” As we sang this together I felt both grateful and called afresh. Grateful for the people in my life who have told me the “old, old story” and reminded of my calling as a leader to tell the Gospel story to others. I believe that the greatest investment we can make in the lives of our young leaders is to tell them the story of Jesus. We live in a world with a melting pot of stories about what it means to be human. The stories of consumerism (I shop therefore I am) and individualism (self-realisation is the goal of life) are two major plot defining narratives today. It seems that many of these stories are bearing fruit of anxiety, hopelessness, and isolation. The need to tell our story and remind one another of God’s love for us is nothing new. In Deuteronomy 4 we hear this: “Take care and watch yourselves closely, so as neither to forget the things that your eyes have seen nor to let them slip from your mind all the days of your life; make them known


to your children and your children’s children… take care and watch yourselves closely, so that you do not act corruptly by making an idol for yourselves. (Deut 4: 9, 15b–16a)” Deuteronomy warns the people not to forget that God delivered them from slavery miraculously and gave them a new way of life as they follow him. I believe that our young people today particularly need to know that there is an alternative story that is not focused on the individual pursuit of identity, wealth, or experiences. Many young people I meet thirst for a story bigger than themselves. The Gospel is just that, a story that turns us away from ourselves toward Jesus and his Kingdom project in a world desperately in need of healing. So, let us fearlessly tell our Gospel story to our young people so that they may not just know it, but live it out, bringing hope and good news to the next generation.

Hymns can often remind us of great truths, Credit: Sing For Your Life UK.


FOLLOWING HER FATHER’S FOOTSTEPS WORDS: Jo Bean What did you want to do or be at age four? A ballerina? An astronaut? Well, Lucy wanted to be a minister, just like her Dad. And this was before women were allowed to be ministers, but that didn’t bother Lucy. It seems that Lucy has always known her calling, and perhaps that’s because she has a tangible and oftentimes audible dialogue with her creator. She tells of hearing him speaking to her when she was just seven years old. And it hasn’t stopped since. Now, although still young herself, Lucy has finally got the job she has craved since she was four: She has become the first full-time chaplain at Craighead Diocesan School for Girls in Timaru. And she’s loving it. Lucy firmly believes and embodies the belief that young women are worthy before God, and others, and are deeply loved by God. And she seeks to make sure this message is passed on. “I hope to combat society’s negative messaging to young women who are particularly vulnerable to their rhetoric.” So what do her days look like? She officiates daily chapel services and teaches Religious Education to most year levels. The girls seem to like her: she’s easy to talk to, speaks their language (snapchat, instagram, etc), and the love and creative energy of God pours out of her unstintingly. She’s not afraid to answer the difficult

Rev’d Lucy Flatt, wants all youth to know they are loved by God, Credit: Jo Bean

St Anthony of Padua’s Chapel contains a stained glass window designed in the early ‘70s by Mrs Poulston, the art teacher of the time. It features earthy shades at the bottom moving through to purples and blues at the top with clear glass in the centre, Credit: Courtesy of Craighead Diocesan School

questions the girls throw at her; she loves it that they are super curious and ask questions about things that matter. Interestingly, her year 12 girls have been working on an antislavery campaign. It started with the website “how many slaves do you own?” (featured in the last edition of AnglicanLife) and it grew from there. Lucy what else did you do in this unit? The curriculum might be graphic at times, but it’s engaging and allows

the girls passions to become involved – always a bonus when working in education (educators call this ‘intrinsic motivation’). The curriculum isn’t just schoolbased; along with the local church, St John’s Highfield and Rev’d Josh Taylor, the students can attend an Alpha course or be part of a children’s ministry programme. So outreach into the community is part of their faith journey. Lucy says she particularly enjoys a time she has created with her year sevens at the end of a lesson to allow the girls to ask questions. Many haven’t been brought up with overtly religious backgrounds, so their questions about faith and God are really genuine and there is a real thirst for knowledge. And education is more than just credits, it’s about helping the students form their sense of self and discover what’s important to them. Lucy’s heart is clearly for her charges and their life and faith journeys. She wants all youth to understand how much God loves them, thinks about them and wants to be in a relationship with them. “You are loved by God. He is always there for you and he thinks about you all the time! He’s ready to receive you, as you are, and if you turn to Him, your life will never be the same again.” Amen, Lucy! Amen. 23



Words: Jo Bean

“IF NOT US, THEN WHO? IF NOT NOW, THEN WHEN?” (DUANE MAJOR) If your kids are at intermediate or high school, they may have heard of 24-7 youth workers. These peer-mentors of sorts, are a partnership between local churches and local schools and aim to support young people all across New Zealand. And they do fantastic work: last year there were 58 thousand 1:1 meetings with students, and 92 thousand youth-worker-led events. That’s a lot of time spent with our young people! Sophie Madsen is a 24-7 youth worker at Burnside High and comes from the parish of St Aidan’s, Bryndwr. Sophie can you tell the readers why you became a 24-7 youth worker? Sophie: About the middle of last year, 2017, I was half way through my second year of a Science degree, when I had a “mid-study crisis” of sorts. I began to question what I was doing at Uni, how my faith fitted into that, what I really want to do, etc. I worship at St Aidan’s and had come through the youth group and was now helping to lead it. I was also part of the Student Volunteer Army at Canterbury University, and it was through that that I got to go to the Aspiring Leaders Forum on Faith and Values. I was really inspired by the speakers at the forum who were so passionate about what they were doing. So I thought about what I was passionate about and realised that for me, it was all about people (sometimes we are slow to grasp what others can tell us straight away!). Two weeks later, I went on an Abbey Retreat with Phil and Carol Trotter [Phil is the National Youth Advisor] and 24

Duane Major [24-7 founder] and ended up chatting to Duane about his background (also a science major!) and what had led him into 24-7 work and it all started to line up. I began to see that 24-7 youth work was where God was calling me. Duane ended his talk that night with the quote “If not us, then who? If not now, then when?” which really resonated with me. I had to make some changes in my life to fit it in (I switched to part-time study) but the sacrifices were easy to make if it meant being able to do this vital work. So I chatted to Josh Olds [Co-ordinator for Burnside 24-7], and here I am. So what do you actually do when you go into the schools? Sophie: We do a mixture of things. Sometimes it’s events (like giving out ‘Juicys’ to all year 9 students during orientation) participating in school events like sports or swimming, building relationships with staff (such as visiting the staff room with baking!) spending time with the guidance counsellors and helping them with their work, we deliver ESOL and homework groups, share global events such as 40Hr Famine and ‘Shave for a Cure’, we run support groups for both boys and girls and we do 1:1 mentoring. We are visible at lunchtimes and school events, before- and afterschool and try to get in front of school assemblies where possible. So heaps! In term one I spent 115 hours at school and had 48 one-on-ones with students.


Do you get good support from the teachers and schools themselves? Do they refer students to you? Sophie: Yes. Staff are hugely supportive. We sometimes get referrals and sometimes students just gravitate to us. And of course, we make an effort to be where the needs are and strike up conversations with those who might need us, but quite often God just puts us in the right place at the right time. Can you tell me about a recent time when you really thought “Yes! You’re the reason I do this”? Sophie: The best bits for me are the 1:1 times where we can have deeper conversations. I thrive on hearing students talk about what’s really happening for them. An example is the group of girls I work with. We had only met six times so were still forming trust. We were talking about hobbies, when they asked if they could talk next week about their biggest fears? Wow! The following session was amazing with fears being brought to light and awesome sharing happening. The group took a huge step forward in that one session from surface sharing to real life ‘important bits’ sharing. It was empowering for them and me. Another time, a girl I had talked to at lunchtimes had some things going on and was given permission by the guidance counsellor to go to the Learning Centre (LC) and work by herself instead of having to be in class. I happened to be there outside the office and offered to walk with her to the LC. She was so grateful and seemed quite relieved. It’s the little things, done at the right time that can mean a lot.


Presence-based youth work, being there for young people.


To see 24-7 YouthWork contributing to vibrant local communities which develop our young people into healthy individuals and vital contributors.


To offer out 24-7 YouthWork to every local community with network support.

What advice would you have for anyone wanting to get involved with youth work? Sophie: I think you obviously have to enjoy being with young people. But it’s more than that. For me it was about finding my passion, being called by God, and longing to live out my faith every day, not just on the side. If people want to make a difference in the lives of the young people, in what can be a hugely complex, emotional, challenging and scary time for teens, and that’s what you’re passionate about, then just go for it. For more information about 24-7 youth work, visit:

Sophie is an ambassador for the ‘Growing Young Leaders’ campaign at Canterbury University, Credit: University of Canterbury




Words: Cole Yeoman

“I SAW GOD TRANSFORM HIM FROM A MAN I HATED, TO A MAN I WANTED TO BECOME.” (BART) I Can Only Imagine – song lyrics [Performed by USA Christian Band MercyMe, Songwriter Bart Millard]

Bart Millard’s emotional story about his complex relationship with his Father is a story about forgiveness and God’s ability to transform even the darkest of hearts Credit: n/a

I’ll be honest, I went into the movies sceptical. I was expecting a clichéd American Gospel movie with huge over-the-top drama, but I was blown away by how down-to-earth the film was. Great convincing performances, really clever storytelling and genuine light-hearted humour which had me actually chuckling out loud. It was easy to predict most of the way through, but that doesn’t take away from the film, it makes it all the more amazing to remember ‘actually, this isn’t some classic plot, it’s based on a true story.’ It was obvious the filmmaker wasn’t aiming to make a box office movie, he wanted to share a powerful and inspiring story— and he did. Personally I didn’t find the song itself that amazing, but that’s music—different people are moved by different things, and that song has inspired millions of people. So while it wasn’t outstanding or emotional to me, it’s certainly a powerful message and piece of music to many. I’d suggest you go watch the movie and listen to the song yourself, it might just change your life. And if not, well, it’s an amazing story of God’s grace so everyone wins. 26

I can only imagine what it will be like When I walk, by your side I can only imagine what my eyes will see When you face is before me I can only imagine I can only imagine Surrounded by You glory What will my heart feel Will I dance for you Jesus Or in awe of You be still Will I stand in your presence Or to my knees will I fall Will I sing hallelujah Will I be able to speak at all I can only imagine I can only imagine…




Words: Alice Bates


Contemplative Youth Ministry Practising the Presence of Jesus By Mark Yaconelli (2005) ISBN 0281073422

Youth and Silence? It doesn’t happen, does it? Not surprisingly, in our noisy, busy, post-modern world, there has been a “rediscovery of ‘presence’ within the Christian life”. In our own diocese we can see this in the ‘Unplugged’ silent youth retreats, workshops about the Sabbath Rest, and the ‘creative and contemplative’ communion service at St Michael’s. Yaconelli looks specifically at contemplative practice in the context of youth ministry. He describes his experience putting into practice a youth ministry that is centred on contemplation. He argues that when working with children and young people it’s important to demonstrate being with God not just teach them about God. The book also give examples of how to put this into practice, such as using examen and lectio divina (both different ways to study/pray over scriptures). However, it is chapter 10, ‘The Liturgy of Discernment,’ that is, for me, the outstanding resource. The chapter sets out a format for meetings that focuses on the presence of God in day-to-day planning and in the ministry that is taking place. If nothing else – read this chapter. This book speaks volumes into the lives of our technologically-fuelled young people, but anyone inhabiting this chaotic planet can learn from this too.

Did you know… The Anglican Resource Centre (at the Anglican Centre) provides free resources for people in our diocese. There are books, CDs, DVDs, electronic media and study kits for small group studies, children’s ministry, youth ministry, preaching, worship leading and family services. To find out more or to borrow this particular book, go to the Anglican Resource Centre page on the Theology House website, call 341 3399, or drop in to 10 Logistics Drive and browse!



CHANGING LIVES FOR CHILD BRIDES Words & Images: Liz (in Pakistan) “I saved their lives!” exclaims Asif, a thirteen year-old boy with a twinkle in his eye. Asif lives in a poor community in southern Pakistan, but that doesn’t stop him doing all he can to change the world one person, one family at a time. From a troubled beginning, angry and argumentative, and living in a slum, Asif was accepted at the Diocesan Home for Boys, Khipro. There, with a roof over his head, food in his tummy, and people who cared about him, he has blossomed. Asif studied and learned new skills and ideas, which transformed his outlook on life, and which he then put into practise. “In the hostel I learned about Jesus and what it means to ‘love one another’, so this is how I want to live my life. Now I look for ways to love and care for others,” he says. Coming back from a period of time spent with his family, Asif tells about what happened while he was home. Asif ’s aunt had been recently widowed, leaving her to care for two daughters aged 12 and 13 years old. His aunt worried “If something happens to me, who would look after my daughters?” So she began to arrange their marriages.


Asif was troubled by this and late one night was thinking about his hostel sessions where they had discussed child marriage. At the time he had thought child marriage wasn’t an issue in his

13 year-old Asif at Diocesan Home for Boys, Khipro

Study time al fresco – the boys study on the fields during the winter months

community, but suddenly he was facing it in his very own family. His conscience and convictions led him to go and talk with his aunt. Asif ’s aunt was surprised at his visit, but as they drank chai together, he told her all the things he’d learnt about the difficulties and dangers of early marriage, and the laws against it. His Aunt was taken aback that Asif felt so strongly that his cousins should not be married so young. Initially sceptical, his aunt began to listen and eventually became aware of alternative options and, acknowledging Asif ’s wisdom, decided not to go ahead with her original plans. Today her daughters are still in school and she is in employment which is providing for the family. “I thank God that my cousins are continuing to study,” says Asif. “I feel grateful and joyful I was able to save them from a terrible thing, and the funny thing is, that by saving them, I feel I have also grown myself – I mean, if God hadn’t helped me change, I wouldn’t have been able to help my family.” You are never too young, too poor or too anything to be used by God. You just need to be willing.

LAUGHTER, TEARS AND GOODBYE GIFTS Words: Jo Bean A Choral Eucharist held on Sunday 15 April was the way the Diocese bid farewell to Bishop Victoria Matthews, whose last day in office was on 1 May 2018. She gave us a decade of leadership. Looking back on her 10 years, most people will call to mind the cathedral debate, but that’s not how she would wish to be remembered. From the early days the Bishop said, “People before buildings”. While more than 200 buildings were damaged, the Diocese focused on the ones where people had lost the most. “It’s about people, the parishioners, the vicars and their families, and the community groups that used the church spaces – it was never first of all about the buildings themselves,” the Bishop said. What she would like to be remembered for is her passion for encouraging and equipping dynamic young leaders; her support of social justice; and the need for excellence in training and education. Bishop Matthews refers to herself as “a tough old bird” who is both radical and missional in her approach to faith and works. “Being Christ-centered is vital,” she said, “in our parishes, in our worship, in our lives, our communities, and the world. Jesus needs to be front and centre.” After the Eucharist people

Clergy attending the Bishop Victoria’s farewell Eucharist, Sun 15 April, ChristChurch Transitional Cathedral.

informally gathered for speeches. The Diocesan Manager, Edwin Boyce, said of the Bishop: “I have seen her laugh with us, I’ve seen her cry with us, I‘ve seen her mourn with us, but perhaps most importantly I’ve seen her pray with us, and I’ve seen her pray for us. “I have seen a character that in one moment can display resolute leadership that would be the envy of any corporate CEO, and in the next moment show the most pastoral care that anyone would wish to receive, especially the least, the last, and the lost.” Despite the Bishop identifying three charities to support in place of a gift, she was presented with a beautifully embroidered stole (created by Elizabeth Kimberley) from the Diocese, and a pounamu taonga symbolising strength and mana (by Archbishop Phillip) from the Province. Our prayers will go with Bishop Victoria as she continues to go where Christ calls her.

The bespoke stole given to Bishop Victoria

The stole given to Bishop Victoria was made by Elizabeth Kimberley. Elizabeth has had her own sewing business since she was 10 years old making Barbie clothes! She began making vestments in 1989 and it is a ministry dear to her heart. The red cross dominates the design, reminding us of Christ’s sacrificial love. It includes the green/silver fern and kowhai flowers, flora particular to Aotearoa. Elizabeth says the stole tells a story. “It’s about the redemption of not just humankind but all creation. Wherever Bishop Victoria travels, a small part of Christchurch and Christ’s redemptive and transformative life will go with her.”


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