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Soil Carbon Project

Our Soil Carbon Journey

We have included three farms in our soil carbon project with baseline soil testing completed in November 2022. The variation from property to property in terms of our starting point are quite extraordinary. See chart below. We are optimistic of improved future outcomes for our livestock, pastures, soil biology, water infiltration, drought preparedness, business performance and the families that are a part of it all. If this space is of interest to you we are happy to share our journey thus far anytime.

USA Trip

As this catalogue goes to print I’ll be travelling around the US visiting the leading US Angus herds in our relentless search to find the very best genetics available that add to commercial profitability and efficiency. We use a mix of international and Australian genetics in our Spring AI & ET programs.


We benchmark each of our 3 enterprises in detail with Aggregate (previously Holmes Sackett). We consistently place at the very top of the large group of participants for our commercial Angus herd performance.

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