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WA Transport History
The History of the West Australian Road Transport Industry
Johhny Cash toured Perth 1973
By 1972, the Metropolitan Transport Trust’s annual passenger total had reached nearly 60 million — a 19 percent increase in eight years. The trust had begun to implement a feeder network with area terminals where passengers could transfer from suburban services to express buses for the city. The system was focused on a modern bus station, which was opened near the William Street Bridge in 1973, the same year in which free clipper services around the city centre were introduced.
The Association’s Assistant Secretary, Mr R Hanrahan submitted his resignation at the January 26 Executive Council Meeting and at the February 23 meeting, Mr Ron Tyson was presented as the replacement.
The Owner-Drivers’ Association made an approach to WARTA to join as a separate division, which was cautiously endorsed at the January 26 Executive Council Meeting.
President W Roots and Executive Director W R Pellew accompanied Truck & Bus Transportation Editor J Maddock on an “informative and well worthwhile” sevenday tour of the Pilbara.
Work slowed down on the wharves in July as the Japanese seamen’s strike took hold.
Captain B L Noble took over the reins of the Fremantle Ports Authority in July.
A sub-committee is busy looking into the possibility of hiring a research officer and assistant because of the heavy workload. The push came from Treasurer J A S Warwick and because of his dealings with the Transport Advisory Council and the need for licensing and everything that entailed.
At the Annual General Meeting on August 24 where only 31 members attended, President W Roots spoke of the economic downturn being experienced in the State and the resultant effect on members’ turnover.
The ARTF Annual Conference was staged in Perth in October with a “satisfactory” result.
A call for a Royal Commission into the Road Transport Industry in WA was unwarranted, according to the Association, stating that the administration of the Road Maintenance Act should be investigated instead, it was reported at the November 1 Executive Council Meeting. Mr R L O’Connor MLA was admitted to the November 22 meeting to explain why he was urging for the Commission, stating that he wished to achieve WARTA’s aims.
The Quarterly Meeting of December 14 was advised that the Association is pushing for the 20-mile free trading radius be expanded to 50 miles.
By Russell McKinnon
A Transport and Shipping Division deputation met with the Fremantle Ports Authority’s Captain B L Noble about the restricted hours on the wharf, but he said there was nothing he could do to alleviate the situation. A further meeting was held on March 27 and he undertook to investigate the complaints.
The January 31 Executive Council Meeting resolved to establish subcontractor sections within each of the Association’s Divisions. However, at the March 14 meeting this matter was deferred because of the lack of interest from many sub-contractors.
Mr W Braithwaite resigned as a VicePresident on May 23 due to ill health. He had earlier stated that he had resigned from his position at Gascoyne Trading Co and Mr T Eastwood named manager of the company. He proposed Mr Eastwood replace him on the Executive, which occurred. Mr I Chandler was nominated to the Vice-Presidency at the June 13 meeting and accepted on July 4.
The May 18 Executive Council Meeting heard that State Parliament was debating the repeal of the Road Maintenance (Contribution) Act, 1973 and amendments to the Traffic Act 1972 to increase commercial vehicle licence fees.
The Quarterly General Meeting of May 24 was advised that the free operating radius extension from 20 miles to 50 miles was rejected by the Government. A move was afoot to extend the radius for building materials, particularly where no rail services were involved.
The changeover to metrics was achieved on July 1.
The July 4 Executive Council Meeting was advised that the Fremantle Traffic Bridge would close for a period of four months once the new Stirling Bridge opens in July, 1974.
Building renovations to the tune of $1400 were made to the Association premises.
J A Gillott resigned as Vice-President of the Association at the August 16 Annual General Meeting and, because of the May 23 resignation of W Braithwaite, also a VicePresident, President W Roots was asked to stay on for a further term.
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