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Member Services Matters

Scott Wright, Member Services Manager

The Angus Australia Member Services staff are responsible for enabling Members to conduct all transactions with Angus Australia in a manner that is as streamlined and as efficient as possible.

“It doesn’t get any better than this!” I have a very good friend that is a dairy farmer on the Far North Coast of NSW…with that quote Warren was given much airtime on the NORCO advertisements. The raw truth in agriculture is that there are such huge extremes… and thankfully today, this season, over the last few months prices and the season have been amazing for the eastern states. It is good to stop and reflect just how very good beef is now. We sincerely congratulate all our members who have enjoyed seeing excellent prices! It is so heartening to interact with you all when conditions are so very positive!

Working from home during the NSW Lockdown

Thank you to all the members who have been so very supportive and patient while our team “once again” adjusted and began working from home. It’s always an adjustment for staff but to have the technology and ability to work in such a way is very helpful. It was good to see that despite the inconvenience the team managed to have nearly every job done within a day. Our new job tracking system which was implemented at the start of 2021 shows us that the average of our Member Services jobs was completed within 1 day. Several more difficult jobs did take up to several days to complete however they were the exception and overall, I was very pleased with the turnover despite disruptions.

Calf Record Forms

Members will have recently been emailed Calf recording forms for Spring 2021. If you have not received those, please check your inbox or call the Member Services team to have them reproduced. As always, while we email these calf recording forms, if you prefer a paper copy, please just give the team a call and we will be happy to post a hard copy to you.

Calving Books

This year no Calving Books were sent to members due to Inventory Forms being sent by email. If members require Calving Books, please email regos@angusaustralia.com.au including your Herd ID and number of Calving Books that you require and one of our Member Services Officers will post them out straight away. Changes to Member Services Staff

You may notice a couple of changes in the Member Services team. We were very sad to lose one of our team Henry Newell-Hutton in June to the opposition. Henry was always a very cheerful member of the team who was liked by many members. We are pleased to report that Henry will be replaced by Jeanice McCosker from Ben Lomond. Jeanice will have started work with Angus Australia by the time this goes to print. Jeanice studied Agriculture at UNE and brings a wealth of experience to the role. We are certainly very fortunate to have her join the team. We have also promoted Tammy McLeod to Senior Member Services Officer in recognition of all her experience, competence, and hard work. Finally, Nicky Wallace will be taking a break in 2022 on maternity leave and she will be greatly missed by the team and members. The good news is that she does intend to return late in 2022.


Internally our team operates largely with a software system ILR2 which is provided by ABRI. One of the very large projects here at Angus Australia has been the development of angus.tech for all our recording and membership purposes. Our team has been very active in testing new modules for release in 2021 with the IT staff. I am very pleased to report that IT developers have made great inroads this year. Christopher has assembled a highly skilled team and the results are excellent. While for members the changes may be less noticed, for our team the changes will be monumental! The new systems will allow for faster and more efficient membership enrolments, registrations, performance recording and parent verifications. The system will be in live time and will not require syncing between software packages and will also allow work to be more easily when conducted remotely. 2022 should be an exciting new chapter for Member Services thanks to the IT team.

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