Angus Marriott
Experience & publication history
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Stories produced during week-long placement at OZ offices. Many more stories have been published, both before and after the placement and are available on request.
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PSYCH AM | 6.11
JUNE ’11 The latest news from around the world
+ Ace any test with a bowl of oats + Time your exit for perfect results + Take a hike to walk off Alzheimer’s + channel your zen for a stronger brain
Psych BULLETIN Brain food, anyone?
The percentage reduction in risk of both cognitive decline and developing Alzheimer’s if you walk five miles per week. University of Pittsburgh
Porridge boosts memory
hands, signal, manoeuvre
hand movements can help you park
words alex harris, angus marriott. photography getty
If tight spaces leave you blue in the face, use your hands to improve your reversing technique, says a recent study1 . Planning actions out with your hands improves ‘spatial visualisation,’ a process used daily to judge your surroundings. Just be mindful of which moment you choose to take your hands off the wheel. Open palmed gestures won’t claw your No Claims back, but they might scare off the odd traffic warden.
Ministry of the Bleedin’ Obvious
The number of seconds it takes for a silence to become uncomfortable. Bring up the news headlines, or depart the conversation, before your boss slots you into the ‘awkward’ category. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
This month’s least surprising research
What is the best way to increase brain power?
Depressed people suffer from a deficit of positive emotions
Cognition and Emotion
30 minutes a day increases the density of your brain matter, improves memory and reduces stress2 Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging journal
FOOTNOTES 1 University of Birmingham 2 Check out or for your nearest meditation centre
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A bowl of oats will set you up for a day of better memory retention. The wholegrain they contain floods you with the B vitamins you need for information recall. Studies have also shown that adding a spoonful of antioxidantpacked honey will improve spatial memory, according to studies by the University of Waikato, New Zealand. For a timesaving prescription, Jordans’ Crunchy bars combine the two (£2.04,
June 2011 men’s health 35 / 170
MUSCLE AM | 6.11
the new abs workout Benefit
AroUndthE-worLd pLAnk
Place both feet on a bench and assume a press-up position. Brace your core. Now, without dropping your hips or moving your feet, make a full revolution around the bench by “walking” your hands all the way around it. Do 4 revolutions – and your upper body is building like clockwork.
The muscles in your abs, back, and shoulders work harder than they would in a traditional plank.
AntirotAtion CrUnCh
Attach a rope to the low pulley of a cable station and lie on your back. Do a crunch, arms locked, and don’t let your torso rotate. Return to the start. Do 15 reps, switch sides, and repeat. Do another set of 12 and a final set of 10. Rest for 45 secs between sets – picturing the beach you’ll parade your new six-pack on.
You’re boosting the intensity of a traditional crunch. Your abs have to work harder to prevent rotation.
SidE pLAnk
SidE pLAnk with LowCAbLE row
Attach a handle to the low pulley of a cable-station. Raise up into a side plank: knees straight, upper body propped on your elbow. Pull the handle to your rib cage. Extend your arm. Do 10-15-reps, switch sides, and repeat. Think of it as an arm wrestle with yourself. Do 3 sets, resting for 60 secs between.
By engaging your lats (the fan-shaped muscles in your back) you increase torso stability and muscle endurance.
bACk ExtEnSion
bACk ExtEnSion with ALtErnAtivE dUMb-bELL row
Holding a dumb-bell in each hand, position yourself in a back-extension machine so that your torso is parallel to the floor. Row the dumb-bell in your righthand towards your rib cage. Lower-, and repeat with your left-hand. That’s one-rep. Complete 3 sets of 8 reps, resting for 60 secs between sets.
As your body works to stabilise your spine, you are also boosting endurance in your spinal erectors and glutes.
MEdiCinEbALL pikE
Get into a press-up position, feet on a medicine ball. Don’t be bend your knees, roll the ball towards your hands by raising your hips. Pause, check your draw string on your shorts and go back to the start without letting your hips (or your shorts) sag. Do 3 sets of 15-reps, resting for 45 secs in between.
You improve your balance and engage your hip flexors and rectus abdominis – your six-pack muscles.
words angus marriott. illustration kagan mcleod. photography adam voorhes. food styling robin finloy, mitch mandel
How to do it
SwiSS bALL pikE
You thought you’d seen it all when it comes to planks and crunches? Think again. These new takes on old ab exercises work you harder, so you can build muscle faster Upgrade
Breakfasts of cHampions
Two new powerful ways to kickstart your day – and your metabolism. So you can ride the momentum all the way to lunch Try one of these new torsochiselling breakfasts-to-go
BrEAkfAST TAcoS (Serves 2)
Ingredients • 1 tbsp canola oil • ¼ diced onion • ½ pepper, sliced • ¼ small potato, diced • 1 sausage • An avocado twist on the classic breakfast roll supplies • 2 eggs high levels of potassium, • 2 tbsp grated working with the egg and Cheddar low-GI muffin to promote • 2 wholemeal your muscle growth. tortillas • For targeted lean muscle mass, these breakfast tacos blend low-GI, wholemeal tortillas with the high protein levels found in the egg and sausage.
Method Heat the oil in a pan. Add the vegetables and sausage and break up the meat, until the potato is done (10mins). Scramble in the eggs and cheese, and wrap it all in the tortillas.
Egg, AvocAdo And SpIcy MAyo SAndwIch (Serves 1) Ingredients
• 1 tsp mayo • 1 pinch cayenne pepper • 1 wholemeal breakfast muffin • 1 egg • 1 avocado
Split and toast the muffin, and then spread each slice with the mayo. Fry an egg, keeping the yolk slightly runny, and place on a muffin half. Top with a few slices of avocado.
1 Workout designed for Men’s Health by Jim Smith a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist of the International Sports Sciences Association
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