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Queensland Machinery Agency

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Raff Angus

Raff Angus

The Ideal Cow Size for Your Environment

During University of Kansas Professor and Head, Dr Bob Weaber, addressed the message ‘Find the optimum cow size that maximises profit on your farm’. Dr Weaber explained that over the last 30 years, seedstock breeders of every major U.S. beef breed had increased growth and lactation potential. Research has shown that big cows or high lactation cows have higher nutrient requirements and that often the difference in nutrient demand due to the animal’s weight is unappreciated. Dr Weaber broke down that to understand what the optimum cow size is for our environment, we need to understand both the nutrient availability or productivity of our farm and understand the mature weight and body condition of the herd. This information, combined with understanding the animals that are working or not working in our system, enables us to understand the suitability of our cows for their environment and ultimately, optimize cow size for the environment’ through the selection and breeding decisions we make.

Understanding Angus Australia’s Research Breeding Values

Breeders of Angus cattle now have access to research breeding values that predict genetic differences between animals for four new traits relating to mature cow body composition, immune competence and tropical adaption. The availability of the four research breeding values (RBVs) is part of Angus Australia’s commitment to ensuring that Angus breeders have access to the most accurate selection tools possible. In this presentation, Angus Australia Breed Development and Extension Manager Andrew Byrne breaks down each of the available RBVs, and their functions. The research breeding values for individual animals can be accessed via the Angus Database Search facility on the Angus Australia website, www.angusaustralia.com.au, with the RBVs for mature body condition and height, along with the RBVs for coat type now being updated as part of the routine, bi-monthly TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation. Seedstock breeders interested in having the new research breeding values calculated for their animals can also access collection guidelines for the research traits in the Angus Education Centre.


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