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Comments: Quiet but strong bull, sired by Enhance, dam going back to Woodbank and Braveheart. Good temperament. Heifer bull for bigger framed cow herd, his birth weight was 37 kgs.

Solid dataset with very good calving ease and growth above breed average. Good temperament.


Calving ease direct and birth weight both in top 10%. Very good growth and carcass data including IMF.

A lot of data in the top 10%. Going to be a bull to take a close look at. 30 kgs at birth, safe with good growth prospects for progeny.

Comments: Top 5% for Angus Pro index. Below breed average for birth weight with short gestation. 37 kgs at birth. Could be used over yearling heifers with caution. Good fats and carcass weight.

Cow bull. A power bull with great growth outlook in progeny and IMF. Good temperament.

Positive calving ease, from a trusted pedigree. Good growth outlook for progeny.

Cow bull with good growth and scrotal.

A trusted pedigree. Good figures for 2yo heifer mating, top 10% for 3 of 4 calving ease ebvs. IMF in top 15%.

Comments: Sound heifer bull prospect by a favourite sire. Doesn’t give much away in terms of growth and has IMF in top 25%.

Heifer bull here with birth weight in top 5%. Positive calving ease direct and daughters. EMA and IMF close to top 5%.

Comments: Out of a heifer. Great dataset and pedigree for calving ease. Positive fats and IMF, hasn’t given away growth for the good ease of calving he represents.

Calving ease pedigree both sides. Very safe, with good carcass traits. Has shown good growth.

Totaranui T241 Pv

Good birth weight and short gestation heifer bull. Respectable growth.

Stats suggest good heifer bull with good IMF. Birth weight in top 25%.

Good calving ease without giving away growth. Birth weight and calving ease direct both in top 20%.

Top 10% calving ease across all four ebvs. Safe heifer bull. Hasn’t given away growth for calving ease.

Totaranui T014 Pv

Comments: Calving ease inherent on both sides of pedigree. Excellent birth weight and direct calving ease ebvs. Sound heifer bull.

Sire is a super safe son by Real Deal. This bulls weight was 33 kgs, but better suited to mating 2 year olds or MA cows.

Comments: Powerful pedigree here with a low birth weight dam across a curve bending ‘one out of the box’ sire, Waitangi N221. Calving ease ebvs are at the top of the scale. Huge IMF with positive carcass fats.

Dam is a low birthweght cow that needed a bit of growth injected into the mix, hence using Zephyr. Good result with a heifer bull prospect with calving ease and good growth potential.

Totaranui T039 Pv

Comments: Nice dataset, good calving ease for heifer mating, but also growth and strong IMF potential for progeny.

weight ebv in the top 10%. Calving ease direct also very good. Safe heifer bull with good growth potential in progeny.

Heifer bull here out of a 2yo heifer dam. Balanced ebv set with ease of calving and good growth outlook for progeny.

What he gives away in growth he gains in confidence as a safe heifer bull. Very tidy ebv set for ease of calving.

Totaranui T256 Pv

Comments: Could be used as a heifer bull with caution, better over 2yo heifers or mixed age cows.

Sound heifer bull. Dam by the consistent low birthweight sire Real Deal. Enhance proven to have calving ease with growth. This bull has strong IMF potential as well.

Top 10% of the breed for calving ease direct, top 15% for birth weight. Safe heifer bull. Dam also has inherent calving ease.

Safe heifer bull by a favourite low birth weight sire, M48. He was thick and quiet. Good growth.

Comments: Very strong dataset with calving ease and growth. By our Q239, who has proved himself with calving ease and sound phenotype. Out of a top 5% calving ease dam.

More of a cow bull based on figures. Well forward, good growth outlook, good fats.

One of a twin. Below breed average birth weight and shorter gestation.

Well balanced ebv set, with very good calving ease together with growth. Sound heifer bull.

Totaranui T207 Pv

Sound heifer bull with adequate growth and good IMF.

Comments: Exceptional calving ease data with very adequate growth. Both sides of pedigree safe calving. Top 7% for IMF.

Comments: Both sides of the pedigree are low birthweight. Dataset suggests a safe heifer bull. Grandsire the supersafe Real Deal.


Comments: Birth weight ebv in top 30% for ease. Pedigree exudes quality. In the background is Rennylea L508, Sydgen Trust, Woodbank 428, and In Sure. A well balanced bull with top 30% birth weight ebv, adequate growth and good carcass trait ebvs.

Comments: Inherent ease of calving both sides of the pedigree. This bull top 20% bull for birth weight and ease of calving direct. Also good growth, fertility and carcass traits.

Calving ease on both sides of the pedigree, producing confidence in this bull as a heifer bull. EBVs suggest a curve bending bull with ease of calving and above average growth potential in the progeny.

Not a heifer bull, except for mating 2 year olds. M48 is a favourite sire of ours, thick and a great temperament. This bull shows good growth.

Comments: A very sound low birthweight pedigree through and through, both sides. This bull’s ebv set for ease of calving is outstanding, he doesn’t give much away in terms of growth potential.

A cow bull sired by a Te Mania Garth son. This bull shows a balanced ebv set with acceptable calving ease, growth and good carcass fats.

OK as a heifer bull on bigger framed cows, both sides of pedigree have ease of calving. His birth weight on breed average, and better than breed average ease of calving direct.


Comments: Heifer bull with a good spread of data. Birth weight and ease of calving direct both around the top 20% mark. Good carcass traits outlook.

Comments: Nice pedigree here with Ashland over a Revenue, and on the dam side, Legendary over a Waiterenui sired cow. EBV set shows a very safe heifer bull, with growth and IMF.

Cow bull. Later born calf that has grown well. Balanced set of ebvs including good growth, fertility and carcass.

Birth weight above breed average. Could be used for 2yo heifer mating or 1yo heifer mating with caution. 33 kgs at birth, so not huge birth weight.

Birth weight and gestation very smart, top 5%. Calving ease direct in top 20%. Safe heifer bull based on figures.

Totaranui T276 Pv

Tidy ebv set for good heifer mating outcomes. Good growth potential for progeny.

Although Zephyr’s growth ebvs are in the top 5% of Australia and New Zealand, he is still a low birth weight bull. So this son, mixed with a low birthweight dam, is a good prospect for a heifer bull, for a beef heard or Friesians.

Birth weight ebv in top 20% and positive calving ease direct. Good heifer bull prospect. By the proven P103 going back to Rennylea L508 hence the good carcass traits and IMF.

Out of a favourite dam, she has had 10 calves, and by a favourite sire, M48. Birth weight ebv still below breed average. Not ideal for heifer mating but could be used over 2 year olds with confidence.

Totaranui T340 Pv

Comments: This bull is in the top echelon for birth weight. Top 10% dataset for calving ease. Great prospect for heifer mating.

2 year old’s first calf. Birth weight still under breed average. Suitable as a heifer bull across herds with medium to bigger frame scores.

Out of a first calving 2yo heifer. Fantastic set of ebvs for ease of calving, including birth weight in top few percent.

TOTARANUI T324 PV Comments: Late born bull with very good birth weight and calving ease direct data. Both sides of the pedigree show ease of calving. Very strong IMF potential for progeny.

Totaranui T076 Pv

Comments: Later born calf, natural mating. Below breed average for birth weight. Both sire and dam have low birth weight pedigrees. Good option for 2yo heifer mating.

bull prospect, good calving ease, within top 10% of

Comments: Calving ease, growth, fertility and carcass all look good in this dataset. Birth weight top 10%. Good heifer bull prospect.

Good ease of calving pedigrees both sides. This is a very tidy dataset for a heifer bull, by a trusted bull. Good carcass traits including

Totaranui T306 Pv

Comments: Balanced ebv set across ease of calving, growth and carcass. Positive calving ease, good prospect for heifer mating.

Out of a first calving 2yo heifer. Sire by the super safe Real Deal. Birth weight in top 10% and good calving ease direct and calving ease daughters.

Cow bull with a nice pedigree, dam (7 calves) by Woodbank 0110. Balanced ebvs with good growth and carcass traits.

Comments: Out of a first calving 2yo heifer. Sire by super safe Real Deal, dam also has a safe calving ease pedigree. Birth weight in top 1% of breed across New Zealand and Australia. Good IMF outlook for progeny as well. Very safe heifer bull.

3 of the 4 calving ease ebvs in the top 5% of breed across New Zealand and Australia. The rest of the ebv set is well balanced with growth and carcass.

Birth weight significantly below breed average, top 16% across New Zealand and Australia. Sire one of our favourites, quiet and thick.

By P9 from Storth Oaks, a lovely sire we bought for the low birthweight programme. This bull is a good heifer bull prospect with balanced figures across calving ease, growth and carcass.

Comments: This bull is all about calving ease and heifer mating. Top 10% ebv set for ease of calving across Australia and New Zealand. Good IMF potential for progeny.

Both sides of pedigree easy calving. Good calving ease here for heifer mating, with good growth and IMF outlook for progeny. Good disposition.

Out of a maiden heifer calving as a two year old. This late born bull shows a very tidy ebv set for calving ease, with growth in the background, and carcass.

Comments: Both sides of pedigree strong ease of calving. Birth weight ebv in top 1% of breed across New Zealand and Australia. What he gives away on growth he makes up in confidence in calving outcomes.

Totaranui T322 Pv

Comments: Late born, naturally mated by P9, dam sired by Stokman L194, who’s dam was a Milestone dam. This bull’s ebv set makes it a good prospect for heifer mating, birth weight being in top 15% of breed across Australia and New Zealand.

Comments: Yearling bull over a yearling heifer to present this heifer bull prospect. Top 10% calving ease data. Gives away growth for confidence in heifer calving outcomes.

August 2023 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation

Heifer’s first calf and a good heifer bull prospect. By a son of the super safe Real Deal. Out of a safe dam going back to Te Mania Garth. Lots of IMF potential for progeny.

Comments: Heifer bull by Q239, a good Dusty son we kept and used quite a lot. We still have him and he has grown out extremely well. A good heifer bull prospect here with good calving ease, retaining growth and carcass potential.



An advanced genomic tool to inform the selection of replacement heifers for commercial Australian Angus breeders

A product of Angus Australia, delivered in collaboration with our partners, Zoetis and Neogen www.angusaustralia.com.au

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