Stalled Magazine

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ISSUE: 1 MARCH 2010 UK£4 USA$6




CONTENTS Issue One Robbie Fife William Davis Matt Waudby Full Frame

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Front Cover: Robbie Fife is a pretty softly spoken and well mannered chap here he nails a perfect nose manual in the serine surroundings of a deserted York University over the summer of 09.




ISSUE ONE The reason I decided to design this magazine was because, it seems that every time I look at a BMX magazine these days I am greeted with a bunch of graphic design faux pars that make me cringe and generaly want to put the magazine down rather than continue reading it. This bad design usually disguises quality writing and a whole lot of brilliant photos.

I approached this project purely from a graphic design angle, seeing if I could design a magazine that kept somewhat of the DIY BMX ethic but had some real graphic integrity. I’ve enjoyed designing it and realised how much work goes into creating a magazine and also feel that I’ve added my 2 pence into the debate of the future direction of BMX print media.





Robbie fife is probably the nicest guy you’ll ever meet, but don’t let his laid back persona fool you; he has plans. He’s moved away from his native Yorkshire to study fine art painting at Brighton university and by all accounts is killing it on his BMX more than ever. Name, Age and Height? Robbie Fife, 21, I m about 6ft 2. How’s it going Robbie, what are you up to today? I’m great, loving life. It’s the evening now so I’m just chilling at home; I’m about to play some Fifa with my housemates. I’ve been painting in the studio today and we had a seminar in the Uni gallery where we just put on our second year show. You’re from Thirsk but you went to school in York, how was that for you and where feels more like home? Going to school in York was such a good experience for me. It was sometimes a bit tiring having to get trains and so on but it was an awesome city to grow up in. It’s quite small so its not too overwhelming but with more stuff going on than in my hometown. Plus I made some of my best friends there. Its good for BMX too and I wouldn’t have met all you lot without being at school in York. I’ve never really thought of York as home though. Thirsk is a pretty out of the way town not exactly known for its riding scene how did you get into BMX in a place like that? There used to be some really good riders in thirsk but as with a lot of hobbies like BMX people grow tired of them or get jobs and things like that. Things change and the

BMXers I looked up to stopped. I had a BMX since I was about 5 and my step brother’s friend got me into doing tricks on a family holiday. I always thought it was really fun and then I think I saw some BMX on TV, I can’t remember what. Since then I’ve been into it. Watching tom raw, local hero, ride always made me want to ride more. He won backyard jam expert, I think it was the time before Matt Roe won. He was probably the most naturally gifted rider I have ever seen ride a bike. His bike control and style was amazing. He could have been massive if he wanted to. Then I just started riding up in Thornaby most weekends. Ape was awesome, I loved that park. You recently moved down to Brighton for university, how are things down there and how does it compare with Yorkshire? Brighton is brilliant. I love it here. I’ve met some amazing people, I love my course and the place, everything is fine and dandy. It’s difficult to compare to Yorkshire, its so different here. I love both though. Brighton is good because it’s near London too. Like London it’s a big melting pot of different people, cultures etc. it’s a fun place to live. It’s also quite small which I like, you get to know a lot of people and you can walk to most places without it taking years. Have you been able to get out on the bike much? I go riding as much I can. Some weeks I

ride more than others. At the moment the weather is quite unpredictable so I get out when I can. I ride most weekends and some mornings and evenings during the week. You have the most flowing style out of pretty much anyone I’ve ridden with! Does that just come naturally or do you have to work on it? Thanks mate. I don’t know if I always flow or have a flowing style, but I try to be relatively smooth. That’s just the kind of riding I m into. The riders I looked up to when I first started riding properly were always into flowing around. At Thornaby the cool thing was to be able to tabletop and turndown. Those were the tricks to do, riding has changed since I started, but that’s still the kind of riding I like to do. I love watching the other crazy technical stuff and I love riding street, I like riding anything really. I don’t know if having a flowing style comes naturally, I just ride and do things I like the feel of. You’re riding without a brake, I think for the first time. How come you decided to take it off and how are you finding it? Yeah I took my brake off, I think it’s been the best part of a month now. I fancied a change and wanted to see how I could handle it. for the first week every time I went riding I felt like putting my brake back on, especially with how busy the local park is. I couldn’t properly air and it felt weird, now I can’t see






“So many amazing days are possible.” them going back on for a long while. I think I m going higher now, I love the feeling. I like the speed too. The only slight problem is that I live at the top of a really steep hill so my shoes are wearing fast. I know you’re studying fine art painting, how come you decided to go for painting as opposed just straight fine art? When I started my foundation I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to focus on and after a trip to Barcelona and seeing one particular artist I decided I wanted to paint. I painted in school and I enjoyed it then but I fell in love with it in foundation. I love painting, there are endless possibilities and pathways you can find yourself going down. Painting is a massive subject in itself. I don’t think a broad fine art course would be a bad thing to do, I just felt that I wanted to focus and explore painting as much as possible because it’s what I love. Brighton’s a pretty good place to be studying art do you feel you are getting a lot from it? I’ve learnt so much from my course and generally being in Brighton. The whole experience of living and learning in this city has been invaluable. The people I’ve met have made it all worthwhile. I’m so glad I came here. I’m pretty ignorant when it comes to fine art but who are your influences, which artists are you into at the moment? The artists I look at and am inspired by increase in number fairly regularly. Inevitably different artists affect my work in different ways. There is one artist who has had an immeasurable effect on me; he’s called Antoni Tàpies. Seeing his work in the flesh made

me understand painting and made me want paint. I would love it, if at some point my paintings or a painting of mine might have a similar effect on someone else. His paintings had a profound experience on me. In terms of other art and artists; I love a lot of contemporary painting right through to old masters’ works. The first names that come to my mind are Vincent Van Gogh, Frans Widerberg, Antoni Tàpies, Ørnulf Opdahl, Claude Monet, Phoebe Unwin, Peter Doig, Goya, Cy Twombly, Paul Cézanne, Ken Kiff, Max Neumann, Marlene Dumas, Thomas Zipp. I really like my tutors’ work and they are also well established artists- Tom Hammick and Andrzej Jackowski. The list could probably go on. What do you think you’ll do when you graduate, do you have any plans that far ahead or are you just taking it as it comes? I don’t know about that one. I’m just taking it as it comes. I think I will probably end up living in London at some point. I might end up living abroad too. I would love to do a Masters, possibly study at the royal academy or the royal college if I could get in. but I don’t know how things will happen and circumstances and ideals change so rapidly. We’ll see. I hope I’ll still be painting though.

And what do you get up to on an average day? Pretty much the same as above except I don’t always get to ride, quite often I spend the whole day in the studio, which can be just as good if not better sometimes. Ok this is a Question from Jonny: What are the top 3 things you would do if you were a woman for a day? Blimey, that’s hard; I don’t want to come across as a pervert. I reckon first I d have to have a look in the mirror, because my head with a woman’s body could look pretty hilarious. I’d have a go with all the stuff men don’t have. I reckon any person would do this if their gender was switched for a day. I d probably get my hair done. I’d try and piss in a urinal standing up, I ve heard that’s hard. Thanks Jonny. Anyone you would like to thank?

Ok so I know the weathers been pretty bad lately but presuming we’re not talking about the British wintertime what would go down on your perfect day? I always think this is a hard question to answer when I see it in interviews. So many amazing days are possible. Mine is quite ordinary. I reckon maybe wake up with the sun shining but without it being ridiculously hot, lets say crisp. Have a cup of tea or coffee with my favourite people maybe add in

Right: Effortless tyreslide on native turf at York University.


some porridge or croissants, then go for a walk into town or a dog walk if I m home. Go get my bike and have ride. Then go to the studio and paint or draw. Walk home with more good people. End the day with a decent movie. Throw some happy tunes in throughout the day too. Pretty straight forward, I have quite few days like this.

Thanks for wanting to do this interview Angus, and for being a ridiculously talented rider. Then just my friends and family, can’t thank them enough! Cheers.




Right: To say this roundabout was difficult to ride would be an understatment but that didn’t stop Robbie doing this step-thru footjam with characteristically smooth style.




Whether its behind an SLR a Video camera or on a Mac William Davis is prolifically creative; here Stalled took some time to catch up with him and talk about photography, Graphic Design and wheather or not he still rides a BMX.

Above: My brother in Sardinia, summer 2009.


Name, Age and Location? William Davis, 23, Berlin Ok I’m going to go back to the first time I was really become aware of you, somehow I stumbled across you site wdphotos. com this must have been 3 or 4 years ago but the quality of the pictures seemed to be really high even back then. What got you started on keeping a photo blog and what gives you the motivation to keep going? I started it back in ‘04, as a way of showing my friends the photos I had taken at the skatepark or out riding that day. The motivation to have kept on for 6 years is simply a self compulsion to take photos and want to show people.

You seem to do a lot of travelling, there are photos on your website, it seems, from all over the world. What are some of your favourite places you have visited? And what makes them so memorable? Its a cliche to say, but hitchhiking across Japan was one of the best, just because everything is turned upside down, your expectations, difficulties, challenges. What motivates you to spend time travelling? To spend time with friends who live in other countries, or just to get away. Just to be somewhere else in fact.

I know you shoot a lot of film, what do you prefer about analogue as opposed to digital? I think wdphotos shows a kind of curve in terms of how I’ve considered, or respected photography, in that from around 2007 onwards I shot only film, due to working, and associating digital more with ‘work’ photography. I became bored with immediacy and perfect, or exact results. I generally started not to care less about my photos, but to attach less importance to them. What’s currently in your camera bag? I don’t have a camera bag right now, having in the past owned at least 7 different ones, but in terms of equipment I’m

Above: Me, Rob and Luke, hitchhiking in Japan, autumn 2009.



generally switching between using a canon rangefinder which is small and easy to take anywhere, and a nikon f2, which is the best camera I ever used (thanks to Jon for that recommendation). I own roughly 15 or so film cameras though, and a digital slr for work stuff. So your living in Berlin at the moment, what are you up to over there and how are you finding it? I’ve lived here off and on for about 9 or 10 months amalgamated over the years. I’m working freelance and battling through the –20º winter. Maybe a couple of years ago you and Rhys Mcfleece put out 3 Bristol Scene web videos, to me they seemed really fresh and well put together, how come we haven’t seen any more BMX videos from

you lately?

make what they are doing relevant?

Because Rhys has my camera! I have made the odd short thing, but more just for friends. The last big video project I did was the ‘Check U Owt’ video from a 6 week trip round europe in ‘07, with 6 skaters and 4 bmxers. That was a lot of fun.

I think the bmx magazine industry, and industry in general is following a general curve associated with all print media, perhaps apart from books, that is a slow progression to web-based platforms. Not necessarily a bad thing, however print is always going to better in bmx and skating for the photos, and I think that a lot of people are still aware and respective of that. I think they’re doing all they can and thats just carrying on making magazines. I think they’re expected to be more than just a magazine too, and unlike other magazines they re-invent themselves every issue. They’re a look and a lifestyle and all of that, and in the end they should be what people would want to see themselves in, or are a fair represention of the opinions of an audience that is tough, and concerned purely with bmx as a lifestyle.

Do you still get out on the BMX much? I try to, I did a lot over last summer, but not since november til now, as its far too cold. Hopefully come April, plus my new flat is right next to a mint concrete park. I know that print media is having a hard time of it and that certainly includes BMX print media; what are you thoughts on the current state of the BMX magazine industry, do you think they are doing all they can to hold onto their audience and

Above: Friend Tommy diving into Holcombe quarry, spring 2009.


So I know you got onto the Graduates feature on the It’s Nice That, which for any Design student is a pretty big deal. How did that come about and how stoked were you to be selected? Yeah it was certainly lovely of them to include me. I had heard they were intending to run a feature like that in April I think, so I forwarded them some work and writing, and I suppose they liked it. They were a blog I found myself checking during my student years, so it was funny for it to come around like that at the end...

mer, being in Japan and being pretty poor otherwise whilst trying to learn German. Since returning properly in October I have worked at various companies, as well as a few freelance and personal projects. I’m currently art director at a product design company, and trying to pursue personal projects and travel alongside that. What’s next for you, do you have plans for 2010, travelling? Working? Riding? I’ve been wanting to do another bmx trip for some time now, maybe in April, but for now just working. We’ll see what summer brings.

In terms out graphic design now what’s going on, have you found a job? Are you working? Or are you mooching about on the dole?! I took a big chunk of time off over the sum-

Above: Camping at Holcombe quarry, spring 2009.




I’ve known Matt for about 4 years and in that time he’s gone from being a very ratty little kid to a 6ft 3 monster who kills it on a bike, makes sick web videos and is studying Illustration.





“Your biggest fear? that I will wet the bed when sharing it with a girl I really like.” Who is Matt Waudby? Mat Waudby is a polite and lovely natured boy who is studying illustration at art foundation and loves bikes. Age, Hometown, Height? I’m 19 years old, was born in Hong Kong but call York my hometown, and am close enough to 6 foot 3 as physically possible without actually being 6 foot 3. What do you most love about your hometown? The buildings. It’s only in the past year that I’ve actually started looking up at the buildings and it’s made me realize how amazing our small city is and its amazing history. What did you do last Saturday night? Well I was feeling pretty ill so stayed in but had tones of work to do for my uni portfolio so did some illustrations for that. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? My double bumped head but to be honest

it adds more character so I’m thankful to evolution for giving me an able and rather amazing body. If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be? Wow I really want to say someone like the Dalai Lama or Mandela but right now there’s someone more interesting and they know who they are.

What are your strengths? My amazing guns! On a serious note though I do seem to be able to be relatively chilled in stressy situations and I believe I’m quite good getting along with most people. What are your weaknesses? Well I’m pretty rubbish at telling people when I’m pissed with them so if I’m just ignoring you then you’ve probably done something wrong. Life’s too short to worry about people annoying you.

Your biggest fear is: That one day I will not be able to ride my bike and that I will wet the bed when sharing it with a girl I really like. Your biggest worry is: At the moment, not having enough money to have a good summer. Your biggest pet peeve is: Damn the list could go on forever so I’ll limit it to three; -Loud, in your face girls. -People that don’t get up in the morning. -People that drive/park in the bike lane. A guilty pleasure of yours is: Ear stretching. An excuse you use often is: I’m not feeling it. Something you could do with more of in life is: Money.

Right: Bench hop at sunset opposite York station.




Something you could use less of in life is: False friends. But I’m beginning to sort that. Something you don’t believe in is: Tablets Your favourite article of clothing is: I’m going to have to say my American apparel shirts that my Mum got me for Christmas. Perfect fit.

The last book you read was: The Golden Buddha- Clive Cussler The last flat tire you repaired was: Too long ago, It’s going to happen soon, I can feel it. The last e-mail you wrote was: One to Brighton uni about my online portfolio.

Your favourite possession is: My BMX.

The best advice you ever received was: You can do anything you want to, you just got to put your mind to it. Shaun Palmer in an early 90’s fox mountain bike video.

Your favourite way to spend Sunday afternoon is: Go out on my BMX then chill somewhere with all my fun and lovely friends.

The best word to describe your life is: Wide open.

The last movie you saw was: Drag Me To Hell. Cheesy as hell but still I swear I could see goat demons everywhere.

What calms you in times of stress? BMX, teaching BMX and friends. What quality do you admire most in other people? Selflessness and drive.

The last song you listened to was: Sleeping Sickness-City and Colour

Left: Moto table at the one and only rowntrees park in York.




Opposite top: This is the first photo I took with my Olympus OM2n, it was in the now deceased borders, I’ve no idea what their use was, but I liked the scales of colour so had to get a quick snap. Opposite bottom: This is a collection of rocks in my back garden. It was one of the photos taken just to fill up the roll, but it ended up been one of my favourites. Over page top: This is Angus’ new/old Nikon film SLR, in the past 6 months it seems like film has taken over digital


amongst my friends with nearly all the people that used to use digital purchasing film SLR’s online and snapping roll after roll every week. Over page bottom: This was also taken just to fill the roll, and also turned out been one my favourites. I love the f1.8 aperture on the 50mm lense, so its interesting seeing what good depth of field perspectives I could find around my house.







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