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Charcoal Broiled Hot Dogs



The following vehicle will be auctioned off at: Copart 8418 Southwestern Blvd

Angola, NY 14006

5/15/23 @ 10am for parts only.

VIN: JTHBK1EG0B2426369

2011 LEXUS ES350


Lienholder: NONE


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Legal Notice

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Notice of Complete Application

Date: 04/05/2023

Applicant: Julie Lunghino

Facility: Lunghino Property 9852 Shorecliff Rd Angola, NY 14006 Application ID: 9-1444-00409/00001

Permits(s) Applied for: 1 - Article 34 Coastal Erosion Management Project is located: in EVANS in ERIE COUNTY

Project Description:

The Department has received an application and is accepting comments on a proposal to stabilize approximately 164 feet of lakeshore bluff on Lake Erie. The stabilization measures include constructing a concrete wall and stone revetment within the NYS-regulated Natural Protective Feature Area.

Availability of Application Documents:

Filed application documents, and Department draft permits where applicable, are available for inspection during normal business hours at the address of the contact person. To ensure timely service at the time of inspection, it is recommended that an appointment be made with the contact person.

State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) Determination

Project is an Unlisted Action and will not have a significant impact on the environment. A Negative Declaration is on file. A coordinated review was not performed.

SEQR Lead Agency

None Designated

State Historic Preservation Act (SHPA) Determination

Cultural resource lists and maps have been checked. The proposed activity is not in an area of identified archaeological sensitivity and no known registered, eligible or inventoried archaeological sites or historic structures were identified or documented for the project location. No further review in accordance with SHPA is required.

Coastal Management

This project is located in a Coastal Management area and is subject to the Waterfront Revitalization and Coastal Resources Act.

Availability For Public Comment

Comments on this project must be submitted in writing to the Contact Person no later than 04/27/2023 or 15 days after the publication date of this notice, whichever is later.



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Sensei Overstreet Advances to Shodan Black Belt

On Wednesday April 12, 2023, Sensei Jacob Overstreet advanced to his Shodan black belt through the Fudozen Shorinji Kempo Karate organization. Officiated by Master Dan Kreitzbender.

Sensei Overstreet has been a member of The Family Martial Arts Center since 2018. As a role model and inspiration to many, he has proven to assist with bright futures in Students. He has been involved in all our outreach programs to help families and he participated in several of our demonstrations. His progression has been exciting and adventurous. The training consists of mental and physical endurance and challenges. One may think the Martial Arts is all physical. Incorrect. Most training is mental. Reading ones body movements, telegraphing body placements, awareness of surroundings, confidence to make a wise choice, socializing with groups, being able to teach their own individual knowledge to Students with precise accuracy, becoming a role model, using the skills learned in other life obstacles and skills (sports and activities) and to persevere as a young adult. Sensei Overstreet’s training consisted in punches, kicks, ground defense and offense, balance in the mind and body, grappling, weapons training, and many other aspects of defense.

Sensei Overstreet has been active for over 5 years in the Kempo Martial Arts and will be a great asset to the organization. Sensei Jacob Overstreet is the Son of Sherri Overstreet of Brocton NY. Sensei Overstreet is a true dedicated young man with a heart of gold. He adores his little sister and cherishes his girlfriend Faith. Several of our black belts attended the ceremony along with several students in the organization.

Photo’d from L-R are: Sensei Matt Benware, Sensei Jesse Sack, Sensei Joe Los, Master Dan Kreitzbender, Sensei Jacob Overstreet, Master Sensei Bill Matteson, Jr. Sensei Cameron Matteson, Sensei Vern Carpenter.

Kohai = novice level; Sempei = intermediate and advance level; Sensei = advance level and Instructor; Master = 5 th degree black belt and higher Contributed by Master Sensei William Matteson, The Family Martial Arts Center

Prayer To The Blessed Virgin

(Never known to fail) Oh , most beautiful flowe r of Mt Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate V irgin, assist me in my necessit y. Oh Star o f the Sea, help me and show me where you are, my Mother. Oh Holy Mar y, Mother of God , Q ueen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in my necessity (mak e request) There are none that can withstand your power. Oh Mar y, conceived without sin , pray for us who have recourse to thee (three times) Hol y Mar y, I place this prayer fo r your hands (three times) Say this prayer for three consecutive days and then you must publish, and it will be granted to you.

D. N.

The following vehicle will be auctioned off at:

Copart 8418 Southwestern Blvd

Angola, NY 14006

5/15/23 @ 10am for parts only.

VIN: MAJ6S3KL3KC294014



Lienholder: NONE

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We appreciate all that you do in our community! Thank you for your dedication to your local paper and your support of small businesses!

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Copart Angola, NY • (716) 800-3145

Copart Angola, NY • (716) 800-3145

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John Grennell, Esq. Angola, NY • (716) 549-0810

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Derby, NY • (716) 947-5052

Kwilos Farm Stand Derby, NY • (716) 983-7513

Lake Shore Central Schools Angola, NY • www.lakeshorecsd.org

Lake Shore Central Schools

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Latimore-Schiavone Funeral Home Angola, NY • (716) 549-3311

Angola, NY • (716) 549-3311

Town of Evans Angola, NY • www.townofevans.org

Town of Evans

Angola, NY • www.townofevans.org

Village of Angola Angola, NY • (716) 549-1126

Village of Angola

Angola, NY • (716) 549-1126


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