3 minute read
Conservation Foundation
Conscientious anglers have always led the charge when it comes to conservation and preservation of resources. As the world gets smaller, and human impacts greater, we must continue to proactively return value to the resources and communities that provide us with such amazing experiences. YDCCF was created to do just that, and in partnership with Yellow Dog Flyfishing, remains the only nonprofit Foundation focused solely on giving back to these special places. Every time you book a trip with Yellow Dog, a portion of your booking goes to YDCCF to help us give back.
As traveling anglers in search of new places and adventures, we must be mindful of our impacts. Combining our dedication for both experiences and conservation, we at YDCCF know the strength of our dedication to conservation is inextricably tied to our shared experiences in these amazing locations. We form a deep love of these places by experiencing them firsthand, building relationships with the people who live and work there, and it’s through this connection that our desire to preserve and enhance these places originates. YDCCF’s mission has always been about ensuring that these places persevere and thrive, and that the communities and fisheries that are their bedrock are able to continue to provide livelihoods for the people who make them the amazing places that they are.
We welcome you to join us in helping to preserve, protect and enhance the communities we all love by making a donation to YDCCF by scanning the code at left.

Punta Allen is a small community at the tip of the Boca Paila Peninsula in the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve. With less than 500 residents and an almost two-hour drive from the closest larger village, its remoteness is part of what makes it such an excellent angling destination, although it presents challenges for the people who call it home. YDCCF has been working with local residents to improve the living, learning and working conditions in Punta Allen since 2016. From building new bathrooms with running water for the school, to helping create a holding facility for recycling and refuse that washes up on the beaches, we have focused on projects that will improve daily life. We’re also helping build a new covered playground for the community. Our most recent and anticipated project was completed in 2022: a new dormitory for the school’s teachers that facilitates them being able to come and stay in the community for longer periods rather than making a daily commute. This increases teacher retainment, ensuring a better educational experience for the children.
To learn more about our ongoing work in Punta Allen, please watch our film here:

• Xcalak – Xcalak English Project
• Abaco: Mangrove Cay Recreational Park • Andros: Friends of the Environment Learning Center • Grand Bahama: McClane’s Town Redevelopment • Berry Islands: Local Food Web development • Keep Fish Wet: Best C&R practices training module
• Aitutaki: Marae Moana Champions program
• Healthy Taimen Festivals
• Upper Yellowstone: Recreational Use Study • Statewide: Montana Trout Unlimited Youth Camp
Program • Statewide: FOAM Guiding for the Future Program • Big Sky: Upper Missouri Waterkeeper – Gallatin
Headwaters Scientific study
• Wild Salmon Center: Protect the West Susitna campaign
• Jungle Tarpon Reserve Youth environmental education program
• Patagonia Fly Fishing Festival