For the content staff, production staff, packing, transportation & distribution (PTD) volunteers on one side and tens of thousands of TTreaders on the other - it is truly a mutual love affair. ttRIDDLES solutions to Last week's FPTL TTriddle was Behold, I make a covenant. ...HINEI ANOCHI KOREIT BRIT... (Sh'mot 34:10 partial) = 1373. ParshaPix Unexplaineds: The word PESACH written very small for Pesach Katan, the other name for Pesach Sheini. to and from the Dept. of Defense - EL-DOD and MEI-DOD. This week, FPTL and one Unexplained.
28 yr Mutual Love Affair It started in June '92 with a single A4 sheet of paper (pale yellow), photocopied 60 times and distributed in a shul in Ramot Eshkol and one in Nayot. For many, it was love at first sight. Then came the calls from people who saw it in those shuls and wanted it for theirs. And so on and so on. By the third issue (not yet numbered at the time), we went to the A5 format with an A4 folded to fold a 4-page TT. And so on and so on. To date, a regular issue is 80 pages, with chagim specials from 96-128 pages. And more and more people loving it. "It's not Shabbat without my TT", said by many over the years. "I keep learning something new everytime I read it", said by others. And so on and so on. Many hundreds of shuls and communities throughout Israel, a web-version that has made it international. Torah Tidbits Audio, weekly internet broadcast...
We never took as coincidence that the first issue and the anniverary issues, since, are Parshat Sh'lach. That sedra, with its clarion call of ALO NAALEH and Kalev's plea of not to rebel against G-d, combine to become the goal of OU Israel and of Torah Tidbits: To strengthen the ties between the Jew and the Torah, the Jew and his People, and the Jew and his Land. It is the rejection of R'TZON HASHEM (G-d's Will) that describes 'The Sin of the Spies (Scouts). The most upsetting thing about the whole Meraglim episode is that it was not an isolated event. You can almost say, B'CHOL DOR VADOR... in every generation... we have Meraglim and we have the people who listen to them and panic. Anyone that has ever said about Israel, "It's a wonderful place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there", is committing CHEIT HAMERAGLIM. Not, like the Meraglim - exactly them. The Meraglim were not faulted for their candid assessment of the situation in the Land of Israel, as discouraging as it was. It was when they 'bad mouthed' the Land and actively discouraged the people from going, that they sinned so monumentally. Be an ALO NAALEH person. It is R'TZON HASHEM.
JONATHAN POLLARD 10,956+1668* days imprisoned • 44