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Independant Breeding & Marketing Services Independent Breeding and Marke/ng Services

All Glenavon sale bulls underwent the Gene2c Type Summary (GTS) and structural Assessment prior to sale. All bulls catalogues were considered acceptable for soundness and muscling. If any poten2al buyers wish to discuss these bulls prior to the sale, please contact Dick Whale on mobile 0427 697 968 or Richard Post on 0404 454 143.

Beef Class Structural Assessment System

How to use: The Beef Class Structural Assessment System uses a 1-9 scoring system for feet and leg structure:

• A score of 5 is ideal.

• 4 and 6 show slight varia2on from ideal, but this includes most animals. Any animal scoring 4 and 6 would be acceptable in any breeding program.

• 3 and 7 shows greater varia2on, but would be acceptable in most commercial breeding programs, however seedstock producers should be wary.

• 2 and 8 are low scoring animals and should be looked at carefully before purchasing.

• A Score of 1 or 9 should not be catalogued and are considered immediate culls.

For feet and leg assessment, animals need to be on a hard, flat, and even surface where animal can move/stand naturally.

GTS Descrip/ve Traits

Stature – Evalua2on of animals for maturity paZern and frame size. A score of 25 is average (Frame 5.5). This score may be influenced by age of dam, nutri2on, etc. Scores greater than 25 indicate larger framed, later maturing caZle.

Capacity – Evalua2on combines spring of rib, and width of chest floor. Scores higher than 38 indicate a bull with greater capacity.

Body Length – Evalua2on of body length from point of shoulder to pin bone. Scores higher than 25 indicate longer body length.

Muscle Score – is the muscularity devoid of subcutaneous fat. Higher scores indicate animals with higher yield and dressing percentage aZributes. Scores 30 = C, 35 = C+, 40 = B-, 45 = B.

Doability – is the ability of an animal to deposit fat in fat depots, rela2ve to their peers under a common management regime.

Sheath A@achment

A 1-5 scoring system is used for sheath aZachment. 5 is 2ght to the body and ideal, 1 is very pendulous and loose.

Hair Type

A 1-5 scoring system is used. 1 being slick haired and 5 is extremely coarse haired.

Stature – Evalua'on of an animals frame size, based on visual assessment of the animals hip height.

Capacity – Evalua2on of an animal by visual assessment combining depth of fore rib along with spring of rib and width of chest floor as well as depth of flank.

The greater the score the greater an animals capacity.

Body Length – Evalua2on by visual assessment of an animals length from withers to pins.

The greater the score the greater the body length.

Front Feet – Evalua2on by visual assessment of an animals front feet structure.

Hind Feet – Evalua2on by visual assessment of an animals hind feet structure.

Rear Leg Hind View – Evalua2on by visual assessment of an animals rear structure.

Rear Leg Side View – Evalua2on by visual assessment of an animals length and strength of pastern and foot angle.

Muscling – Evalua'on by visual assessment of an animals combined width of rump and hindquarter, with secondary considera'on given to forearm muscling.

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