1 minute read

Midlife Ministry Opportunites

Faith and Hope in Midlife—Reflecting on Churchgoers’ Experiences

Author Anne Shave


Publisher: Philip Garside Publishing Ltd 2022

Ah! My midlife age group! Our faith journeys! Our experiences! At last!

There was no trepidation about picking up this book for reviewing but perhaps concern that it would be heavy going (it was based on a doctoral thesis) or just plain old boring (midlife spiritual experience)? But because I knew the author (we are distant relatives somehow) and knew she’s from Christchurch (St Barnabas) curiosity got the better of me… and the reality was sublime.

This book is like sitting down with your best friends with a coffee and being instantly transported to deep and honest conversations about our lives, church and faith right now. All the frustrations and searching and questions I’ve been pondering on… are addressed here in black and white… legitimised by Anne’s doctorate research.

By page 50 any fears for this review were thrown away. I’ve now bought it and marked it up with pen, highlighter and added comments at the front! I’ve been thinking and pondering what to do about it. Use it as a home group study guide?

Investigate different forms of prayer? Read some of those books from the nine-page bibliography? Or implement some of those oh-so-relevant ideas that have already been tried and tested with local congregations?

Anne admits that this book raises more questions than it answers. It’s done the same for me. Thank you, Anne, for producing a book that is topical, current and relates to our kiwi context.

Leading Your Church into Growth (LYCiG)

Any parish involved in the LYCiG training will welcome this book full of questions, ideas and resources to encourage midlife ministry in your community.

Available at Theology House Library for loan or sale.

Also available ($30) by emailing Anne on shavea6@gmail.com

Save the Date: 12-14 October

The Leading your Church into Growth Conference is coming again! Clear your diary from 12–14 October, and begin gathering a team from your parish — this is a great opportunity to be inspired and equipped for mission.

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