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Validation for Angus in Eating Quality

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Riddellvue Angus

Riddellvue Angus

Diana Wood, Marketing & Communications Manager

If you needed any further proof that Angus genetics are number one when it comes to eating quality, then here it is!

The results out of three recent industry relevant, commercially focused competitions, the Sydney Royal Beef Challenge, the CQ Carcase Competition and the RNA Paddock to Palate Competition prove that Angus is where it is at! Eating Quality success in Sydney Royal Beef Challenge

Angus and Angus influenced experienced success from 37 teams entered from 11 producers across New South Wales and Queensland, in both the 70 day domestic and 100 day export classe. This competition assesses all aspects of production from arrival through to slaughter, including: · Feedlot performance – assessing both Average Daily

Gain, Feed Intake and Dressing Percentage · Market Grid Compliance – with each team assessed to meet a defined optimum target for domestic and export categories · Profitability · Carcass Assessment – Fat specifications, Meat Yield, and

Eating Quality · Eating Quality – MSA Index · Live Assessment and Daily Weigt Gain 2nd: Millner Ag – Charolais x Angus steers 3rd: Michael and Danni MacCue - Angus steers Carcase judge individual =1st: Michael and Danni MacCue - Angus heifer; Jarrah Park - Angus steer; Peter Weal - Charolais x Angus steer Carcase Grid Team 1st: Yugilbar Pastoral - Santa x Angus steers Carcase grid individual 1st: Yulgilbar Pastoral Co - Santa Gertrudis x Angus steer Feedlot total team 2nd: Yulgilbar Pastoral Co - Santa Gertrudis x Angus steers 3rd: Texas Angus - Angus heifers Dressing percentage 3rd: Millner Ag – Charolais x Angus steer Live assessment team 1st: Michael and Danni MacCue - Angus steers 2nd: Peter Weal – Charolais x Angus steers 3rd: Michael and Danni MacCue - Angus steers Live assessment individual 1st: Millner Ag – Charolais x Angus steer 2nd: Peter Weal – Charolais x Angus steer 3rd: Peter Weal – Charolais x Angus steer

Texas Ben and Wendy Mayne RAS Beef Challenge 2022 Domestic Class

Reserve champion team: Yulgilbar Pastoral Co - Santa Gertrudis x Angus steers Champion individual exhibit: Millner Ag - Charolais x Angus steer Eating quality team - combined individual MSA Index values 1st: 3612 - Millner Ag Millner Ag - Charolais x Angus steer 2nd: Jarrah Park – Angus steers 3rd: Millner Ag - Charolais x Angus steers Eating quality individual 1st: Peter Weal, Orange – Charolais x Angus heifer - MSA Index of 65.80 2nd: Millner Ag – Charolais xAngus steer- MSA Index of 65.19 Profitability team 2nd: Texas Angus - Angus heifers - $1845.14 team profit Feedlot total team 2nd: Yugilbar Pastoral – Santa x Angus steers 3rd: Texas Angus – Angus heifers Carcase judge team 1st: Jarrah Park - Angus steers

Export Class

Reserve champion team: Yulgilbar Pastoral Co - Santa Gertrudis x Angus steers Reserve champion individual exhibit: Texas Angus Angus heifer Eating quality team - combined individual MSA Index values 1st: Texas Angus - Angus heifers PLUS Gold medal for Eating Quality Taste test 2nd: Texas Angus - Angus heifers Eating quality individual 1st: Texas Angus - Angus heifer - MSA Index of 69.24 2nd: Texas Angus - Angus heifer - MSA Index of 68.66 3rd: Texas Angus - Angus heifer - MSA Index of 66.29 Profitability team: 3rd: Texas Angus - Angus heifers - $1008.58 team profit Profitability individual 3rd: Texas Angus - Angus heifer - $403.45 individual profit Carcase judge team 3rd: Yulgilbar Pastoral Co - Santa Gertrudis x Angus steers Carcase grid team 1st: Yulgilbar Pastoral Co - Santa Gertrudis x Angus steers = 3rd: Texas Angus - Angus heifers; Texas Angus Angus heifers Dressing percentage: 1st: Millner Ag – Charolais x Angus steer 2nd: Millner Ag – Charolais x Angus steer Daily weight gain (DWG): 1st: Texas Angus - Angus heifer - 2.871kg/day

3rd: Texas Angus - Angus heifer- 2.783kg/day 100 Day Export Class Pen Assessment 1st: Texas Angus - Angus heifers 2nd: Texas Angus - Angus heifers 3rd: Texas Angus - Angus heifers 100 Day Export Class Individual Assessment 1st: Texas Angus - Angus heifer 2nd: Texas Angus - Angus heifer

Texas Heifers RAS Beef Challenge 2022

Angus for Paddock to Palate

It was a case of déjà vu at the announcement of the overall winners for the RNA Paddock to Palate competition as Angus and Angus influenced genetics took out each of the eating quality awards along with other major awards. This competition objectively measures the performance of pens of 100 day export and 70 day trade on weight gain performance in the feedlot, carcase attributes in the chiller, commercial value and meat eating quality judged by a panel of expert chefs.


Class 37 A - Weight Gain 2nd - Juandah grazing, Charolais Angus cross - 2.998 ADG 3rd - Juandah Grazing, Charolais Angus cross - 2.980 ADG Class 37B - Carcase Champion and Reserve Champion Carcase - Palgrove Pastoral Company, Charolais Angus cross Class 37 C - MSA Eating Quality 1st - Texas Angus, Angus 2nd - Palgrove Pastoral Co, Charolais Angus cross 3rd - McIntyre Agriculture, Angus Highest Individual Index Score - McIntyre Agriculture, Angus Class 37 Overall Winners 1st - Palgrove Pastoral Co, Charolais Angus cross 2nd - Palgrove Pastoral Co, Charolais Angus cross


Class 38A - Weight Gain 2nd - Aurelian Pastoral Co, Angus Ultrablack cross 3.160 ADG 3rd - Russell Pastoral Operations, Angus cross - 3.071 ADG Highest individual weight gain - Aurelian Pastoral Co, Angus Ultrablack cross - 3.786 ADG Class 38B - Carcase 1st - Russell Pastoral Operations, Angus cross 3rd - Russell Pastoral Operations, Angus cross Class 38 C - Eating Quality 1st - Aurelian Pastoral Company, Angus Ultrablack cross 2nd - Russell Pastoral Operations Angus cross 3rd - McIntyre Agriculture, Angus Highest individual Index Score - Russell Pastoral Operations, Angus cross Class 38 overall winners 2nd - Russell Pastoral Company, Angus cross 3rd - Russell Pastoral Company, Angus cross


Class 40A Weight Gain 1st - Palgrove Pastoral Co, Charolais Angus cross 2.557 ADG 2nd - Mayne family, Texas Angus, Angus - 2.398 ADG Highest Individual Weight Gain - Palgrove Pastoral Co, Charolais Angus cross - 2.910 ADG Class 40B Carcase 2nd - Yulgilbar Pastoral Company, Santa Angus Class 40C Eating Quality 2nd - Palgrove Pastoral Company, Charolais Angus cross 3rd - Palgrove Pastoral Company, Charolais Angus cross Highest Individual Index Score - Palgrove Pastoral Company, Charolais Angus cross Class 40 Overall Winners 3rd - Palgrove Pastoral Company, Charolais Angus cross


Success in Central Queensland Carcase Classic

The use of Angus genetics in Queensland herds was put on show at the announcement of the major awards for the 2022 Central Queensland Carcase Classic Competition. The competition allows beef producers of Central Queensland the opportunity to showcase their beef as well as benchmark their own achievements against the best cattle producers in the region. This competition, which is conducted by the Central Queensland Carcase Classic Committee, offers Grassfed, Grainfed and Led Steer classes, with judging across a range of categories. Champion Grassfed Carcase: Tayglen Pastoral Co – Charolais Angus cross steer

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