Nguyen The Anh 0165 317 5015
Hello there My name is The Anh, a graphic designer born and raised in Ho Chi Minh city since 1993. Spent almost 2 years studying Graphic Design at DPI Center. My strength lies in layout, typography and brand making. Most of my works are under the inspirations of minimalism and flat design trends. For future plan, I would love to learn more about foreign cultures, arts & designs and how they affect to each others, as well as continue working as a designer.
Studies 2011-15: University of Technology - doesn’t matter 2013-15: DPI Center
Skills Illustrator
Vietnamese - duh
Getjobdone - 2015 til now
English - good enough with interactions
Competitive freelance jobs Inbius - Nov 2015 til now In-house designer
Unrelated stuffs
Digital Art -
Ghienusuk - Hobby FB fanpage
Typography - Music
- 2011 til now
- Logo - Web - Pop
Content manager
Event planner
Bran ding This is when I play with shapes, colors and typefaces then put them all together and create a bonding relationship between them. When it comes to making a logo, first I always think of how 'practical' they are when applied for printing material, package design or digital display.
brain.beforehands DPI graduation project brain.beforehands is
Focus on the
a social organization
applications of colors
providing informations
and patterns to uplift
about Cyberbully, with
the value of the
the aim of raising
concept and develop a
people’s awareness
full identity, logo,
about the impacts it
promotion materials,
could make on the
stationery and
read it here
The Blue T-shirt | Reimagine A proposal of concept As a test given out by
stripes t-shirt from
the director of The
the brand, I came up
Blue T-shirt fashion
with a graphic system
brand based in HCMC,
called "A New Wave"
I must do a conceptual
that can both support
rebranding but still
the original logo and
keep the original logo.
be used alone by itself as graphic elements for
Take on the inspiration
marketing and printing
of the best-selling
Man in Blue by The Blue T-shirt A proposal of concept A second test given out
is minimalized with a
by The Blue T-shirt.
capital "M", simply and
Create from scratch
boldly as it matches
a logomark for Man
its target audiences,
in Blue - a subbrand
with a darker shade of
aiming at men.
blue. The application for this logomark is
Inherited the square shape from the main brand's mark, the logo
truly omnipresent .
pantone 2766-C
Sticker designs for Banh Nam Coming soon Banh Nam is a Ho Chi
(and facemask, later)
Minh based fastfood
for the customers.
chain, offers a range of traditional
The designs are
Vietnamese bĂĄnh mĂŹ and
derived from the
signature 'border' of the original logo,
The marketing team came
and turned into
up with this idea to
different funny mouth
give away fun sticker
Logo mark Some of these logomarks are actual projects that I am/was working on, and will bring them to live soon (hope so). And the rest of them are just conceptual as when I came up with something cool in my head, I just do it.
Vietbao - Newspaper publisher
Gemstone - Trading Logistics
The Whisky Library - Luxury lounge
Wilderness - Clothing line
Tu Casa - B&B company
Toastie - Grilled cheese dinner
The Green Movement - Environment Campaign
Tigre Blanco - Classy brewery
Typo graphy Best friend/arch nemesis of every designer and I'm no exception. Aware of the crucial roll, I'm always careful when it comes to typography in every project from branding, layout to web/uiux. These stuffs are some of my experiments on typography, mostly from class assignments.
Lay out I love to do magazine layout. When in class, this was kind of my thing and also my conformt zone. Excelling in this one particular skill helps me a lot in understanding white spaces, typeface combinations and grids. Note that all of the following works were created for class assignment, no real business intention.
Mobile app What could be an better way to put all typography, branding, and layout skills together than design a mobile app? The following project is a spontaneous decision while I was still studying web/ uiux design: creating a mobile app for my favorite band, which contains many cool stuffs like gallery, tour annoucement, online store, video interface... You can check out the demo of the app here.
Anh Nguyen 2016