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MINISTER OF MINES AND ENERGY Hernán Martínez Torres AGENCIA NACIONAL DE HIDROCARBUROS - ANH NATIONAL HYDROCARBONS AGENCY -ANH Decreto Ley 1760 de 2003 INSTITUTIONAL INFORMATION BOOKLET DIRECTOR OF THE AGENCIA NACIONAL DE HIDROCARBUROS José Armando Zamora Reyes EDITORIAL COORDINATION Adriana Ospina Zapata CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS   Adriana Acero Cadena TEXTS Área de gestión del conocimiento (Knowledge management area) Área comunidades y medio ambiente (Communities and environment area)   ILLUSTRATIONS John Israel Rojas Henao PHOTOS ANH DESIGN AND DIAGRAMATION TBWA \ COLOMBIA S.A. Bogotá – 2008


The National Hydrocarbons Agency –ANH- seeks to strengthen its relationships with comunities through the dissemination and socialization of the activities and functions it develops. Following this policy, the ANH has designed this informative publication to create knowledge in comunities of the work that the ANH carries out to manage in an optimal manner the hydrocarbon resources of the country.

INDEX What is the National Hydrocarbons Agency - ANH - ?


What was the National Hydrocarbons Agency - ANH created for?


What is the mission of the National Hydrocarbons Agency – ANH - ?


What is the vision of the National Hydrocarbons Agency – ANH - ?


Strategic objectives


How is The National Hydrocarbons Agency – ANH organized?


General objective of the social and environmental policy


What is The National

What is The National Hydrocarbons Agency - ANH -? It is the State entity, subscribed to the Ministry of Mines and Energy, in charge of administrating and regulating the hydrocarbons reserves of Colombia, through the design, promotion, negotiation, celebration,

evaluation and follow up of the exploration and production contracts of the areas containing oil and gas reserves.


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Elaborates Policies for the Hydrocarbon Sector



WHAT WAS AGENCY - ANH - CREATED FOR? WHAT WAS THE NATIONAL HYDROCARBONS The National Government, by Decree 1760 of 2003, created the National Hydrocarbons Agency -ANHto improve the country`s competitiveness in the Hydrocarbon sector, with the objective of regulating and administrating hydrocarbons´ resources, and ensuring equal contracting conditions for the different companies operating in the country.

June 26th of 2003 The ANH is created by Decree 1760

January 1st of 2004 The ANH begins operations

May 31st of 2004 The New Contract Model is approved

August 13 th of 2004 The first Contract with ANH is signed


WHAT IS HYDROCARBONS AGENCY – ANH - ? WHAT IS THE MISSION OF THE NATIONAL The ANH is the agency responsible for promoting the optimal exploitation of the country’s hydrocarbons´ resources, by managing them integrally and finding a balance between the interests of the State, Colombian society and companies operating in the sector.

¿How do we accomplish our mission? Understanding the hydrocarbon (oil and gas) resources of the country, through the EXPLORATION OF AREAS where the POSSIBILITY of finding oil or gas exists. Carrying out studies that generate UNDERSTANDING OF THE AREAS where oil or gas might be present, and in such way, attract companies in the sector to increase the exploratory activity in the country.

FOLLOWING UP AND CONTROLLING the PLANS and COMPROMISES that the OPERATING Companies have arranged with the community in the development of exploration and production activities. Granting ORIENTATION to the companies of the hydrocarbons´ sector, so that they work TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND IN HARMONY with communities. 8


What isis thethe Vision of the National ¿What Vision of the Hydrocarbons Agency – ANH -? The ANH will be recognized as a world model institution because of: Its knowledge of the Colombian subsoil potential and the maximization of its exploitation; the efficiency in the management of hydrocarbons and the joint work with both industry and the community; and the professionalism of its team, a high technological level and its efficiency and flexibility in key processes.



Oil and gas reserves

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Generation of resources for the State


Best use of hydrocarbon resources Services Generate technological and geological knowledge, and manage it efficiently to support investors.

Promotion Identify investment opportunities and promote them proactively.



Support the Ministry of Mines and Energy in the establishment of policies, establish contracts and manage them integrally.

Make use of the good practices of the industry and public administration.

Hydrocarbon resources


isThe TheNational National HowHow is HydrocarbonS Agency – ANH - Organized? Directive Council National Direction

Legal Advice Office

Technical Direction

Management and Finance Direction


The National Hydrocarbons Agency –ANH- , as the managing entity of the hydrocarbon resources of the country, is committed to the sustainable use of the resource, the respect for the cultural values of the communities and the contribution to social development, in the setting of constitutional and legal mandates. As such, the ANH developed its social and environmental policy, adopted by means of Resolution 012 of 2007, to guide oil companies in the framework of the principles of good oil practices, so that harmonic work between the industry and the communities is promoted.


General objective of the social and environmental policy Guide and organize according to sustainability criteria the best use for the hydrocarbons´ resources of the country, and encourage participation and transparency in all interest groups.

Specific objectives of the social environmental policy Harmonize specific sector plans with social, cultural and environmental policies of the country. Incorporate social and environmental criteria in the management of the territory occupation processes of the industry, identify existing risks and generate preventive actions as a warranty for sustainability. Strengthen the participation processes of the different interest groups in the various development phases of the industry. Promote transparency in the management of oil royalties due to its contribution to social development, environmental protection and economic growth. Formulate and promote the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility guidelines. Encourage research and innovation in environmental, social and cultural issues related to the development of the industry. Consolidate the contractual framework and the environmental and social management system of the ANH. Facilitate industry relationships with national and regional environmental and social authorities.



DOES THE ANH IMPLEMENT HOWHOW DOES THE ANH IMPLEMENT ITS SOCIAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY? Additionally the ANH: The ANH has included in its new exploration and production contracts social and environmental commitments that operating companies must comply with. According to E&P contracts, oil companies must develop programs that benefit the communities that are located in the area of influence of hydrocarbons projects, and contractors must give special attention to the protection of the environment and must comply with the applicable environmental regulations. Likewise, it has been established in E&P contracts that without environmental impact studies, an environmental license, and the expedition of other requisites, the contractor will not be able to start any exploration or production activities.

Adopted social and environmental guidelines and monitoring instruments that serve as a base for sector planning. These guidelines and instruments aid the industry to work towards sustainable development and harmonious work with communities. Works in continuous coordination with other institutions, supporting Governmental entities in charge of the formulation and implementation of projects that guide environmental and natural resource protection in Colombian territory. Promotes projects that encourage dialogue between the National Government, the oil industry and communities, improving the balance between hydrocarbons´ development and respect for community rights. Permanently accompanies oil companies and the communities located in project areas, in the development of the previous consultation process (according to the Agreement 169 treaty of the OIT, ratified by Colombia by means of the Law 21 of 1991), encouraging its appropriate development and serving as a warrant to the derived agreements.

Calle 99 No. 9A - 54 (piso 14) • Tel.: (57+1) 5931717 • Fax: (57+1) 5931718 • Bogotá. D.C. -Colombia |

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