3 minute read
True Longing Rebbetzin Shira Smiles
Faculty, OU Israel Center
True Longing
The moment everyone was waiting for finally arrived. It was time to erect the Mishkan; yet, the people were unable to build it. The Torah relates (Shemos 39;33), that Klal Yisrael brought all the components of the Mishkan to Moshe Rabbeinu who, with help from Hashem, erected it by himself. Why was it necessary for Moshe Rabbeinu to be the one to actually build the Mishkan and how was he able to do it single handedly?
Rav Igbi in Chachmat Hamatzpun, underscores the importance of beginnings. One purpose of the Mishkan was to atone for the Sin of the Golden Calf. It therefore had to be established the first time with complete purity of thought. Thus, Moshe Rabbeinu, who was able to direct his thought completely toward this holy task,
was chosen. Rabbi Eliezer Meizlish in Sichot Bavodat Hashem uses Shabbat as a prime example of the importance of reishit. The Torah states “Zachor et yom hashabbat lekadesho” (Shemos 20;8). We would therefore think that the obligation to make kiddush only applies on Shabbat morning. However, since we want to begin Shabbat in a state of holiness, we have kiddush to usher in the night meal as well. He also notes interestingly that Esav/ Western culture chose Sunday as their day of rest as to begin their week with the power of that day. However, Judasim begins every day from sunset the previous evening; we have tosefet Shabbat which enables us to infuse the new week with the holiness of Shabbat. He explains Chazal’s maxim, ‘kol hatchalot kashot, umekan v’elech yearav lachem’, as a general mindset. All beginnings must start strong, totally committed, and then one will see positive results. As such, one will not be
Rabbi Zaitchik in Ohr Chadash quotes the midrash that tells us how pained Moshe Rabbeinu was that he was not directly involved in building the Mishkan. Therefore, as compensation, he was charged with erecting the structure. He notes that there is nothing so beloved to Hashem as one who sincerely desires to do a mitzvah. The anguish that Moshe Rabbeinu felt was the catalyst that enabled him to establish the Mishkan. Rav Moshe Feinstein in Darash Moshe remarks that the desire to do a mitzvah, even when one is prevented from doing so, reflects the deep Divine love that a person possesses. He suggests therefore, if a person is unable to sit in a sukkah one should still build a sukkah to show love for the mitzvah. Additionally, the brachah we give a newborn at his brit, ‘kshem shenichnas labrit, ken yikanes l’Torah, l’chuppah ul’maasim tovim” highlights this powerful idea. Shouldn’t massim tovim be included in a life of Torah, why is it singled out? Rav Moshe explains, this is a brachah to love mitzvot; even when one can’t do a mitzvah, it should elicit feelings of desire and longing.
Moshe Rabbeinu, designated as the one to construct the Mishkan, shows us how beloved this longing was in the eyes of Hashem.
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