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Best wishes are extended to our fellow beef and dairy cattle producers of British Columbia who suffered impact and catastrophic aftermath of drought, wildfires and floods in 2021.
Withtheannualbullsaleseasonfastapproaching pleasebeawarethattheCOVID19guidelinesfor attending gatherings and events varies amongst Provincial Health Authority regions. For further information please visit www.cattle.ca/caa-resources/covid19
BC Angus Association members appreciate the continued support provided by commercial cattle farmersandrancherswhenpurchasingAngusbulls in BC. Angus bulls bred and born in BC are a quality product, raised and adapted to the terrain andenvironmentoftheBClandscapeandclimate. They are ready to work for you. More about the BCAA – changes are underway regarding updating and new formatting of the web page. www.bcangus.ca Also increased breed promotion and Angus event awareness remains current via social media. fb.com/bcangusassociation
Angus Influence Fall Feeder Sales in BC were successful again in 2021. CAA celebrates 20 years since introducing what has developed into a very recognized and rewarding Angus feeder program.
BCJuniorAngusAssociationisstayingactiveas theyrecentlyhostedavirtualboardmeetingaswell as introducing a colouring contest for all Angus enthusiasts, through the holiday season. They reportedlyareplanninganonlinesilentauctionin spring 2022. Anyone with articles of interest to donate are asked to contact your nearest BCJAA memberorJuniorAssociationCoordinatorCarley Henniger - henniger.bcangus@gmail.com
Didyouknow-WalmartisnowofferingAngus beef in all US and many Canadian stores. Since Angus beef has strong marbling, the fat is more evenly distributed resulting in juicier more tender meatthanregularbeef.Announcedmostrecently, Red Angus is now included in the Angus labeled branded beef products.
BC Angus Association wishes to congratulate Grant & Lauralee Rolston of Grant Rolston Photography,ontheirretirement.Grantwasborn and raised in the BC interior. Fellow cattle friends wishing to thank Grant and Lauralee for their friendship and incredible services may do so by contacting them at grporders@gmail.com
Wishing our fellow Angus and Angus influence cattleproducersthroughoutCanadaahealthyand prosperous 2022.
Bob Miller
SaskatchewanAngusAssociation by Chad Hollinger ~ President, Saskatchewan Angus Association
OurSaskatchewanAngusAssociationAGMwas heldJanuary19,2022viaZoom.Consideringthe formatitwaswellattended.Representativereports weregiven;SheldonKyle,CAAPresidentgavethe Canadian Angus report in place of Myles ImmerkarourCanadianCEOwhowasunableto attend. Hillary Sauder gave the Saskatchewan Junior Angus report followed by Marlene Monvoisin who gave the Saskatchewan Stock Growers report. The committee chairman also reported on our activities over the last year.
Nominations and elections were held to fill six board member positions. We are very pleased to welcometoourboardTroyFrick,AdrianJungman, Wade Olynyk and Jimmy Wright as well as returning directors Brennan Schachtel and Kim McLean. A Canadian director position also needs tobefilledforJuneandwearepleasedtowelcome Roger Reynolds to that position who will be replacing Dale Easton.
We would like to thank the following for their time and dedication to the board: Past President Trent Liebreich, Directors Gord Roger, Gord Davey, Lacey Brooks and CAA Director Dale Easton.Beingapartofthisboardrequiresadegree ofcommitmentandtoeachofyouretiringIwant tothankyouonbehalfoftheSaskatchewanAngus Association.
ItismypleasuretostepintotheroleofPresident this year for the Saskatchewan Angus Association Board of Directors and I want to thank Michelle Potapinski for taking on this position last year in some uncertain and challenging times.
The past year was one many of us won ’ t forget as events moved forward in somewhat uncharted territory,withregulationssetforthbyorprovincial and federal governments as well as the health authority. Our Gold and Junior Show in Lloydminster was hosted again at Stockade Roundup and we thank the Lloydminster Exhibitionfortheirdedicationtoputtingonallof their events in these challenging times. Numbers were down slightly in the Show but once again there was excellent quality and participation from exhibitors both locally and across Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Alberta.
One of our biggest events for the Saskatchewan AngusAssociationistheAngusshowatCanadian Western Agribition. Numbers were down but the quality was deep throughout the barn. The 50th Anniversary show was very well attended with record viewers online as well as packed seating in the stands. For the 50th Anniversary, which was alsoourAngusNationalShow,wewerepleasedto work with T Bar C Cattle Co. as they hosted the CWA National Angus sale. The sale was a huge success with 21.5 lots grossing $307,300 and averaging$14,293.Also,tocelebratethe50thwas a People ’ s Choice Heifer Calf Jackpot where your ticket purchased got you a voting card as well as supper that evening. There was excellent participation by exhibitors as well as a sell out for the supper and our judging cards.
The Masterpiece Sale was held again this year managed by First Class Cattle Marketing. It was decidedbysalestaffandconsignorsthatthesalebe held online again this year.The sale close-out was hosted following our December board meeting at theHollingerLand&Cattlesalefacilityalongwith a supper and some Christmas cheer. Consignors and members were invited to attend and it was a nice way to wrap up our year.
We are working on plans to resume our breeder sessions in the coming months are pleased to have our summer tour booked in the Maple Creek/EastendareainAugust-wehopetoseeyou there!
Ilookforwardtothecomingspringandsummer events and I wish you all the best with calving and bull sales.
As your new President of the Manitoba Angus Association, I am extremely excited and honored for the opportunity to learn and grow as a producer as wellasassistinmakinganimpactontheAngusbreed and the beef industry.
Whowouldhavethoughtthatmorethantwoyears laterCovidisstillapartofmostconversations. With 2021intherear-viewmirror,thereisalotofoptimism as we roll into 2022 with calving season in full swing for some producers and right around the corner for many others, Covid is the last thing on producer ’ s minds right now. Calving can be stressful and hectic butconductingpropercalvingmanagementpractices to help calves get off on the right start is essential. Along with calving, bull sale season is starting, and it isthetimeofyearwhereproducersevaluatetheircow herd to determine what type of bull(s) they need to helpmeettheirgoalsintheirfuturecalfcrops. Ihighly recommendproducerstotourfarmspriortosalesand evaluate the bulls to aid in deciding what bull(s) are best suited for their herd. Selecting our next herd sire(s)isoneofthemostimportantdecisionswemake on our farms as it has one of the largest impacts on ourrevenuestream.Whetheryoupurchaseyourbulls fromoneseedstockproducerormultiple,discusswith them in depth and tell them exactly what you are lookingforinyournextcalfcrop.Theywillhelpguide you through the decision making process.
EventhoughCovidpresentedmanychallengesfor hosting events in Manitoba, we are grateful that we had periods that allowed us some normalcy. Unfortunately, we could not host the Summer Gold ShowinHarding,wewereabletohavetheFallGold Show at Ag Ex in Brandon. There were a lot of great cattle there and we were pleased with the number of exhibitors that participated. In the fall we were also able to bring back the Keystone Classic Sale as a live sale. There were some changes made to the sale this year which include hiring on Bohrson Marketing as the marketing and management team for the sale, as well as merging the sale with the Keystone Konnection Simmental Sale; the event was a great success. In conjunction with the Keystone Sale, we hostedourAGMthedaypriortothesale. Thank-you toeveryonewhoattendedthemeeting.Ialsowantto recognizeandthankShawnBirminghamforhisyears on the Board, serving as the Canadian Rep. I would like to thank the outgoing directors for their service on the Board and welcome the new directors.
Lastly, I would like to congratulate and recognize the Manitoba Angus Award winners for 2021. The Purebred Breeder of the Year went to Fraser Farms from Melita. The Commercial Producer of the Year wasJackCruiseofJackRanchesfromChatfield.The HonoraryPresidentsthispastyearareDaleandBrent Stewart. Thank-you to all these individuals for their lasting impact on the Angus breed. The recipient of the Jack Hart Memorial Female Foundation Award wasGraceGloverfromBoissevain,Manitoba.Ithank alltheindividualsthatappliedforthisaward.Selecting onewinnerfollowingtheinterviewswasdifficult,but IrealizedthatthefutureoftheAngusbreedisingood hands.
As we continue into 2022, I anticipate slowly returning to some form of normalcy. After a 2-year hiatusIlookforwardtoattendingtheSummerGold Show in Harding as well as Showdown in Brandon. I look forward to seeing/meeting you all at these events!!
Devin Boitson
Ontario Angus Association extend greetings and best wishes to all Canadian Angus members, Commercial operators who include Angus genetics in their program and to all our friends and associates in the cattle business across Canada.
We know many folks in the purebred business are in the midst of the 2022 calving season and are experiencing some additional challenges with the fluctuatingtemperaturesincludingsomeextremecold conditions. It seems that everyone across North America has had their turn with some extreme temperatures. We wish everyone the best of luck in this regard.
Aftertwoyears,itisverydifficulttobelievethatwe continuetobefacedwiththechallengesofCovidand we truly hope that we continue to get closer to the endandthereturntosomeformofnormal.Weagain canbethankfulthatwegenerallyliveinruralsettings and have livestock and outside chores that need our attention and require us to be out and about. We wouldberemisstonotagainrecognizetheincredible effort of our health care workers as they continue to care for others and serve the needs of our health care systems.
We are grateful that many sales and a number of showswereabletocontinuelastfallandareoptimistic that things will be even better in 2022. Again technology in communications has definitely been a hugeassetfromabusinessperspectiveaswellastostay in touch with family and friends.
WewouldnotethatOntarioAngustransferredour website to join the Canadian site similar to other jurisdictions across Canada and are pleased that we took this step and with the results to date. The new Ontario Directory was produced in 2021 and is a greatresourceifyouarelookingforanOntarioAngus breeder. If you want a directory, contact our Ontario secretary at sectretaryontarioangus@gmail.com
OntarioAngusismovingourannualFuturitySale to the spring for 2022. It will again be a female sale and is planned to be held at Carson ’ s Sale facility in Listowel on May 14, 2022. Our sale committee is workinghardtopullthistogetherandplantoinclude some additional educational and fellowship components to the sale. Please watch for further communications in this regard as well as the sale cataloguewhichwillbedistributedinearlyspring.We are also looking forward to celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Royal Winter Fair in November of 2022. This will be a National Show for many of the breeds including Angus.
Many of the annual bull sales for 2022 are scheduled and the offering of some great Angus geneticscanbefoundatthesesales.Inadditionmany Angusbreedersalsoofferbullsbyprivatetreaty.There are significant opportunities to acquire great Angus genetics to provide a positive influence on any purebred or commercial herd.
TheannualmeetingforOntarioAngusAssociation is scheduled for March 5, 2022. We have recently decided that this meeting will again be virtual as it is uncertainwhattherestrictionsmaybeinOntariofor earlyMarchandwerecognizetheremaybehesitancy by some to attend an in person meeting and some uncertainty on the availability of venues, even if the restrictions are lifted.
Ontario Angus extends our best wishes and good health to our fellow breeders and citizens across Canada.