RABBI JUDAH OU-NCSY MISCHEL Mashpiah, Executive Director, Camp HASC Dedicated L'Iluy Nishmas HaChaver Shlomo Michael ben Meir z'l
Pesach: For the First Time
ebbe Shlomo Halberstam zy’a, the Bobover Rebbe of the postHolocaust era, was a tzadik and leader who revived his community with his resilience and faith. He restored kavod, dignity, to thousands of survivors and helped them rebuild their lives, expressing the paradigm of fatherly love, chein v’chesed, grace and righteousness. Seder night in Bobov was majestic; thousands joined the Rebbe in the main Beis Medrash to share the mitzvos halayla, the unique Mitzvos of the night. They would sing songs of praise into the wee hours of the morning. For all the survivors and their families, this night truly shone like the day, uplifting them with its sense of gratitude, celebration, and malchus, royalty. All felt certain that Netzach Yisrael Lo Yishaker, ‘the promise of the eternity of Kelal Yisrael is true.’ 58
...Until the last year of the Rebbe’s life. In his frailty and ailing health, their beloved leader was now humbly confined to a wheelchair. As he was nourished via a feeding tube, unable to drink or eat on his own, it would be impossible for him to fulfill the Mitzvos of Seder Night. The Rebbe’s family gathered for a quiet, private seder in his home, anxious, uncertain, and pained over their Zeide’s condition. Haunted by glorious memories of Seders past, some felt this was all too much to bear, and began to cry. Slowly looking up from his wheelchair into the eyes of his children, grandchildren and extended family, the Rebbe finally spoke: “Kinderlach, hehr tzu, listen well. It’s true, I can’t make Kiddush tonight, drink the arba kosos (four cups) eat matzah, the seudas Yom Tov, or the afikoman. Nonetheless, ich dank der Aibishter, I thank Hashem that He has granted me another year to experience the freedom and joy of Yetzias Mitzrayim. Teiyereh kinderlach, dear children, let us begin the Seder!”
THE EXPERIENCE OF THE SEDER Unless Moshiach arrives before Yom Tov begins, no doubt our Pesach experience this year will be very different than ever